[新聞] Jeter屁股痛

看板NY-Yankees作者時間13年前 (2011/05/06 08:23), 編輯推噓17(1709)
留言26則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Is Jeter's hip hurting? He says it's 'not a big issue' By Mark J. Miller New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter isn't having a great season, batting .250 with no homers and only six RBIs. The team captain batted a career-low .270 last year before signing a contract in December that could pay him $56 million over four years. 洋基游擊手Derek Jeter本季表現不好,打擊率0.250,沒HR,僅有6打點。 去年隊長打擊率0.270,也是生涯新低,之後在12月簽了4年56M的合約。 Wednesday night, manager Joe Girardi yanked Jeter from the game in the eighth inning due to a "right hip issue," according to the New York Post. "It's not a problem, it's not hurt," Jeter said, the Post reports. "It's not a big issue. I played with it and he decided to take me out. It was stiff, but things happen during the course of the year." Jeter wouldn't even call it an injury at all and said he would be back in the lineup Thursday, the Post notes. 根據New York Post報導,週三晚上,教頭Girardi在八局時把Jeter換下來, 因為他右屁屁出事了。Jeter對此表示:『不是大問題,不算受傷,我還能打,但教練 就把我換下來了。我的屁股是有點硬沒錯,但一年之中總會發生幾次。』 Jeter一點都不願稱呼這問題叫“屁傷”。而且也說他週四會回到打線。 The Yankees lost the game 4-0 and Jeter went 1 for 4 with a single. 洋基4比0輸球,Jeter4打數1支一安。 http://0rz.tw/Ldh0y -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/06 08:25, , 1F
所以屁傷其實是傳染病 (肉:有人叫我?)
05/06 08:25, 1F
※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (05/06 08:31)

05/06 08:30, , 2F
05/06 08:30, 2F

05/06 08:33, , 3F
05/06 08:33, 3F

05/06 11:41, , 4F
05/06 11:41, 4F

05/06 12:33, , 5F
05/06 12:33, 5F

05/06 12:52, , 6F
咖琛硬= =
05/06 12:52, 6F

05/06 13:41, , 7F
05/06 13:41, 7F

05/06 13:42, , 8F
05/06 13:42, 8F

05/06 13:58, , 9F
.250怎樣也算不上自殺棒吧 頂多是容易多殺另一個
05/06 13:58, 9F

05/06 14:00, , 10F
希望Jeter DL一整季? 你真的是洋基迷嗎
05/06 14:00, 10F

05/06 14:10, , 11F
05/06 14:10, 11F

05/06 16:11, , 12F
請問某樓 JeterDL一整季 有什麼人選可以替代先發游擊
05/06 16:11, 12F

05/06 19:05, , 13F
Nunez跟Pena 那我寧願繼續看隊長能退化到啥地步-.-
05/06 19:05, 13F

05/06 20:10, , 14F
05/06 20:10, 14F

05/06 22:23, , 15F
05/06 22:23, 15F

05/06 22:24, , 16F
05/06 22:24, 16F

05/06 22:25, , 17F
05/06 22:25, 17F

05/06 22:31, , 18F
05/06 22:31, 18F

05/07 02:14, , 19F
05/07 02:14, 19F

05/07 02:43, , 20F
OBP跟SLG也是很慘的.308 .269 目前問題最大的就他跟
05/07 02:43, 20F

05/07 02:43, , 21F
05/07 02:43, 21F

05/07 03:47, , 22F
多殺另一個 笑了= =
05/07 03:47, 22F

05/07 04:08, , 23F
05/07 04:08, 23F

05/07 09:28, , 24F
這個...以一個沒啥長打BB也不算太多 三圍快要一樣
05/07 09:28, 24F

05/07 09:29, , 25F
AVG就夠代表了 我只是想強調.250怎樣也不算自殺棒
05/07 09:29, 25F

05/07 09:39, , 26F
05/07 09:39, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1Dmp-Mpp (NY-Yankees)