[洋基] Derek Jeter will not join the Mets

看板NY-Yankees作者 (ネギ)時間14年前 (2010/11/24 23:38), 編輯推噓24(24016)
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Whether or not Derek Jeter heeds Brian Cashman's suggestion and explores the open market, there is absolutely no way he will become a Met, according to a source with direct knowledge of the team's thinking. 即使Jeter真的進了FA市埸他也不會選擇變成大都會人 The only possible reasons for the Mets to sign Jeter would be the presumed box-office draw as the shortstop pursues 3,000 hits, and the attention-grabbing statement of swiping a crosstown rival's franchise icon. 除非梅子考慮到3000H的話題性才有那一絲的機會 But the Mets already have $11 million committed for next season to an All-Star shortstop, 27-year-old Jose Reyes, who is nine years Jeter's junior. 梅子:我們的SS已經有年輕人了喲....(啾咪) Even if the Mets were to trade Reyes and create room for another shortstop, they would still lack the payroll flexibility to pursue a player who appears to want significantly more than $15 million per year. 即使把瑞椰子送走他們也沒有多餘的錢去買這尊大佛(誤) The Mets intend to spend the 2011 season evaluating the organization and waiting for several burdensome contracts (Oliver Perez's and Carlos Beltran's, to name two) to expire. They insist they will not pursue any major free agents this winter. 現在梅子要做的就是等幾個大合約到期把薪資空間清出來,今年不會有什麼大的交易出現 "I think I've tried to be clear from the outset that we are not going to be big players in the free-agent market this year," general manager Sandy Alderson said Tuesday, after introducing Terry Collins as the Mets' new manager. "Our goal is to be players every year. We have a little less flexibility this time around." 梅子新GM表示:今年只會做一點小變動 http://tinyurl.com/2g5vkaf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/24 23:40, , 1F
11/24 23:40, 1F

11/24 23:46, , 2F
除非JETER也想 drop the ball
11/24 23:46, 2F

11/24 23:48, , 3F
11/24 23:48, 3F

11/24 23:56, , 4F
Reyes快來 梅子衰氣沖天 不要待了
11/24 23:56, 4F

11/25 00:45, , 5F
Reyes明天的opt已經撿了 是要JETER幹麻
11/25 00:45, 5F

11/25 00:45, , 6F
11/25 00:45, 6F

11/25 00:58, , 7F
11/25 00:58, 7F

11/25 01:52, , 8F
就一樣He抓了波阿...本來想說他們有可能追Uggla的 QQ
11/25 01:52, 8F

11/25 01:52, , 9F
勇士欄胡了 硬方鐵+一人左就換到 還滿便宜的
11/25 01:52, 9F

11/25 02:28, , 10F
西岡剛有可能嗎? 要是真跟隊長鬧翻?
11/25 02:28, 10F

11/25 02:30, , 11F
不太可能 orz 西岡還要入扎金 怎麼想都不划算
11/25 02:30, 11F

11/25 02:31, , 12F
Jeter最後會接受的 你放心好了 讓他試一下水溫就知道
11/25 02:31, 12F

11/25 04:25, , 13F
11/25 04:25, 13F

11/25 04:25, , 14F
11/25 04:25, 14F

11/25 09:14, , 15F
在約紐錢最多 名聲高 妹最好把 不簽才有鬼
11/25 09:14, 15F

11/25 09:40, , 16F
11/25 09:40, 16F

11/25 09:54, , 17F
羅德說就算入札一元也沒關係...幫西剛圓夢 出100吧XD
11/25 09:54, 17F

11/25 10:01, , 18F
11/25 10:01, 18F

11/25 10:02, , 19F
11/25 10:02, 19F

11/25 10:18, , 20F
11/25 10:18, 20F

11/25 10:31, , 21F
11/25 10:31, 21F

11/25 10:37, , 22F
11/25 10:37, 22F

11/25 11:07, , 23F
11/25 11:07, 23F

11/25 11:16, , 24F
11/25 11:16, 24F

11/25 11:22, , 25F
11/25 11:22, 25F

11/25 11:23, , 26F
11/25 11:23, 26F

11/25 12:44, , 27F
AROD現在的體型 守SS會是一個大洞吧= =
11/25 12:44, 27F

11/25 12:55, , 28F
11/25 12:55, 28F

11/25 13:45, , 29F
11/25 13:45, 29F

11/25 15:48, , 30F
11/25 15:48, 30F

11/25 18:00, , 31F
11/25 18:00, 31F

11/25 18:28, , 32F
去辛辛那提 完成某人的願望 :)
11/25 18:28, 32F

11/25 19:51, , 33F
11/25 19:51, 33F

11/25 21:10, , 34F
A-Rod回SS? 先減個30磅吧....
11/25 21:10, 34F

11/25 21:57, , 35F
11/25 21:57, 35F

11/25 23:33, , 36F
阿肉很胖喔?!我以為他很壯= =哈哈哈哈哈
11/25 23:33, 36F

11/25 23:43, , 37F
11/25 23:43, 37F

11/26 01:50, , 38F
11/26 01:50, 38F

11/26 01:54, , 39F
04那年季後賽 JETER AROD放一二棒還以為在看重播
11/26 01:54, 39F

11/26 01:54, , 40F
兩個體型超像的 現在...
11/26 01:54, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1CxJ5dBQ (NY-Yankees)