[賽訪] 2012澳網決賽後訪問

看板Nadal作者 (燈泡)時間12年前 (2012/01/30 01:46), 編輯推噓18(1805)
留言23則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Monday, 30 January, 2012 N. DJOKOVIC/R. Nadal 5-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-7(5), 7-5 Q. How are you feeling physically? 你現在身體感覺如何? RAFAEL NADAL: Fine. No, I'm tired, sure. Physically was the toughest match I ever played, if not the tougher. I am tired. 還好,不,我很累,當然。就體能上來說這是我打過最艱難的比賽,所以我很累。 Q. Has this sunk in, the results, the magnitude of the match? 這影響了賽果和比賽強度嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Can you repeat? 你能重說一遍嗎? Q. Has the results sunk in yet? How do you feel mentally as well as physically? 這有影響到嗎? 你現在心理和生理的狀況如何呢? RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. No, no, no, nothing to do on that, no? Just accept. 這無關,no? 我接受這結果。 I think we played a great tennis match. It was I think a very good show, my opinion. I enjoyed being part of this event and this match. That's the true, no? 我想我們打出了一場非常棒的比賽。我想是很精彩的一場秀,我很開心能參與這個賽事 和這場比賽,這倒是真的,no? I wanted to win, but I am happy about how I did. I had my chances against the best player of the world today. I played one against one. For a long time I didn't felt that I was playing in less advantage than him, you know. 我想要贏,但我現在也為我的表現感到開心,今天我面對世界上最出色的選手,我有過 好幾次機會(可以贏),有很長一段時間我不覺得我處於劣勢,你知道的。 I didn't play at lower level than him for a long time, so that's a very positive thing for me. I am very happy about my mentality tonight, the mentality worked like in my best moments. 有好長一段時間我的水準跟他是一樣的,這對我來說是正面的。我為我今天的心理狀態 感到開心,感覺好像過去那些最美好時刻一樣。 So very happy about the beginning of the 2012 season. That's all that I can say. 很高興2012年能有這樣的開始,我只能這樣說。 Yeah, I had big chance for the 52, yes. I had that easy passing shot with the backhand. I miss it, yes, but I was 43 Love40 in the fourth, too. Anything can happen when the match is there. 我曾經有機會將比分拉到5-2,我打丟了一個簡單的反拍穿越球,對,但第四盤4-3 40:0 時我也有過一次機會,比賽中什麼事都可能發生。 Important thing for me, during all 2011 I didn't play much like this. I'm happy I am in the real right way. 重要的是,在整個2011年我沒有太多像這樣的表現,我很高興我走在正確的道路上。 Q. If the day before the championship someone would say you would play a fivehour53minute match in the final, would you have been completely surprised that you could even compete? 如果澳網開打前有人跟你說你會打一場5小時53分的決賽,你會驚訝自己竟然能打完嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Well, seriously, 20 hours before the tournament start for me I was more worried and try to play the first round, try to play the tournament, because I had a really strange thing, as you know, the Sunday afternoon. 嗯,認真說,開打前20小時我更擔心的是第一輪,擔心能不能上場,因為我發生了一些奇 怪的事,你們知道的,就是星期天下午。 So that's past. I was lucky. Recovery was fantastic. I had very good people around me here working for me, doctor, physio, so that helps a lot, no? 總之都過去了,我很幸運的快速恢復了,有好多好人幫助我,包括醫生、理療師, 這很有幫助。 If you are alone here, you don't have this team around, is impossible to recover that. But I am lucky that I have all of this team around me. Without them, probably I gonna be at home two weeks earlier, no? 如果是自己一個人在這,沒有團隊幫忙的話是不可能恢復這麼快的,但我很幸運有 個團隊在身邊,如果沒有他們,我可能兩週前就得回家了,no? So very happy for everything. Very happy with my level during both weeks. Is the moment when I realize the whole tournament did I well. I did a lot of very positive things, much more than in 2011 for the most of the time. 對於這一切我很開心,包括這兩週的表現,現在我知道這兩週我打得不錯,進步許多 ,比2011大多數的時候都還要好。 I played more aggressive. I played with more winners than ever. My serve worked well. The mentality and the passion was there another time better than probably never another time. 我打得更有侵略性,更多的致勝球,發球也很好,心理狀態和熱情再次達到高點,甚至比 過去任一次都還要高。 So that's very positive aspects on whole game that I am very happy, no? So I just lost the final of a Grand Slam. I am not happy to lose the final, yes, but that's one of the loses that I am more happy in my career. 各方面來說都是正面的,所以我很開心,no? 雖然我剛輸了一個大滿貫決賽,並不是說 我很高興我輸球了,但這是我輸球的比賽中感到比較開心的。 Q. Did you feel at any time in the fifth set the match was in your control? Given that he had to play so long against Murray a couple nights ago, were you surprised that he could stay with you that long? 在第五盤期間你曾覺得控制情勢過嗎?兩天前他跟Murray才剛打了五盤,你有驚訝 他怎麼可以撐這麼久嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: No. I didn't have any doubt that he would be ready for that, no? But the match under control when you're in the fifth set, when you won the fourth like this, you don't feel the match under control in that moment. You are worried in every point, no? 不,我從沒懷疑過他的體能,no? 至於說控制情勢,當你第四盤以那種方式贏下, 每一分你都會擔心,no? Well, with the 42 was advantage because I felt very well physically in the moment. I felt with very positive energy, and I played a fantastic first point of the 42 with the forehand winner down the line after he had that return. 嗯,4-2局領先時我身體狀況很好,覺得活力充沛,4-2之後那局的第一分,在他回 發之後我打出一記壓線的正手致勝球。 Is something unbelievable how he returns, no? His return probably is one of the best of the history. That's my opinion, no? I never played against a player who's able to return like this. Almost every time. 他的回發好得令人難以置信no?他的回發能力或許是史上最佳之一,我是這樣想的,no? 我從來沒碰過哪個選手能幾乎每一分都像這樣回發球的。 It's true I had big mistake with 3015. But it's not moment to think about that. That's another just moment in an almost sixhours match. Forget about that knowing that I really had real, very real chances to have the title and to win against a player who I lost six times last year. 30:15時我的確犯了錯,但那不是思考這個的時候,這只是一場六小時比賽中的一個瞬間 ,應該要忘記那些我曾經錯失的,可以擊敗一個六連敗對手大好機會。 But I didn't. I never put him in this situation during 2011, all 2011, so that's another positive thing for me. I didn't have mental problems today against him. I had in 2011 all these mental problems. Today I didn't have. I compete with normal conditions against him, no? 我做到了,我完全沒有把2011發生的那些帶來這裡,這是好事,no? 今天對上他我沒 有心理上的問題。2011我有些心理問題,但現在沒有,我只是依正常狀況跟他對打,no? So that's another positive thing. Probably never say that many positive things after I lose. (Laughter.) 這也是好事,我可能從來沒在輸球後說這麼多正面評論(笑)。 Q. You always said that Roger is the greatest that ever played the game. How great now is Novak? 你總是說Roger是史上最強的選手,那現在的Novak呢? RAFAEL NADAL: Now he's the best of the world. That's how great it is. Five Grand Slams, so the history says that he has a part in the history today winning five Grand Slams, winning a lot of titles, No. 1 of the world. We'll see where he arrives. 他現在是世界上最佳的選手,就是這麼強,5座大滿貫,他的成績已足以載入史冊。 5座大滿貫、一堆冠軍、世界第一。讓我們來看看他能達到什麼高度吧。 Q. You have been a part of two of the real epic battles in tennis history, this and the 2008 Wimbledon final. Is that something that you're proud of or a reason why you think you... 你曾參與過兩場網球史上經典的史詩戰役,這場和2008溫網,這是你所引以為傲的嗎? 或是你覺得..... RAFAEL NADAL: A pleasure. That's means that I did a lot of things well to compete against best players of the world and winning on them, losing on them, but always having tough matches. And final 2008 Wimbledon and this one was very special. 我覺得很榮幸,這代表我做對了,所以我有機會跟世界上最出色的選手們同場競技,然後 勝過他們或輸給他們,比賽總是很艱難。2008溫網決賽那場是非常特別的。 For me it was a little bit more special the 2008 (smiling). But I really understand that was a really special match, and probably a match that gonna be in my mind not because I lost, no, because the way that we played. So that's happy be part of these two great matches, my opinion. 對我來說2008那場還是比較特別一點(微笑)。但我也非常了解今天這場是非常特別的 比賽,我會將其銘記在心,不是因為我輸了,不是,是因為我們打球的方式。我很高興能參與 到這兩場比賽。 Q. Where does that rate? How tough was that? Was that the toughest match? Toughest game you have been involved in? Where does it rank? 你是怎樣排行的呢? 這場有多難打? 這是你打過最難的一場嗎? 你是怎麼排行的? RAFAEL NADAL: I think it's the longest one that I played ever. 我想這是我打過最長的比賽。 Q. Are you going to watch it again on videotape? 你會看重播嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Too long. (Laughter.) Highlights only. 太長了(笑)。只會看精華剪輯啦。 Q. When you're in that match, did you ever look at the clock? Did you ever look at the clock during the match, at the time? 你在比賽中有看過時鐘嗎? 你有在那個時刻看時鐘嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: The time? No, you watch, you look around and you see the watch, five hours, four hours, three hours, finally five hours, 30. Seems like never gonna finish, no? 那個時刻? 不,你環顧四週自然會看到時鐘,5小時、4小時、3小時,然後來到5個半小時 感覺好像永遠不會結束一樣。 But that's nice be there fighting, you know, trying to go to the limit, bring your body to the limit of his chances. Something I really enjoy, and I always said is good suffer, enjoy enjoy suffering, no? 但能夠站在那裡奮鬥、將身體逼到極限的感覺還是很好,我很享受這些。 我總說吃苦是好的,要享受吃苦的過程,no? So when you are fit, when you are, you know, with passion for the game, when you are ready to compete, you are able to suffer and enjoy suffering, no? 當你狀況良好,帶著熱情準備開始競技,你就能承受磨難,享受磨難,no? I don't know if I express very well, but is something that maybe you understand. So today I had this feeling, and is a really good one. I enjoyed. I suffered during the match, but I enjoyed all the troubles that I had during all the match. 我不知道我表達得清不清楚,但或許你們懂的。今天我就是這樣的感覺,而且是很好 的一次經驗,我很享受。我在比賽中有過艱難時刻,但我很享受在比賽中所遭遇到 的那些麻煩。 I enjoyed. I tried to be there, to find solutions all the time. I played a lot with my heart. I played a lot with my mind, and is something that is nice to be around and not just play tennis. 我很喜歡那樣,一直試著達到目標,找到對策。我用我的心在打球,這樣比單純只是 打球本身還好。 Q_____Q -- ╭──────╥────────────────╥────────────╮ │██████║ ┌╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭╮ ╭ ╭╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭ │ │█Ψ████║ ╞╯ ╭┤ ┼ ╭┤ ├╯ │ Ψ ││ ╭┤ ╭┤ ╭┤ │ │ │██████║ ╰ ╰└ ╰└ ╰┘ ┘┘ ╰└ ╰└ ╰└ └────────────────────────────────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/30 01:47, , 1F
拍謝請容我先去睡覺 明天再補
01/30 01:47, 1F

01/30 01:54, , 2F
01/30 01:54, 2F

01/30 01:58, , 3F
01/30 01:58, 3F

01/30 02:03, , 4F
最後一題好令人感動!!!! 這也是大家為何這麼喜歡他
01/30 02:03, 4F

01/30 02:09, , 5F
2011真的過去了 我真心相信那6連敗的陰影逐漸在散去
01/30 02:09, 5F

01/30 02:18, , 6F
"enjoyed suffering.I tried to be there,to find
01/30 02:18, 6F

01/30 02:19, , 7F
solutions all the time." 感動..這就是為何愛豆仔的原因
01/30 02:19, 7F

01/30 10:14, , 8F
謝謝翻譯~很高興他也正面看待這場球~this IS Rafa
01/30 10:14, 8F
※ 編輯: a111156987 來自: (01/30 12:30)

01/30 12:34, , 9F
推~很喜歡 Rafa 打球的態度
01/30 12:34, 9F

01/30 12:35, , 10F
01/30 12:35, 10F

01/30 12:37, , 11F
01/30 12:37, 11F

01/30 12:47, , 12F
01/30 12:47, 12F

01/30 13:09, , 13F
謝謝翻譯!! 正面的力量!!!
01/30 13:09, 13F

01/30 13:45, , 14F
感謝翻譯!!!! 看完真的好感動~
01/30 13:45, 14F

01/30 13:56, , 15F
01/30 13:56, 15F

01/30 14:44, , 16F
01/30 14:44, 16F

01/30 15:24, , 17F
01/30 15:24, 17F

01/30 18:29, , 18F
感謝翻譯!! 很開心他仍然保持著積極的態度:)
01/30 18:29, 18F

01/30 19:52, , 19F
01/30 19:52, 19F

01/31 00:38, , 20F
很喜歡Rafa面對這場比賽的態度 他做得很好 也調適得很好!!
01/31 00:38, 20F

01/31 00:39, , 21F
就是這樣的他 讓我們愛到心坎裡阿~~~
01/31 00:39, 21F

01/31 01:43, , 22F
01/31 01:43, 22F

01/31 18:24, , 23F
Love it!!!!
01/31 18:24, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1F9ONn4R (Nadal)