[外電] Yankees top 50 prospects(6-9)

看板NY-Yankees作者 (sttud)時間4年前 (2020/01/30 13:51), 4年前編輯推噓17(17021)
留言38則, 16人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
排名6-13名的新秀也都還在tier 2裡面,也就是被評為有很高機率上大聯盟以及 成為MLB先發級球員。但我在翻譯時就發現有好多個小朋友都被分到這個等級,所以我在 每個新秀的「目前評價」補充他們的養成風險,免得整篇文的風向看起來是不切實際的自 嗨。 來源:https://reurl.cc/Va9n5A New York Yankees 2020 Top 50 Prospects(tier2,排名 6-9) By Paul Woodin, January 28, 2020 Tier 2 6. Kevin Alcantara, OF Age: 17 2019 Highest Level: DSL Yankees 2019 Stats: 41 G, 174 PA, .255/.305/.360/.665, 1 HR, 19 RBI, 5 SB Alcantara just oozes raw tools and raw upside. He is a physical specimen at 6 ’6” 190 and still has time to grow being only 17 years old. He has potential for plus tools across the board once he fills out and adds more muscle. His size gives him great leverage and naturally adds length to his stroke, which he has displayed the ability to make consistent. A right-handed hitter with a ton of bat speed and strength, he should stay in center field with his plus speed and quality defense. Alcantara has plenty of arm to play anywhere in the OF. He is years away from Yankee Stadium but has one of the highest ceilings in the organizations. ETA: 2023 6. Kevin Alcantara,右打外野手,17歲 曾在2019達到的最高層級:多明尼加夏季聯盟 2019成績:41場出賽,174打席,打擊三圍.255/.305/.360,一支全壘打,五次盜壘。 17歲的Alcantara無法隱藏他誇張的天賦,他的身形完美(六呎六吋190磅,約19 8公分86 公斤),而且還在成長中。如果他能適度增加體重以及肌肉,他有機會長出多個評價為 plus的tool。Alcantara的體型讓他在打擊時有良好的施力點,使他擁有很棒的揮棒速度 跟力量。 Alcantara有plus的跑速和強壯的臂力,三個外野位置的防守工作他應該都能勝 任 。他離MLB還有好幾年,但他的天花板可能是洋基農場裡最高的。 目前評價:跟17歲的小朋友相比,天賦與發展性都超高的新秀。但他還未在職業小聯盟賽 場上出賽過,所以無法得知他是否能把天賦轉換成場上表現。 未來期待:最好的狀況是五拍子明星中外野手。 預估升上MLB年度:2023 7. Luis Medina, RHP Age: 20 2019 Highest Level: A+ Tampa 2019 Stats: 22 G, 22 GS, 103.2 IP, 1-8, 127 K, 5.47 ERA, 1.57 WHIP Medina was signed by the Yankees as an international free agent out of the Dominican Republic for $280,000 in 2015. His fastball sits in the mid-90s, sometimes hitting triple digits. He has two secondary pitches, a curveball and changeup. Both are above-average right now but have the potential to become plus pitches in the future. He is still young and extremely raw. He does lack the ability to locate his pitches too often. He threw 27 wild pitches in 2019. If he can get his location under control at a reasonable rate he has the potential to be an ace and will move up even further in my rankings. In my opinion he has the most upside of any Yankees pitching prospect. ETA: Late 2022 7. Luis Medina,右投手,20歲 曾在2019達到的最高層級:A+ 2019成績:22場先發,主投103.2局,108個三振,ERA 5.47/WHIP 1.57 2015年洋基以28萬美金簽下Medina,這位多明尼加出身的20歲投手可以穩定投出 mid-90s的速球,有時可以飆到100mph以上;他的曲球與變速球現在被評為平均之上,未 來都有機會變成plus的球種。 即使Medina有這麼好的stuff,可是控球還不成氣候,去年他丟出了27個暴投… 他? 不能被稱為是pitcher,而是完成度超低的thrower。Medina才20歲,如果他能改善控球能 力有變成ace的潛力。我認為他的天花板是洋基所有投手新秀裡最高的。 補充:我參考去年官網對於Medina的評價,多數球探認為他的投球機制跟姿勢沒有太大問 題,大概是心理問題導致他的控球能力不佳。 目前評價:天賦極高,但因為控球很差所以還沒兌現。天花板超高但風險更高的投手。 未來期待:Medina的上下限很高。如果控球能夠進步,搭配他的極品stuff能成為王牌投 手。但他如果還是像現在這樣經常性地找不到好球帶,可能連一個合格的後援都不是。 預估升上MLB年度:2022季末 8. Antonio Cabello, OF Age: 18 2019 Highest Level: Rookie Pulaski 2019 Stats: 56 G, 251 PA, .211/.280/.330/.610, 3 HR, 19 RBI, 5 SB Signed originally as a catcher in 2017, I was impressed with his athleticism when he moved to CF. After an encouraging 2018 he scuffled as an 18 year old in the APPY league with Pulaski in 2019. Cabello stood out in the Gulf Coast League in 2018, where he showed plus potential as a hitter with great bat speed. In addition, he possesses plus running and throwing ability. Even though he struggled in the APPY League this past season, his raw tools are still there, and league managers praise his approach to the game. He does sometimes tend to expand the strike zone and chase balls. Cabello has the tool set to become an impact everyday player, but he may have physically maxed out as well. The power/speed combo is real here. ETA: 2023 8. Antonio Cabello,右打外野手,19歲 曾在2019達到的最高層級:新人聯盟 2019成績:56場出賽,251個打席,打擊三圍:.211/.280/.330,3支全壘打,五次盜壘 Cabello在2017年時以捕手的身分被洋基簽下,但我對於他轉為中外野手後展現 的運動能力感到驚艷。2018年Cabello打出令人驚奇的表現,在打擊方面展現驚人的潛力 ,尤其是很快的揮棒速度。雖然去年在新人聯盟卻有點撞牆,但他的raw tool還是存在。 Cabello在跑速跟臂力方面的天分很高,但他才轉外野手兩年,守備還需要再磨 練 。他偶爾會太過急躁,過度擴大自己的好球帶去追打壞球。他有成為先發球員的潛力。 Cabello的體格可能已經發展完成,增加raw power的機會不高,但他現在的力量+速度搭 配是真貨。 目前評價:有良好運動能力及打擊天賦的中外野手,但各方面都還要再進步。19歲的他預 期能從2019年的失望賽季反彈。 未來期待:平均的大聯盟先發中外野手。 預估升上MLB年度:2023 9. Miguel Yajure, RHP Age: 21 2019 Highest Level: AA Trenton 2019 Stats: 24 G, 20 GS, 138.2 IP, 9-6, 133 K, 2.14 ERA, 1.07 WHIP Yajure, who signed for $30,000 out of Venezuela, is one of the more polished young arms in the system and his stuff has ticked up since he came back from the Tommy John surgery that cost him the entire 2017 season. Yajure got stronger during the grueling rehab process after having his elbow reconstructed, and he now operates at 92-95 mph with his fastball. His best pitch is a solid to plus changeup that keeps left-handers honest. He has added a cutter this year that has similar potential but it is a work in progress. He also has feel for spinning a curveball that should be at least an average offering. While Yajure isn’t overpowering, he has a long history of throwing strikes and commands his pitches well. He pounds the bottom of the strike zone and generates a lot of soft ground ball contact. He’s on the path to becoming a mid-rotation starter. ETA: 2021 9. Miguel Yajure,右投手,21歲 曾在2019達到的最高層級:2A 2019成績:24場出賽(20場先發),主投138.2局,133個三振,ERA2.14/WHIP1.07 Yajure在2015年以三萬美金的價碼與洋基簽約,這位委內瑞拉出身的21歲投手是 洋基農場裡表現最好的投手之一。Yajure在2017年動了TJ手術錯過許多發展時間,但他的 stuff已隨著復健漸漸恢復,目前他的速球大約在92-95 mph之間。介於平均之上與plus之 間的變速球是他最好的球種,常常讓左打者失去平衡。他的曲球與新學會的卡特球有成為 平均球種的潛力,但都還沒有很穩定。 雖然Yajure的stuff沒辦法製造很多揮空,但他都有辦法把球控進好球帶而且以 好 的command著稱。他總是能把球控制在好球帶下緣並製造很多軟弱擊球。正朝著中段先發 的 目標邁進。 目前評價:stuff普通但有良好command的投手,也已經在2A投出成績,上大聯盟的日子不 遠了。 未來期待:天花板是中段先發,如果沒有大傷最差也能成為堪用的第五號先發。 預估升上MLB年度:2021 To be continued… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1580363470.A.58B.html

01/30 14:01, 4年前 , 1F
01/30 14:01, 1F
※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 01/30/2020 14:06:33

01/30 14:08, 4年前 , 2F
Alcantara 竄升好快
01/30 14:08, 2F

01/30 14:09, 4年前 , 3F
Yajure在2A真的投的很好 2021可能有機會看到他
01/30 14:09, 3F

01/30 14:27, 4年前 , 4F
01/30 14:27, 4F
Alcantara比Dominguez高了8吋,power的成長空間可能也大得多,天花板比較高也不是不 可

01/30 14:28, 4年前 , 5F
01/30 14:28, 5F

01/30 14:30, 4年前 , 6F
01/30 14:30, 6F

01/30 14:50, 4年前 , 7F
以量取勝,總不會每隻都看走眼 XD
01/30 14:50, 7F
※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 01/30/2020 14:55:17 ※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 01/30/2020 14:59:49

01/30 15:23, 4年前 , 8F
Alcantara好瘦 這體格竟然不是打籃球的
01/30 15:23, 8F

01/30 15:52, 4年前 , 9F
01/30 15:52, 9F

01/30 17:05, 4年前 , 10F
01/30 17:05, 10F

01/30 17:05, 4年前 , 11F
01/30 17:05, 11F

01/30 19:23, 4年前 , 12F
01/30 19:23, 12F

01/30 19:29, 4年前 , 13F
01/30 19:29, 13F

01/30 20:13, 4年前 , 14F
01/30 20:13, 14F
※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 01/30/2020 20:36:16

01/30 20:45, 4年前 , 15F
01/30 20:45, 15F

01/30 20:53, 4年前 , 16F
01/30 20:53, 16F

01/30 20:53, 4年前 , 17F
01/30 20:53, 17F

01/30 20:53, 4年前 , 18F
01/30 20:53, 18F

01/30 20:54, 4年前 , 19F
01/30 20:54, 19F

01/30 20:55, 4年前 , 20F
Andrew Brackman養不起來結果跑去打籃球
01/30 20:55, 20F

01/30 21:06, 4年前 , 21F
01/30 21:06, 21F

01/30 21:06, 4年前 , 22F
他們2016梯超誇張養出lux,will smith,May都進百大
01/30 21:06, 22F

01/30 21:06, 4年前 , 23F
01/30 21:06, 23F

01/31 00:44, 4年前 , 24F
NYY近年的前段選秀除了法官外都很慘 IFA倒是比本土
01/31 00:44, 24F

01/31 00:46, 4年前 , 25F
選秀好太多了 越來越注重數據分析 本土選秀應該會
01/31 00:46, 25F

01/31 00:46, 4年前 , 26F
越來越好 還是我太樂觀 XD
01/31 00:46, 26F

01/31 01:32, 4年前 , 27F
太樂觀了 海外有整批砍掉重練 本土的還是很神奇
01/31 01:32, 27F

01/31 07:58, 4年前 , 28F
01/31 07:58, 28F

01/31 12:35, 4年前 , 29F
近20年洋基選秀出來的MLB OF 就園丁丶法官、Austin
01/31 12:35, 29F

01/31 12:35, 4年前 , 30F
Jackson、牛奶弟、Juan Rivera,這幾年的農場新秀
01/31 12:35, 30F

01/31 12:35, 4年前 , 31F
如Blake Rutherford、Florial當初也是講的有多好,
01/31 12:35, 31F

01/31 12:35, 4年前 , 32F
01/31 12:35, 32F

01/31 13:01, 4年前 , 33F
01/31 13:01, 33F

01/31 13:07, 4年前 , 34F
01/31 13:07, 34F

01/31 13:08, 4年前 , 35F
01/31 13:08, 35F

01/31 13:10, 4年前 , 36F
01/31 13:10, 36F

01/31 13:10, 4年前 , 37F
01/31 13:10, 37F

01/31 13:11, 4年前 , 38F
Gil跟Mike King也是跟人換的
01/31 13:11, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1UCcxEMB (NY-Yankees)