[閒聊] 上半季回顧 - 球員成績單 (By Mark Zuc …

看板Nationals作者 (悠)時間13年前 (2011/07/15 01:54), 編輯推噓4(406)
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寫得都還蠻中肯的。以下簡單翻譯,有錯也請指證,感謝。 WILSON RAMOS -- B The rookie catcher has been phenomenal behind the plate, ranking among the league leaders in gunning down would-be basestealers. Offensively, he's come through with some clutch hits, though he's struggled to maintain a level of consistency. 守備非常好,尤其是阻殺率名列前茅(編譯:國聯第4)。今年也擊出過幾支關鍵性的 安打(編譯:第一個想到的就是對水兵那支絕地大逆轉的3分砲),不過在打擊方面目 前還無法維持穩定的表現。 IVAN RODRIGUEZ -- C+ Though he's a shadow of his previous self at the plate, Pudge's arm and game-calling skills remain as good as they've ever been. He's also accepted his backup role admirably, though a strained oblique muscle has landed him on the DL. 雖然 Pudge 在打擊上已經完全無法跟全盛時期相比,但他的阻殺和配球依舊非常好, 然而最令人欽佩的是像 Pudge 這種準名人堂的球員願意配合球隊和 Ramos 甘願扮演 一個2號捕手的角色。可惜最近腹外斜肌的拉傷讓他必須去躺傷兵名單。 MICHAEL MORSE -- A After a sluggish start to the season as the Nats' Opening Day left fielder, it appeared Morse was destined to ride the bench. But when Adam LaRoche succumbed to injury, he got another shot and seized the opportunity, establishing himself as one of the best first basemen in the NL. 開季的大低潮一度讓人以為 Morse 注定只能當板凳,然而在臘肉哥受傷後 Morse 重新抓住機會,如今他已經成為國聯最佳一壘手之一。 DANNY ESPINOSA -- A- In his first full big-league season, Espinosa has been everything the Nats could have hoped for, and more. He's become an offensive force, one of the most-productive second basemen in the majors, and he's played sparkling defense. The only minor quibble: His low batting average. 這位大聯盟一年級生的表現比原先預估的甚至要更好。如今 Espy 已成為打線中不可 或缺的一員,同時在大聯盟二壘手的進攻輸出排名上他也是前幾名的,防守亦是十分 出色。如果硬是要從雞蛋裡挑骨頭的話就是他的打擊率實在是不及格。 IAN DESMOND -- C First and foremost, the Nats wanted Desmond to improve in the field. He's done exactly that, maintaining a consistently high level of play at shortstop. Offensively, though, he seems to have regressed from last season. A second-half improvement at the plate is a must. 今年球團對 Desy 的第一要求就是希望他能將防守徹底改進,而他也做到了,並 持續維持高水準的表現;然而今年在打擊方面退化了不少,完全只是個自殺棒, 這一點在下半季務必需要改進。 RYAN ZIMMERMAN -- INC It's unfair to grade Zimmerman's performance, because he missed more than two months with an abdominal tear. Since returning from the DL, he's been slow to get his swing down. And his new throwing motion at third base remains a concern. 春訓跑壘時所造成的腹部撕裂傷讓 Zimmer 被迫缺席超過2個月的時間,以現在的 成績來檢視他今年目前的表現顯然是不太公平的,他目前還正在緩慢地建立自己 的揮棒機制。另外他的新傳球動作也是值得注意的另一個焦點。 ALEX CORA -- C- The veteran infielder saw more playing time earlier in the season while Ryan Zimmerman was injured, but his playing time has diminished since. He's a trusted mentor for younger guys on the roster, but his contributions on the field have been sporadic. 在 Zimmer 重新歸隊後上場時間大幅減少。對陣中年輕球員來說 Cora 是位值得 信任的良師益友,然而做為一位球員來說他在球場上的貢獻實在是少得可憐。 BRIAN BIXLER -- C Bixler may have only one exceptional skill (hustle) but he sure makes the most of it. He's contributed to several big wins over the last month thanks simply to his ability to beat out a grounder or take an extra base. 唯一值得一提的就是他的拼勁,然而 Bixler 成功將這項技能發揮得淋漓盡致。 過去一個月他為球隊貢獻了好幾場意義重大的勝利,全歸功於 Bixler 靠著這股 拼勁跑出關鍵的內野安打或者是能夠多推進一個壘包 。 LAYNCE NIX -- B+ A late minor-league signee, Nix has been as pleasant a surprise as anyone else on the roster. He took over primary duties in left field and has been a consistent run producer. Not the strongest defender, but he's been hampered by a lingering Achilles' tendon strain. 以一張小聯盟約成功開出的中獎樂透。如今他已經是主要的左外野手,並且始終能 維持一定的輸出。防守方面不算是特別好,另外揮之不去的阿基里斯腱的損傷也已 經開始影響到他的表現。 ROGER BERNADINA -- B- Though he didn't make the Opening Day roster, Bernadina quickly got his chance to step in due to injuries. He's made the most of the opportunity, displaying a more consistent approach out of the leadoff spot while making several spectacular catches in center field. 適時抓住其他人受傷的機會並佔有一席之地。在扮演開路先鋒的角色上他創造出最多 的機會,表現也比其他人更穩定,同時在守中外野時也演出過幾次精彩的接球美技。 JAYSON WERTH -- D- By virtue of his mammoth contract, Werth figured to enter the season with a bullseye on his back. He hasn't come close to living up to the deal. At the plate, he looks lost, taking fastballs for strikes while flailing at breaking balls out of the zone. He hasn't been particularly sharp in right field, either. 簽了大約也就意味著 Werth 的表現將被人們放大檢視,而他今年也完全未打出應有的 身價。打擊方面嚴重走調,眼睜睜放過快速球進手套被多記一個好球,然後出棒去打 在好球帶外面的變化球;同時在右外野的防守表現也並不特別突出。 RICK ANKIEL -- D To his credit, Ankiel has got probably the best outfield arm in baseball. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much else going for him. He's been abysmal at the plate, hasn't come close to providing the power GM Mike Rizzo thought he would and has already made two trips to the DL. 論臂力可能是大聯盟外野手中最好的,然而他也只剩這一點可以拿來說嘴了。打擊 實在差勁透頂,也未打出原本預期的砲瓦,而且到現在已經進出過傷兵名單兩次。 (編譯:不過這次從傷兵名單回來後表現有比較好就是了) JERRY HAIRSTON -- B- Hairston has been exactly what the Nationals asked him to be: A super-utility guy who can bounce around from position to position and take on everyday duties in a pinch. He did an admirable job filling in at third base for two months while Ryan Zimmerman was injured. 超級工具人,無論是守哪個位置或是在球隊需要他跳出來承擔責任時 Hairston 都 能夠確實完成這些要求。在 Zimmer 不在的這段時間裡成功填補了三壘的大洞。 MATT STAIRS -- F The Nationals signed the 43-year-old believing he could remain a reliable pinch-hitter off the bench. Stairs, though, has been wretched at the plate, with a .143 average and .159 slugging percentage. He's loved by teammates, but he's done next-to-nothing to contribute on the field. 本來簽梯叔來就是希望他能夠加強板凳的進攻火力,然而他的成績實在令人不忍 卒睹,只有1成43的打擊率及1成59的長打率,儘管梯叔深深受到隊友們的愛戴, 然而他在球場上的貢獻卻幾乎是零。 LIVAN HERNANDEZ -- B After a nice bounce-back season in 2010, there were plenty of skeptics who assumed Hernandez would regress in 2011. They were wrong. Livo remains a reliable workhorse and staff leader who almost always gives his team a chance to win. 球季開打前不少人都唱衰 Livo 今年沒辦法繼續維持去年的好表現,可惜他們都 猜錯了。Livo 依舊還是那位可靠的吃局數工作馬以及球員們的領袖,並幾乎總是 給予球隊贏球的機會。 JORDAN ZIMMERMANN -- A Everyone knew this would be a crucial season in Zimmermann's development, and the young right-hander hasn't disappointed. Fully healthy at last after Tommy John surgery, he's developed into a legitimate, front-line starter. Probably deserved an All-Star nod, but was done in by a lack of run support. 所有人都知道今年球季對 Jordan 的未來發展甚是關鍵,而他也沒有讓大家失望。 經歷過 Tommy John 手術並且完全康復的 Jordan 成功成為一位具有前段輪值實力 的先發投手,甚至以他的成績來看或許是值得進入明星賽的,只可惜 Jordan 宵夜 請得太少讓這個美夢化為泡影。 JOHN LANNAN -- B An up-and-down 2010 made Lannan something of a question mark entering this season. He's answered those questions, though, and established himself as a reliable contributor and important piece of the Nats' rotation for both the short-term and the long-term. 去年大起大落的表現使得在球季開打前對 Lannan 今年球季的表現不免多了些問號, 然而他用實績回應了這些疑問,證明自己是國民先發輪值重要的一塊拼圖,這一點不 論是從短期或是長遠的眼光來看都完全適用。 JASON MARQUIS -- B- Marquis did a nice job erasing the ugly memories of his disastrous first year in a Nats uniform. He's started to come back to earth, though, his last few times out. A pending free agent, the right-hander is probably this club's most-marketable trade chip, making the next two weeks very interesting. 今年出色的表現成功挽回眾人對他去年的大崩盤所失去的信心,不過他最近幾場的 先發指出他已經開始從外太空回到地球了。即將變成自由球員的他也成為國民最熱 門的交易籌碼,未來兩個禮拜關於 Marquis 值得注意。 TOM GORZELANNY -- B- Mike Rizzo's lone offseason pitching acquisition of significance, Gorzelanny has at times looked fantastic on the mound. He's also looked very hittable at times, and also spent a brief period on the DL with elbow inflammation. The lefty's season still could tilt either way. 今年2月 Rizzo 從小熊換來、而且也是休兵季唯一一筆重要的投手收購。簡單描述 Gorzy 的表現就是:好的時候賽揚獎,壞的時候賽拎娘。加上他曾有短暫一段時間 進出過傷兵名單,下半季的表現實在很難說得準。 DREW STOREN -- A- The Nats wanted to ease the second-year reliever into the closer's role, but Storen was so good early on (and Sean Burnett struggled so much) that he inherited the job almost immediately. He's responded with aplomb, proving he deserves to pitch the ninth inning at such a young age. 球團原先希望能慢慢將關門的任務轉交到這位大聯盟二年級生手上,但 Storen 開季表現得實在太好(加上阿香表現得實在太差)以至於 Storen 幾乎立刻就贏得 終結者的工作。而他也以沉穩的表現做出回應,證明自己有能力在如此輕的年紀 就有負責關門的本事。 TYLER CLIPPARD -- A Who on the Nats' roster excels at his position more than anyone else? This guy. Clippard is among the most-used and most-dominant relievers in baseball. He can make any hitter in the game look foolish trying to pick up the ball out of his hand, and he's been brilliant stranding inherited runners on base. 誰是這支球隊在自己的位置上表現最出色的球員?不需要考慮,就是眼鏡哥了。 無論是被操的程度上以及論表現之優異 Clippard 都是大聯盟RP中名列前茅的。 他能讓任何試著要去揮擊他的球的打者看起來是如此愚蠢,而且他在凍結前任投 手所留下的壘上跑者這方面的表現亦是十分傑出。 SEAN BURNETT -- D If Jayson Werth is the most-disappointing position player on the Nats roster, Burnett is the most-disappointing pitcher. After excelling in late innings the last 1 1/2 seasons, he's been eminently hittable this year. As the only lefty in the bullpen, that's become a major problem area. 如果 Werth 是這支球隊表現最令人失望的野手,那香就是最令人失望的投手了。 過去一年半身為隊上主力RP的香其投球表現甚是出色,而今年作為一台發球機來說 他的表現也很傑出。重點是香是牛棚唯一的左手牛,使得這個問題顯得非常嚴重。 TODD COFFEY -- B The big guy brings the crowd to its feet every time he sprints in from the bullpen, but he deserves applause for his actual pitching performance as well. Coffey has been a workhorse and a key reliever who bridges the gap from the rotation to the back of the pen. 這位胖子不僅以他從牛棚到投手丘的衝刺表演令觀眾們鼓掌叫好,同時他在投手丘 上的表現亦是值得給予掌聲。咖啡不僅耐投,而且他也是最主要負責銜接先發投手 下場到比賽後段主力中繼投手上場這段期間的重要RP。 HENRY RODRIGUEZ -- B With a fastball that regularly reaches triple digits, Rodriguez is an electric reliever who has made some really good hitters look downright feeble. But he's also just as likely to lose all semblance of control, leading to plenty of harrowing moments late in games when he takes the mound. 憑藉著經常能夠上看三位數的快速球,即便是優秀的打者面對到這位火球男也是難以 招架;然而他有時會突然完全找不到好球帶,結果比賽就悲劇了。 RYAN MATTHEUS -- B An afterthought in spring training, Mattheus forced his way into the Nats' plans with a dominant performance in the minors. He's continued to pitch well in his first taste of the big leagues, proving to be a nice pickup by GM Mike Rizzo (who acquired him in 2009 from Colorado for Joe Beimel). 經過春訓時的再思,Mattheus 憑藉著屠殺小聯盟順利擠身進入國民隊的計畫之中。 從一開始大聯盟的初登板到現在 Mattheus 都發揮得相當出色,事後來看 Rizzo 用 Joe Beimel 從洛磯山換來 Mattheus 的這筆交易還不算太壞。 COLLIN BALESTER -- B- It seems like one guy on the roster every year is the unfortunate victim of the options game, and Balester is it this season. He gets called up from Syracuse every few weeks and usually pitches well, only to get sent back down whenever someone else is ready to return. 不幸的小夥子。經常被從3A叫上來只待了1、2個星期湊數,而且即使他上來後經常都 表現得很好但一旦某人準備好回來就又被送回小聯盟, -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (07/15 02:18)

07/15 05:10, , 1F
在我心中Livo不只是B阿 1M根本是佛心來的
07/15 05:10, 1F

07/15 09:35, , 2F
喔ˊ 這篇好詳細阿 讚!
07/15 09:35, 2F

07/15 10:53, , 3F
Ivan Rodriguez 第一句 though he's a shadow of his
07/15 10:53, 3F

07/15 10:53, , 4F
previous self at the plate 翻的完全不對
07/15 10:53, 4F

07/15 12:31, , 5F
07/15 12:31, 5F

07/15 13:47, , 6F
07/15 13:47, 6F

07/16 01:02, , 7F
07/16 01:02, 7F

07/16 21:42, , 8F
本來想看完再推文 不過中英都想看得花長點時間 先推
07/16 21:42, 8F

07/16 21:43, , 9F
RAMOS在四月的時候打的很狂 ops還破0.9 本來很看好他的~~
07/16 21:43, 9F

07/16 21:43, , 10F
07/16 21:43, 10F
※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (07/17 03:59)
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