[外電] 洋基可考慮交易來的先發-以及其代價

看板NY-Yankees作者 (vigilante666)時間6年前 (2017/12/13 07:55), 6年前編輯推噓80(80092)
留言172則, 55人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
翻譯Joel Sherman的文章: At the press conference Monday to introduce Giancarlo Stanton, Yankees officia ls already were not only talking about what’s next, but working toward acquir ing it. This is the organizational DNA: When the Yanks sense they can win, the y increase their aggression. 在迎接PR99的記者會當天 洋基不僅僅是在討論下一步該怎麼做了 而是已經正在著手進行 真就是洋基的靈魂: 當洋基知道他們可以贏得比賽 他們就會增加他們的侵略性 The goal now is to add a starter or starters while staying under the $197 mill ion luxury-tax threshold, which became easier to do Tuesday when the Yankees t raded Chase Headley and his $13 million contract to the Padres along with Brya n Mitchell for Jabari Blash in what amounted to a salary dump. 洋基的目標很簡單: 在補1~2位先發的同時把薪資壓在197M以下 而這一切在Headley交易案後似乎比較容易了 把Headley&Mitchell送去教士 純粹只是為了丟掉那13M的薪資 In their ideal scenario, the Yankees would obtain a starter in the trade marke t who is due less than $10 million — perhaps shedding a player who makes some money in the deal to make falling under the threshold easier — and then re-s ign CC Sabathia for something in the $10 million range. 在洋基理想的狀況下 他們希望在交易市場找到薪資小於10M的SP 甚至是在交易中搭上其它球員壓低薪資 然後在這情況下與CC簽平均10M左右的合約 Let’s say that acquired starter is Pittsburgh’s Gerrit Cole, which would giv e the Yanks him, Sabathia, Sonny Gray, Jordan Montgomery, Luis Severino and Ma sahiro Tanaka, with prospects Albert Abreu, Chance Adams and Justus Sheffield getting close to the majors. That would provide the Yankees a strong, deep rot ation to go along with a top lineup that now has Stanton plus one of the game ’s best bullpens. 假設交易來的SP是Gerrit Cole好了 這樣SP就有Cole、CC、Gray、芒果、Sevy、還有馬君 小檸檬還有Abreu、Adams、Sheffield待命 如此一來洋基就算是有一個完整的先發輪值了 還不提加入了PR99的打線和固若金湯的鐵牛 So here are some thoughts on where I think the Yankees are looking and what it might cost to find that starter on the trade market: 以下是個人(Joel)認為洋基該試圖交易的SP以及其相對應的交易提案: 1. Cole: The Yankees have done plenty of deals with the Pirates, even while fi nding it difficult to find common ground. But there already is a framework for this deal. Cole and Gray came up the same year (2013), they both are free age nts after the 2019 campaign and they have somewhat similar track records. 1. Cole: 洋基和海盜之間做過許多交易、即便這筆交易距離成型還很遠。但是至少有一 個大致的框架可以參考。Cole和Gray都是13年上大檸檬的,2019年後會成為FA,更重要的 是兩人成績相去不遠。 Last July the Yankees sent Dustin Fowler, James Kaprielian and Jorge Mateo for Gray — and Fowler and Kaprielian were out with season-ending injuries at the time. 今年七月洋基送出Fowler、Kaprielian、Mateo換到Gray、值得一提的是Fowler以及Kapri elian當時都是處於賽季報銷的狀況。 Clint Frazier has become more expendable with Stanton acquired. Are Frazier, A dams and Tyler Wade close to the Gray package? Could it be sweetened further w ith the addition of another arm such as Luis Cessa? Cole is guesstimated to ma ke $7.5 million in arbitration (all arbitration forecasts come from MLB Trade Rumors). Clint Frazier在Stanton到來後顯得比較多餘。 一個由Frazier、Adams、Wade組成的包裹 是否和季中的那個包裹價值相等呢?還是說要加上另一個投手譬如Cessa,才會讓海賊點 頭?Cole被預估會在接下來的薪資仲裁中拿到7.5M。 2. Patrick Corbin, Diamondbacks: Arizona is in an interesting spot: It made th e playoffs last year. But it also is about to have key turnover with Corbin an d A.J. Pollock looming as free agents after 2018 and Paul Goldschmidt followin g 2019 while Zack Greinke’s weighty contract makes it difficult to keep other s. 2. 派屈烤餅:蛇蛇就比較有趣了。他們今年有打進季後賽。但是接下來18年烤餅&Polloc k會成為FA,緊接著19年是Goldschmidt。一切都因為Z魔神的大合約顯得比較困難。 The Yankees like groundballs and strikeouts, and Corbin — an athletic lefty — is an extreme groundball pitcher with good strikeout numbers. Once his slid er locked in, he pitched well last year, with a 3.28 ERA in his final 21 games (20 starts). I keep wondering if the Yankees can use Dellin Betances ($4.4 mi llion and a free agent after the 2019 season) as the main piece for teams look ing for high-end relief help. Corbin is predicted for $8.3 million in his fina l arbitration year. 洋基是喜歡滾地球和三振的球隊(有哪隻球隊不喜歡......)而烤餅就是一位極佳的滾地 球 投手,與此同時他的三振能力也是不俗的。只要他的滑球狀況良好,他就能繳出優質的投 球成績。去年21場出賽(20場先發)僅有3.28ERA。我很想知道洋基有沒有辦法用大B為首 的包裹去向那些想補強牛棚的球隊交易SP。烤餅被預估會在接下來的薪資仲裁拿到8.3M。 I keep wondering if Alex Wood of the Dodgers could be obtained in the same way , with Betances fronting a package. 我也很想知道道奇隊的Alex Wood是否也可以用大B萬用包達成交易(? 3. Michael Fulmer, Tigers: Detroit is rebuilding, and Fulmer is a big talent w ho is not even arbitration eligible. But should a rebuilding team turn one fut ure piece into three or four? The Yankees have a deep farm system, and again I wonder about a four-player package that begins with Frazier and either Adams, Abreu or Sheffield. 3. Fulmer:老虎正在重建,而Fulmer是一個甚至還未達到薪資仲裁資格的優秀SP。但是 一個重建中的球隊該不該把一個潛力股換成3~4個潛力股呢?洋基擁有雄厚的農場,我同 樣想知道一個以Frazier為首,Adams或Abreu或Sheffield為輔的四人新秀包有沒有辦法達 成交易。 4. Kendall Graveman/Sean Manaea, Athletics: Obviously, the A’s know the Yanke es’ system well from the Gray trade. Graveman is intriguing, but there is wor ry about his shoulder and how poorly he pitched away from Oakland. Manaea is a lefty comparable to perhaps Montgomery. That might not be enough for the Yank ees to give up Frazier. But what if the deal expanded, so the Yankees also got a strong left-on-left reliever such as Daniel Coulombe, who held lefties to a .596 OPS last year? 4. 綠帽的Graveman或是Manaea:顯而易見地,綠帽在Gray的交易案中已經很好的了解了 洋基農場了。Graveman是個不錯的選擇,可是他有肩傷疑慮以及會在客場爆炸的問題。Ma naea是個和芒果較為類似的左投。這應該不足以讓洋基丟出Frazier。但要是Coulombe同 樣被放入交易包裹內呢?他是個專門左克左的左手牛,去年只讓左打者擁有.596的OPS。 5. Jeff Samardzija, Giants: He has a lot of similarities with Michael Pineda — results that are not as good as his stuff and strikeout/walk numbers sugges t. The difference is he is a massive innings eater at a time when the Yanks ne ed some sturdiness. Only Samardzija and Max Scherzer have topped 200 innings i n each of the past five years. 5. 鯊魚:他的型態和Pineda很雷同,成績並沒有反應在他們擁有的天賦以及三振保送比 上。唯一的不同是,鯊魚可以吃下龐大的局數,而這正是洋基所需要的。只有鯊魚和薛蛇 在過去的5個賽季都吃下超過200IP。 The only way this works for the Yankees is if the Giants take Jacoby Ellsbury, who also would have to waive his no-trade clause. Ellsbury has three years an d $68.4 million left on his deal, Samardzija three years at $54 million. If th is needed to be a complete salary wash, Denard Span has one year at $13 millio n left. So Samardzija plus Span equals $67 million compared to Ellsbury’s $68 .4 million. 洋基得到鯊魚的唯一解就是把小帥哥送去巨人,當然也要太放棄NTC。小帥哥剩餘合約3y/ 68M,鯊魚則是3y/54M。如果這真的要變成一個爛約互換的話,或許巨人會搭上Span剩餘1 y/13M的合約。這樣兩邊的薪資差異才不會太大。 The Giants need power, particularly righty power, and Frazier projects to have it. The Yanks got rid of Headley’s contract by attaching Mitchell’s upside arm in the deal, and in this way the Yankees would be attaching Frazier to Ell sbury. 巨人需要攻擊火力,尤其是右強打者,而Frazier被預估有這個能力。洋基透過貼上Mitch ell來丟掉黑力的合約,如果想丟掉Ells的就只能貼上Frazier了。 Could Frazier, Domingo Acevedo and Tyler Wade in conjunction with Ellsbury get Samardzija? Frazier+Acevedo+Wade+Ells能換到鯊魚嗎? 6. Danny Duffy, Royals: Kansas City is thinking more and more of a full rebuil d and knows its ace would get a strong return. He has four years at $60 millio n left and would count $13 million against the 2018 luxury-tax payroll. He did have an elbow impingement late last season (from which he returned to make th ree starts), plus was arrested and charged with DUI. Like with the A’s and Co ulombe, if the Royals include quality lefty Scott Alexander, I can imagine the Yankees giving more in talent. 6. Duffy:皇家已經開始在考慮重建的道路了。他們也知道Duffy將會強勢回歸。Duffy的 剩餘合約為4y/60M並且2018年薪資為13M。他去年是動過肘關節手術(傷癒復出後出賽先 發3場),並且最近也因為酒駕被捕。和綠帽的Graveman狀況雷同,要是皇家願意在交易 中放入Scott Alexander,洋基或許會願意在包裹中多加入一些新秀。 如果是5、6的話,直接搶達比不會比較好嗎? 1、3一定會燒農場,可是也比較讓人期待。 相較之下2、4就比較雞肋......應該是1、3要價太高,退而求其次的方案了吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1513122906.A.31C.html ※ 編輯: vigilante666 (, 12/13/2017 07:59:18

12/13 08:05, 6年前 , 1F
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12/13 08:12, 6年前 , 5F
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12/13 08:17, 6年前 , 6F
達比季後賽已經被太空人打成那樣 簽他來讓太空人打
12/13 08:17, 6F

12/13 08:17, 6年前 , 7F
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12/13 08:22, 6年前 , 8F
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12/13 08:25, 6年前 , 9F
三可以考慮 其他就...
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12/13 09:01, 6年前 , 17F
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12/13 09:02, 6年前 , 18F
Fulmer那包代價太高 不像是現金人的交易
12/13 09:02, 18F

12/13 09:10, 6年前 , 19F
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12/13 09:11, 6年前 , 20F
滿希望是達爾來的 可是這樣豪華稅是不是守不住了
12/13 09:11, 20F

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12/13 09:30, 6年前 , 24F
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12/13 09:30, 6年前 , 25F
有沒有可能兵不血刃將Matt Harvey盤過來呢?
12/13 09:30, 25F

12/13 09:32, 6年前 , 26F
雖然有大傷去年又投得差 但也可以說價值剛好在低點
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12/13 09:49, 6年前 , 29F
梅子那整排SP 兩個代價太高 其他太痛 還是別吧
12/13 09:49, 29F

12/13 09:51, 6年前 , 30F
兵不血刃的話可以 要有來了無法用的心理準備
12/13 09:51, 30F

12/13 09:52, 6年前 , 31F
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12/13 09:58, 6年前 , 32F
寧願出點代價也不要不能用啊 XD
12/13 09:58, 32F

12/13 10:10, 6年前 , 33F
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12/13 10:11, 6年前 , 34F
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12/13 10:17, 6年前 , 35F
要換就直接換最好的Fulmer 反正農場一堆好貨可操作
12/13 10:17, 35F

12/13 11:00, 6年前 , 36F
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12/13 11:09, 6年前 , 37F
找CP值高的吧 若要清農場不就回到過去的老路
12/13 11:09, 37F

12/13 11:11, 6年前 , 38F
不要急 耐心一點等 總會讓我們等到好交易
12/13 11:11, 38F

12/13 11:14, 6年前 , 39F
12/13 11:14, 39F
還有 93 則推文
12/13 14:15, 6年前 , 133F
我也覺得Lowrie是好人選 運動家也開放談
12/13 14:15, 133F

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12/13 14:50, 6年前 , 141F
OF有什麼好壟斷的 又不是SP..
12/13 14:50, 141F

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12/13 14:58, 6年前 , 145F
真正有所謂的壟斷 就是2016年頂尖左手RP市場
12/13 14:58, 145F

12/13 14:59, 6年前 , 146F
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12/13 14:59, 6年前 , 147F
OF? 呵呵
12/13 14:59, 147F

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12/13 16:14, 6年前 , 150F
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12/13 16:26, 6年前 , 151F
很懷疑CC拿得到3年以上均12M的約耶 為何他不回簽?
12/13 16:26, 151F

12/13 17:20, 6年前 , 152F
現在沒回簽蠻合理的啊 我們又不急 cc算備案吧
12/13 17:20, 152F

12/13 17:36, 6年前 , 153F
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12/13 17:47, 6年前 , 154F
請問當年G.COLE簽約時要4M簽約金? 為什麼球團不願加
12/13 17:47, 154F

12/13 17:47, 6年前 , 155F
碼? 還是COLE完全不想加入洋基,謝謝。
12/13 17:47, 155F

12/13 17:48, 6年前 , 156F
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12/13 18:01, 6年前 , 157F
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12/13 18:07, 6年前 , 158F
陶爸有可能像黑田一樣 1年簽1次約嗎?
12/13 18:07, 158F

12/13 18:08, 6年前 , 159F
4m我記得是我們開的...cole 要求不是這價碼
12/13 18:08, 159F

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12/13 18:16, 6年前 , 163F
沒跟NY談就跑了 7M是傳言
12/13 18:16, 163F

12/13 18:17, 6年前 , 164F
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12/13 18:30, 6年前 , 165F
怎麼記得Cole要10M 根本不想談了
12/13 18:30, 165F

12/13 19:03, 6年前 , 166F
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12/13 19:08, 6年前 , 167F
沒換到馬大魚那兩隻的 有可能會找我們談 時機還沒到
12/13 19:08, 167F

12/13 19:37, 6年前 , 168F
第二天快要開始惹 好興奮喔
12/13 19:37, 168F

12/13 20:08, 6年前 , 169F
莫急莫慌莫害怕 Cashman的耐心和保密工夫都是一流
12/13 20:08, 169F

12/13 21:00, 6年前 , 170F
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12/14 01:14, 6年前 , 171F
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12/22 07:18, 6年前 , 172F
12/22 07:18, 172F
文章代碼(AID): #1QC6nQCS (NY-Yankees)