[賽訪] INDIAN WELLS R64 NADAL def. M. Berrer

看板Nadal作者 (亟)時間15年前 (2009/03/17 18:47), 編輯推噓6(602)
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連結:http://www.asapsports.com/show_interview.php?id=55155 R. NADAL/M. Berrer  6-2 6-1 Q. You were in such a unique position to be the only player in history who is naturally a right-hander to switch to lefty. What kind of advantage to you think that gives you? Q. 身為歷史中唯一一位由右撇子轉成左手的球員,你認為這點為你帶來什麼好處? RAFAEL NADAL: That's not exactly true, yeah, because I play football with the left foot, too. I don't know. For some things right; for another things the left. I don't know if that can help me a lot. 豆:這不完全正確,因為我也用左腳踢球。我不知道,有些事我用右手;其他是左手。 我不知道這樣是否會幫我很多。 Q. When you came in you were singing. You're in a good mood. Is everything going the way expect? Is your confidence level good? Q. 當你走進來時你在哼歌,你的心情很好。所有事情都如預期中發展嗎?你對自己很有 信心嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don't know. That doesn't mean nothing if I was singing. Yeah, I think I am play well, no? I played a good match today, and sure, this tournament is nice for me. It's a really calm tournament, so I like it. 豆:嗯,我不知道。即使我在唱歌也不代表什麼事。是的,我想我打的不錯,不是嗎? 我今天打了場好比賽,當然,賽會對我很好。這是個相當平靜的賽事,所以我喜歡。 Q. I'm wondering, so many players, once they get to your level they move to Monte-Carlo or they move to? New York or move some place that's very cosmopolitan, and yet you stay in your hometown. Why did you decide to stay in your hometown? Q. 我很疑惑,有這麼多的選手到像你這樣的水平的時候,會搬到蒙地卡羅、紐約或其他 國際化的都市,而你依然留在你的故鄉。為什麼你會做這個決定? RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe they have to decide to come to Mallorca, because it's really good place. I'm there with my family. My family, we live not together but in the same building, so that's very important for that. I have my friends from the school there, so I am -- I live in, well, very nice island. It's perfect for me. I never going to move from there. Well, I can't say -- you can't say never, no, but believe me, not. 豆:或許他們會決定搬到馬洛卡,因為那真的是個好地方。我的家庭在那。我的家人, 雖然我們不住在一起,但還在同棟房子之中,這點很重要。 那裏有我從讀書時就認識的朋友,所以我-我住在,嗯,非常棒的島。對我來說她 是完美的。我永遠不會搬到其他地方。Well, 我不能說-不能說永遠,不,但相信 我,不會。 Q. Two questions: One, how did you find the surface here? Second, do you feel like there is a big gap between you and Roger and Novak and Andy and the rest of the field? Q. 兩個問題:一、你認為這裡的場地如何?二、你覺得在big 4和其他球員間是否有一道   巨大的鴻溝? RAFAEL NADAL: No. The surface is good. Not really fast and not really slow. So that's okay. No, I feel -- well, we did well in the last few years. But there is a lot of people there, a lot of good players there, no? When I go to a tournament, I don't think about Djokovic, Federer, Murray. I think about my first round, my second round, if I win the third. So Del Potro is there, Nalbandian is there, David Ferrer is there, Simon is there. A lot of good players are there. I think it's not fair to only think about four. 豆:不。場地很好,不會太快也不會太慢,所以很好。不,我覺得-well, 在過去幾年我 們打的不錯。但有很多人在這裡,很多好選手在這裡,不是嗎?當我參加一項賽事, 我不會考慮Djokovic, Federer, Murray。我考慮的是我第一輪、第二輪的選手。   如果我贏到了第三輪,那Del Potro在那、Nalbandian在那、David Ferrer在那、   Simon在那。有很多好手在那裡。我想只考慮四個人是不公平的。 Q. For the last few years you've been the player to beat on clay. When clay court tournaments have been held, you've usually been the person who people expect to win the tournament. Do you think this is now the case or hard courts, as well? You're the player to beat? Q. 過去幾年你是紅土上那位等著被打倒的的人。當有紅土賽事時,你通常是那位被預期 贏的錦標選手。你覺得現在在硬地賽事也是如此嗎?你是那個要被擊倒的人? RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't know, no? Well, when it happen on clay, happen because you think that. But I never think that on clay, no? I go on court and play my best in every match. I know how tough is everything and how difficult is win every match. I know I can win and I can lose. Here, well, for sure doesn't happen the same than clay, but if I'm playing well, I have chances to play good tournaments on every surface. But that's -- (in Spanish). THE MODERATOR: Doesn't mean that I'm going to win. 豆:不、我不知道,不是嗎?Well, 當在紅土上有這樣,是因為你們這麼想才會有這種   情況。但我從不在紅土上這麼想。我上場,然後在每個比賽中盡我所能。我知道   每件事都不容易,要贏每一場比賽都是困難的。我知道我會贏也會輸。 這裡,當然不比紅土,但如果我打的好,我有機會在任何場地都有好成績。但這   (翻譯)這不意味著我下場一定會贏。 Q. Do you think it's too premature for everyone to be talking about you winning the Grand Slam this year? And if so, how do you handle the pressure of all that talk? Q. 你是否覺得現在談論你今年會贏得全滿貫的時機太早?如果如此,你是如何處理這些 壓力? RAFAEL NADAL: I don't have to handle no one pression, because I haven't thought about that. It's not a goal for me. Maybe it's not the goal because can't be goal, so -- you know what I mean? I have pression for play well here in Indian Wells. I think about Indian Wells. But the pression, is yourself. You put the pression in yourself, because doesn't change for me, no? After being No. 1 or No. 2, or win Australia or not, the true is Grand Slam is not impossible, but really, really difficult. Right now I only focus on trying to continuing improve my tennis. 豆:我不必處理不存在的壓力,因為我不這麼想。這不是我目標。或許這不是個目標因為 它不會是目標,所以-你知道我的意思嗎? 我對在印地安泉打的好感到壓力,因為我考慮的是印地安泉。但壓力,是你自己的。 你自己將壓力放在你身上,因為這樣所以我不會改變,無論在當上世界第一或第二,   或贏的澳網後。事實告訴你是大滿貫冠軍並非不可能,但依舊真的、真的很難。   現在我只是專注在繼續努力進步我的網球。    Q. You had an opponent today ranked a lot lower than you and you won quickly. Is that a good way to start a tournament, or would you rather have a little more of a test, or how much of a test was it? Q. 你今天的對手在排名上低你很多,而你也快速的獲勝。這是開始一項賽事的好方式嗎ꄊ 或是你寧願有一場更多的考驗,而考驗大概到多少程度?  RAFAEL NADAL: For me, it was perfect. I played a very comfortable match. I had the break in the first game in both sets, so that's really important. I feel -- I felt well on court, playing good. 豆:對我來說,今天是完美的。我打了一場相當舒服的比賽。在兩盤的第一局都破了對手   ,這相當重要。我感覺-我在場上感覺很好,打的很好。 Q. And your knee feels okay? Q. 你的膝蓋感覺還好嗎? RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. 豆:是的。 Q. Is it important to you if you start a match that you finish it? We've seen you when you've been hurt, you've usually completed the match. If you're not prepared to play, then you don't play. How important is it for you, unless you can't finish a match, to complete the match? Q. 對你來說,當你開始一項比賽後你就會結束它,這點很重要嗎?我們一直看見,當你   受傷,通常還是會完成比賽。如果你沒有準備好,那你就不比賽。這點對你來說有多   重要?除非你不能結束比賽、完成比賽? RAFAEL NADAL: Well, what happened in Rotterdam? For that reason, you ask? 豆:嗯,在鹿特丹發生的情況嗎?你問為了什麼? Q. Well, last year in Rome against Ferrero you had a blisters but you finished the match? Q. 像去年羅馬跟Ferrero的比賽,你有個大水泡,但依舊堅持到最後?  RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. I think if you start the match, if you are not feeling -- not having something during the match or you feeling really, really bad so you can't be there, it's nice to finish the match for the opponent, for the tournament, and for yourself, too. In the end, against Murray, it was the final in Rotterdam and if I retire in the second set, beginning of the second, maybe gonna be not disaster, but tough for the tournament, for him, because he won the final without play. I lost 6-0 in the third and that's it. I tried. The sport is like this. Try your best anyway if you know that you don't gonna win. In the end, that's the sport. I try the best all the time. 豆:Yeah, 我想你如果開始一場比賽,如果在比賽中你沒有感覺-沒有任何手感,或你感   覺真的、真的很糟,糟到你不能待下去。我想退賽對你的對手、對賽會組織,也當然   對你自己都是好的。   最後,在對上Murray,是鹿特丹的決賽。如果我第二盤開始的第二局中退賽,或許不   是災難,但對賽會、對他的感覺都不好。因為他沒有比賽就贏了決賽。第三盤我6-0 輸了,就是這樣。我累了。運動就是這樣,在任何時候都要盡全力,即使你知道你不   會贏。   最終,這就是運動。我會在所有時候都試著做到最好。 Q. You are probably the most physically intense player I have ever seen. How do you maintain that level of intensity? What is the balance of training versus your mental regime to do that? Q. 你或許是我所見過肉體上最強壯的選手了。你如何維持在如此高的強度?在你訓練和   休息之間的平衡在哪? RAFAEL NADAL: I always practice with high intensity. I like play tennis, it's true, but I like play tennis 100%. I don't like to go on court and -- well, when I play, I play, so... Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Try my best all the time. 豆:我總是在高強度的情況下訓練。我喜歡打球,這是真的,但我打網球時喜歡100%的   投入。我不喜歡上場然後-嗯,當我打球,我隨隨便便,所以...   有時候會比較好,有時候會不好。總是盡力就對了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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※ 編輯: laryukki 來自: (03/19 18:25)
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