[賽訪] 2015 US Open 第二輪

看板Nadal作者 (Grrr)時間8年前 (2015/09/03 23:05), 編輯推噓16(1607)
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An Interview With: Rafael Nadal (Round 2) Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Q. How much kidding have your fellow players given you about the Tommy Hilfiger brand you’re endorsing? RAFAEL NADAL: I haven’t talk much. Somebody told me few things, but that’s it. 問:你的Tommy Hilfiger廣告引起多少球員對你的挖苦呢? 答:我沒什麼聊到,有些人會談一下,僅此而已。 Q. It’s gotten some attention. RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. You like it? (Smiling.) 問:廣告滿轟動的。 答:對啊,你喜歡?(笑) Q. How would you describe your level of play and whether you’re satisfied so far? RAFAEL NADAL: I think I serve well today. My serve was working well. I think I had the match under control at the beginning playing well. Then I played a bad game with the 5-3. Then the match became a little bit more crazy, no, some ups and downs. Today I felt that I was practicing great before the match, and yesterday, too. I felt that during the match I didn’t arrive to that high level that I was practicing before. But it’s true that he played really well. Even if he had break up in the second and in the third, I think, too, I had a lot of Love-30s, 15-30s, a lot of opportunities during the whole match to have I think a more comfortable victory. So remain a little bit more to convert more opportunities. 問:談一下今天的表現和目前最讓你滿意的部份是? 答:我今天的發球很好,剛開始我把比賽掌控得很好,之後5-3我打得太差了,比賽開始 變得有點失控,不,有一些起伏。今天賽前訓練的感覺還不錯,昨天也是,在比賽中我打 不出和訓練時一樣的高水準表現。但事實上他也打得很好,他在第二、第三盤都率先破發 ,我有很多0-30和15-30,很多可以拉開差距舒服贏球的機會,我浪費了不少。 Q. With these ups and downs during the match, do you find a specific reason why you can go through some ups and downs like this during a match? RAFAEL NADAL: No, I didn’t have an up and down today. The other day, yes. Today I didn’t have an up and down. I just played a bad game with the 5-3 in the first set and then I didn’t play great, but I didn’t play bad. I played a normal match. But was not an up and down like the other day. I was a single level the whole time. For moments better, for moments little bit worse, but that’s not up and downs crazy like I had sometimes this year, no? Not a bad place to be. 問:這些比賽中的起伏,你有找到任何原因可以解釋像這場比賽起伏不定的狀況嗎? 答:不,今天我並沒有起伏不定,之前幾次是,但今天並不是,我只是在第一盤5-3打了很 糟的一局,之後打得不算好,但也不算差,是一場表現普通的比賽。今天我一直維持在同 一水平,有時打得好一些,有時差一點,不像今年某幾場的波動那樣誇張,no? Q. He felt like you were trying to be a little more aggressive today than he’ s seen before. Is that something you’re consciously trying to do now? RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, no, he was trying to play very aggressive. When you play against a player that they are able to take all the risks with not much pressure, so then is a little bit more difficult to have the control of the point. Because if the opponent decides to hit every ball then is tougher, no? But tennis is tougher if they playing well. Today he played well, I think, so that’s it. Accept that. I fighted well. I fighted until the end. I came back, even if I had lot of opportunities is the real thing is I was break down in both sets and I came back well to win both sets. That is an important improve for me, and I’m happy for that. 問:他覺得你比起之前你今天嘗試更有攻擊性的打法,這是你現在努力改進的方向? 答:沒錯,他打得非常有侵略性,當你對上毫無壓力、可以隨心所欲對你全力開火的對手 ,讓你更難掌控每一球,如果他們打得好情況又更困難了,今天他打得很好,就是這樣, 我接受它,我拼戰到最後。我能夠逆轉戰局,即使我擁有很多機會,但我後兩盤都先被破 發落後,最終我成功逆轉贏下那兩盤,對我來說這是重要的提升,我非常開心。 Q. You said you came back in the tiebreaker, too, the next two sets. How much does that boost your confidence? RAFAEL NADAL: Well, this season I lost lot of matches having amazing opportunities. I don’t want to say every one now, but if you follow the sport – I believe you do – you know that I lost lot of matches this year that I shouldn’t because I had lot of opportunities, no? I was not that close to lose the match today, no? I was break down in some sets, but is important to come back and feel that mentally I am enough strong to play well when I had to play well. 問:你在搶七也逆轉搶下,還有後兩盤,這能提振你多少信心呢? 答:這個球季我輸掉太多手握機會的比賽,今天我離輸球還很遙遠,no?我有幾盤是落後 的,但重要的是我能反攻,而且當毫無退路時我的心理還是夠堅定能打出好球。 Q. Now you have Fognini. The history of matches between you and him says that many times you have problems with him. You lost. Even on cement in Beijing you had problems. What don’t you like in his game? What does he do very well that creates problems for you? RAFAEL NADAL: No, he beat me twice this year. Before he didn’t beat me. He played great in Beijing. Finally I won the match. He’s a big, talented player. He’s a tough opponent for everybody when he’s playing well. So for everybody is a tough opponent, not only for me. 問:接著你要面對Fognini,你們之間的對戰紀錄顯示有很多次你陷入麻煩、輸球,像在 北京的硬地,他的球風特別棘手?為什麼他總能給你製造麻煩呢? 答:不,他今年打敗我兩次,在此之前他沒贏過我,北京他打得很好,最後我還是贏了比 賽,他是一位很有天賦的球員,當他打得好時對任何人來說都難對付,並不是只有我而已 。 Q. You’ve been very honest about some of your struggles on the court this year. Obviously people have asked, Why don’t you bring in a new coach, extra coaching help? Lots of other top players have part-time coaches. Can you explain again why you don’t want to bring in any kind of extra help to your team? What is the thinking? RAFAEL NADAL: I talked enough about that, no? I always believed that when I am playing bad, when I am not winning, you don’t have to find excuses outside or reasons outside. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and say, That’s my fault. That’s the real thing. It’s not the fault of other people. I had an amazing career with this team. I believe in my team. We are working a lot to find the right way. I think we are in the good way. I don’t know what’s going on in the future, but the real thing is if I have to change something is myself, not the people around me. If I am able to change myself, to play again with confidence, to play again with less nerves that I played for a lot of moments this year, I am able to touch the ball the way that I am touching the ball this week of practice before the US Open, I will be again where I want to be. So is not a question of coach. Is not a question of physiotherapist or physical trainer. Is a question of myself. I am really decided to work hard to find my way. 問:今年你對你在球場上的掙扎總是非常地開誠布公,人們總是問為什麼你不加入新教練 呢?其他教練的協助,很多球員都有兼職教練,你可以再解釋一次你不想加入任何外援到 你的團隊的原因嗎?是怎樣的想法呢? 答:我已經說過很多次了,no?我的想法是當你打得差、贏不了球時,你不能從周遭找藉 口、找理由,你必須照鏡子看著你自己說這是我的錯,這才是最實在的,而不是推給其他 人。我和我的團隊一起打出成功的職業生涯,我相信我的團隊,我們一直努力要找出解決 辦法,我想我們正朝著正確的方向前進。我無法預知未來,但最重要的一點是如果我非得 改變什麼,那一定是我自己,不是我週遭的人,如果我能改變我自己,在球場上重新找回 自信心,減少緊張的情緒,能打得和上週訓練時一樣,我就能回到我想要的水準。所以不 是教練的問題,也不是理療師的問題,是我自己的問題,我已經下定決心要更勤奮重回正 軌。 Q. The nerves, the uncertainty, do you now understand what the problem was? Are you still in the process of trying to understand? RAFAEL NADAL: No, I understand. I understand all the time what happened, no? When you are hitting a forehand and you don’t have the tempo to hit the forehand. If you want to hit the forehand here and you hit the forehand here, or you want to hit the forehand here and you hit here, it’s because you don’ t have the mentally relax. You are not enough relax in your mind to do what you used to do. So if I have nerves, is not the problem of my coach. If I have nerves, is the problem of myself. If I am playing bad, is the same. During the season I feel that that nerves goes down, so I think I am at the end of all these processes that I had. With the work, with the talks with my team, with the determination to improve something, I think I am at the end of that process. If is not 100% result, is close to be forget that nerves. Still there, but much less than few months ago. And now remain to keep competing, play well, and be passionate. I believe things are going to arrive well. 問:各種緊繃、不確定性,你現在知道原因了嗎?還是仍然在找問題所在? 答:不,我很清楚,我能理解所有發生的事情,no?當你的正拍找不到節奏,想把正拍打 到這,卻跑到那裡,那是因為你的心理和腦袋無法放鬆去做好慣常的動作,所以如果我會 緊張,可不是教練的問題,是我自己的問題,打得差時也一樣。這個賽季我感覺到緊張情 緒已逐漸減少,加上團隊的努力,和努力改進的決心,我想我已經來到克服問題的最後一 段路了。即使還不到100%,已經很接近忘掉緊張的感覺了,至少比前幾個月好多了,現在 在做到保持競爭力、打出好表現、燃燒小宇宙,我相信問題會解決的。 Q. When you were in your prime winning championships, they loved that Rafa, that strength that you gave. Do you understand why they’re confused or worried about you? RAFAEL NADAL: Sorry? 問:當你在巔峰期冠軍贏不停,他們愛那樣的Rafa,那種你展現出的能量,你能理解為什 麼他們現在很疑惑或者很擔心你嗎? 答:Sorry? Q. Do you understand why your fans are worried about you and pushing for you to come back? RAFAEL NADAL: I am No. 8 in the world. I am not No. 100. 問:你能理解球迷對你的擔憂,希望以前的你回來? 答:我現在是世界第8,不是世界第100名。 Q. I’m saying, they remember. RAFAEL NADAL: I don’t know. Seems like I am No. 200 in every press conference. I am not so bad. After I arrive here with the victory, I come back to the locker room saying how bad I am. Every day. No, no, the fans, is normal that they are worried because I am worried, too. If I am not playing well, I am the first one who am worried. You know, seems like I come here, and seems like if I am saying the true, if I am being honest, is bad. So then if I am being honest with you guys and I explain what happened to me, I explain if I playing with nerves or with anxious like I did in Miami and I say after in the press conference, then I don’t know what you want of me. And not telling about you. But in general, the people say, Why you say that? Why you are that honest? You give confidence to the opponent. I believe what happens outside the court, what we are talking about here don’ t gonna affect zero percent in the next result. The thing is you play well you have chances to won; you play bad, you gonna lose the sport is simple. 問:我是說他們記得以前的你。 答:我不曉得,每次來到記者會我都像是掉到200名了,我沒那麼差,每次我帶著勝利抵 達這,我都會在休息室說著自己有多糟,每一天都是。不,球迷擔心是因為我也開始擔心 是非常正常的,如果我打不好,我是第一個開始焦慮的。好像我來這裡說出實話是件壞事 ,誠實解釋我怎麼了、像在邁阿密一樣打得太緊張或者太焦慮,接著在賽後記者會說出來 ,我不知道你要我怎麼做。不是指你,通常大家會說你為什麼要這麼說?為什麼這麼誠實? 你給對手很大的信心。我只知道無論場外發生什麼事、說了什麼話,都不會影響到我場內 的表現,你打得好就贏球,你打得差就輸球,運動就是如此簡單。 Q. I apologize. What I meant to say was I was out in the crowd. The crowd was pulling for you. I could feel that they want you to come back. RAFAEL NADAL: I feel that love. I feel that energy. I always felt that energy when I’m playing in New York and a lot of places around the world, no? I think I was always nice with the crowd around the world trying to do as much autographs, as much photos with them. I think on the tennis court normally I have been doing the right things during my career, not breaking the racquet no one time in my career, not saying stupid thing on court, celebrating the point, saying bad things when I am not playing well. So the fans are happy with me. For me is the biggest satisfaction possible to feel the support of the crowd and the people, because that means a lot to me. 問:我道歉,我的原意是我在外面看見球迷總是支持著你,可以感受到他們想看你回來。 答:我感覺到滿滿的愛意和熱情,在紐約打球總是如此,還有世界上其他地方,no?我和 球迷的互動一直很好,盡可能簽名、拍照滿足每一個人,在球場上做好每件事,球拍一次 也沒摔過,不說蠢話,打不好時爆粗口,所以球迷喜歡我,我想最大的滿足就是感受球迷 和觀眾的支持,因為對我來說意義非凡。 Q. What is it like, do you think, for you and for Roger, that with all you’ ve accomplished – and you’re still playing at such a high level – that the questions seem to be about what you’re not doing as in, You haven’t won a major in whatever length of time it is? RAFAEL NADAL: That’s part of the career. But, you know, don’t forget that for everybody is a start and for everybody is an end. We still here, but tomorrow we not going to be here. Sampras was here. He’s not here anymore. , everybody pass. The sport continues. We need to promote well our sport, promote well the new generations, too, to keep coming our sport in a very high position of the world of sports. 問:對你和Roger來說,生涯成就如此輝煌,仍舊維持在頂尖水準,問題似乎開始圍繞在 沒做到的事,像你已經有段時間沒贏得大滿貫了? 答:那也是職業生涯的一部份,每個人都有開始和終點,我們還在,但未來總有一天會離 開,Sampras、Connors、McEnroe每個人都離開了,網球會持續下去,我們必須將這項運 動推廣出去,新生代也有這責任,讓網球維持在世界體育的頂尖之列。 Q. When you’re playing on Armstrong, especially in the first set today in the sun, is it more draining with the heat and sun on that court? RAFAEL NADAL: No. Was okay, no? Is obvious that I prefer to play in the Arthur Ashe that I am little bit more used. The real thing is that the crowd in Armstrong was great this afternoon. Was great feeling to feel the crowd that close to me. I enjoy that fact. Was a victory, so is a good memory. 問:當你的比賽排在Armstrong球場,特別是第一盤,場上的熱氣和陽光是不是要把你曬 乾了? 答:不,沒問題,no?我是比較喜歡更常打的Arthur Ashe球場,但Armstrong下午的觀眾 也很棒,和球迷拉近距離接觸也不錯,我也很開心收下一場勝利,留下了好的記憶。 Q. Stan said he was asked in Cincinnati if he were to give a mid-match interview on court. I wonder if someone asked you to and if you would accept to do it. RAFAEL NADAL: Is not my feeling. I don’t know, but my feeling is not the thing of one player is doing another thing another playing is not doing. I never heard about that before two days ago. So the normal thing when one improvement or one new thing like this can happen, the good thing, in my opinion, is if we have a meeting together, the players, we accept, we don’t accept. That’s how normally we work in our organization, no? Is about the most of the player, if they are open to do it or they are not open to do it. For me, I going to do it what the most of the players want. 問:Stan說在辛辛那提時他被問到能不能在比賽中接受訪問,如果有人這樣問你,你會接 受嗎? 答:我不知道,但我覺得兩方球員一個做某事,另一個卻沒做是不合理的,直到兩天前我 從沒聽過這種事,這種新措施或新鮮事都可能發生,我的意見是如果先開個會討論,問 問球員接受與否,這一向是我們的做法,no?跟多數決有關,看他們同意或不同意,對我 來說,我會跟隨球員們的主流意見。 http://bit.ly/1FldGrW -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nadal/M.1441292717.A.68D.html

09/03 23:26, , 1F
09/03 23:26, 1F

09/03 23:31, , 2F
看來是沒打算再請人 也只能希望Rafa能維持擊球信心了
09/03 23:31, 2F

09/03 23:31, , 3F
09/03 23:31, 3F

09/04 00:07, , 4F
09/04 00:07, 4F

09/04 00:30, , 5F
09/04 00:30, 5F

09/04 00:36, , 6F
我怎麼覺得他一直在自我安慰跟自我催眠?!so sad...
09/04 00:36, 6F

09/04 01:00, , 7F
09/04 01:00, 7F

09/04 02:45, , 8F
09/04 02:45, 8F

09/04 06:19, , 9F
09/04 06:19, 9F

09/04 06:21, , 10F
09/04 06:21, 10F

09/04 07:42, , 11F
好吧 就看今年能不能再拿一座大滿貫吧
09/04 07:42, 11F

09/04 08:40, , 12F
不知道他為什麼要那麼排斥加入新血 這又不等於否定原團隊
09/04 08:40, 12F

09/04 08:45, , 13F
09/04 08:45, 13F

09/04 09:26, , 14F
09/04 09:26, 14F

09/04 14:27, , 15F
09/04 14:27, 15F

09/04 18:45, , 16F
09/04 18:45, 16F

09/04 18:46, , 17F
再回來的事實, Murray開刀回來也是低潮了一整年
09/04 18:46, 17F

09/04 18:47, , 18F
況且, 真如nadal所說 他其實也沒真的低潮到多誇張
09/04 18:47, 18F

09/04 18:48, , 19F
他沒有連戰連敗, 在我解讀是 他知道自己可以打出他想要
09/04 18:48, 19F

09/04 18:49, , 20F
的球, 只是現在發生一些問題 當他意識到必須在打法上
09/04 18:49, 20F

09/04 18:49, , 21F
做調整時, 他應該自然會請客席教練
09/04 18:49, 21F

09/04 19:58, , 22F
09/04 19:58, 22F

09/05 02:16, , 23F
09/05 02:16, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1Lw66jQD (Nadal)