[雷文] ANTM12 第二名 賽後訪談不負責翻譯

看板NextTopModel作者 (todd)時間15年前 (2009/05/15 23:52), 編輯推噓18(1809)
留言27則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Tell us about how you got involved in Top Model. 為啥想參賽呢? Before the show I was a studio art major at Louisiana State University. I was a painting major and an art history minor, and I was pursuing photography and art. My career goal was to maybe be a museum curator. I wasn’t practicing modeling before the show. It had a lot to do with happenstance. A casting agent found me through Internet websites and liked my face. You never know what’s going to happen in terms of the Internet, so I kind of got involved that way A:我參賽前本來只是一個在路易斯安那州立大學的藝術系學生 主修繪畫副修藝術史,我愛攝影跟藝術 我本來的目標是當博物館館長 @@ 我在參賽前完全沒有嘗試過任何有關MODEL的事情,一切純屬巧合 一個星探(節目派的,跟在賣場找到C6SARA雷同)在網路上發現我,並說喜歡我的長相 在網路上什麼都有可能發生,而我就讓他順其自然 How did you feel about Teyona’s win? 你對於T贏有啥看法 I’m happy for her. It was so refreshing. It was so wonderful to see her taken aback and be so humble about it. I’m glad everything worked out. A:我為他感到高興,他也是讓人耳目一新的冠軍,他很棒也很謙虛 我也很高興我所努力的一切 Did you expect to make it so far in the competition? 你有想過會存活這麼久嗎 Absolutely not. I had no idea. I’m kind of a basket case, so I was just surprised. A:完全沒有,我壓根沒想過 我是個精神極度緊張的人,對於活這麼久感到十分訝異 Once you were in the final two, did you think that you were going to win? 當你殺到TOP2 你有想過有可能奪冠嗎? Going into judging I remember Teyona being extremely stiff, but I knew she was going to win. I was happy for her, after knowing each other for so long it was a closure. Before I went up there I said to Teyona, “you know you’ve got this.” I had a one-hundred-percent feeling it was all her. It was intuitive. A:當最後一次評判時,T十分的緊張,但我知道他就要贏了 我十分高興,當一切都塵埃落定之後 我在評判之前就對他說過:「你知道你會贏的!!」 這是直覺,我百分之百確定這個頭銜是屬於他的!! What do you think you will do in the future? Do you think you will model? 你未來呢?會考慮當MODEL嗎? I’m going to see where it takes me. I’d love to travel. I’d love to see what kinds of things can come of this. I don’t expect anything to be handed to me. I’ve learned so much from this competition. I would love to move to New York. I would love to travel. Right now I’m exploring the possibility of moving to Tokyo. I’m never going to be 21 again. I could go back to school for art. I feel like I have a lot of magical opportunities that are being presented, so I want to pursue them right now. A:我試試看 我喜歡到處旅行,我也樂於未來能從事這種能到處旅行的工作 我在這比賽也學到很多 而我將有可能搬到紐約,而未來有可能搬到東京 我不會再有另一個21歲. 但我也可以回去繼續念藝術 我覺得有好多神奇的機會在等著我,我要趁現在好好追尋他們 Tell me about the final runway show. 說說最後的花生騷吧! Runway for me is an opportunity to have a nervous breakdown. I don’t really know how to walk. So much was going on, and I didn’t have time to have an anxiety attack because there was so much happening. It was a whirlwind. I felt like it was the most fun of everything though. I have no idea what was really going on. Nobody told us until five minutes after. We had a series of walks to do and we gathered at the entrance way, then we were distributed, then they kind of started dosing us with baby oil. I think it was supposed to be a shocker. I didn’t expect it. It was a lot of fun. A:RUNWAY對我來說緊張到爆,有可能讓我精神崩潰 我真的不曉得怎麼走台步 但隨時間逼近,我實在沒時間去處理我的焦慮,太多事情同時發生了 整個過程就像是旋風掃過似的,我覺得十分的有趣 我有點不太知道到底怎麼了 我們走了幾個系列,然後我們聚集在進入T台的入口 然後分成小組互相塗油 我覺得超驚訝,我沒料想到,但一切實在太好玩了 How was your transformation during the course of the show? Nigel even called you sexy at the end! 你覺得你有啥轉變? 奈囧最後還稱讚你很性感呢 I think it’s hysterical to be called sexy. I don’t think I’m sexy. It’s phenomenal. It’s a science experiment to be put into situations you never would put yourself in and you have to get yourself out of those situations gracefully and I was forced to deal with them accordingly, and I learned a lot in the process. I learned to calm myself down. A:我覺得被我稱為性感太扯了,我不覺得我性感說 真的是太出人意料了! 這就像個科學實驗 把我自己放到一個我想都沒想過的地方 而要蛻變的優雅並且合乎期待,從中我真的學到很多 我學會如何讓自己平靜下來 The judges emphasized your strange and unique look. Did you feel self-conscious or awkward about it? 評審說你的外表很漂亮,很獨特 你自己覺得呢? For the most part I was really flattered. None of it was mean spirited. I felt like I was received great. It was mostly complimentary I guess. If it was a negative criticism about the way I look physically, it’s not going to make my world crumble. A:一開始我覺得稱讚過頭了,完全不是個前進的動力,好像我已經很棒了 要是說我長的不好看,那也沒差,我的世界不會因此崩潰的 Tell us about your fascination with blood. 說說你對鮮血的迷戀吧!! I was in theatre when I was growing up. The actual aspect of horror for me is translated best in photography, or the paintings I create for that outlet. I’ m a big fan of horror films and cinematography in general. But I have a fascination with human anatomy. I wanted to be a forensic scientist or a mortician, so the blood thing didn’t come from nowhere. A:我對鮮血超級迷戀 看似恐怖,但對我來說是個攝影與繪畫的好題材,也為我賺了一些錢 我超級愛恐怖電影還有恐怖的電影藝術 還有我也對人體的骨骼構造超級迷戀 我也幻想能當法醫或是殯葬等等相關行業 所以 鮮血並不是我唯一的最愛 What did you think about Celia’s approaching Tyra about Tahlia wanting to leave the house? 你覺得CELIA投訴塔大媽的事件的看法? It was discreetly discussed. It was discussed as fact. It wasn’t speculation. At panel, it was scandalous. It is a reality television show and everything unfolds in an unpredictable way. Everyone’s actions were by no means a real-world living situation. You’re in a microcosm of the universe, with people acting on a whim. A:這真是嚴肅的議題,有關於「事實」 這事件不是莫名其妙出現的 但這是真人時境秀,那些看不到的沒被剪出來的,大家只能猜測. 每個人的行為舉止都不像是在正常的生活中會有的 你就像是再看另一個小宇宙,而裡面的人都在"演"自己 (ALLI很聰明,打太極!! 就是說事件有原因,但你不能憑節目播出 而告訴自己那就是所謂答案) Did you keep the makeover? 你還留著MO的髮型? I took off the animal that was on my head. I lightened my hair. My hair’s just past my shoulders. A:我拿掉那些不屬於我的毛 而把我的頭髮染亮,現在大約及肩的長度 Did you like the makeover? 你喜歡MO嗎? I loved it. I had a weave the second time around; I won’t do a weave again. Oh my god, I loved it. I have so many wigs. I’m a huge advocate of a wig collection. I have like 15. A:我喜歡阿!!這是我第二次作編髮 但我不會再作編髮造型了 喔麥尬!我好喜歡那造型,好多層的接髮. 我喜歡戴假髮,我有超多的假髮,大約有15頂吧!! In most shoots, you were criticized for having one look. Was it difficult for you to do another look? 你常被批只有ONE LOOK,好像很難有別的LOOK? I simply have a lot of characteristics on my face that are very distinct and dominant. I have very large eyes. For me it’s not so much the same face but I certainly don’t think I have one face; I’m very animated. But what can you do? It seems like everything is made up. But I am capable of making multiple facial expressions. A:我臉上有很鮮明的幾個特徵.好比我有超大的眼睛 我覺得並沒有到SAME FACE,但是我認為我並不只ONE FACE,我可是很生動的 但我能怎麼辦? 看起來好像注定編排是這樣 但我想我是可以作出很多表情的 Thank you for speaking with us today! Congratulations on making it so far in the show! ALLI真的很可愛 也很聰明喔 說的內容都很有深度 都是有思考過的呢 對恐怖的迷戀 也是真的到極致 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: todd0101 來自: (05/16 00:34)

05/15 23:56, , 1F
Ali個性真的好好 我好喜歡他喔!!!原來星探發掘
05/15 23:56, 1F

05/16 00:05, , 2F
05/16 00:05, 2F

05/16 00:34, , 3F
05/16 00:34, 3F

05/16 00:40, , 4F
05/16 00:40, 4F

05/16 00:41, , 5F
樓上有點 XDDD 那我要排第二
05/16 00:41, 5F

05/16 00:42, , 6F
話說回來 Allison的興趣讓我想到小時候看的禁片切膚之愛
05/16 00:42, 6F

05/16 00:43, , 7F
05/16 00:43, 7F

05/16 00:44, , 8F
05/16 00:44, 8F
※ 編輯: todd0101 來自: (05/16 00:48)

05/16 00:52, , 9F
05/16 00:52, 9F

05/16 00:52, , 10F
15頂 好多喔@@ 他對人體構造迷戀 或許可以當個醫生..
05/16 00:52, 10F

05/16 00:56, , 11F
我也好喜歡他 超哀傷他沒奪冠啦!
05/16 00:56, 11F

05/16 01:01, , 12F
05/16 01:01, 12F

05/16 01:09, , 13F
剛剛在想說MO是FO的誰嗎? XD
05/16 01:09, 13F

05/16 01:12, , 14F
XD 話說CNTM2 真的有參賽者叫MO @@
05/16 01:12, 14F

05/16 01:30, , 15F
個性超棒的Ali 真的好愛他喔 拜託要一直當model啊
05/16 01:30, 15F

05/16 01:30, , 16F
而且怎麼會要搬到東京啊? 他跟東京有什麼關聯嗎?
05/16 01:30, 16F

05/16 01:31, , 17F
搬到東京 離台灣那麼近xdd
05/16 01:31, 17F

05/16 02:09, , 18F
05/16 02:09, 18F

05/16 02:51, , 19F
05/16 02:51, 19F

05/16 04:19, , 20F
05/16 04:19, 20F

05/16 08:02, , 21F
好加分 我好愛她
05/16 08:02, 21F

05/16 11:44, , 22F
05/16 11:44, 22F

05/16 19:32, , 23F
單看冠軍賽會想要aminat進2強 看全季會讓她第七名吧
05/16 19:32, 23F

05/16 20:59, , 24F
看完冠軍賽後比較愛前三名+1 看全季那時就還好XD
05/16 20:59, 24F

05/16 21:46, , 25F
05/16 21:46, 25F

05/18 14:10, , 26F
05/18 14:10, 26F

05/19 02:46, , 27F
05/19 02:46, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1A3O-iv_ (NextTopModel)