[農場] Alexander Vizcaino Owns An Elite Pitc

看板NY-Yankees作者 (秦歌)時間4年前 (2020/02/02 00:58), 編輯推噓12(1206)
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Scouts from rival organizations arrived at low A Charleston games last summer fo cused on righthanders Luis Gil and Luis Medina, but they left asking about anoth er young Dominican power pitcher. 去年夏天,一些對手球隊的球探來到Charleston 觀察新秀Luis Gil跟Luis Medina,,但他 們離開時卻是詢問著另一個來自多明尼加的投手。 “Who is this guy?” was a common response from the talent evalautors after seei ng righthander Alexander Vizcaino and his high-octane fastball and tantalizing c hangeup that has drawn comparisons with a young Felix Hernandez and Fernando Rod ney. Alexander Vizcaino優質的速球與誘人的變速球被拿來和年輕的Felix Hernandez和Fernand o Rodney做比較,球探們看完後常見的回應是「這個小夥子是誰?」 “Power fastball with a really good changeup—a changeup like King Felix’s earl y in his career,” vise president of baseball operations Tim Naehring said. 棒球營運副總裁Tim Naehring是這麽說的:「強力的速球搭配著非常好的變速球—這顆像生 涯早期的King Felix 所投的變速球。」 Vizcaino, who turns 23 early this season, tops out at 98mph and sits in the mid- 90s. His velocity is the perfect complement to his deceptive changeup that range from 87-90 mph. Vizcaino在本賽季初將滿23歲,最快球速可來到98mph,大多坐落在mid-90s。他速球的球速 對於他那顆能迷惑打者且坐落在87-90mph的變速球是個完美的補充。 “It’s one of the best changeups in baseball,” Naehring said. “Not the minor leagues. Not in the Yankees’ system. In all of baseball.” Naehring說到:「這顆變速球是棒球界裡最好的一顆。不是小聯盟,不是洋基的農場系統, 而是整個棒球界。」 Naehring backed up that claim by pointing to the depth and splitter-like action that Vizcaino impart on his changeup, meaning that it’s not merely the separati on from his fastball that makes it effictive. Naehring指出Vizcaino的變速球賦予下沉且像快速指叉球的軌跡來支持自己的說法,意思是 他的變速球並不僅是因爲和速球的差別才那麽有效率。 The strength of Vizcaino’s changeup forces batters to look for the pitch, so th ey are frequently caught off balance when he fires a mid-90s fastball. Vizcaino強壯的變速球讓打者們需要特別注意,所以打者們經常在他丟出mid-90s的速球時 失去平衡。 Vizcaino signed a few days before his 19th birthday out of San Cristobal in 2016 and is something of a late bloomer. He is older than Gil and Medina even though he signed a year after them. 2016年Vizcaino才在19歲生日前幾天在San Cristobal簽約,是個才能較晚被發掘的新秀。V izcaino的年紀比Gil和Medina更大即使他相較於另外兩人晚一年簽約。 “Good looking kid. He is definitely a prospect” a scout said of Vizcaino, who made 16 start for Charleston last season, going5-5, 4.41 with 101 strikeouts in 87.2 innings and a 1.22 whip. 一份球探報告上寫著:「有趣的孩子,他肯定是個有前途的新秀。」Vizcaino上季在Charle ston A先發了16場,5勝5敗,4.41防禦率,87.2局,101次三振,whip1.22。 “There were good arms at Chareston. He was a little more polished and has a fee l for pitching.” Charleston有很多好的投手。Vizcaino是更為發亮的一位,且開始知道如何去投球。 Vizcaino finished the season with five starts at high Class A Tampa. On the seas on, his swinging-strike rate of 16.2 percent ranked inside the top 10 for minor league pitchers with at least 100 innings. Vizcaino球季尾段時在高A Tampa先發了5場。他製造的揮空率是16.2%,在小聯盟中至少投 了100局的投手中排名前10。 At 6-foot-2, 160 pounds, Vizcaino drew body comparisons with the Yankees’ Domin go German. 6-2,160磅的身體被拿來和Yankees的Domingo German 做比較。 Gil, Medina, Vizcaino and fellow Dominican righty Roansy Contreras will move in tandem to the to the Tampa rotation this season. Gil,Medina,Vizcaino跟他們多明尼加的另一個夥伴Roansy Contreras在接下來的球季裡 會一起被放入高A的輪值裡。 https://reurl.cc/4gxkKL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1580576297.A.6D2.html

02/02 10:34, 4年前 , 1F
推 Vizcaino的變速球評價真的不錯
02/02 10:34, 1F

02/02 10:35, 4年前 , 2F
甚至有球探說他看到了年輕的King Felix的影子
02/02 10:35, 2F

02/02 10:36, 4年前 , 3F
02/02 10:36, 3F

02/02 11:32, 4年前 , 4F
02/02 11:32, 4F

02/02 13:13, 4年前 , 5F
23了還在1A養先發 真的對他期待很高 不然他現在的
02/02 13:13, 5F

02/02 13:14, 4年前 , 6F
速球跟變化球組合 是有機會1年內上來牛棚的
02/02 13:14, 6F

02/02 13:14, 4年前 , 7F
是說目前也不缺牛啦 XD
02/02 13:14, 7F

02/02 15:16, 4年前 , 8F
變速球的評價讓我想到Edward Ramirez
02/02 15:16, 8F

02/02 15:16, 4年前 , 9F
02/02 15:16, 9F

02/02 15:19, 4年前 , 10F
Ramirez的球速沒那麼快只有一顆變速 後來就被看透了
02/02 15:19, 10F

02/02 15:25, 4年前 , 11F
難 我不看好這隻爬的上來
02/02 15:25, 11F

02/02 17:02, 4年前 , 12F
02/02 17:02, 12F

02/02 17:03, 4年前 , 13F
02/02 17:03, 13F

02/03 10:27, 4年前 , 14F
02/03 10:27, 14F

02/03 12:35, 4年前 , 15F
02/03 12:35, 15F

02/03 14:04, 4年前 , 16F
超級盃啦不要加料 XD
02/03 14:04, 16F

02/03 16:55, 4年前 , 17F
02/03 16:55, 17F

02/03 21:28, 4年前 , 18F
23在1a 而且成績蠻糟的.. 就少數進階數據突出
02/03 21:28, 18F
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