[賽訪] 2012澳網賽前訪問

看板Nadal作者 (燈泡)時間12年前 (2012/01/16 23:44), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Sunday, 15 January, 2012 Q. Just let us know how you're feeling, how your preparation has been for the Australian Open. 跟我們說一下你現在感覺如何,澳網準備得怎麼樣了。 RAFAEL NADAL: I believe good. I didn't have the perfect preparation in Mallorca during December because I had the problem with my shoulder. I had injury for two weeks. But after that I started very slow in Abu Dhabi, and in Doha I felt much better than what I thought. It was a very positive tournament for me. I'm very happy about the week here. 我相信是好的。十二月在Mallorca的訓練並不完美,因為我肩膀有些問題。我傷停了 兩週,之後在阿布達比的比賽緩慢起步,在杜哈時我覺得比我想像中的好多了,這賽 事結果對我來說是正面的。我很高興這週能來到這裡比賽。 Q. Did you have time to relax? Do you find the pleasure to be on court again? 你有時間休息嗎? 你重新找回上場的動力了嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: I don't have the pleasure to be on court? Relax when you're on court? 你說我沒動力上場? 還是你說在場上放鬆休息? Q. In London during the Masters, you were a bit exhausted, tired of the whole season. 倫敦年終的時候你有點被榨乾了,對整個賽季感到疲勞。 RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I said. But I was going to take more care about what I going to say now in the press conference because after what I say in London, in every press conference the people ask about what I say there. What I say there is I played a few matches at the end of the season with less passion than usual. That's nothing crazy. That happens when you are a little bit more tired than usual. Maybe you're not doing your job all the time with the same passion because you're tired. That's part of the job. 對,我說過。但我以後會對自己在記者會上的言論更小心一點,因為在那之後每一次都會 有人問我那時說的那些話。我當時說的是,在季末的那幾場比賽我的熱情比平常減退了一 些也,更累一些。你或許也會因為疲勞而無法一直熱情的工作,這就是工作的一部份嘛。 I'm here in Australia 2012 with big motivation, with big passion, and trying to enjoy the previous weeks. I did. I'm happy. I am practicing well. I'm enjoying everything. I will try to be ready for tomorrow. 2012年澳網,我是帶著滿滿的動力和熱情前來,試著享受前幾週。我也的確做到了, 現在我很開心,練習情況良好,我享受一切。我會試著為明天做好準備。 Q. Any comment on these reports of a possible players strike around the share of prize money given to players and Davis Cup commitments as well? 關於球員可能因獎金分配罷工的報導你有什麼評論嗎?還有不打Davis Cup的事? RAFAEL NADAL: I don't have any thoughts about that. I am here to support what most of the players think. But I not going to be the one who going to talk about these things, especially because I am always the one and I am tired. 我沒什麼特別想法。我支持大多數球員的想法,但我不打算再談論這個,因為每次都 是我在講,我累了。 Q. Obviously it was Novak's year last year. Are you confident you can turn the tables this year with him, possibly starting here? 顯然去年是屬於Novak的一年。你有信心今年可以扭轉情勢嗎? 會從這站開始嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: There is a lot of fantastic players around, no? Novak is the best because last year he did fantastic year. He's the No.1 today. He deserve to be there. I will be here fighting in every moment to try to compete against everybody with positive chances of victory, no? 還有很多非常出色的選手,no? Novak是去年最棒的,他有美好的一年。他是現在的世界 第一,他對每一個對手都有競爭優勢,no? That's just the beginning of the season. I will try to improve a few things that probably I will need. Just happy to, you know, be here in 2012 to start another season with good conditions. That's what I can say, no? 這只是賽季的開端,我或許需要再加強一些東西。你知道的,我只是很開心能在2012年 回到這裡,以良好狀態開始一個新的賽季。我只能這樣說,no? I am healthy. That's the first thing, the first important thing. Without that, you cannot think about next things. I am healthy and I am ready to work hard. 我很健康,這是最重要的的事,沒有健康什麼都不用說了。我現在很健康,也準備好 努力幹活了。 Q. Did you have to say at the meeting last night, Sorry, guys, I'm not going to be the one leading this? At the US Open you were identified as someone who took the initiative. 在昨晚的球員會議中,你有說「抱歉,各位,我不會再當帶頭的那個」這種話嗎? 美網時你被認為是帶頭喊罷工的。 RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing of strikes. I never take any initiative. I never say anything about strike. I never did. 沒罷工這回事。我從來沒帶頭幹嘛,也沒說過任何關於罷工的事。我從來沒有。 Q. Last night did you have to say to the guys, I'm not going to be the public face? 昨晚你有跟大家表態說你不想再當出面的那一個嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: No. I gived to the rest of the tennis player, like another guys did, my opinion, and that's it. 不。我只是像其他所有球員一樣表達自己的意見而已。 Q. Were you happy with what was discussed and what was decided at the meeting? 你對會議討論的內容和決定感到開心嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know what's decided. 我不知道決定了什麼耶。 Q. Were you happy with the way the discussion went and what people were saying? 你對討論的過程和大家的意見感到開心嗎? (這記者是白癡嗎?一直跳針) RAFAEL NADAL: I say before, something that happens in the meetings. Everybody have, you know, different thoughts. This time believe a lot of players have similar thoughts. 我說過了,會議中每個人都表達各自不同的意見,這次我相信很多人都有類似的想法。 But I say before, everything that I will say, you know, will write in your words, and I don't want you to write nothing in your words. 但就如我提過的,每次我說的話都會被你們擅自曲解,我不想讓你們用你們自己的話 來解讀我的話。 I'm the one who in the past talk a lot about the calendar, talk a lot about the Davis Cup, talk a lot about the problem with the US Open. Now I not going to be the one who keep talking about a lot of things because finally if we have the right guys there to fight for us, maybe, but today we don't have that. 過去我是那個常常抱怨賽程、抱怨Davis Cup和抱怨美網的那個人。現在我不講了,因為 如果有對的人願意幫我們爭取權益才可能會有用,但現在並沒有這樣的人。 Q. If it's not going to be you talking, is there a player taking a leadership role in this movement? 如果不是你帶頭,那有其他選手會在這個行動中扮演領導者的角色嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: First thing, you are talking about movement. I don't know which 'movement'. I don't know what's going to happen. 第一,你說行動,但我根本不知道有什麼「行動」。我根本不知道會發生什麼。 That's a sport that's an individual sport. So when you are talking about individual sport, what must happen if there is 100, if a super majority thinks one thing, the rest of the players have to support that. 網球是個人運動,這代表著如果其中有一百個人,或說是絕對多數的人都支持一件事 ,那其餘的選手也得支持這件事。 So if a super majority thinks one thing, I will support them that's all in anything. Not in a strike, not in calendar, in anything, because I understand democracy is like this. 如果絕對多數的人支持某一件事,我也會支持他們。所有事都是這樣,罷工和賽程亦是 ,我知道這就是民主。 Q. When you say you do not want to be seen as the leader... 當你說你不想當領導者... RAFAEL NADAL: I am not. I don't want to be seen and I am not (laughter). 我不是。我不想被當做領導者,我也不是領導者。 Q. But are you saying that because after what happened in New York, you were criticized by people for that? 但你說你在美網之後因此事被人批評? RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. You know, when you are talking about Davis Cup, when you are talking about Grand Slams, when you are talking about calendar, when you are talking about a lot of things that can be better for the tour, a lot thinks, most of the players thinks that's the right way. That is not happening. That's talk for talk. 不不不,你知道的,當你談論Davis Cup、談論大滿貫、談論賽程、談論一切能讓巡迴賽 變得更好的事的時候,雖然大多數球員也同意這是正確的,但事情並沒有發生,一切只是 紙上談兵。 I want to talk when we have real chances to make that happen. When we don't have chances to make that happen, because with how the world of tennis is working today, we don't have any chance on changes because we don't have the support of the structure. 我想等到真的有機會實現理想之時再來談論這個。現在我們還沒有機會實現,因為在當今 的網球世界,沒有體制的支持我們根本沒機會實現這些理想。 I repeat, is talk for you. I give information for you to write newspapers. But at the end of the day I look like I am the one who always talk about things that must change, and I don't win nothing on that. I just lose time, energy, and the people can think that he's always the one who says the bad things, the negative things. 為了你們我再說一次。我給你們寫新聞的材料,但最後弄得好像我是一個老是抱怨東抱怨 西的人,但事實是我什麼都沒有得到。我只是在浪費時間浪費精力,然後人們覺得我怎麼 老是講一些負面的事情。 If I win something on that, I will keep talking. If I don't win something on that, when a lot of things happen, I will not tell you for sure in the past. We are not in that way to change situations even with the support of the super majority of the players. Even like that we didn't win nothing. Sorry, I am tired of keep working on these things. 如果我能從中獲得什麼我就會繼續講,但如果不能,我不會跟你們講發生了什麼事。 雖然我們獲得大多數選手的支持,但情況並沒有改變,甚至我們什麼也沒得到。抱歉, 我真的對這話題累了。 Q. Are you happy with the changes you made in your racquet? 你對球拍的改變滿意嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: I will tell you in a few months. In theory, yes, I am. I am happy, no? I did that because we believe that can be a really positive thing to help me in a few aspects of my game. It's working well in practice. In Doha I had really positive feelings. 幾個月後我會跟你說的。理論上,是的,我很滿意,no? 我換球拍是因為我們相信這會 為我的比賽帶來一些改變。練習時候效果很好,在杜哈時我覺得很好。 Q. The changes that you've made, does it make things very different or is it just a tiny bit of difference for you? 這些改變影響很大嗎? 還是只有一點點? RAFAEL NADAL: In the racquet? 你說球拍嗎? Q. Yes. 對。 RAFAEL NADAL: No. You cannot make crazy changes having two weeks of preparation to start another season. These are small changes. You cannot have drastic changes in nothing in your life. All the changes must be slow. 不,你不可能在開季前兩週做什麼瘋狂大改變。這些只是小改變,人生中沒什麼事是 可以快速改變的,所有的改變都得慢慢來。 Q. I mean, the way that it feels to you. 我的意思是,它讓你感覺非常不一樣嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: If I don't feel something, if I don't feel nothing, obviously I will not change nothing. 如果沒什麼不一樣我就不會換了。 But is always a change and you feel a little bit. At the beginning was a little bit harder. After two weeks and a half practicing every day with toplevel guys, players, every day for a long time, the feeling is quite normal. 但有改變你就會感覺到,剛開始總是比較困難,兩週半來每天和頂尖選手練習相當長 一段時間,就越來越習慣了。 Q. In which way is it different? Is it more heavy? What is different? 不一樣在哪裡呢? 是更重還是? RAFAEL NADAL: That gives you a little bit more power. That's all. Nothing. It's three more grams. But three more grams probably on the size of the racquet doesn't feel for changes. But three more grams just on the top of the racquet makes a change. 會增強你的力量,就這樣,沒什麼。只是增加了三公克,對整隻球拍重來說沒差多少, 但加在拍頭就會有改變。 For a few balls, for the higher balls, you can hit the ball, you know, with a little bit more flat because the racquet goes faster into the ball. The racquet goes quicker. 對於某些球,尤其是高球來說,你可以用更平的方式回擊,因為揮拍速度加快了,拍頭速 度變得更快。 The normal thing when you have a change like this, you lose a little bit of control in the beginning, you win a little bit more power at the beginning. At the end, after a few months, you feel like is your racquet. Nothing change. 當你做出像這樣的改變時,一開始力量增加但控制力下降是正常的,幾個月之後你會覺得 這就是你自己的球拍,一如以往。 Q. Every player is looking for a small percentage of improvement in their game, in their attitude. How fascinated are you by Andy Murray's decision to bring Ivan Lendl back into the game? 每位選手都在尋求技術和心態上的進步,即便只是一點點。你對Murray聘請Lendl當 教練的看法是? RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't know Ivan Lendl like a coach so cannot talk about Ivan Lendl like a coach. Like a player, everybody knows was one of the top of the history players. Like a coach, I never was in a tennis court like with him practicing. 我不知道。我不知道Lendl當教練會是什麼樣子,所以我無法談論。如果是當選手的話, 大家都知道他是史上頂尖的選手,如果是當教練,我從沒在練習時碰過他。 You know, sounds very good. We will see how gonna works. But I wish him all the best, for sure. I like Andy. I think he's great. You know, if he decide to do these changes because he believes that can help him, hopefully will. 你知道的,聽起來很棒。我們會知到效果的。我希望他一切都好,當然。我喜歡Andy, 我覺得他很棒。你知道的,如果他打算做出改變,那一定是因為他相信這樣可以幫助他, 希望是這樣 Q. Is it still part of your plan to take time off after this event? 你打算在這個賽事之後休息一陣子嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. My plan is this one. After, if I lose tomorrow, you never know. That's the tennis. That's not football that you have your matches, your calendar. Here your calendar is every day. It's not depends of how many events you play, it depends how many matches you play. 對,我是這樣打算的。之後,你不知道我明天會不會輸,這就是網球。這不像足球 那樣有個固定賽程表,網球賽程是每天決定的,不是根據你打了幾站賽事,而是你打了幾場 比賽。 -- ╭──────╥────────────────╥────────────╮ │██████║ ┌╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭╮ ╭ ╭╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭ │ │█Ψ████║ ╞╯ ╭┤ ┼ ╭┤ ├╯ │ Ψ ││ ╭┤ ╭┤ ╭┤ │ │ │██████║ ╰ ╰└ ╰└ ╰┘ ┘┘ ╰└ ╰└ ╰└ └────────────────────────────────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/16 23:48, , 1F
未看先推XD 翻譯辛苦了
01/16 23:48, 1F

01/16 23:52, , 2F
推 人生中沒什麼事是可以快速改變的
01/16 23:52, 2F

01/16 23:52, , 3F
01/16 23:52, 3F

01/17 00:53, , 4F
01/17 00:53, 4F

01/17 01:01, , 5F
感覺出來Rafa 對記者鬼擋牆的發問很無奈~~澳網加油!!
01/17 01:01, 5F

01/17 22:46, , 6F
推推 辛苦了
01/17 22:46, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1F54Nb0n (Nadal)