Re: [轉錄][外電] Strasburg needs Tommy John sur …

看板Nationals作者 (老張)時間14年前 (2010/08/27 23:51), 編輯推噓2(202)
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※ 引述《newest (hasta a lavista baby)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1CTzghQf ] : 作者: if2 (祈福兔) 看板: MLB : 標題: [外電] Strasburg needs Tommy John surgery : 時間: Fri Aug 27 23:32:56 2010 不負責任快速翻譯 : Strasburg needs Tommy John surgery : : The Nationals announced in a conference call that right-hander Stephen : Strasburg will need elbow reconstruction and is out for the season. 國民隊在星期五的電話會議中表示,右投手 Stephen Strasburg 受到嚴重的尺側側韌帶 撕裂傷(ulnar collateral ligament),可能需要接受 TJ 手術(Tommy John surgery) : Strasburg, who was originally placed on the disabled list because of a : flexor strain in his right forearm, had the arthrogram Thursday evening to : determine if something is seriously wrong and they found ligament damage in : the elbow. Strasburg 原本因右前臂屈肌拉傷(flexor strain)進 DL 名單,在星期三晚上接受關節 X 光(arthrogram)檢查,以確認是否有進一步的傷勢時,發現肘部韌帶受傷。 : Strasburg hurt his forearm on Saturday in an 8-1 Nationals victory over the : Phillies. With the Nats leading, 5-1, and one out in the fifth, Strasburg : was facing Phillies outfielder Domonic Brown when -- on a 1-1 pitch -- he : grimaced in pain and shook his right arm. Strasburg 在週六國民隊以 8 比 1 戰勝費城人隊的比賽中傷了前臂。當時為第五局,一 人出局,國民隊以 5 比 1 領先,Strasburg 對決費城人隊外野手 Domonic Brown,送出 一好一壞後,他痛苦地抖動著右臂,示意防護員到投手丘前。 : Strasburg then motioned for the Nationals' trainer to come to the mound. : Manager Jim Riggleman, pitching coach Steve McCatty and head athletic trainer : Lee Kuntz came out to see what was wrong with Strasburg, who wanted to stay : in the game but left a few moments later. 總教練 Jim Riggleman、投教 Steve McCatty 和首席防護員 Lee Kuntz 上前了解 Strasburg 的情形,Strasburg 想續投,但不久後即離去。 : On Sunday, Strasburg had an MRI on the forearm, and the team doctor didn't : like what he saw, so Strasburg had to wait until the swelling went down : before having the arthrogram. 週日 Strasburg 接受核磁共振攝影(MRI),隊醫不滿意這次檢查結果,因此 Strasburg 須等消腫後再接受關節 X 光檢查。 : Strasburg became the ace of the Nationals' staff, going 5-3 with a 2,91 ERA : in 12 starts. He currently leads the Nationals in strikeouts with 92. Strasburg 日前晉身國民隊的王牌,12 次先發中五勝三敗,自責分率 2.91,92 次三振 為隊中最高。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/28 06:49, , 1F
08/28 06:49, 1F

08/28 12:44, , 2F
08/28 12:44, 2F

08/28 14:18, , 3F
所以到底是直球投太用力 還是投變速球姿勢不良造成的
08/28 14:18, 3F

08/28 20:13, , 4F
08/28 20:13, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1CTzyLoF (Nationals)