[討論] C18第四名賽後訪談

看板NextTopModel作者 (趙泰坦)時間12年前 (2012/05/18 20:18), 編輯推噓18(18014)
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原文出處:http://tinyurl.com/7lxl7ge 原來Alisha最好的朋友是Eboni!!!(一起反對品牌化) 這一份翻得有點心虛,有錯誤的地方請各位再幫忙修正嘿,感激不盡:) -- Q: Do you regret leaving the show early? 問:妳會後悔提早離開比賽嗎? Alisha: Nope, not at all. I feel like if I’d stayed another week I probably would have acted a fool, and looked like a jackass on TV because I would have been more frustrated not leaving. So I think I made the correct decision. And I feel great now, I feel so so good. I actually feel like Alisha again. Alisha:一點也不會,我覺得如果我再多留一個禮拜,我可能會因為懊悔自己沒有離開而 表現得像個蠢蛋,在電視上像是個混帳一樣,所以我覺得自己做了一個對的決定,我現在 感覺很好,非常非常好,我又可以重新做回Alisha了。 Q: What was going through your head at that moment? 問:妳當下心裡在想些什麼? Alisha: That house is so hectic, and for me it was a whole thing of, I didn’t know what the judges expected of me. I really, really didn’t. I felt like all the other girls had a lot more guidance on who the judges wanted them to be; you had 30 Never [Eboni], and you had Illuminata [Sophie], and I was Gam-A- Tronica. And I mean, I can’t use my legs for everything. I physically cannot get my legs in a headshot, and I just felt like my marketing and direction wasn’t there. I was questioning myself as a model and I never want to do that because I’m so passionate about what I do, and the fact that I was questioning my ability... I just thought, this is really bad. My whole spirit,my confidence was crushed. I just had to leave. I didn’t want to be selfish. Alisha:整個屋子鬧烘烘的,對我來說那就是一切了,我搞不清楚評審究竟對我的期待是 什麼,我真的真的不知道。我覺得其他參賽者都能得到評審多很多的指引,像是妳要看起 來「青春永駐」、妳有「照亮現場」的能量,而我的是「超殺美腿」,我是說,我總不能 什麼都靠腿吧?拍近身照時不可能用到我的腿,而我也覺得自己的市場跟方向不該在那上 面;我對自己是否能成為模特兒開始有了些質疑,這是我這輩子都不希望發生的事,因為 我對這個行業有著那麼多的熱忱,所以,對我來說,對自己能力的質疑,真的是糟透了; 我整個靈魂、信心都被擊垮,所以我必須離開,我不能自私地留下來。 Q: Do you agree with Eboni and wish you had never been branded? 問:妳同意Eboni所說的,希望自己從未被品牌化嗎? Alisha: Yeah,I just wish I was never branded and we weren’t given superpowers. I feel like if I could have just stuck to being Alisha White, I would have done so much better. Like I did in Britain[‘s Top Model], I was Alisha White to the end. I was not given characters to play or things to imitate, I was just Alisha White, every picture was Alisha White. It’s about being versatile, but when you’re given a costume to be Elton John, that’s not who I am, so it got a bit difficult, very confusing. But I had a great time. Alisha:是的,我希望自己從未被品牌化、從未被賜予什麼超能力。我覺得如果我能堅持 做Alisha,我會表現得好很多,就像我在BNTM上的表現一樣,一直都是Alisha,沒有被賦 予角色或必須模擬些什麼,我就做自己,每張照片上的人,都是我。這就是要能多元化, 但當妳被裝扮成Elton John時,這就不是妳自己了,所以我感到有些困難、非常的困惑。 但無論如何,我過得很開心。 Q:You appeared incredibly stressed to the end. Was that an accurate depiction? 問:妳在結束時看起來壓力無比得大,那是忠實的呈現嗎? Alisha: That was definitely the build-up to leaving because I was getting frustrated, and I think what they showed was literally just the desperation of me wanting it, but just getting wrecked about it because I didn’t know what was expected of me, so that was a build-up.I hope people saw that I’m actually quite funny. When I’m telling somebody off [on the show], I’m actually not 100% serious. When I’m actually telling people off, I put more back into it. I wish they’d shown my friendship with Eboni a lot more, because that started from the very beginning, way way back in the beginning. And whatever happens in the competition, I’m just glad I met such a good friend, such a great girl in the whole competition. Alisha:那完全是營造要離開的形象,因為我很挫敗,我覺得節目顯現出來的完全是我想 離開的絕望,但有些模糊了那是因為我不知道自己被期望做到些什麼,所以那是個營造效 果;我希望觀眾能看到我逗趣的一面,當我有時候在節目上罵人,我不是百分之百那麼認 真的;如果我真的要罵人,我會收斂很多;我希望節目能呈現更多更多我和Eboni的友誼, 因為我們從一開始就很好,打從比賽開始就是了。不管比賽期間發生了什麼事,我很高興 我能認識這樣一個好友,在比賽中這麼棒的一個女孩。 Q: Do you blame the judges or Tyra Banks at all? 問:妳會責怪評審或泰嬤嗎? Alisha: I don’t blame it on anyone. I just feel like there was a lot of lack of communication. If the judges had just sat down with me and said, “Alisha, we want you to be the sexy girl, we want you to be the fierce girl,” then I could have been that, but it was none of that, there was none of that. It was, “Okay, this picture’s bad.” I was like, “Okay the picture’s bad, what can I do to make it better? I’m already giving you everything I have, literally all that I have, and it’s not good enough, so obviously you tell me what you want me to do then and I can do it, I can show you that I can do it.” I don’t feel like I have to question my ability, why am I here then? They might as well send me back home. Alisha:我不會責怪任何人。我覺得一切都是缺乏溝通,如果評審跟我好好坐下來,告訴 我:「Alisha,我們希望妳成為一個性感的女孩,我們希望妳成為一個犀利的女孩。」, 那我就做得到,但事實不是這樣,完全不是,而是:「喔,這張照片糟透了。」,我就覺 得:「好吧,這張照片很糟,但我怎麼做才能讓它更好呢?我已經給妳們我的全部,不誇 張,就是我的全部了,但這還是不夠好,所以,顯然妳們應該告訴我妳們希望我可以做些 什麼,而我會向妳們證明我真的做得到。」,我不覺得我必須要質疑自己的能力,如果需 要,我為什麼還會在這裡?她們早就把我送走了。 Q: Do you agree with Cath, and think the photos they chose for you were unfair? 問:妳同意Catherine說的,製作單位選的照片並不公平嗎? Alisha: Yeah, 1000%. I literally looked at those pictures and said, “That’s not me. That is not me. That is not what I get paid for.” That girl in the pictures looked like someone that was trying out, or someone who was just starting out, it didn’t look like someone who had started modeling from the age of 8, it looked like someone who was just trying. Alisha:我百分之一千贊成!我真的是看著那些照片,然後說:「那不是我,那不是我, 那不是我被雇來完成的成果。」,照片裡的人看起來像是個正在嘗試或正要開始模特兒事 業的新手,而不是看起來像從八歲起就進入模特兒圈打滾的人,她看起來只是在嘗試。 Q: Is it true that Tyra didn’t even look at all your photos this season? 問:泰嬤這一季真的沒有先瀏覽過妳們的照片? Alisha: Yeah she did say. That she wasn’t going to be choosing the pictures, and that she wasn’t going to be looking through some of our picture and stuff. And as soon as she said that, I thought “Well she’s never going to know my ability and stuff, because she’s not looking.”So even if that’s the pictures that they chose, that’s fine, but if she isn’t looking at the pictures herself, she’s never going to know. So that was very disappointing. Alisha:是啊,她的確是這樣說的,她並不負責選照,也沒有去瀏覽我們的作品。當她這 樣說時,我心想:「唉,那她永遠不會知道我的能力了,因為她並不會去看。」,所以即 便拍出來的照片集是被挑選出來的,那很好,但只要泰嬤不親自去看成品,她永遠不會知 道我們的能力。這真的非常令人失望。 Q: Was there really a lot of tension between you, Sophie, and Laura? 問:妳和Sophie、Laura之間的關係真的很緊張嗎? Alisha: With Sophie there was really no tension between us two. It was just the whole thing of her going into my suitcase and taking things out of my bag, I think that’s really disrespectful, I would never do that. Laura, she is very unprofessional. I think she’s the most unprofessional person I’ve ever met. I don’t know how you could go on set and be so sexual with what you’re saying and what you’re doing. As models, we already have a bad name as being girls who sleep around and who do all that crap, and Laura just portrayed it to be true. And I don’t regret anything I said to her. I mean the first day I met Laura, she told me the whole of her sex life. I don’t know this girl, like you should not be telling me this. I don’t think she’s a role model to anyone. She might be great at what she does, but that’s it. Alisha:我和Sophie的關係真的沒半點緊張,整件事只是她打開了我的行李箱,然後從裡 面翻了些東西出來,我覺得這個舉動真的很沒禮貌,我自己是不會這樣做的。至於Laura, 我覺得她很不專業,事實上,她是我見過最不專業的人,我真的不知道怎麼會有人可以到 了拍攝現場,無論說什麼、做什麼都還是顯得肉慾橫流;身為一個模特兒,我們已經背負 了一些會隨便陪睡的垃圾話了,她只是在讓謠言成真罷了。我絕對不後悔自己對她說的任 何話,打從我第一天碰到Laura,她就跟我分享了所有她的性史;我不知道這是怎樣,妳不 該跟我說這些的;我不覺得她能成為任何人的模範,她也許很善於自己正在進行的模特兒 工作,但也就僅此爾爾了。 Q: Who do you want to win the whole competition? 問:妳覺得誰會贏得最後勝利? Alisha: I respect Laura as a model, she’s great at what she does.But I’d have to pick Annaliese, because when I was low, she was there for me,and it’s those sentimental things that I think about as a person. We have to be role models to other people, and when I think of how she comforted me she could do that to a fan or a stranger, and it’s a beautiful thing. Alisha:我尊敬Laura是個模特兒,她對於自己正在進行的工作是很擅長的。但我還是要支 持Annaliese,因為當我陷入低潮時,她一直支持著我,另外我看人是帶著些感性的,我們 必須要成為別人的榜樣,所以當我想到她是如何安撫著我,同樣也能對她的粉絲或陌生人 這個樣子時,我覺得這是件美麗的事。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: TitanChao 來自: (05/18 20:20) ※ 編輯: TitanChao 來自: (05/18 20:41)

05/18 20:52, , 1F
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05/19 07:51, , 13F
也沒有吧 蘇菲應該只跟Laura Ashley Annaliese熟...
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05/19 07:52, , 14F
記得Mariah Candace Cathy好像都有說蘇菲個性有點...
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05/19 07:54, , 15F
蘿拉的朋友群就跟蘇菲差不多 上次還說要去英國找她們
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05/19 09:15, , 16F
Q:Do you dating eboni? (誤
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05/19 09:30, , 17F
蘿拉的朋友群就跟蘇菲差不多 +1 -.-
05/19 09:30, 17F

05/19 09:31, , 18F
節目上看的出來阿 同一掛的XD
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05/19 10:21, , 19F
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05/19 11:09, , 20F
很喜歡Alisha和Eboni的姊妹情深 感覺Sophie和Laura的友
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05/19 11:09, , 21F
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05/19 13:10, , 22F
去香港之後阿力殺是跟菜妮 就知道兩人感情應該不錯
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05/19 17:48, , 23F
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05/19 17:52, , 24F
Candace/Mariah 跟 Sophie/Laura 很像也沒有太好
05/19 17:52, 24F

05/19 17:54, , 25F
Lau很像一開賽有講Mar什麼吧 所以關係沒很好 節目很像沒播
05/19 17:54, 25F

05/19 19:05, , 26F
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05/19 20:38, , 27F
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05/19 20:39, , 28F
英雄惜英雄XDD 就像正妹只跟正妹做朋友的道理很像XDD
05/19 20:39, 28F

05/19 20:47, , 29F
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05/19 20:56, , 30F
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05/19 22:21, , 31F
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05/19 22:34, , 32F
Teyona和鴨賞也很好 想到她們合作無間嘴砲攻擊XD
05/19 22:34, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1FjZuUDp (NextTopModel)