[情報] Vidal Nuno會是雙重賽的第二場先發

看板NY-Yankees作者 (養樂多'牛丼'披薩'筍乾)時間11年前 (2013/05/13 13:35), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Vidal Nuno will start Game Two of Monday’s doubleheader Left-hander Vidal Nuno will start the second game of Monday’s doubleheader against the Indians, Joe Girardi confirmed. David Phelps starts the first game. Brett Marshall will apparently be on standby in case an extra long man needs to be added between games. Nuno, 25, will be making his first career big league start. He last pitched 13 days ago, throwing 38 pitches in long relief. That is his only big league appearance to date. Nune hasn’t started a game in three weeks, but I’m sure they’ll be able to squeeze 80 or so pitches out of him anyway. If they get five innings, they’ll probably be thrilled. Adam Warren is the obvious piggyback candidate if he isn’t needed in game one. Vidal Nuno確定是對笑臉人雙重賽的第二場先發,第一場是David Phelps 在3A的Brett Marshall也許會拉上來當長中繼(雙重賽可以帶26人) Nuno雖然有三個禮拜沒先發了,但是作者認為NYY會限制他的用球數在80球左右 另外,Adam Warren也可以當救火的角色 http://ppt.cc/pCdd -- [新聞] 詹姆斯法則仿喬丹法則 小皇帝難過 LYS NBA #1HMGrfZf

04/01 12:31,
04/01 12:31

04/01 12:32,
的是 放棄你 放棄愛
04/01 12:32

04/01 12:32,
04/01 12:32

04/01 12:33,
04/01 12:33
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/13 13:41, , 1F
05/13 13:41, 1F

05/13 13:44, , 2F
to be determined 待決定
05/13 13:44, 2F

05/13 13:48, , 3F
05/13 13:48, 3F

05/13 13:57, , 4F
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05/13 14:38, , 5F
到6/10這之間 只有一天休息@@ 接著十場西岸之旅...
05/13 14:38, 5F

05/13 15:37, , 6F
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05/13 15:55, , 7F
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05/13 18:35, , 8F
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05/13 19:16, , 9F
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05/13 22:01, , 10F
王真的可以走了 這樣子已經很明顯了 不必留
05/13 22:01, 10F

05/14 08:42, , 11F
沒有超堅強的內野守備,王上來也是被欺負爽的。 所以
05/14 08:42, 11F

05/14 08:43, , 12F
這是洋基高層在保護王,全是愛的表現呀!! (誤
05/14 08:43, 12F

05/14 12:43, , 13F
05/14 12:43, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ha7k-pp (NY-Yankees)