Re: [外電] New Jersey Nets showing sudden stren …

看板Nets作者 (J.)時間15年前 (2008/12/10 09:48), 編輯推噓9(905)
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標題: [外電] New Jersey Nets showing sudden strength on defense 時間: Mon Dec 8 12:46:00 2008 by Dave D'Alessandro/The Star-Ledger Sunday December 07, 2008, 7:53 PM The Nets' Yi Jianlian blocks a shot by the 76ers' Andre Miller Saturday night.Through the first month of the season, the Nets have fashioned an identity based almost entirely on team speed, offensive energy, youthful exuberance, fourth-quarter mental toughness, resilience in the face of injury, and the incandescent play of point guard Devin Harris. 在星期六對上七六人的比賽中,易賞了 A.Miller 一個大鍋。 從本季開始,籃網就一直在進攻速度、戰術、剛加入的新血、 傷兵問題,及第四節崩盤症上做調整。當然,這包含了新加入 的新星控衛 - Devin Harris。 Defense? Eh ... not so much. 至於防守呢....似乎囧了點。 But the past two games have served a useful purpose, and that is to confuse the heck out of the competition. 不過,在近兩場比賽裡,防守似乎有了些起色。 Entering the weekend, the Nets had yielded an average of 105 points per game in their first 17 games. In the past two games, however, they limited Minnesota and Philadelphia to 84 apiece, forcing them to shoot a combined 39.3 percent from the field and 24.2 percent from 3-point range. 到這個週末為止,籃網在近17場比賽中,平均得了105分。 更重要的是,在近兩場對上灰狼跟七六人比賽,籃網只對手 得了84分,並且將他們的兩分及三分命中率壓低到39.3%及24.2。 Which raises the question: What's going on here? 這讓很多人產生了疑問 "籃網怎麼了!? " (當然是變強啦...~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~) "That's been our priority, to get better on defense -- individually and as a team," said backup center Stromile Swift, whose return from a back injury has helped the cause. "I think the last two games we've been pretty decent -- I wouldn't say great, but decent. "防守一直是我們希望能做到的事",Swift 說。 剛從背傷回到球場的 Swift ,明顯的在防守端上幫助了球隊不少。 "我想,上兩場比賽我們打的不錯。不能說很好拉...不過還不錯",Swift 又說。 "I think we've gained a lot of confidence by defending this way the last two games. Winning helps. It builds confidence. And when you're confident, you make shots, and it snowballs." "我們靠著防守贏得了上兩場比賽的勝利,而勝利建立了我們的信心, 最後信心又能讓你更準,這一切就像雪球一樣,越滾越大",Swift 說。 He was being modest: The Nets gave their best defensive performance of the season at Philly -- with four rock-solid quarters, not just one or two -- and they probably could have held the Sixers to fewer than 80 points had they not gift-wrapped some extra points with turnovers that led to breakaways. Swift 其實太謙虛了,因為上兩場比賽,籃網根本把對手鎖爆了。 And almost all of their success Saturday night had to do with coach Lawrence Frank throwing a fist in the air -- signaling his team to play zone. 而這些大多要歸功於髮禿,因為他在比賽中下了重要的戰術指令 - 區域聯防 In the first half alone, the Nets zoned for roughly 21 possessions, and got 16 stops out of it. In the second half, using primarily zone again, they held the Sixers to 8-for-27 shooting (forcing six turnovers) over the last 17 minutes. 在對七六人的比賽中,上半場守的雖然還好,只讓對手失手16球, 但是在下半場的倒數17鐘內,籃網的區域聯防造成對手許多失誤, 更讓他們投 28 只中 7。 "Basically it's hit or miss, depending on the opponent we're going to play," Nets forward Bobby Simmons said of zone efficiency. "(The Sixers) don't have a lot of outstanding shooters, so we want that." "基本上,我們會看對手,再決定防守戰術,而像76人這樣沒有很多射手的球隊, 我們就會選擇區防",Simmons說。 Still, this is not the Nets team that others had come to know. Winning with defense isn't exactly in their DNA. 當然,大家認識的籃網,並不是靠防守取勝的。 "We can do a good enough job to win games," Harris said. "Obviously, it's not going to be the (NBA's) best. We're not going to be a lock-down type of team. But we can make some strides in certain areas." "其實我可以躺在女郎中更久..(誤), 不是啦,其實我們可以打的更好,當然,更好的定義不見得是一定要把對方守爆, 不過我們還是可以偶爾來一下陰的...XD " ,小哈說。 "The difference is that we trust each other more now," Vince Carter said. "Everything else comes from that; we trust that if we can make a guy drive, fine -- if he beats us, he beats us, but someone's going to be there. It's a slow process. We were really bad early, but I think we're getting there. "我們最大的不同在於 - 我們相信彼此。 我們盡最大的力量去防守,就算被切成功了,也不能讓他向切豆腐一樣容易! 開季的時候,我們打的不好,不過...嘿嘿...",阿卡說。 "So the thing we were missing was communication -- like not calling out screens. I was excited when I got to play in the back of the zone, because I have a big mouth. The guy back there can talk and dictate and yell at guys, and after a while it's a habit -- everyone takes it upon himself to do it." "所以,我們之前其實只是缺乏溝通而已, 所謂的溝通,就像我常在場上講話,叫隊友幫忙防守、注意..等。 而最近...在場上講話,變成大家的習慣了XD",阿卡說。 Moral of the story? 這故事告訴我們什麼呢!? "It's really the best way you can play on the road: You have to rely on defense," Carter said. "Everyone pulling together." "防守的確是勝利的關鍵,尤其當你在打客場的時候,因為防守讓我們更團結",阿卡說。 As of this morning, the Nets have pulled together a 7-3 road record, which is the fourth-best in the NBA by percentage. 團結的籃網,目前是 NBA 第四客場勝率最高的球隊,成績是 7-3 。 And as of this morning, they are tied for fifth place in an improved Eastern Conference. 這也讓籃網在東區爬到了第五順位。 Yes, fifth place -- one game out of fourth, where Atlanta resides. 是的!!你沒聽錯,第五順位,而且只要在贏一場就可以幹掉老鷹了。 "We're not surprised," Harris said. "We know what we're capable of doing. It's just going to be a thing all year long: We have to keep proving ourselves. We'll obviously take some steps back, and we want to be consistent as possible, keep getting better as the season goes on." "其實我們並不意外阿...,因為我們本來就不錯,而且接著會更強。"小哈說。 "That 11-8 sounds right," Carter said with a nod. "I'm really not that surprised -- I thought we'd be pretty good. I didn't think we'd be 15-1, but 11-8 sounds good." "11勝8負,聽起來ok啦...,我知道我們球隊不錯, 雖然還到可以15勝1敗,不過...,11-8其實很ok了",阿卡說。 How high is up? 那你覺得你們接著會多強呢? Now Carter was smiling. "Stay tuned," he said. "Stay tuned." "我們還在調整中拉",阿卡XD的說。 第一次翻...有錯請指教 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/10 09:49, , 1F
謝謝 J05 ^^
12/10 09:49, 1F

12/10 10:58, , 2F
謝謝 J05 ^^ 謝謝 J05 ^^ 謝謝 J05 ^^ 謝謝 J05 ^^
12/10 10:58, 2F

12/10 11:03, , 3F
謝謝clkdtm32 ^^
12/10 11:03, 3F

12/10 11:13, , 4F
12/10 11:13, 4F

12/10 11:16, , 5F
謝謝你 9527
12/10 11:16, 5F

12/10 11:59, , 6F
12/10 11:59, 6F

12/10 12:04, , 7F
謝謝 klasd
12/10 12:04, 7F

12/10 12:43, , 8F
12/10 12:43, 8F

12/10 13:09, , 9F
12/10 13:09, 9F

12/10 13:14, , 10F
籃網板延續這個精神 至今不停
12/10 13:14, 10F

12/10 13:26, , 11F
那....大家趕快謝謝 NetsFan... ~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~
12/10 13:26, 11F

12/10 13:53, , 12F
12/10 13:53, 12F

12/11 01:51, , 13F
籃網要加強防守了 太好啦~~~~~
12/11 01:51, 13F

04/19 21:04, 5年前 , 14F
04/19 21:04, 14F
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