[除錯] ZyXEL P-880 DDNS 無法正確執行

看板Network作者 (帥到吐)時間6年前 (2018/08/27 04:43), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
這是DDNS執行後的結果,顯然無法抓到Interface 結果是無法UPDATE成功 Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: W:LANG: Cannot open language file. Will use english defaults, or default override (--lang_file <path/file_name>...) Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: S:INADYN: Started 'inadyn-mt version 02.28.10' - dynamic DNS updater. Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: E:CACHE_LIST Failed opening cache file in ip_cache_list_read... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: E:IP: Specific device, 'ppp0.3', priv ext address selection 'pub', either not found, or yet supported... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: E:IP: Specific device, 'ppp0.3', priv ext address selection 'pub', either not found, or yet supported... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: W:INADYN: IP address for alias 'douglastw.ddns.net:ip4' needs update to ''... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: E:IP: Specific device, 'ppp0.3', priv ext address selection 'pub', either not found, or yet supported... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: W:IP: Error 0x20 in send() Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: E:INADYN: update request attempt returned: RC_IP_SEND_ERROR in do_update_alias_table... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: W:CACHE_LIST One or more (1) alias updates failed... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: W:DYNDNS: Failed updating alias table... Mon Aug 27 04:34:11 2018: W:'RC_DYNDNS_RSP_NOTOK' (0x48) updating the IPs. (it 0) 有人有辦法嗎? 因為我另一台 Asus 的RT-AC51U Virtual server無法正確 Mapping VMware ESXi 的443 Port 我只能用P-880,但是顯然P-880的DDNS有問題 有人有辦法解決嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Network/M.1535316199.A.5DD.html

09/28 23:43, 6年前 , 1F
dsl port, ether port
09/28 23:43, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1RWn3dNT (Network)