[外電] New Year's resolutions

看板Nationals作者 (ug945)時間12年前 (2012/01/03 06:19), 編輯推噓4(401)
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雖然今天已經1月3日了不過還是要跟大家說新年快樂 大家對新的一年有什麼期許呢? CSNwashington.com的MZ也替國民想了一些新年新希望 原文:http://goo.gl/kKeIy New Year's resolutions US Presswire photo 圖:http://goo.gl/NTMA5 Ryan Zimmerman vows to be more careful running the bases in 2012. Zimmerman在跑壘時必須小心(圖)。 And so, at long last, 2012 has arrived. I can no longer refer to how the Nationals performed "this year." Anything that happened in 2011 now took place "last year." 2012年終於到來了。逝者已矣,來者可追。 Hope everyone out there had an enjoyable and safe New Year's. And I presume plenty of you have already declared your personal resolutions for 2012. 希望大家在新的一年都平安快樂。我想大家都想好新年新希望了吧。 You probably won't be surprised to learn that several members of the Nationals organization made their own New Year's resolutions. You may, however, be surprised to learn I managed to get my hands on them all and now present them for your amusement... 國民隊的成員可能也想好了,我也幫他們想了一些,希望能博君一笑囉。 2012 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS STEPHEN STRASBURG: Keep the ball down in the zone, the pitch counts low and save enough bullets for September (or perhaps October). 子彈留著點到9月(甚至是10月:P) BRYCE HARPER: Make the decision Mike Rizzo and Davey Johnson will face at the end of spring training as difficult as possible. Oh, and try not to post anything on Twitter that will get me in trouble. 希望能在春訓結束時讓光頭和老頭對於是否下放我陷入天人交戰。 別在推特上亂放炮免的惹上麻煩。 RYAN ZIMMERMAN: Stop sliding headfirst, especially when there isn't even a play being made. And put together the kind of monster season that convinces everyone it's time to sign a long-term extension. 別胡亂的衝壘。打出合約年成績吧! JORDAN ZIMMERMANN: Don't ease off the gas pedal until recording the final out of each start. 在每場先發被教練換下場之前都別放開油門(別常常虎頭蛇尾囉)。 JAYSON WERTH: Take the bat off my shoulder with two strikes with a little more regularity. 在2好球之後別常常把棒子放在肩膀上。 MICHAEL MORSE: Get off to a hot start and erase any questions about last year being a fluke. 希望有個火熱的開季(編按:而不是只有火熱的春訓)而且要向大家證明我是個真貨! ADAM LaROCHE: Show everyone why Mike Rizzo gave me $16 million in the first place. 秀給大家看為什麼光頭要花16M簽我! WILSON RAMOS: Give mom a hug every chance I get. 老媽我愛你! GIO GONZALEZ: Pick up the pace now that I'm in the National League. 我來到國聯囉,希望能趕快適應。 STEVE McCATTY: Make sure Gio picks up the pace now that he's in the National League. 確認Gio有趕快在適應。 MIKE RIZZO: Avoid the temptation to do something bold just for the sake of doing something bold. Make all decisions for sound baseball reasons and only for sound baseball reasons. 避免慾望去為了豪賭而豪賭。做所有決定都要是為了棒球,而且只能為了棒球。 (編按:而不是因為跟某人很好。) TED LERNER: See above. 同上。 CHARLIE SLOWES: Don't use up all that "A" material on early-season dramatics. Save the best calls for those late-September games that might really mean something at long last. 把那些在球季初過多的稱讚留到9月來吧,那時候才真的名副其實。 (編按:此君為國民的廣播轉播員) IAN DESMOND: Take a pitch. Or two. Or three. Embrace the importance of on-base percentage. 等1球。或2球。甚至3球。提高上壘率。 HENRY RODRIGUEZ: Faced with the option of throwing the ball all the way to the backstop or not throwing the ball all the way to the backstop, go with NOT throwing the ball all the way to the backstop. 希望在我上投手丘的時候還能保有自我意識。 JOHN LANNAN: Stop being fazed at the prospect of facing a Phillies lineup that was at best average in 2011. 希望面對費城時別再那麼狼狽了。 DREW STOREN: Get that Stanford degree some day. 希望能早點拿到史丹佛的學位。 TYLER CLIPPARD: Make Storen put that Stanford education to good use and build a robot that will keep our apartment spotless. 希望能利用Storen的在史丹佛的所學製造一台能打掃家裡的機器人。 (編按:目前兩人同住,Storen讀的是產品設計) DAVEY JOHNSON: Don't be afraid to bunt every once in a while if the situation calls for it. 別害怕在情勢需要的時候短打。 NATS MARKETING DEPT.: Take note of the awful state of D.C. sports and embrace the idea of selling this club as the best thing this town has going for it right now. 國民的行銷部門:看看D.C.其他精美的體育活動,把國民最好的東西秀給大家看! TEDDY ROOSEVELT: Put an end to this tired loser shtick once and for all and just win one race! 我要贏!! NATS FANS: Don't go into hiding every time the Phillies come to town. Take back Nationals Park. 別在每次費城來的時候跑去躲起來,快回來國民球場。 MARK ZUCKERMAN: Do a better job coming up with story ideas so I don't have to resort to writing another lame New Year's resolutions post in 2013. 希望在寫作上能有更好的點子,這樣就不用在2013寫一些很囧的新年新希望。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/03 12:49, , 1F
01/03 12:49, 1F

01/09 09:48, , 2F
01/09 09:48, 2F

01/10 09:05, , 3F
01/10 09:05, 3F

01/13 12:04, , 4F
RYAN ZIMMERMAN那段 Stop sliding headfirst應該翻成避免
01/13 12:04, 4F

01/13 12:05, , 5F
01/13 12:05, 5F
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