
看板Nadal作者 (納豆牛奶)時間16年前 (2008/08/08 21:15), 編輯推噓28(28016)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Spain_PL 看板] 作者: establish (納豆牛奶) 看板: Spain_PL 標題: [雜誌]Tennis快訊~ 時間: Fri Aug 8 21:11:52 2008 http://www.tennis.com/news/news.aspx?id=141476 BEIJING (AP) A long season of grueling duels against Roger Federer seem to have taken their toll on Wimbledon and French Open champion Rafael Nadal. "I feel good considering the calendar this year, which was terrorizing," Nadal said Wednesday, two days before the opening of the Beijing Olympics. "It's been a good year, but a difficult one." So good a year that on Aug. 18 Nadal will assume the No. 1 ranking to snap Roger Federer's 237-week reign as the world's top player. As always, Nadal was trying to downplay the importance of the feat and stay focused on winning Olympic gold, which would be his seventh title this season. "Right now I don't really have time to enjoy that because I want to take in the Olympic Games, I want to take in the Olympic experience. It's special. It's an experience you never forget," the Spaniard said. The 22-year-old Nadal isn't getting caught up in his new ranking, even with a third Grand Slam title in 2008 available at the upcoming U.S. Open. In the Chinese capital, the four-time French Open champion will compete in the singles from his familiar No. 2 seeding, where he has been firmly planted behind Federer since July 25, 2005. "Not one of us is up here thinking about points. We're only thinking about our country," he said. In last month's Wimbledon final, Nadal beat Federer for the fourth time this season -- all in finals. That win in early July not only snapped Federer's five-year winning streak at the All England Club, but it contributed to a number of Spanish triumphs this summer. Spain's soccer team won its first major championship trophy in 44 years at the European Championship in June and Carlos Sastre made it three straight Spanish champions with his victory at the Tour de France. "What we've done this year is fantastic, nearly impossible," Nadal said about Spain's Beijing Games expectations. "What we've done this year will be difficult to repeat." The men's team is expected to medal through Nadal in singles and possibly doubles, and teammate David Ferrer can't think of any better player to count on than the five-time Grand Slam winner. "It's important for the Spanish team, for our tennis to have the best player in Spanish history there to help us win," the fifth-ranked Ferrer said. The women are also looking to draw off of Nadal and Spain's success. "It's clear I'm not one of the favorites but we could still have some good results," said Carla Suarez Navarro, who reached the quarterfinals at the French Open as a qualifier. 大綱: 1. 「奧運豆」認為,西班牙選手沒有人是為了積分來的,而是為了國家出賽 2. Dororo逼 認為,這是西班牙史上最優秀的奧運團隊 (他沒被忽視啦:p) 3. Carla的回答怎麼有點哀怨....XD -- . ·ꄠ · · * · · ﹚ · · ▋▋▋█ · ╭───╮╭───╮╭───╮ ·╱ ︠ · · ▊█▊ · ██◤╯│██◤╯│███· · · ███· ·██▋│╰◥█◣╮╰╮╭╯ ▲▲█▊█▊██▲▲██◣╮╭◢██│ │▲▲██████▲▲ euuo ╰───╯╰───╯ ╰─╯ ║║█▊█▊██║║ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/08 21:19, , 1F
08/08 21:19, 1F

08/08 21:23, , 2F
08/08 21:23, 2F

08/08 21:24, , 3F
XD 中華隊剛剛才出來 可是我不想看連戰吳伯雄 幹麻不多照幾
08/08 21:24, 3F

08/08 21:24, , 4F
個選手啦 齁 真是的
08/08 21:24, 4F

08/08 21:25, , 5F
對啊 我也想看選手
08/08 21:25, 5F

08/08 21:26, , 6F
西班牙應該還沒出來吧 倒是日本的人好多喔
08/08 21:26, 6F

08/08 21:28, , 7F
選手進場的氣氛好high 比前面表演好多了
08/08 21:28, 7F

08/08 21:37, , 8F
哪一台啊XD (衝著有豆豆~)
08/08 21:37, 8F

08/08 21:46, , 9F
08/08 21:46, 9F

08/08 21:46, , 10F
08/08 21:46, 10F

08/08 21:46, , 11F
08/08 21:46, 11F

08/08 21:53, , 12F
08/08 21:53, 12F

08/08 21:53, , 13F
08/08 21:53, 13F

08/08 21:53, , 14F
08/08 21:53, 14F

08/08 21:53, , 15F
08/08 21:53, 15F

08/08 21:53, , 16F
08/08 21:53, 16F

08/08 21:53, , 17F
08/08 21:53, 17F

08/08 21:54, , 18F
08/08 21:54, 18F

08/08 21:54, , 19F
08/08 21:54, 19F

08/08 21:54, , 20F
可我怎麼覺得像小孩進京… ̄▽ ̄||
08/08 21:54, 20F

08/08 21:54, , 21F
08/08 21:54, 21F

08/08 21:55, , 22F
感覺很開心XD(豆豆:耶~好像廟會喔(爆)) 西班牙人真多..
08/08 21:55, 22F

08/08 21:55, , 23F
小孩進京+1 XD
08/08 21:55, 23F

08/08 21:57, , 24F
可惡 我等了那麼久只是去上個廁所 是怎樣 可惡 有打逼嗎??
08/08 21:57, 24F

08/08 21:57, , 25F
08/08 21:57, 25F

08/08 21:58, , 26F
08/08 21:58, 26F

08/08 21:59, , 27F
網球只有豆豆有特寫(準球王待遇?) 但豆豆不配合鏡頭...
08/08 21:59, 27F

08/08 22:00, , 28F
08/08 22:00, 28F

08/08 22:04, , 29F
08/08 22:04, 29F

08/08 22:08, , 30F
塞爾維亞過了沒啊?廣告忘了換台= =
08/08 22:08, 30F

08/08 22:08, , 31F
不知道 現在好混亂 XDD 國家好多 頭好暈啊
08/08 22:08, 31F

08/08 22:11, , 32F
08/08 22:11, 32F

08/08 22:15, , 33F
Ferru不夠高 照不到他 orz 他要是打到準決賽就好了~~
08/08 22:15, 33F

08/08 22:15, , 34F
哈哈 要像姚明那麼高就一定照得到囉 XDD
08/08 22:15, 34F

08/08 22:42, , 35F
08/08 22:42, 35F

08/08 23:22, , 36F
08/08 23:22, 36F

08/08 23:23, , 37F
08/08 23:23, 37F

08/09 00:04, , 38F
http://tinyurl.com/62rvqa 笑的好燦爛XD
08/09 00:04, 38F

08/09 00:10, , 39F
錯過豆豆進場的畫面 >"< 感謝wop大提供 笑的好燦爛喔(心)
08/09 00:10, 39F

08/09 00:37, , 40F
rafa好可愛校的珍燦爛 怎沒有 david?
08/09 00:37, 40F

08/09 00:55, , 41F
08/09 00:55, 41F

08/09 08:42, , 42F
http://0rz.tw/904Ab Dororo逼跟Rafa:)
08/09 08:42, 42F

08/09 10:22, , 43F
好紅喔 連鞋子都很紅
08/09 10:22, 43F

08/09 13:14, , 44F
08/09 13:14, 44F
文章代碼(AID): #18d4ROck (Nadal)