[賽訪] 2015 Wimbledom 第一輪

看板Nadal作者 (Grrr)時間9年前 (2015/07/02 09:51), 編輯推噓12(1200)
留言12則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Q. How would you describe how you’re feeling on court and your level of confidence right now? RAFAEL NADAL: I think I played okay, played well. Played solid. Very good with my backhand today. With my forehand, always okay. But I think I can do it better. I can play more winners down the line than what I did today. But was a positive victory, without any doubt. 問:可以談一下今天的表現和你現在的信心指數? 答:我想我打得還可以,打得很穩定,今天反拍發揮得很好。我的正拍和往常一樣ok,但 我覺得可以再更好一點,再打出比今天更多的直線致勝球。但毫無疑問這是一場具有正面 意義的勝利。 Q. And the level of confidence you’re feeling? RAFAEL NADAL: Second round, that’s all (smiling). I am a little bit more confident now than I was few months ago. Just day by day for me. Obviously victories helps. Last two months, let’s say, I am playing much more solid almost every tournament. 問:你現在的信心指數? 答:第二輪,沒別的了(笑),比幾個月前相比現在的我多了一些自信,一天又一天的進步 ,勝利是有幫助的,過去兩個月,這麼說,幾乎每一項賽事我都可以打出穩定的表現了。 Q. Were you checking the stats of the match? If yes, what do you usually look at? RAFAEL NADAL: I was trying to understand something, but I didn’t (laughter). 問:你有看比賽數據的習慣嗎?如果有,通常你都看哪部份? 答:我也想理解那些數據,但我都搞不懂(笑)。 Q. You look at stats right after the match? RAFAEL NADAL: If they give me the statistics, I take a look. But normally no. 問:那你會在賽後看比賽數據? 答:如果他們給我數據我就看,但通常沒有。 Q. What about your serve, Rafa? A new motion. Were you happy with your serve today? RAFAEL NADAL: I have to serve better than what I did today. I lost my serve twice? 問:你的發球如何,滿意今天的發球嗎? 答:我必須比今天發得更好才行,我丟了兩個發球局? Q. Twice. RAFAEL NADAL: Twice during the match. Is not a lot. But he did some more chances. I need to serve a little bit better. But I hope to make that happen. 問:兩個 答:整場比賽兩個,是不多,但他的機會的確多很多,我必須更提升發球,希望之後我能 做到。 Q. You play Dustin Brown next. He said he played the match of his life against you last year. What do you expect from him? What is it like playing a guy like him, who is a grass court specialist? RAFAEL NADAL: It is difficult to think about how the match going to be. He’s not a usual player. Anything can happen. He beat me last year on Halle. It is little bit different, the surface and everything. Is a dangerous match. He’s a tough player. He won today against good opponent like is Lu. Probably he will come with good confidence. I going to try to be ready for it. 問:下輪即將面對Dustin Brown,他說去年和你的那場比賽是他的生涯代表作,你如何預 期他的表現?對上像他一樣的草地好手是什麼感覺? 答:很難預測比賽的走向,他不是那種慣常見到的球員,任何事都可能發生。去年在哈雷 擊敗過我,當時情況有點不同,不管是場地還是其他一切。是一場危險的比賽,是很難纏 的對手,他打敗了像小盧這樣優秀的選手,或許這給他很大的自信,我會做好準備面對他。 Q. How is the grass feeling this year? It’s hotter. Does it feel different to last year? RAFAEL NADAL: No. But is always that when the sunshine is there, the courts are a little bit more dry. Is easier to move, no? Let’s say is less dangerous for slippery and all these kind of things that can fall down the players. For the injuries, is much better play with these conditions than when the weather is cloudy and there is more humidity out there. The grass is more slippery than what is today. Happy for that. 問:今年對草地的感覺如何?天氣更熱,跟去年比有差嗎? 答:並沒有,但晴朗的天氣總是能讓球場變得更乾燥一點,跑動更容易,no?能降低球員 摔倒、滑倒的風險。所以在這種天氣下打球比陰天、潮溼的氣候來得更好,草皮會比今天 更溼滑,這天氣讓我很開心。 Q. Brown is said to be the fastest player between points. You like to take your time. Does that make a difference when you play against a player who is quick between points? RAFAEL NADAL: I have my time. If he is quick, I don’t need to be as quick as he is. I have my seconds. I do what I can do. 問:Brown被稱作發球間隔時間最快的球員,你習慣慢慢來,當你和這樣節奏快的球員打 球有什麼不同嗎? 答:我有我的步調,就算他很快,我不需要跟他一樣,我有自己的節奏,做我自己就行了 。 Q. In terms of the conditions outside, how did you find them, the heat? It’s going to get hotter throughout the week. RAFAEL NADAL: No, for me the conditions were great. It’s difficult to think about a better day to play tennis here in Wimbledon. 問:關於氣候,對高溫有什麼感覺?這一週會變得越來越熱。 答:不,這樣的氣候很棒,溫網很難再找到比今天更適合打網球的日子了。 Q. The women get a break between the second and third if they wish to. If the temperatures were to hit 35, 36 degrees later on this week, would you like to see the men getting a heat break as well? Is that something you would be in favour of? RAFAEL NADAL: Doesn’t matter the heat that going to be here. Not a big comparation (comparision才對) with Rio de Janeiro or Australia some days. Will be not a problem. 問:女子選手願意的話,能在二三盤間獲得額外的休息時間,如果這週氣溫飆升到35.36 度,你希望男子選手也有相同的休息時間嗎?你支持這種做法嗎? 答:對我來說沒差,跟里約或澳洲的高溫根本沒得比,不會有問題的。 Q. You change the style of your clothes quite a few times during the year. You ’ve been playing for a long time. What do you do with the old outfits when you move on to the next outfit? RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I save minimum one or two of every one for my memories. The rest of the things, you know, when you finish one outfit, you cannot believe that I don’t have a lot of T-shirts. A lot of presents, a lot of gifts for charities, different foundations, people asking for these kind of things. When I am at home, every week I have request for this kind of thing. I need a lot of T-shirts to give. 問:你一整年會換穿好幾種球衣款式,你已經打了這麼久,當你換新球衣時都怎麼處理舊 球衣呢? 答:我會至少保留一兩件,說我沒有太多T恤你可能不會相信,當你穿完一套球衣,剩下 的那些就變成現成的禮物送給慈善團體、不同的基金會,人們會跟我們要這些東西。當我 在家時,每一週我都在處理這樣的事情,需要把T恤送出去。 Q. After the disappointment of Roland Garros, you’ve responded well by winning Stuttgart. Did it come as a surprise the way you played? Are you playing well now? Did you expect that? RAFAEL NADAL: In Roland Garros I was playing well. I played against a player that was in better form than me, was better than me the day. That’s it. I was working a lot the first six months of the season to try to be better than what I did the first three months and a half, more or less, of the season. It was very bad. Is something that I made that happen. Playing quarterfinals in Roland Garros, losing against Novak, is true that I was there for 1 hour 30 competing well. Then I was not competing well at the end of the match in third set. But I was there fighting before that. Good tournament in Monte-Carlo.Good tournament in Madrid. Bad tournament in Barcelona. Good tournament in Rome, I lost a match that I should win. Good tournament in Stuttgart. Queen’s, I lost one I could win, should win. That’s part of the moment. But nothing to say about the defeat in Queen’s. As I told you, last two months have been more regular for me, more consistent, more solid in general. That’s something that I am pleased with. First three months and a half of the season, I was playing bad. During the season, I lost more matches than usual that I should win. 問:經過法網的失利後,你以斯圖加特的冠軍做為回應,你對你的表現感到驚訝嗎?你滿 意現在的表現嗎?有預期到嗎? 答:法網我打得不錯,只是對上狀態比我好的對手,就是這樣。我花了前半年時間去努力 提升,能打得比年初前三個月更好,那時真的糟透了,都是我自己造成的。法網八強對上 Novak,前一個半小時我的確打得很好,接著第三盤末段我就下滑了,但在那之前我一直 很努力的奮戰。 蒙地卡羅打得不錯、馬德里打得不錯、巴塞隆納打得很差、羅馬打得不錯,我輸了一場我 本該贏得的比賽,斯圖加特打得不錯、女王杯我也輸了一場我該贏的比賽,那是片刻的 差距,現在對女王杯的失利沒什麼好說的。像我說的,最近兩個月已經步入正軌了,總體 來說更穩定、更加穩固,這是讓我感到開心的。 賽季前三個月我打得很差,今年球季我輸了比以前太多我本該贏下的比賽。(你也知道… 豆迷今年已經看到不曉得吐血幾斤了 Q. How does it feel to be a No. 10 seed at Wimbledon this year? You’ll get tougher games in the early stages. You played a player in the top 50 today. Does it feel tougher being a lower-ranked player than when you’re one of the top seeds? RAFAEL NADAL: I am No. 10 because I deserve to be No. 10. That’s what happens with one-year ranking. When you are injured for six months and you come back and you are not able to play great, No. 10 is a great number, you know, with six months of points in the computer for me and without saying that six months that I am playing, more than a half I was playing terrible, and the rest was not fantastic. Was better. Be No. 10 is a fantastic news. That’s the real thing, no? So I am where I deserve to be. I going to work hard to be higher. 問:對今年溫網掉到第十種子的想法?你會更早面對到強手,你今天和就和前50的球員交 手,你有覺得低排名的種子比待在高排名還要難打嗎? 答:不,第10是因為我本來就該第10,一年制排名就是這樣,當你有6個月受傷缺席,你 回來也打得不好,第10已經是不錯的數字了,實際上我只有6個月的積分,更別說這6個中 有一半我都打得很糟糕,而另一半雖然有比較好,但也不算特別優異。能待在第10也很棒 了,這才是最重要的,no?我待在我值得的位子上,接下來我會努力去提升排名。 Q. Do you have a favourite outfit from all the years? Maybe the longer ones or something that you like? RAFAEL NADAL: I liked a few ones. No one in particular. When I was playing with the sleeveless and long shorts, I liked it at that moment, and I saw myself with that today and I don’t like. With the years, things change, no? Roland Garros, this one was a good one. I liked a lot. Some blacks in night sessions of US Open. 問:這一整年的球衣你有特別喜歡的嗎?也許更久以前的或你特別喜歡的? 答:有幾款,不算特別的,當我還穿著無袖上衣和更長的球褲,我當時很喜歡,但我看到 現在的造型,我就不喜歡了。(回頭看少年豆還真的滿矬的XD 年復一年,事情都會有變化的(就像你的頭髮…),no?法網那套也不錯,我很喜歡,還 有美網夜場的幾件黑色戰袍我也喜歡。(咪兔!! http://bit.ly/1LJ0DaC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nadal/M.1435801867.A.A91.html

07/02 10:24, , 1F
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07/02 10:46, , 3F
反拍的確還不錯 但正拍inside out常出界
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07/02 16:37, , 9F
美網穿黑色都打得特別好呀~~~ 支持續穿!!!
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文章代碼(AID): #1Lb9aBgH (Nadal)