[翻譯] Ni looking to bridge many gaps

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板] 作者: qtgeorge ( ′▽`)=○# ( ̄#)3 ̄) 標題: [翻譯] Ni looking to bridge many gaps 時間: Sun Feb 22 17:36:52 2009 ※ [本文轉錄自 qtgeorge 信箱] 作者: JWill.bbs@bbs.cs.nctu.edu.tw ("JW退休了哭哭〒△〒") 標題: [無關梅子] Ni looking to bridge many gaps 時間: Sun Feb 22 17:36:12 2009 作者: JWill (JW退休了哭哭〒△〒) 站內: P_MetsBlog 標題: [無關梅子] Ni looking to bridge many gaps 時間: 2009/02/22 Sun 01:11:51 LAKELAND, Fla. -- The Fu-Te in Fu-Te Ni comes from the name of a god in the Chinese Taoist culture. Known as the Earth god, Fu-Te was supposed to deal with earthly matters such as wealth and work. 倪福德裡的福德是來自中華道家文化裡的一個神的名字,也就是所謂的土地公, 是尊被認為可以保佑財富與事業的神。 The life of Fu-Te Ni the baseball player, by contrast, is a little more mundane. He's trying to make the jump from Taiwan to Major League Baesball. It also happens to be his second visit to the United States. 倪福德的棒球生涯相對而言有點比較世界性,他嘗試直接從台灣跳級到大聯盟, 這也是他第二次來到美國。 While the vast majority of players in camp stay on their own in apartments and rental homes around town or in neighboring towns, Ni is staying in the dormitories at Tigertown, soaking in American culture on a crash course while taking advantage of the facilities. He hasn't yet branched out into Lakeland to find any cuisine that would remind him of home -- Lakeland does have Chinese restaurants -- but he hopes to do that soon. 訓練營裡其他大多數的球員都是自己住在鎮上或鄰鎮的公寓或租屋,但倪是住 在Tigertown裡的宿舍,努力一邊增進棒球技能一邊把自己沉浸在美國文化裡, 他還沒去Lakeland看看有沒有什麼可以讓他聯想到家鄉的菜餚-Lakeland有中 華料理店-但他希望他很快就能去了。 As huge as the cultural jump is, he has to worry about the one in baseball. That's where his focus lies so far, trying to make what seems like a massive jump between Taiwan's Chinese Professional Baseball League and Major League Baseball seem a little smaller. 就像文化的隔閡一樣巨大,他也擔心棒球水準的差距。這是他一直以來的目標, 嘗試去跨越看似巨大的CPBL跟MLB間的水準差距,看起來可能還小一點(比起文化 隔閡)。 Others from Taiwan have reached the Majors before him, notably the Yankees' Chien-Ming Wang. Still, no one has gone directly from the professional leagues in Taiwan to the Majors, so there would be a first if he could somehow stick in Detroit. 一些其他的台灣人已經先他一步登上大聯盟,像是洋基的王建民。但還沒有一個 人直接從台灣的職棒聯盟跳級到MLB,所以他可能在底特律首先達成這個壯舉。 Ni says he doesn't feel pressure. Still, the fact that his signing came in a televised ceremony back home, complete with a hat and jersey presentation by Tigers Asian scouting coordinator Kevin Hooker, signified just how big this is. 倪說他並沒有感覺到壓力,甚至,事實上他是在有電視轉播的典禮上簽約的, 典禮在老虎隊的亞洲球探主管Kevin Hooker給他球帽跟球衣後完成,這顯示這 是多巨大的一件事。 "He is a professional baseball player," his interpreter, a young man named Fox, translated when Ni was asked what making the Majors would mean for him. "Major League Baseball is the highest level in the world of baseball. It's a place where everyone, every baseball player wants to play. He is so lucky he can be here. He will do his best to enjoy everything here, especially the training here." "他是個職棒球員"倪的翻譯,一個叫Fox的年輕人,當倪被問到大聯盟對他代表 的意義時這樣說,"大聯盟是世界棒球的最高層級,這裡是每個棒球員朝思暮想 的地方,他覺得很幸運可以身在這裡,他會盡可能享受這裡,尤其是這裡的訓練。 That Ni wants to play in the Majors isn't a surprise. The 26-year-old left-hander has been great in his native country, leading his league in strikeouts. The fact that his shot is coming with the Tigers, however, was not expected. Though Detroit was one of Hideo Nomo's brief stops along his illustrious big league career, the Tigers have largely stayed out of the Asian market, especially the professional ranks. Over the last couple years, however, they've quietly built up their scouting power in the region, including scout Alan Lin in Taiwan. 倪想打大聯盟這件事並不令人驚訝,這個26歲的左投已經在他的老家打出好成 績,拿下了三振王。讓人驚訝的點是他加入了老虎隊;儘管底特律是野茂英雄 光輝大聯盟生涯中的一站,老虎隊已經遠離亞洲市場很長一段時間了,但是這 幾年間包括在台灣的球探Alan Lin在內,他們已經重建了在這個地區的球探勢 力了。 They saw an opportunity in Taiwan, first with a young outfielder in a signing last summer, then last month with Ni, who became a free agent without compensation when his former team was disbanded. He chose to sign with an American team rather than accept an assignment in the redistribution draft, and ultimately chose a Minor League offer from the Tigers over a few other teams. 他們在台灣看到了機會,首先去年夏天他們簽下了一個年輕的外野手,然後上個 月簽下了因為球隊解散而成為自由球員的倪,倪選擇了與美國球隊簽約而非接受 重分配選秀的結果,並且從多支球隊中選擇與老虎隊簽下小聯盟合約。 He's a left-hander who had the fortune of signing with a club in need of left-handed relief, so coaches have taken a good look. But it doesn't ease the transition of a young man who knows very little English. 他是跟一支急需左手牛的球隊簽約的左投,所以教練都很看重他,但這無法抹滅他 幾乎不會講英文的事實。 "There are so many Spanish-speaking coaches on most teams," team vice president Al Avila said last month after the signing. "Most clubs have programs, English-speaking classes, cultural classes. In today's game, they have it now where the transition is a little bit easier. For the Asian player, those kinds of programs are not all in place yet. In our case, this will be our second player [from Taiwan]." "幾乎每一隊都有說西班牙文的教練"球隊副總Al Avila上個月簽約後說道,"幾 乎每一隊都有英文和文化的的課程,這可以讓他們更簡單一點去適應。對亞洲選 手而言,幾乎都還沒有像這樣的課程,在我們的情況,這只是我們的第二個台灣 選手。 So far, it has been an interesting journey to observe. Fox, the interpreter, follows Ni from field to field throughout the Tigers' workout sessions, watching with coaches from behind the plate or in foul territory. When a coach wants to make a point, they do it through Fox, who then relays the message in Mandarin Chinese. 到目前為止,這觀察起來還滿有趣的。Fox,身為倪的翻譯,跟著倪在老虎訓練 營裡東奔西跑,和教練們們一起在本壘後方或界外區看它們練習,如果有教練 想要跟倪溝通,他們就得靠Fox把他們要說的話翻成中文。 It's much the same scenario in the clubhouse, where Ni has been stationed in one corner of lockers along other non-roster relievers. To his left is Scott Williamson, the former Major League standout with the blazing fastball who's trying to make a comeback after taking much of last year off. To Ni's right is Ryan Perry, Detroit's first-round Draft pick from last year who has a chance to make the jump to the Majors this spring. 在交誼廳裡也是同樣的情形,倪在更衣室的位置跟其他非保證合約的牛棚成員排 在一起,在他左邊是Scott Williamson,曾經用火球大殺四方的大聯盟投手,離 開大聯盟一年後試著想要重返榮耀;倪的右邊則是Ryan Perry,底特律有可能在 春季直升大聯盟的去年首輪新秀。 "I can't even imagine how tough it would be," said left-hander Jonathan Kibler, whose locker sits across from Ni and who has talked a little with him. "It would be very difficult." "我無法想像這是多麼地艱難"更衣室的位置在倪對面的左投手Jonathan Kibler 說,"這將會非常困難" They're making the effort to try to connect, as are other Tigers. Minor League catcher Max St. Pierre has already picked up a few basic phrases in Mandarin Chinese from talking with him. Nate Robertson said he hopes to to do the same. 大家都想要試著跟倪溝通,像是其他的隊員,小聯盟捕手Max St. Pierre,已經 經由跟倪對話學會了幾個基本的中文字彙,Nate Robertson說他也想試試看。 "Favoritism is not the right word," manager Jim Leyland said last week, "but I'm going to go out of my way to make sure that I get a rapport with him, because during my career, the shoe's been on the other foot for me." "說偏心並不正確"總教練Jim Leyland上禮拜說,"但我要確定我跟他有建立溝通 管道,這是我執教生涯第一次遇到這樣的事。" When pitching coach Rick Knapp put pitchers through knee-to-knee drills, where pitchers try to hit the mitt as the catcher placed it on either knee to simulate the lower corners of the strike zone, Ni got the joke, that it was named after him. 當投手教練Rick Knapp叫投手們做把球投向膝蓋高度以模擬好球帶下緣的訓練 時,倪被開了個玩笑,膝蓋(Knee)跟他的姓(Ni)同音。 "There is still a language barrier between he and his teammates," Ni's interpreter translated, "but he thinks he will get better after he can talk more and understand more English." "語言在他跟隊友之間還是一個隔閡"倪的翻譯翻譯道,"但他相信他懂更多也 更會說英文後情況會變得更好。" He's starting to pick up a few words already. And as he rattled them off, it wasn't difficult to surmise that he had been studying the menu at the Tigertown cafeteria. 他已經會說一些單字了,而且當他把那些字說出來時,不難想像這些都是從Tigerstown 自助餐廳的菜單裡學會的。 "Beef, pork, chicken," Ni rattled off, "fish, juice, egg, Coke, Fanta, ice." "牛肉、豬肉、雞肉"倪朗誦道,"魚肉,果汁,蛋,可樂,芬達,冰。" Said Kibler: "He's getting better." Kibler說:"他有在進步嘛。" The biggest difference from Taiwan to here, Ni said, was the training program. The lifting and conditioning work is much more detailed in America, a transition he's trying to make. 這裡跟台灣最大的不同,倪說是訓練課程。訓練的內容更複雜,這也是他要適應 的一個轉變。 When asked through his interpreter how he has felt about his pitching, Ni had picked up another English term. 當他透過翻譯被問到他投得怎樣,倪用一個英文單詞回答, "So-so," he said. "普普"他說。 He has looked good in bullpen sessions, but Thursday was a bigger test for him, his first meeting with live hitters in batting-practice sessions. He had faced hitters outside Taiwan as part of the Olympic team last summer, but this was his first brush with the Majors. 他在牛棚練投中看來不錯,但星期四對他來說會是個大試驗,他將在打擊練習中 首次上丘面對打者。他在中職還有奧運都面對過很多打者,但面對大聯盟打者, 這是第一次。 He held his own. Magglio Ordonez and others offered occasional swings against him, trying to instead track the late movement on his pitches as he tried to hit the outside corner. He is neither a high-powered arm nor an extreme sidearmer, but the majority of his pitches Thursday seemed to move. 他必須自己多加點油,Ordonez跟其他拿到保證合約的人已經揮過他的球了,當倪 嘗試把球投到外角的角落時,他們則試著對付球的尾勁。他不是個火球投手,也不 是可以把球精準塞到角落的投手,但星期四時他的球看起來很會跑。 Where Ni moves when the season open remains to be seen. Though he's a bullpen candidate, he's also expected to leave camp by the end of the month to join Chinese Taipei in preparation for the upcoming World Baseball Classic. The Tigers also have several lefties in camp, including the more experienced Macay McBride and Clay Rapada, along with Rule 5 Draft pick Kyle Bloom. 開季時才會知道倪會在哪裡落腳,儘管他是牛棚的候選人之一,他月底還是會離開 訓練營參加WBC的國家隊;老虎訓練營裡也還有很多左投,包括了更有經驗的 Macay McBride跟Clay Rapada,還有用規則5選秀選來的Kyle Bloom。 If Ni doesn't make the team, he's expected to join the roster at Triple-A Toledo, and his quest to try to reach the big leagues would continue. 如果倪無法開季就上大聯盟,他被預期會從3A出發,然後他會在那裏繼續為大聯盟 打拼。 -- ※ Origin: 交大次世代(bs2.to) ◆ From: 61-227-133-211.dynamic.hinet.net 作者從 61-227-131-125.dynamic.hinet.net 修改文章於 2009/02/22 Sun 13:22:16 -- ▄▄▄ Miami Heat ▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ˇ rbk ▄▄ Kings │MEMPHIS│ MIAMI 55  │ 2 │ 55 │ │ ▄ ▄ #55 │ │ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- 請問下列哪一件事情曾經真實發生?by qtgeorge A.約美女上司看電影被放鳥當晚,從火災現場把二十歲,預定大紅的新人聲優撿回家吃掉 B.在地鐵站向你問路的和服女是對自己痴心十幾年的未婚妻,而且吃掉就能繼承龐大家產 C.被父母賣掉,作為上億債務抵押而流落公園的當晚被富豪家千金撿回家當小白臉兼管家 D.因父母再婚產生法定血親關係,而無實際血緣的雙子姊姊整天處心積慮肖想要把你吃掉 E.吶喊『我已經不挑了!』之後,把年紀只有自己一半的熱愛cosplay的音大畢業生娶進門 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 19:04, , 1F
02/22 19:04, 1F

02/23 11:51, , 2F
02/23 11:51, 2F
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