[轉錄][舊員] 誰~~~~~~~來啦

看板Newcastle作者 (進取)時間16年前 (2008/05/18 01:14), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Inter 看板] 作者: starred (歡樂英特不復見) 站內: Inter 標題: [舊員] 誰~~~~~~~來啦 時間: Thu May 15 01:16:25 2008 Oba : "Still an Interista" Ex-Inter striker Obafemi Martins paid a visit to the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti on Wednesday afternoon to greet his former team-mates and watch them train. "I'll be here in Italy for five days," he told Inter Channel. "I'm still an Interista and I couldn't not come here to say hello to everybody in Appiano. "I'm very busy with my team (Newcastle United), but I have been following Inter's matches from England for the whole year." On Mario Balotelli, who is quickly following in the footsteps of the Nigerian striker, Martins said: "I saw him and we spoke a bit. I told him that he's good and that he has to keep playing like he's playing." 再忙也要關心藍黑軍團 歐小巴揪甘心ㄟ 今天拜訪訓練中心,也見到了昔日的阿叔們 http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=29306&L=en&IDINI=29309 Oba好像瘦了 尤其是腰 >////< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/15 01:41,
05/15 01:41

05/15 17:34,
歐歐歐 伊布歸隊啦~
05/15 17:34

05/15 17:53,
05/15 17:53

05/15 20:51,
05/15 20:51

05/15 21:18,
05/15 21:18

05/16 11:27,
05/16 11:27

05/17 14:21,
05/17 14:21

05/17 15:14,
05/17 15:14

05/17 16:36,
請轉。 果然男女注意的點有差.....XD
05/17 16:36

05/17 17:48,
可是 VK 是男的啊~ XD
05/17 17:48
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #18Bn9Zhx (Newcastle)