[分享] 遇見雙生火焰的特徵已刪文

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最近玩youtube 公眾塔羅,很神奇的事 常抽到twin flames,好奇查一下,發現真是個很有趣的主題 於是開始聽youtbue上關於twin flames的介紹 看到一些影片下面的回應,覺得整理很好,就幫忙轉貼過來 我是用google翻譯,翻不好請怪googleXDDD 沒有啦,我還是有做些修改,畢竟google翻譯還是有翻的怪怪的地方 ................ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtRvseK6qXw&t=137s
1. coinsidentally and unordinally meet, and it might seem al most surreal, like out of a movie. 雙生火焰的相遇會是命運般不尋常的偶遇,看起來幾乎如電影般的不真實。 2. months or years earlier you may have dreams with them in it. You also might pick a very out of the blue hobbie, interest, or trait. 在幾個月或幾年前,你可能已夢見到對方。 你也可能開始進行意想不到的愛好、興趣或特性。 3. You have a lot of similarities in your past 你和你的雙生的過往有很多相似之處 4. They will make you ANGERY in ways no other person has because they know you because they are so much like you. You don't hate them though. 因為你的雙生火焰跟你很像也懂你,所以會以不同其他人的方式激怒你 5. You might see sincrunincity in the clocks, or odd flickering of lights, or a ringing in the ears 你可能會看到時鐘的同時性 (應該是指常看到11, 22, 44這些數字),奇怪閃爍的燈光,或耳朵聽到鈴響 6. You might have some similar facial features 你們會有一些相似的臉部特徵 7. Although you are VERY much the same, you are the exact opposites to complete each other, but you have the same core values and drive 你們非常一樣,你們是形成完整彼此相對的一部分,你們有一樣的價值觀和慾望 8. Twin flames may have large age difference 雙生火焰可能會有很大的年齡差距 (我看其他影片提到 很多時候是女生比男生大十幾歲的差距) 9. You might evolve in your spirituality when you meet them 當你遇到他時你的靈性也進行進化 ..................................... 1. Not all twin flame incarnate here with their partners. Some will incarnate here with their other half, and some will have their twin flame on the other side assisting them on their journeys. So no, not all twin flame will be finding their partners in their lifetime. 並非所有的雙生火焰和他們的同伴一起轉生。有些會和他的另一半轉生到這裡,而有些的另一半則在另一邊協助他們在這的旅行。所以並不是所有的雙生火焰可在他們的這一生中找到對方 2. Twin flames are very ancient souls. They have a very important mission on Earth/Gaia. They are from higher planes of consciousness, usually 5D and above. They have contracted here to help raise Gaia's frequency from 3D to 5D+ state of consciousness. They are here to heal and uplift the planet and humanity. 雙生火焰是非常古老的靈魂。 他們在地球/蓋亞有一個非常重要的任務。 他們來自更高的意識平面,通常是5D及以上。 他們在這裡簽約以幫助將蓋亞的頻率從3D提升到5D +意識狀態。 他們在這裡治愈和提升地球和人類。 3. ALL twin flames will incarnate in very traumatic family and ancestral lineages. They are very powerful beings and they are here to clear up the karmic and ancestral energy that is on both side of the family linages. 所有雙生火焰都將轉生在非常痛苦的家庭和祖先血統。 他們是非常強大的生物,他們在這裡清理家庭兩側的業力和祖先能量。 3. When you meet your twin flame, THEY ARE NOT YOUR TYPE. Usually, you are not at all attracted to this person initially. But as you guys talk and mingle, there will be an energetic pull for you to always want to be connected to this person. IT IS NOT A PHYSICAL attraction, but a energetic one that can not be stopped. 當你遇到雙生火焰時,他們不會是你的菜。 通常,你最初並沒有被這個人所吸引。 但是,當你們談話和交流時,你會有一種充滿活力的感覺,總是希望與這個人保持聯繫。 它不是一種身體上的吸引力,而是一種無法阻擋的精力充沛的吸引力。 (在另一個影片中,有個例子是男的可能過往都喜歡小個纖細的女孩,但他的雙生火焰卻是個個頭183cm高的很大隻的女生,儘管不是他喜歡的類型,卻有無法阻擋的吸引力) 4. When the both of your touch each other for the first time, there will be an undeniable energy that rises through you. You will be light up like a Xmas tree. You will absolutely notice this energy and you will not forget it. This is called the Cosmic Touch. Once this happens, the both of you will be activated. 當你們兩個人第一次相互碰到彼此時,會有一種不可抗拒的能量從你身上升起。 你將像聖誕樹一樣亮起來。 你絕對會注意到這種能量,你不會忘記它。 這被稱為宇宙之觸。 一旦發生這種情況,你們兩個都將被激活。 5. Once you both are activated. You will start to see 11:11 everywhere. You will NOT be able to stop thinking about the other person. It will be come very obsessive and dysfunctional. You can't understand why you can't shut this person out of your thoughts. This is energetically, you are the same soul, same frequency, connected at the heart, but just have two different minds. The 11:11 number sequence means new beginnings, it means twin flames must end their current relationship and marriages and start fresh. Most twin flames meet their twin when they are already married actually. 一旦你們都被激活了。 你會開始到處看到11:11。 你們將無法停止思考另一個人。 它將變得非常強迫和功能失調。 你無法理解為什麼你不能讓這個人脫離你的想法。 這是有力的,你們是同一個靈魂,同一頻率,心靈相連,但只有兩個不同的頭腦。 11:11號碼序列意味著新的開始,它意味著雙火焰必須結束他們原本和他人目前的關係和婚姻並重新開始。 實際上,大多數雙生火焰會在結婚後才遇到他們的雙生火焰。(在另一影片中提到雙生火焰都會遭遇一個或兩個重大困難,像是遠距,不同種族或信仰,工作經濟問題,成癮問題,或是其中一方已經結婚) 6. The more you interact with this person, the both of you will be triggered. This is the purging process where you will start to bring up a LOT of ancestral programming, karma to the surface for the energy to be cleared. This process is extremely intense and painful. It may take years for the baggage to be clear up as you have been carrying this for thousands of years. 你與這個人互動的次數越多,你就會被觸發。 這是一個清除過程,你將開始提出大量的古老的編程業力以清除能量。 這個過程非常激烈和痛苦。 負擔可能需要數年才能清理完勝,因為您已經攜帶了數千年。 7. Once the karmic energy is clear, and the twins do manage to come to union, it means they have clean up the ancestral DNA energy for both sides of their families, making it possible for new generation to be born into it. Without this transmutation and healing of energy, there will be many birth defects being born into these families if this energy is not clear. This also helps Gaia to also raise her vibration as well. 一旦業力能量清理了,雙生火焰就可以相聚,就意味著他們已經為家人雙方清理了祖先的DNA能量,使新一代能夠在其中誕生。 沒有這種能量的轉變和治愈,那麼這些家庭會因為沒有清理的能量而出現許多先天缺陷。 這也有助於蓋亞提高她的振動。 8. Twin flames are apart of the 144,000 light beings that have been prophesied by the bible to come to assist humanity and Gaia in this ascension process. 在這個提升過程中,雙生火焰是由聖經預言來幫助人類和蓋亞的144,000個光明的一部分。 9. This relationship is very INTENSE and powerful. The energy of the twin flames is very high vibration. They are here to show the other humans what it means to love one another unconditionally. They are here to anchor that energy of unconditional love. It is not like any other relationship. You will definitely know that it is.. because NOTHING about it is normal. 這種關係非常激烈和強大。 雙生火焰的能量是非常高的振動。 他們在這裡向其他人展示了無條件彼此相愛的意義。 他們在這裡落定無條件的愛的能量。 它不像任何其他關係。 你肯定會知道它就是......因為這關係中沒有一件事是正常的。 ............ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qdyFhFM60I
在這影片中有提到,雙生火焰彼此有強烈的心電感應,只看對方就知道對方在想什麼,或者腦中聽到對方的聲音,但他有提到,這特性在其他的關係像是靈魂伴侶關係或是業力關係也可能會有。 另外,雙生火焰相遇後,也會有靈媒的能力 -- 自殺少年死而復生經歷 https://goo.gl/JXBdNw 如果很憂鬱可試試這個 https://goo.gl/Q0LOAJ 念阿彌陀佛感應的故事 https://goo.gl/U1Fghj 南無阿彌陀佛 mp3下載 https://reurl.cc/qrAD3 字十方三世佛 字一切諸菩薩 字八萬諸聖教 三字之中是具足 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (加拿大) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NewAge/M.1561414092.A.BE8.html ※ 編輯: yule1224 ( 加拿大), 06/25/2019 06:32:22
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