[情報] Rafael Soriano: Leg Issue

看板Nationals作者時間11年前 (2013/04/11 10:52), 編輯推噓2(208)
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Rafael Soriano: Leg Issue By RotoWire.com Staff | Rotowire.com Update: Pitching coach Steve McCatty said Soriano is dealing with "a little tweak in his leg," MLB.com's William Ladson reports. Recommendation: A talented Nationals offense and starting rotation has already allowed Soriano to already accumulate three saves, but he hasn't done his part in his last two turns, surrendering a total of four runs and blowing a save in one of the outings. He should be considered day-to-day with the injury, and after closing out Tuesday's win over the White Sox, expect the Nationals to turn to Tyler Clippard or Drew Storen on Wednesday if a save situation comes about. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/rafael-soriano-leg-issue-224601736.html 據MLB.com的William Ladson報導,投手教練Steve McCatty提到Soriano正在處理 “腿上的扭傷”。 強大的國民打擊以及先發輪值已經讓Soriano 累積三次救援,但過去兩次上陣他 並沒有做好他的工作,全部丟了四分,並且在其中一次救援失敗。他應該會被逐 日觀察傷勢,在週二那場關門最後贏了白襪之戰後,預估週三國民會讓Tyler Clippard 或是Drew Storen上陣,如果有救援機會的話。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (04/11 10:54)

04/11 11:30, , 1F
04/11 11:30, 1F

04/11 12:01, , 2F
James Wagner 的報導上寫說 Sori 不認為腿傷會影響到他的
04/11 12:01, 2F

04/11 12:01, , 3F
04/11 12:01, 3F

04/11 12:02, , 4F
04/11 12:02, 4F

04/11 12:03, , 5F
04/11 12:03, 5F

04/11 12:06, , 6F
另外 Sori 家最近又要新添一名壯丁了,4/22左右對紅鳥
04/11 12:06, 6F

04/11 12:06, , 7F
04/11 12:06, 7F

04/11 12:07, , 8F
最後據DJ說 Garcia 和 Kimball 目前在延長春訓的狀況都很
04/11 12:07, 8F

04/11 12:07, , 9F
04/11 12:07, 9F

04/11 18:38, , 10F
Purke的消息倒是一段時間沒聽到 他真的沒問題嗎...
04/11 18:38, 10F
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