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看板Nadal作者 (asi es la vida.)時間14年前 (2009/09/22 22:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009 Rafa replies: Will I star in a film with Will Smith ... You're always very diplomatic in public. Are you like that at home? Emma 你在人前總是如此圓滑,你在家也是一樣嗎? RN: Am I diplomatic? I am the same at home. 我很圓滑嗎?我在外面和在家都是一樣的。 There was a funny rumour that you were going to be in a Steven Spielberg film alongside Will Smith, is that true? Cedrine 有一個有趣的傳言,說你會參與史蒂芬史匹柏的電影,演出一個在威爾史密斯旁邊的角 色,這是真的嗎? RN: Completely false. 完全是假的。 In previous US Opens when you stepped in the court you could hear "Matador" by the Cadillacs. Now I hear Bon Jovi and La Oreja de Van Gogh. Did you pick those tunes? Maria, Argentina 在前幾年美網,你走進球場時應該會聽到Cadillacs的「鬥牛士」。現在,我聽 到是邦喬飛(Bon Jovi)及梵谷的耳朵(La Oreja de Van Gog)的歌,那些歌是你選的嗎? RN: More or less. Long story and it is very late tonight. I did ask to NOT put matador, and my PR guy knows I like Bon Jovi and La Oreja... 或多或少。這是非常長的故事,而今天已經太晚了。我有要求不要放「鬥牛士」這首歌, 而我的公關夥伴知道我喜歡邦喬飛(Bon Jovi)及梵谷的耳朵(La Oreja de Van Gog)。 (編按:梵谷的耳朵是豆豆的愛團,豆豆之前受訪不只一次提過,歌也真的很好聽唷! 可以參考 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3J5ddAeGM0
) Do you sometimes miss being able to walk down the street freely and not get tons of attention and screaming fans running after you? Brian 你有時會不會懷念能夠輕鬆自由的在街上散步,沒有過多的注目和一堆尖叫的粉絲追在你 後面? RN: I walk freely, no worries. 我行走自如,沒有什麼可擔心的。 (編按:意思是,Brian多心了嗎?豆豆沒在怕的XDDD) I see you as the perfect man, but is there something about yourself you would like to be different? Mary, Australia 在我看來你就像一個完美的人,但有沒有什麼是你想要改變自己的部分? RN: Some... But won't tell you. 是有一些,但不能告訴你。 When Andy Roddick lost a really tough match against Isner, did you seek him out or text him? I'm just curious how you and other players handle defeat in a grand-slam tournament. Holly 當大安迪輸掉了和Isner打的那場艱困的比賽,你有找他出來或者是傳訊息給他嗎?我只 是很好奇你和其他的球員如何調適在大滿貫失利。 RN: No, I didn't text him and did not see him since I was at my hotel. I get along well with Andy but we are not that close. Maybe because of my bad English. 沒有,我沒有傳訊息給他也沒有看到他,那時候我在飯店中。我和大安迪相處的不錯,但 是我們不是那麼熟。也許是因為我的破英文。 (編按:豆式英文很可愛呀,況且現在豆豆英文進步很多了啦!) What's the most lavish thing you have bought since becoming a pro? Zeeshan Yousuf 你成為職業選手之前,買過最奢侈的東西是什麼? RN: I don't know what lavish means... 我不知道你指的奢侈是… Have you decided yet if you are playing in the Davis Cup? Val, U.K. 你是否已經決定去打台維斯盃了? RN: Yes I will 是的,我會去。 (編按:現在已經決定不打了。) I saw your outfits always have electric colours. Who comes up with the colours ideas? Angela 我看你的全套服裝都是用很強烈的色彩。色彩的想法是誰提出的呢? RN: Nike and I chose them with them. I like colours. 勾勾和我一起選的。我喜歡色彩繽紛。 What language do you use when you are with Andy Murray? I have heard he learned Spanish when training in Barcelona. Amel 當你和小安迪交談的時候是用什麼語言?我曾聽說他在巴塞隆納受訓的時候有學西班牙文 。 RN: English although I know he understands Spanish. He can also speak a little bit. 英文,雖然我知道他聽得懂西班牙文,也會說一點點。 Would you ever like to have your own tournament like the Djokovic family have in Belgrade? Kim 你曾有想要一個自己的巡迴賽,像是Djokovic家族在貝爾格勒(Belgrade,南斯拉夫首都) 有一個巡迴賽? RN: I don't think so but you never know. 我想不會,但是你永遠不知道未來會怎樣。 (編按:我不知道原來揪扣家族有自己的巡迴賽耶...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jauying 來自: (09/22 22:09) ※ 編輯: jauying 來自: (09/22 22:53) ※ 編輯: jauying 來自: (09/22 23:11)
文章代碼(AID): #1AkDfTNt (Nadal)