[情報] 國民報報-TeamReport 12/26

看板Nationals作者 (平安喜樂)時間14年前 (2009/12/26 22:24), 編輯推噓3(301)
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ω NATIONALS / Team Report ω http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/teams/was/report Throughout his career, Jason Marquis has always found himself on pitching staffs full of established veterans, leaving Marquis to fill out the back end of the rotation. In Washington, though, Marquis is the most-established member of a very young rotation, so the recently signed right-hander suddenly finds himself as a mentor and leader for the first time in his career. 回顧Marquis的球員生涯,從斧頭幫、紅鳥、洛磯隊,1978年次的他總是投手輪值 表上,論資歷經驗趴數,從後面數過來比較快的那幾位;但大駕光臨來到了華盛頓 國民後,這將會是他第一次當起帶頭大哥的初體驗。(註:40人名單中,1980年以下 的只有馬哥Marquis一位,現役25名投手平均年齡剛剛好是"24"歲。) Marquis, who was an All-Star last season in Colorado and went 15-13 with a 4.04 ERA, agreed to a two-year, $15 million contract with the Nationals. After spending his formative years in Atlanta, learning the trade from future Hall of Famers Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine and John Smoltz, the 31-year-old now will be the leader of a Washington staff that includes up-and-comers John Lannan, Ross Detwiler and (eventually) Stephen Strasburg. 馬哥去年待洛磯投出近五年來的生涯年,在稀薄的酷爾斯繳出15勝13敗防禦率4.04 的成績,為自己從國民手中贏得了兩年一千五百萬的合約。 當個帶頭大哥,對馬哥來說,是件怎樣的差事。早在馬哥23~26歲成長茁壯的那段 斧頭幫歲月,三巨頭巨大身影所帶給他的那些學習,即將在明年給馬哥一場新考驗 。他要帶領Lannan、Detwiler等一干菜鳥先發,在國東殺出一片天。 (小史:還有我 ._.) "I've been in their shoes before," Marquis said. "I've looked up to the likes of Maddux, Glavine and Smoltz and learned a lot of valuable lessons from them. Not only on the field but off the field. On the field, they're going to see a guy who gives all he's got, doesn't let up, plays the game to win. Hopefully they can feed off what I do between starts, what I do on the mound." 馬哥說道,我已經有所準備了。當我扛著小斧頭時,抬頭仰視著Maddux, Glavine 和Smoltz這三尊,在帶領球隊上的許多作為,學到了很多寶貴的經驗,不管是在球 場內還是球場外。在場內,帶頭的就是要讓那些後輩看看,何謂毫無保留的將自己 催到頸崩,專注地投入球賽。馬哥說,我希望能在投手丘上,讓年輕的投手群們, 感受這種精神力。 (R.Z:我真的期待) The Nationals' top priority this winter was to acquire an established, veteran starter who could take some of the pressure off the club's younger hurlers, who were asked to develop on their own in 2009. General manager Mike Rizzo doesn't expect a journeyman with 94 career wins and a 4.48 ERA to be the savior, but he does believe Marquis' presence will have a positive effect on the rest of his pitching staff. 國民在這個冬天的首要目標順利完成: 補個經驗夠戰力足的投手。(跟小李飛刀乍 臨西雅圖水手的意境不同),總管Rizzo不期待馬哥會是國民來年的超級救世主,比 較在意的是,馬哥能為菜鳥輪值們帶來些正向的影響,當個好老師。 (IROD:真巧,我也是來當老師的) "It's very difficult to go into a season -- as we did -- with one second-year pitcher at the top of your rotation and four rookies," Rizzo said. "It's very difficult to be consistent. ... (This signing) brings a whole myriad of different effects to the ballclub, and they're all positive." 回顧去年那個菜逼巴的投手輪值,一個二年級生帶四個新訓剛出來的阿菜,這真是 個非常艱苦的回憶,Rizzo低語。就看看馬哥能為這些菜鳥帶來些甚麼吧。 J.Lannan 206.1(IP) 2y (9W13L/ERA3.88/2完投/1完封) C.Stammen 105.2(IP) 菜 J.Zimmermann 91.1(IP) 菜 J.D.Martin 77.0(IP) 菜 R.Detwiler 75.2(IP) 菜 (07年只投一局,姑且算是Rookie) S.Martis 85.2(IP) 1y G.Mock 91.1(IP) 1y (SP、RP雙插頭很艱苦) S.Olsen 62.2(IP) 4y (TJ術後ing) Rizzo may not be done shopping yet. He hasn't ruled out the possibility of adding another veteran starter to the mix, though the Nationals probably won't spend as much on a second pitcher as they did on Marquis. 最後,總管的血拼計畫似乎還沒有完成,或許還會再補一個同樣老經驗的先發投手 ,但花在這個(未來第二號?)投手上的錢,恐怕完全不能跟馬哥相比。 (關注王葛格台媒:更!我看到黑影了,開槍) -- 若有翻錯,敬請見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DMRose 來自: (12/26 22:44)

12/26 23:05, , 1F
12/26 23:05, 1F

12/27 08:42, , 2F
12/27 08:42, 2F

12/27 20:40, , 3F
希望老馬到你們那邊也可以表現的不錯 今年很謝謝他
12/27 20:40, 3F

02/10 23:56, , 4F
02/10 23:56, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1BDXoA3o (Nationals)