[分享] 開戰時刻的一些經典台詞

看板Nolan作者 (SoWii)時間12年前 (2012/07/23 21:49), 編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(以下有開戰時刻雷) 不一定按照出現順序: 忍者大師: You traveled the world... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside you... there is no turning back. Your parents' death was not your fault. Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely. 忍者大師:You must become more than just a man in the mind of your opponent. Bruce的心路歷程,是三部曲的主要核心,而這兩段話也是讓Bruce決心變成一個象徵, more than just a man,成為了永垂不朽的傳奇。 --------------------以下有TDKR雷 忍者大師: If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart. 有沒有像是他女兒對Bruce做的事啊?只不過她沒有刺心臟 不然就沒戲了XD [Bruce awakens from a nightmare] Thomas Wayne: The bats again? Thomas Wayne: You know why they attacked you, don't you? They were afraid of you. Bruce Wayne(八歲): Afraid of me? Thomas Wayne: All creatures feel fear. Bruce Wayne(八歲): Even the scary ones? Thomas Wayne: Especially the scary ones. 這些對話都對Bruce決心成為蝙蝠俠來打擊犯罪有很深遠的影響。 Rachel Dawes: Wait! You could die. At least tell me your name. Bruce Wayne: It's not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me. Rachel Dawes: [realizing] Bruce? 這段不用講了,我好愛這段阿QQ(雖然我不喜歡Katie Holmes~.~) 忍者大師: The training is nothing! The will is everything! [Ducard bests Bruce once again] 忍者大師: The will to act. 意志力的重要,Bruce真的很有意志力阿QQ 這三部曲描繪得很好 很感人 Bruce Wayne: Don't turn around, you're a good cop, one of the few Jim Gordon: What do you want? Bruce Wayne: Carmine Falcone brings in a shipment of drugs every week, no-one brings him down, why? Jim Gordon: He's put up money with the right people Bruce Wayne: What will it take to bring him down? Jim Gordon: Leverage on Judge Faden and a DA brave enough to prosecute Bruce Wayne: Rachel Dawes Jim Gordon: You're just one man? Bruce Wayne: Now we're two. Jim Gordon: We? 第一次和Gordon「合作」,當時還只弄個滑雪面罩,超陽春XDD Bruce Wayne: Gotham isn't beyond saving. 就是這句話,從他父親經濟上支援整個高譚市,到他願意放棄過有錢人生活,每晚冒著生 命危險去打擊犯罪,拯救高譚市人民,真的光想到就令人動容。 Alfred Pennyworth: Why do we fall, sir? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up. 想到這句,就很感動。這也貫徹了整個story arc,Nolan兄弟的寫作功力實在太強大了。 Henri Ducard: What are you seeking? Bruce Wayne: I seek the means to fight injustice, to turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. Henri Ducard: To manipulate the fears of others, you must first learn to master your own. 忍者大師說的每句話都影響也幫助了Bruce成為恐懼本身,成為蝙蝠俠。 Alfred Pennyworth: Why bats, Master Wayne? Bruce Wayne: Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread. BB真的很多句話幫助我們了解Bruce的蛻變過程,這是BB之所以那麼成功的重要原因。 最後 Jim Gordon: I never said thank you. Batman: And you'll never have to. (脖子還不能轉 還蠻好笑的XD) Gordon和阿蝙的關係在卡通、漫畫都是重點,Nolan的電影也不例外。我真的好喜歡Gary Oldman喔XD 希望他能早日拿到金像獎肯定。 -------------------------------------------------- 這次先分享開戰時刻的一些重要 讓人難以忘懷的對話 (笑話我就沒分享了XD 不過連笑話都有呼應 真的蠻猛的XD) 光看這些對話 就勾起了好多回憶 我只能一直說Nolan兄弟真是太會寫了(無視Goyer XD) 每句話幾乎在後面兩部中都有所呼應 甚至進化、改變 有機會再分享幾乎每句台詞我都背起來的黑暗騎士XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 21:55, , 1F
07/23 21:55, 1F
※ 編輯: dmcn307 來自: (07/23 22:01)

07/23 22:13, , 2F
07/23 22:13, 2F

07/23 22:19, , 3F
07/23 22:19, 3F

07/23 22:42, , 4F
少爺那句經典台詞是複習重點 每看必笑
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07/23 22:46, , 5F
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07/23 23:03, , 6F
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07/23 23:07, , 7F
The will to act 給我的感覺是三部曲的最精華句
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07/23 23:08, , 8F
07/23 23:08, 8F
※ 編輯: dmcn307 來自: (07/23 23:39)

07/24 01:30, , 9F
07/24 01:30, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1G3LP-_6 (Nolan)