[Q&A ] 2011 Wimbledon 7/3

看板Nadal作者 (哇西球)時間13年前 (2011/07/04 12:32), 編輯推噓1(100)
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#12 July 3, 2011 1. Congratulations for the win against Murray. Care to share with us your routine on the eve of finals? Do you do anything to de-stress? Jacklyn Q 恭喜你擊敗Murray。能跟我們分享你在決賽前夕例行慣例嗎?你有做任何減壓的事情 RN: Many thanks. I am doing the normal things I would do a day before a match. Had some dinner with my family and team here at Wimbledon. THen had some physio treatment as every night and now going to bed. It is half past midnight as I write this. RN: 非常感謝。我做的都是平常在比賽前一天會做的事情。和家人與團隊一起吃晚餐。 之後就像每天晚上一樣有些物理治療,現在要去睡覺了。我在寫這篇的時候,已經 是半夜了。 2. Looking at your game against Murray, which aspect of it you are least satisfied and need to improve when you play in the final? Sharon Lam Q 觀察你對上Murray的打法,哪一方面是你最不滿意並且需要在決賽中改進的? RN: I think I played very well all the match. Andy played better than me the first set but I didn't play bad. He was simply better. RN: 我認為我整場比賽都打得非常好。Andy在第一盤打得比我還好,但我打得並不差。 他只是比較好一些。 3. At the Champions ball do the two winners still have to have the first dance together? Judith Forde Q 在冠軍舞會時,兩位冠軍是否必須要一起跳第一支舞? RN: Yes, we had that honour although immediately we are surrounded by people and that leaves us free.... RN: 是的,我們有這個榮幸,雖然我們會立刻被人群包圍,而那也讓我們自由了... 4. In yesterday's match against Murray, you let go of what I personally thought were two very crucial challenges. I wonder if it was because you didn't really notice (which seems improbable to me), or was it for some other reason? Mohona Q 在昨天對上Murray的比賽,你放棄我個人認為是非常決定性的兩個挑戰。我在想是否 是因為你並沒有注意到(那個似乎對我很重要的挑戰),或者有其他的理由? RN: I maybe made a mistake and thought hey were good. Not a problem. RN: 我也許犯了錯,並且認為是正確的。並沒有問題。 5. Has there been any occasion when you tried playing tennis with your right hand? Sarah Q 有任何情況你會嘗試用右手打網球嗎? RN: Not when I am playing seriously or even practicing. Only when I play against someone who doesn't play well, like a friend who is not a tennis player. RN: 在我認真打球或甚至在練習的時候不會。只有在我和某個不是很會打網球的人對打 的時候,像是和非網球選手的朋友對打時。 6. I know that you have an iPad. Have you played the game 'Angry Birds' before? If you did, do you like the game? Jacklyn Q 我知道你有iPad。你之前有玩"Angry Birds"嗎?如果有,你喜歡這個遊戲嗎? RN: Yes I do. Banesto, my bank sponsor gave it to me. I don't usually play games in the iPad. RN: 是的,我有。是銀行贊助商Banesto給我iPad的。我不常用iPad玩遊戲。 7. I once read that you said it was a mistake to have bought your Aston Martin car....why was it a mistake? Niamh Q 有一次我讀到你說買Aston Martin是一個錯誤....為什麼是個錯誤? RN: I had some problems with it. RN: 我對它有些困難。 8. Petra Kvitova just won the women's title. She's a lefty like you and she's very young, what do you think of her? Also, who are your favourite female players and why? Tom Q Petra Kvitova剛贏得女單冠軍。她跟你一樣是左手球員,而且她非常年輕,你覺得她 怎樣?你最喜歡的女子球員是誰?為什麼? RN: I didn't have the chance to see the final to be honest since I was doing some TV interviews and then had lunch with my team and my family. RN: 坦白說,我沒有機會看女單決賽,因為我在接受電視訪問,而之後和我的團隊、家人 一起吃中餐。 -- ▁▂▁ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ███ 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2008 2010 2008 2010 ▆▆▆▆ , ██◣ ◢█◣*◢██ ◢█◣Σ██Ζ " █▇▉*█▇█ █▇▇ █▇█", "" ◥◤ █◥◣ █. █ █ φRacheliu . " ". " -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/04 22:59, , 1F
「I had some problems with it.」 XDDDDDDDDD
07/04 22:59, 1F
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