[賽訪] 2015 Monte Carlo 四強 賽後訪問

看板Nadal作者 (Izzie)時間9年前 (2015/04/20 22:27), 9年前編輯推噓31(31010)
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2015 Monte Carlo SF Novak Djokovic def. Rafael Nadal 6-3 6-3 訪談略為(省略很多XD)渣翻如下, 如有漏字或是誤會Rafa的意思或需要補充的,煩請告知,多謝。 (英文弱弱的我第一次弄賽訪翻譯,有點惶恐XD) Q. It is a defeat, but is not a terrible defeat. Q. 這是一場失利,但並不太糟。 RAFAEL NADAL: No. I think I played well for moments. Remain to be played a little bit more. As I say yesterday, maybe I don’t know if was too early. I was able to play at the right level for moments to compete against very, very tough player, best player of the world like Novak is today. 我覺得我在場某些時候打得挺不錯的。當然還有待更好的發揮。 But I get a little bit tired and little bit too early. Then when you get little bit tired, you play little bit shorter. Then is impossible against him, no? If I’m able to play like the beginning for three hours, I can do it, then is a different story, no? 不過我感受到身體疲憊,它來得太早了。 當你一累回球就會變短,這樣面對Djo是不行的,no? 如果我能以前三局的狀態打上三小時,就會是另一片風景了,no? But in general, I think I was not that far. For moments I was playing at very high level. Him, I think he played great. Just congratulate him for the way that he’s playing, the way that he’s winning almost every match of the year. 但整體來說,我認為並沒有差距很大。某些時候我確實打出高水準。 至於Djo,他打得很好,這也是為什麼他幾乎贏了本年度到目前為止的每場比賽。 For me is a very positive week - the most positive week of the season, without any doubt. I think if I am able to keep doing that in the next tournament in Barcelona, that I have a tough draw, I will say that I am very well again. 對我來說,這周是非常正面的,是本賽季最正面的一周。 我在巴塞隆納的籤表滿硬的,如果我能保持這個狀態,表示我已經恢復到良好的狀況了。 The way that I played yesterday and for moments today is the way that I want to play. Just with more matches playing like this, I will be enough confident to play. That level will not be the exception, will be the normal thing. That is the thing that I need to make happen. 昨天我對戰打逼和今天對戰Djo,多數時間都是我正希望的狀態。 再來幾場這樣高強度的比賽,我將會具備更足夠的自信。 這樣的水準成為常態正是我需要的。 But in general, from where I came one week ago, two weeks ago, after what happened in Miami, I go to the next tournament with the feeling that I make a big improvement in my game, in my mental part. I hope this tournament is a key moment for my season. 總體來說,這幾周以來,從Miami到現在,我認為不論是場上表現,還是心理層面都有大 幅度的提升。 我希望這對本賽季能有關鍵的作用。 Q. Do you think the game at 3-All in the first set was kind of a turning point because you started very well. This game was super long, amazing. Q. 第一盤3-3時是這場比賽的轉折點吧?因為在此之前你打得非常好。那局打得很久。 RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, that game was very important. Yes, is true. I had a breakpoint that he played unbelievable. That’s it. 是阿,那局很重要。當時我有拿到BP,但他打得超好。 Was 6-3, 6-3, but can’t be much closer. I know that. I think he knows that, too. Everybody knows that. 3-All in the second, 40-Love for me, too, for 4, and let’s see. But today was 6-3 6-3, Just congratulate the opponent, congratulate Novak, accept. I know without a doubt if I’m able to keep going the same way that I was doing this week, I going to have my chances. 比分雖是6-3 6-3,但其實很接近,我想他和每位觀眾都知道這點。 第二盤3-3 40:0時、4-3時都是機會。但最後結果就是6-3 6-3輸了。 如果我這周Keep going,我就有機會了~ Q. Just looking at the numbers of this match, I notice that he played 12 winning forehands, and you just six. Q. 這場它有12個正手winner,你卻只有6個。 RAFAEL NADAL: David or Novak? 哩工夾?打逼還是Djo? Q. Yes, Novak. On the unforced errors with the forehand, you made 14 and he made nine. I want to know if you had the feeling that your forehand was today a little more problem than other times or not? Q. Djo啦。正手UE你有14個,他只有9個,你今天正手拍是否有點小問題呢? RAFAEL NADAL: No. I was hitting great the forehand. I had some mistakes when I lost little bit the intensity of my legs. When I was the right intensity, when I was playing with the right intensity in my legs, I was able to control the point all the time. But when I lose little bit that speed, that extra movement on my legs, he’s a fantastic player, no? He’s phenomenal the way that he can move the ball to everywhere. If he take advantage from inside the court, you are dead. That’s what happened, no? 沒阿,我正手拍打得不錯。但當時我腳步有點疲憊。 我體能沒有問題,可以控制好球,但當我到位慢了,他可以把球打到任何一個位置。 當他在此有成功的發揮,那你就掰掰了,今天就是這樣,no? I had more mistakes, yes. I had less winners than him, yes. But at the beginning of the match, I was having enough winners with my forehand. I was having enough times the control of the point. That’s the way that I need to play. No, I think was more in terms of movements. The forehand, in particular, I am happy the way the forehand moves. I was able to play, again, with that high topspin, changing directions. Remain little bit more, but definitely I think the forehand is close to be back. 我UE確實比他多,winner也比他少,但開場時我也確實打出不少致勝分。我需要不斷地打 出這樣的狀態。我更多的問題是在移位,我挺滿意我的正手拍移動的,我可以打出高質量 的上旋球,變線也打得不錯。 雖然還需要提升,但我想我的正手拍已經恢復的差不多了。 Q. How do you explain the drop in intensity? The fact that you are not used to playing big games since the beginning of the season? Q. 關於體能下降你怎麼想咧?在今年賽季你還不太習慣這麼高強度的比賽嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Probably. And I play a very tough match yesterday. We cannot forget that I get injury last year for six months. So for six months I didn’t play no one match of intensity because when I came back I played three tournaments - well two tournaments. Shanghai we cannot count. The rest of the tournaments is the first come back after four months. Is difficult to have a feeling on that. 也許吧。我去年受傷了6個月,期間幾乎沒打甚麼比賽。因此有點難找回比賽的感覺。 Then Basel, having that appendicitis, probably is like I was not playing also. So six months without. I started the season without playing that kind of level matches. Only once for me. That was Indian Wells against Raonic. That is a different story, different style, different thing. But was a long match, high-level match, only that one. Then yesterday, before yesterday, two more. That’s it. Today another one. Even if it was 6-3 6-3 the level of intensity and the level of tennis has been high again. That’s what I need. I am sure that if I am able to keep going, as I said before, in Barcelona, keep playing at that level, I will have a chance to be competitive again. If that happens, will be a big improvement for the season. Basel時又盲腸炎,幾乎沒比賽,6個月基本空白。今年賽季大概就Indian Wells跟Raonic 那場最為激烈,那是種全新的感覺。 昨天對打逼跟今天都是很高強度的激烈比賽,即使今天比分只是6-3 6-3,但比賽的強度 跟水準都很高。 如果我在巴塞隆納繼續維持,我有機會重新取回競爭力。如果我做到了,對今年賽季會是 很重大的提升。(怎麼覺得這段內容跟上段似曾相似XD) Q. Don’t you think that the change of racquet at this stage of the season affected your game at all? Q. 現階段換球拍是否影響比賽呢? RAFAEL NADAL: Positive or negative? 你說積極面還是消極面?(狀況外趴兔?) Q. I’m asking you. RAFAEL NADAL: I don’t know. I played the best tournament of the season this week, so I don’t believe. If I am having mistakes, it’s me, it’s not the racquet. I was having mistakes with the racquet that I was playing all my career the last couple of months. The racquet is helping me. But the most important thing, what’s helping me really, is I am with the motivation, the right motivation, to play tennis, the right motivation to work hard every day, and with the right attitude. That’s why I was able to play better this week than the previous week. 我不知道,如果我在比賽中犯了錯,那是我的問題,跟球拍無關。 帶著正確的態度打球,每天努力努力訓練,這是為何我這周打得比之前都好。 I am working hard since I came back. But, you know, everything is a process. Arrives the moment that is a very important moment in my season, and I need to make that click that I need to be competitive again at 100%. This week was the first very positive news of my game after my comeback in the beginning of the season. So the racquet, I don’t need to talk about the racquet. The racquet worked well. I was able to play at a very high level with that racquet. 從復出以來,我一直都很努力,但所有事情都不是一蹴可就的。 現階段是本賽季非常重要的moment,我需要回到100%的狀態。 這周我的表現,對我的復出之路展現出很正面的訊息。所以就不用討論球拍了~ Q. Compared to last year’s French Open final, do you think Novak has changed a little bit his way of playing on clay, or was it the same player you faced last year? Q. 和去年RG決賽相比,你覺得Djo是否有改變在紅土上的打法呢? RAFAEL NADAL: You know, I don’t know. I am not in condition to answer that. Let’s see how the things are improving during the whole clay court season. Always when somebody wins against the others, and the opposite is always the same thing: the opponent changed something. Novak was able to beat me in 2013 here in the final, too. He beat me in Rome last year, too. He’s a fantastic player. He can beat me all the time. But I am confident that if I am able to keep playing at that level for more matches, I will have my chances in the next couple of weeks. I going to try it. 我不知道,我也沒辦法回答你。就看他今年紅土賽季怎麼展現吧~ (中間講一下過去幾次在紅土Djo被擊敗的歷史,並稱讚Djo) 但我有信心,假如我在往後的比賽能維持這種水準,幾周後我會有機會的。 我也會勉力一試。 【以下開始關於Djo的各種提問】 Q. How much would you be surprised if tomorrow Berdych is going to beat Djokovic? Q. 假如明天小火車贏了Djo你會多驚訝? RAFAEL NADAL: Well, one player is winning everything. That player lose, always going to be a surprise. (淡定表示)假如一個球員戰無不克,他輸掉了,大家總是會驚訝的。 Q. But for you. Q. 我是問你咩~ RAFAEL NADAL: I answered you. I don’t know how much. Oh, what a surprise! I don’t going to be like this (laughter). But Berdych is a fantastic player. He’s playing very consistent. Almost in every tournament he is there fighting for the final rounds. But is obvious that Novak is the favorite. 我跟你說,我也不知道我會多驚訝。但反正不會是「天啊,超讓人驚訝的」這樣。 小火車也是很棒的選手,他表現的很穩定。每項賽事幾乎都會進到最後幾輪,但顯然Djo 是目前最大熱門。 Q. You said yourself in the beginning that Novak is winning pretty much every match at the moment. He’s won the only Grand Slam, all the Masters, on his way to another here. Is it possible for one player to win all the Masters and all the slams in one season? Q. 你覺得一個球員有可能贏下當年所有大滿貫和大師賽嗎? (想來今年Djo連勝過程中4+9的問題會一直出現這樣...) RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. 這當然有可能。 Q. Do you think it’s possible in this season? Q. 那你覺得這季他可能達成嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, always is possible. Difficult, but possible (smiling). yes,這當然有可能,雖然很難,但是可能。 Q. Will you be 100% for Paris, 100% fit? Q. 到RG時你能恢復到100%狀態、100%健康嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. I don’t know what’s going to happen in three weeks, one month. I cannot predict the future. I am not that arrogant to say yes because tomorrow anything can happen in life. You have to respect all the things that can happen in this life to answer yes or no. The right answer is that we’ll see. I will do all the things I can to be ready for Barcelona, then for Madrid, then for Rome, then for Paris, if I have the chance to do it. Every tournament is very important. We’ll see what’s going to happen. 我不知道明天會發生甚麼事,也不知道三周後、一個月後會發生甚麼。我無法預測未來。 我不能很自大的說「會的」,畢竟明天甚麼都可能發生。 你應該要尊重未來任何的可能性。 正確來說,讓我們拭目以待吧。 我會全力準備巴塞隆納,再來馬德里,再來羅馬,最後RG。 每個比賽都很重要,我們就拭目以待吧~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Nadal/M.1429540059.A.93C.html

04/20 22:39, , 1F
04/20 22:39, 1F

04/20 22:52, , 2F
加油 看來狀態還有不小提升的機會 好消息!
04/20 22:52, 2F

04/20 23:04, , 3F
04/20 23:04, 3F

04/20 23:09, , 4F
04/20 23:09, 4F

04/20 23:10, , 5F
04/20 23:10, 5F

04/20 23:41, , 6F
信心跟狀態的確有逐漸找回來 態度很正面 繼續加油喔!
04/20 23:41, 6F

04/20 23:45, , 7F
04/20 23:45, 7F

04/21 01:57, , 8F
04/21 01:57, 8F

04/21 03:07, , 9F
04/21 03:07, 9F

04/21 08:52, , 10F
加油 保持信心跟健康 繼續調整
04/21 08:52, 10F

04/21 09:11, , 11F
感覺在蒙卡對信心層面提高了很多 希望繼續找回狀態!
04/21 09:11, 11F

04/21 09:18, , 12F
去年驚濤駭浪中拿下法網 發現我今年比較能淡定面對了XD
04/21 09:18, 12F

04/21 09:18, , 13F
今年調整時間也比去年充裕 大家就慢慢看下去吧
04/21 09:18, 13F

04/21 10:16, , 14F
經過去年我也是淡定很多 特別希望去年能破大滿貫記錄
04/21 10:16, 14F

04/21 10:16, , 15F
今年就盡人事聽天命吧 相信他會努力的
04/21 10:16, 15F

04/21 10:38, , 16F
13年才叫真的驚險~XD 那年根本幾乎要輸掉了
04/21 10:38, 16F

04/21 10:38, , 17F
還好那年囧口發生 有可能是史上最經典的扣殺完觸網
04/21 10:38, 17F

04/21 10:40, , 18F
不過13年第五盤打得很好啊 精彩的球超多
04/21 10:40, 18F

04/21 12:17, , 19F
04/21 12:17, 19F

04/21 12:19, , 20F
賽末發球局劇場已經是常態了 搶七輸掉後第五盤還先被破 XDDD
04/21 12:19, 20F

04/21 13:23, , 21F
04/21 13:23, 21F
13年真的是看完一場折壽十年= = 第四盤尾到第五盤結束,高潮迭起絕無冷場。 驚濤駭浪的讓人心臟無力啊ˊˋ

04/21 13:43, , 22F
別這樣嘛 所以才第五盤那麼多好球可以看啊~XDDD
04/21 13:43, 22F

04/21 13:44, , 23F
04/21 13:44, 23F
+1! 但是是先摔了滑鼠才癱倒XD

04/21 13:46, , 24F
我很緊張的時候他的發球局都希望快點跳過 只想看接發局 XD
04/21 13:46, 24F

04/21 13:47, , 25F
04/21 13:47, 25F

04/21 13:49, , 26F
04/21 13:49, 26F

04/21 13:52, , 27F
04/21 13:52, 27F

04/21 14:26, , 28F
讓SOD成為世界上唯一一個在法網打敗Nadal的男人吧 拜
04/21 14:26, 28F

04/21 14:26, , 29F
04/21 14:26, 29F

04/21 16:23, , 30F
蒙地卡羅狀態持續下去 法網10冠很有機會 Vamos Rafa!!!
04/21 16:23, 30F

04/21 18:49, , 31F
Monte Carlo的狀態不是太好 希望再加油
04/21 18:49, 31F

04/21 18:51, , 32F
04/21 18:51, 32F

04/21 20:15, , 33F
04/21 20:15, 33F

04/21 20:16, , 34F
結果大家只記得囧科錯失第五盤奪冠的機會 真妙
04/21 20:16, 34F

04/21 21:55, , 35F
那年看法網看到有種脫力感 當時心裡只有天要亡我XD
04/21 21:55, 35F

04/21 22:21, , 36F
04/21 22:21, 36F
※ 編輯: waitscorpion (, 04/21/2015 22:46:57

04/22 09:12, , 37F
04/22 09:12, 37F

04/22 09:29, , 38F
今天晚上第三場 九點多吧
04/22 09:29, 38F

04/22 12:36, , 39F
04/22 12:36, 39F

04/22 13:46, , 40F
04/22 13:46, 40F

04/23 13:07, , 41F
04/23 13:07, 41F
文章代碼(AID): #1LDGpRay (Nadal)