[Q&A ] Timesonline Q&A 1/22

看板Nadal作者 (小魚)時間13年前 (2011/01/25 00:07), 編輯推噓10(1000)
留言10則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Q&A: Hi Rafa. When I was watching your 2010 US Open final, both Martina Navratilova and Jimmy Connors said that they're surprised that you never hit yourself on the head with your racket because of your follow-through. So, have you ever done that during a match or a practice? I hope not! Best of luck at the Australian Open :) 當我看你2010美網決賽時,Martina Navratilova and Jimmy Connors都說,他們對於你 繞頭式揮拍不曾擊中你的頭部感到驚訝。你曾經在比賽中或練習時發生過這種意外嗎?我 希望沒有!祝你有個最順利的澳網。 No, not really. I am pretty calm! 不,不曾真正打到過,我向來很鎮靜的! (豆豆好像誤解了問題的意思ㄝ,人家不是問你是否曾經情緒激動拿球拍打自己的頭啦, 而是因為你的正拍上旋抽球繞頭的方式… 很特別) Hola Rafa :) I mentioned to you in a previous Blog that I was learning to play tennis. Unfortunately I have picked up a shoulder injury that is stopping me from playing. What do you suggest I do in order to keep myself fit? Many thanks for this blog & good luck in your next match. 我在你的上一篇blog提到我之前曾學過網球,很不幸的卻因肩傷不能繼續打球。 對於要怎麼回復體能狀態你有什麼建議嗎?謝謝你為我們寫blog,祝你下場比賽好運喔! Go and see a doctor and get the right treatment. Don't push too much. They will know what's best for you. 建議你去找醫生接受正確的治療,不要急,他們會讓你知道怎樣的方式對你是最好的。 (不要學豆豆,醫生叫他休息一個月,結果他兩個星期後就開始練球喔) Hola Rafa!! After your second-round match you said that in your downtime, you'd like to go to the aquarium. When I visited Melbourne, I didn't go although I was told it was amazing. Why do you find it so particularly fascinating? 在你的第二輪比賽之後,你說在休息期間想去水族館,雖然我聽說那是個很棒的地方, 但當我去墨爾本觀光時,並沒有去。為什麼你覺得那裡如此特別吸引你呢? I love the sea and I love fish. I enjoy very much watching everything there. The penguins were funny and amazing. But the whole thing is really cool. 我喜歡大海和魚,我很享受在水族館看到的每樣東西,尤其是企鵝特別有趣又神奇,那裡 的動物真的很酷! (人家想要看豆豆看企鵝的樣子) You look extremely sexy in the Armani photos. Do you plan on doing more stuff like this in the future? 你代言Armani的照片實在很性感,你有計畫在未來安排更多類似這樣的代言嗎? Thanks. Not sure this is what I want to do. I prefer to play tennis. 謝謝,我不確定我想代言這類的廣告,我比較喜歡打網球。 (噗,害羞了喔,ㄎㄎ) I hear a famous writer is following you during the tournament, so tell me, when they make the movie…who is going to play…Toni :) I say Antonio Bandaras! Keep doing what you do, you are an inspiration. Thank you and good luck 我聽說在賽事期間有位著名的作家跟隨在你旁邊,可以告訴我們當他們要拍成電影時,誰 來扮演Toni呢?我猜是Antonio Bandara! 請繼續保持這個樣子,你是個榜樣呢! 謝謝你,祝你好運! Not anymore. He left before the tournament started. We spent some time in Doha, and here in Melbourne. Now it is time for competition. Movie? what movie? 他不在這囉,在澳網開始前就已經離開了,我們在杜哈和墨爾本有些相處的時間,現在我 要專注在比賽上。至於電影?什麼電影啊? Rafa, I'd entered the contest on Facebook where Nike had offered to put the names of 200 fans on your bag, and I noticed stuff written on your Nike bag after your match against Sweeting…I wonder if those are the 200 names? :) 我有參加勾勾在臉書上所舉辦的競賽,獲選的兩百位的名字將會出現在特別為你製作的 袋袋上,我注意到你在跟Sweeting比賽後所背的勾勾袋袋已經寫上那些名字,我很好奇 那上面真有兩百個名字嗎? :-) (不要懷疑,上面那個:-)就是回答,你可以再混一點) How difficult is it to play someone who is carrying an injury and may quit during the match. Does it make it more difficult to concentrate on your own game? 和一個帶傷比賽並且可能因傷退賽的選手打球有多困難啊? 這會讓你更難專注在自己的 發球局(比賽)嗎? You simply have to focus on your game until the end of the match no matter what it is. After it is over it is sad to see if someone retires due to injury. Not nice to win like this. 不管對手狀況如何,你必須專注在比賽上,直到結束為止。比賽如果是因為對手傷退 結束是很可惜的,這樣的勝利不是太好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/25 00:10, , 1F
:-) XDDDD太好笑了 這什麼回答
01/25 00:10, 1F

01/25 00:30, , 2F
01/25 00:30, 2F

01/25 00:32, , 3F
01/25 00:32, 3F

01/25 01:36, , 4F
01/25 01:36, 4F

01/25 04:16, , 5F
01/25 04:16, 5F

01/25 09:51, , 6F
01/25 09:51, 6F

01/25 13:44, , 7F
01/25 13:44, 7F

01/25 15:56, , 8F
:-) 這回答太XDDDD
01/25 15:56, 8F

01/26 03:01, , 9F
01/26 03:01, 9F

01/26 07:56, , 10F
01/26 07:56, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1DFQFCyj (Nadal)