[Book] 為自己出征

看板NewAge作者 (Simon in Love)時間8年前 (2016/03/21 18:01), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
幾年後的今天再度拿起這本書,現在的我更明白它在說什麼惹!再過幾年,肯定又不一樣 了。 書沒變,變的是我。 分享其中一段: “Past, present, and future are all one when you are connected to the Source, ” replied Merlin. “What is the Source?” asked the knight. “It is the mysterious, invisible power that is the origin of all.” “I don't understand.” “That is because you are trying to understand with your mind, but your mind i s limited.” “I have a very good mind.” argued the knight. “And a clever one,” added Merlin. “It trapped you in all that armor.” 「當你和原力相連接的時候,過去、現在和未來,是一體的。」梅林回答。 「什麼是原力?」武士問道。 「原力是萬物之源,那股神秘又看不見的力量。」 「我不懂。」 「那是因為你想用腦子來了解,可是腦子是有限的。」 「可是我的腦筋很好。」武士說。 「而且還很聰明,」梅林加上一句:「就是腦子把你困在這套盔甲裡面。」 順便練習英文:P -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NewAge/M.1458554479.A.3A2.html

03/22 05:08, , 1F
安安 你今天原力了嗎
03/22 05:08, 1F

03/22 10:08, , 2F
推 腦子把人困在盔甲裡面呀~
03/22 10:08, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1MxyPlEY (NewAge)