[新聞] 泰網出局的賽後發言

看板Nadal作者 (把靈魂跟冰塊一起攪拌)時間13年前 (2010/10/03 16:30), 編輯推噓6(605)
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只節錄Rafa的發言,要看完整報導請自行點網址吧~ ------ Rafa Rues Missed Opportunities Rafa懊悔錯失機會 http://tinyurl.com/23d9rcv http://tinyurl.com/2d5srwm ....「I had a lot of break point chances in the second set, too many chances, 」lamented Nadal. 「He played a great match, especially in the third set, but I was playing better than him in the beginning. I didn't play the break points well. With 26 opportunities to break you have to take your chances. It's a difficult loss to accept. I was playing well and had a good opportunity to get to final.」.... 「我在第二盤中有過很多破發機會,非常多,」.... 「他打了一場精彩的比賽,尤其是在第三盤。 但我在比賽開始時,發揮得比他出色。 我在破發點的把握上表現不好。 在手握26次破發機會的情況下,你必須抓住機會。 這是一場難以接受的失利。 實際上我表現不錯,有機會晉級決賽。」 ------ Nadal falters in Thailand Open semis http://msn.foxsports.com/tennis/story/Nadal-ousted-in-Thailand-Open-semis ....「It's a difficult loss to accept,」Nadal said. 「It's one of those matches you are going to lose once every two years.」.... 「He played a great match, especially in the third,」Nadal said. 「I had a great chance to be in the final. I have to blame myself that I didn't play aggressive when I had a chance to break. He served well on break points. I lost chance after chance.」 「這樣輸球很難以接受,我可能每兩年才會以這種方式輸一次。」 「他打得很棒,尤其是在第三盤。」 「我本來有很好的機會可以進決賽。 我要責怪自己的是,我沒在有破發機會時打出侵略性。 在那些破發點,他的發球很出色。 我失掉一個又一個的機會。」 ------ Guillermo springs a surprise Guillermo令人吃驚 http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/sports/199409/guillermo-springs-a-surprise .....「This is a tough loss to take,」said Nadal, who moves on to an event in Japan next week to continue his Asian tour. 「I had a chance to reach another final and maybe win another title. But it was not to be. That is the sport and this was not my day.」 「I was unable to take my chances. You have to convert more if you have 26 break points. I congratulate him. He played better than I did.」 Nadal thanked fans for turning out to see him and promised he would return again in the future. 「I will definitely come back again,」he said. 「I have been here for a while and everything has been perfect.」 「All I can say is thanks to everyone and thanks to all the sponsors who made me feel like I was at home.」 「這是一場難以承受的失利,」 「我有機會再闖進一個決賽,並且有可能再贏得一個冠軍。 然而事情並不是這樣發展。這就是體育競賽。今天不是屬於我的一天。」 「我沒有把握機會。當你有26個破發點,你應該兌現更多個。 我要恭喜他(Guillermo),他今天表現得比我更棒。」 「我以後一定會再來(曼谷)這邊,」 「我已經在這裡待了一段日子,所有的一切都非常完美。」 「我只能說,謝謝每一個人。 也感謝主辦單位全體,讓我感覺就像在自己家裡一樣。」 ------ 接下來的幾乎都跟上面差不多... ------ Guillermo Garcia-Lopez upsets Rafael Nadal in Bangkok Guillermo Garcia-Lopez意外擊敗Rafael Nadal http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/tennis/9054140.stm .....「I have to blame myself that I didn't play aggressive when I had a chance to break,」said a rueful Nadal. 「He served well on break points. I lost chance after chance. He played a great match, especially in the third.」.... 「我要責怪我自己。因為有破發機會時,我沒有打出侵略性。」 「在那些破發點,他的發球很出色。我失掉一個又一個的機會。 他表現得很棒,尤其是在第三盤。」 ------ 納達爾:26破發點兌現2個失水準 如此輸球難以接受 http://sports.sina.com.cn/t/2010-10-02/20215230490.shtml ....... 26次破發機會只把握住2次,第二盤16次破發機會全部浪費, 這對於世界頭號選手納達爾來說不是一個好的現象,賽後他說: 「第二盤我有過許多破發點機會,許多許多,但是對手打出了漂亮的網 球,尤其是在第3盤。比賽一開始我打得不錯,但是我在搶7中發揮不好 。有多達26次破發機會,以這樣的方式輸掉比賽很難接受,實際上我打 得還不錯,而且有許多機會打進決賽。」    在泰國待了近兩周時間之後,納達爾接下來將前往東京參賽,然後是上海 大師賽。 ------ 〈泰國公開賽〉西班牙內戰 Nadal爆冷出局 http://n.yam.com/tsna/sports/201010/20101002051050.html .....而最令Nadal氣餒的是,第3盤僅出現1次破發(全場只這1次),就被 Garcia-Lopez得手,最終3比6輸掉比賽。 Nadal賽後表示:「很難接受這種輸球結果,這是每2年會出現1次的荒唐比賽。」... Rafa有說出荒唐這個詞嗎?...= =" ------ 你難以接受,主辦單位跟球迷更難接受吧.... (雖然我個人是還好XD 只是對揮霍破發點的功力益發精進嘖嘖稱奇啊... 如果是在大滿貫以這種方式輸球, 球迷們就真的要各自找面白一點的牆,一頭撞上去算了 ||| 有人說, 「或者球王的標誌就是浪費破發點?」 ...XDDD) 雖然很膩,最後還是那句老話:Rafa務必保重身體~   東京賽事加油~! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/03 19:24, , 1F
10/03 19:24, 1F

10/03 19:53, , 2F
10/03 19:53, 2F

10/03 19:55, , 3F
10/03 19:55, 3F

10/03 21:07, , 4F
10/03 21:07, 4F

10/03 21:13, , 5F
10/03 21:13, 5F

10/03 23:14, , 6F
You are still my King, baby~!!! Vamos RAFA!!! :)
10/03 23:14, 6F

10/04 00:12, , 7F
10/04 00:12, 7F

10/04 23:59, , 8F
要以滾燙熱血對豆明志啊 <( ‵▽′)> (電影:噬血童話
10/04 23:59, 8F

10/04 23:59, , 9F
現正熱映中。。) 而白底紅漬的配色,恰巧與豆豆畫的這
10/04 23:59, 9F

10/04 23:59, , 10F
張圖 http://ppt.cc/rlAr 相互輝映,多美啊╮(╯▽╰)╭
10/04 23:59, 10F

10/05 00:16, , 11F
10/05 00:16, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1Cg3yHMv (Nadal)