[閒聊] 美國奧勒岡州州大成立新電子娛樂媒體課程!!

看板Nintendo作者 (Portland)時間17年前 (2007/03/17 14:03), 編輯推噓9(901)
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http://www.usatoday.com/tech/gaming/2007-01-15-oregon-research_x.htm 跟大家分享的原因是,這個課程算是我的寶貝。所以這篇是算炫燿自己寶貝的文 章,因為自己感動很深,所以才放上來,還望大家不吝看看,當作我個人滿足慾 過剩就好。 3年前開始跟一群志同道合的朋友和教授們,擬定方案與課程大綱到與學校官方 商議;雖然不是自己主導的案子,為了這個課的成長也投下一堆心血。之前在版 上發過的一些商學分析文,也是去年暑假時為了向校方證明電玩產業的重要性與 學術價值而寫的。到處要學生簽名跟和校方斡旋,現在終於搞得越趨茁壯了,身 為一個窮酸的電玩人與商業知識人,我想這是現在的自己能夠留給學弟妹們最好 的畢業禮物... 新聞內容翻譯: CORVALLIS, Ore. (AP) — Playing the latest video games is more than a pastime for new media students at Oregon State University, who are doing research to help shape the next generation of the booming gaming industry. U.S.A. Today報社Corvallis, Oregon訊: 對於藉著研究來幫助塑造初次世代日漸茁壯的遊戲產業的新媒體相關科系的OS U學生來說,玩最新的電玩一事並非只是娛樂消遣。 It's beyond Pacman and it's way beyond Pong. It's also a lot of fun. 現在的電玩已經不再是小精靈,也不再只是Pong,而且它有更多的樂趣。 Jay Bartholomew, David Nicholas, Scott Beachley and Hiram Cervantes recently set up the lab headed by assistant professor Todd Kesterson. Jay Bartholomew, David Nicholas, Scott Beachley 與 Hiram Cervantes最近 在教授Todd Kesterson領導下,設立了一個研究室。 The first experiment compared the graphics on Wii bowling and boxing interactive games to PlayStation 3 pastimes such as Resistance: Fall of Man. 該研究室的第一個實驗比較了Wii Sports的保齡球與拳擊的畫面與PS3的 Resistance: Fall of Man的畫面。 Their conclusions: PlayStation is more graphical, but Wii is better suited to social gaming. 他們的結論是:PS3畫面是好,不過Wii比較適合大家同樂的遊戲方式。 It helps to compare gaming systems side by side, said Nicholas, 28, a junior majoring in new media and minoring in philosophy. He's interested in a career in game design or marketing. 現在大三,主修新媒體與副修哲學的28歲的Nicholas說仔細地比較兩台主機真 的很有幫助。他對設計遊戲與行銷的事業有興趣。 "If I'm thinking about developing a game, it helps if I can see what excites me and what entices me to play," he said. 『如果我想設計遊戲,如果我能夠知道什麼東西引起我的興趣,什麼東西吸引 我,將會對我很有幫助。』 "If you're not immersed, you're lost," added Bartholomew, a junior majoring in business marketing with a minor in new media. 『如果你不能讓玩家融入你的遊戲,那麼你就失去了做遊戲的最初目的』一位主修行銷與 副修新媒體的大三生,Bartholomew說到。 The program serves students interested in storytelling through journalism, animation, video gaming and other platforms. 這個課程是提供給對使用動畫,電動,新聞及其他媒介來說故事有興趣的學生。 The program uses new media to communicate about research and scientific discoveries, said Jeff Hale, assistant dean for external relations in the College of Liberal Arts and director of OSU's liberal studies program. 『這個課程是利用新媒體來介紹傳達相關研究與科學發現。』College of Liberal Arts and director of OSU's liberal studies program的助理教務長 Jeff Hale說。 Hale has served as interim director of new media since Joel Thierstein, who came to OSU in 2001 to build the program from scratch, left. He now is associate provost at Rice University in Texas. 自從Joel Thierstein離職之後,Hale就一直以interim director的身分為新媒 體科系服務。Joel Thierstein於2001年從無中生出這個課程。現在Joel Thierstein是德州Rice University的associate provost。 Hale, a sociologist specializing in the private sector, has no background in new media but helps the program stay within budget and deals with a shortage of full-time faculty and support staff. Hale是一為專精於私人服務項目部分的社會學家。雖然他並沒有新媒體的背景, 卻幫著該科系掌管經費及處理教員短缺的問題。 The program is down to two full-time faculty and about six adjunct faculty. A full-time faculty member with a background in print journalism will be added this fall. 該科系現在減少至兩位全職的指導教授與六位非全職的教員。一個有print journalism背景的教員,將會在秋天加入。 The program started offering classes in 2002 and stresses storytelling through various media, including video games, the Internet, television,newspapers and movies. 該科系從2002年開始授課並著重於藉由多種媒介如電視,電動,新聞,網路 及電影來說故事。 Students and faculty would like to see it be a full-fledged major, which would require more staff and more funding. The budget this fiscal year is $347,264. 學生跟教員希望在未來看到該科系成長為更為完全的課程學系。該改變將會需要 更多職員及經費。今年該系經費為347,264美元。 (譯者按﹔喵的!!學弟別不知滿足了!2004接手擴展這個系時,我們也才 拿15萬美金多阿!!(翻桌)) 以下原文為學校校務相關,故無翻譯之重要性。恕小弟偷懶... 看到這個寶貝逐漸茁壯,終於感到深為一屆電玩人,人生終於有些值得驕傲的成 績了... -- 2007年3月14日, 人生第一次要過白色情人節; 2007年3月15日, 人生第一次洗床單不是因為自己的錯... -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/17 14:05, , 1F
03/17 14:05, 1F

03/17 14:06, , 2F
03/17 14:06, 2F

03/17 14:07, , 3F
03/17 14:07, 3F

03/17 14:10, , 4F
推 portland 大師
03/17 14:10, 4F

03/17 14:11, , 5F
03/17 14:11, 5F

03/17 14:27, , 6F
03/17 14:27, 6F

03/17 15:07, , 7F
因為過情人節,所以把床單弄濕了嗎? XD
03/17 15:07, 7F

03/17 15:15, , 8F
03/17 15:15, 8F

03/17 15:30, , 9F
好閃的簽名檔 還不準人家問
03/17 15:30, 9F

03/17 16:02, , 10F
自己喝悶酒宿醉吐在床上@@a ?
03/17 16:02, 10F
※ 編輯: terryshyu 來自: (03/17 17:08)
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