[新聞] Hughes Will Skip Start

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今年他投得太好了,吃了很多局數,反而必須提早休息 會跳過下次先發,這次不能在家鄉加州出賽 下次先發是在NYC對上水兵 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/22/sports/baseball/22pins.html?ref=baseball As His Innings Mount, Hughes Will Skip Start By BEN SHPIGEL Published: June 21, 2010 Phil Hughes is a victim of his own success. By pitching so well this season, by logging so many innings, Hughes has accelerated the Yankees’ preservation plan for him. They will skip his scheduled start Friday in Los Angeles to give him three more starts before the All-Star break instead of four. His next start will come June 29 at Yankee Stadium against Seattle. “This is a hard guy to sit and miss a start, just because of how well he’s pitching for us,” Manager Joe Girardi said before the Yankees’ game Monday night against Arizona. “We can’t be short-sighted. We have to think of this year, and we also have to think of his future and not hurt this kid. Starters are not easy to develop, and it takes time. We want to make sure that we have him for a long time.” Ever since Hughes won a rotation spot in spring training, the Yankees have been devising a plan for him. As they did with Joba Chamberlain, they are monitoring Hughes’s innings so he will not throw too many this year. Significant increases often make young pitchers like Hughes, 23, vulnerable to injury or a drop-off in performance the following year. Hughes has exceeded the Yankees’ expectations this season, going 10-1 with a 3.17 earned run average, but he has pitched 82 1/3 innings across his 13 starts — an average of six and a third innings per start. If he were to continue on that pace without extra rest, Hughes would demolish his professional season high of 146 innings in 2006. “It’s hard for anybody to predict whether they’ll need it or not,” Hughes said of the extra rest. “Some guys obviously didn’t. Nolan Ryan didn’t need an innings limit. But some guys did. It’s impossible for me to say whether I do or not. But I mean, they’re being on the safe side and I respect that because they obviously have my best interests in mind. Anytime an organization does that, you’re on board with it.” Hughes, a native of Orange County, Calif., acknowledged that he was a bit disappointed that he would not pitch in front of family Friday night at Dodger Stadium. But he said he had been keeping track of his innings and knew a break was coming. He said he was not worried that going nine days between starts would disrupt his rhythm. “It’s not like I came out of the gates and I was struggling and this is going to be a setback for me,” he said. “I don’t really view having a couple of extra days off as being a setback. I don’t believe that. I think I ’m going to take the approach of taking advantage of the extra rest and hopefully be strong in my next start.” The Yankees will not publicly disclose their innings expectations for Hughes, who said he had not asked and did not want to know. It is believed to be in the range of 170 to 175 innings. As the first concession, Hughes did not make his first start until April 15, nine games into the season. In the second half, there are not many obvious opportunities to manipulate the rotation — no more off days bookending a series, as is the case this weekend — but the Yankees can maximize his rest during the All-Star break by giving him the fifth start afterward. Hughes has the credentials to pitch in the All-Star Game, scheduled for July 13, and this decision will have no bearing on his eligibility or participation. “We might have to skip again,” Girardi said. “But as I told him, maybe you ’re fortunate enough to pitch in games when we get huge leads and I don’t have to throw you seven or eight innings.” There are similarities between the Yankees’ handling of Hughes and Chamberlain, but there is an important distinction, too. The Yankees restricted Chamberlain, beginning in 2007, because he had never pitched a full season as a starter. To limit Chamberlain’s innings in 2008, the Yankees had him begin the season as a reliever, and last season they were forced to fine-tune his program when injuries cropped up. They revised his schedule to include abbreviated starts — three or four innings — which created an awkward situation. Even though injuries shortened his seasons in 2007 and 2008, Hughes came up as a starter. He pitched 105 1/3 regular-season innings last year, mostly in relief, but the Yankees know he has a starter’s base to draw from. “It’s a great problem and I hope it continues, because that means he’s pitching well if he’s pitching seven innings and into the eighth most of the time,” Girardi said. “I hope that problem continues and we’ll adjust from there.” -- There are a lot things we don't want to know about the people we love. --- Chuck Palahniuk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: decorum 來自: (06/22 18:38) ※ 編輯: decorum 來自: (06/22 18:42)

06/22 18:40, , 1F
06/22 18:40, 1F

06/22 18:42, , 2F
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06/22 18:48, , 3F
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06/22 19:02, , 4F
滿合理的 瓦哥回穩 多跳過Hughes幾次就可以讓這五隻
06/22 19:02, 4F

06/22 19:02, , 5F
06/22 19:02, 5F

06/22 19:03, , 6F
我怎麼覺得前三樓的推文滿有一氣呵成的感覺= =?
06/22 19:03, 6F

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06/22 20:04, , 10F
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06/22 20:21, , 11F
推前三樓 一氣呵成 不拖泥帶水
06/22 20:21, 11F

06/22 20:47, , 12F
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06/22 21:11, , 13F
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06/22 21:14, , 14F
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06/22 21:52, , 15F
明星賽的投手是教頭挑的 不是票選 今年的教頭是吉總
06/22 21:52, 15F

06/22 22:06, , 16F
06/22 22:06, 16F

06/22 22:40, , 17F
06/22 22:40, 17F

06/22 22:59, , 18F
跳過AJ幹嘛 他又沒局數限制
06/22 22:59, 18F

06/22 23:35, , 19F
讓一個不穩的投手一直上? 為什麼不跳過?
06/22 23:35, 19F

06/22 23:55, , 20F
06/22 23:55, 20F

06/23 00:10, , 21F
讓不穩的投手跳過一次先發 -> 不能低潮不能炸
06/23 00:10, 21F

06/23 00:10, , 22F
06/23 00:10, 22F

06/23 00:12, , 23F
保護Hughes是合理,調一下AJ也合理 看教練想法
06/23 00:12, 23F

06/23 00:33, , 24F
有局數限制的是Hughes不是AJ 就算跳過的是AJ讓Hughes
06/23 00:33, 24F

06/23 00:33, , 25F
去先發 也只不過是把Hughes後面要用的局數先拿來前面
06/23 00:33, 25F

06/23 00:34, , 26F
用而已 不就是讓CC/AJ/Andy/JV/Hughes這五隻先發能吃
06/23 00:34, 26F

06/23 00:34, , 27F
下162場裡面的越多場次越好而已 這真的很難理解嗎@@?
06/23 00:34, 27F

06/23 00:35, , 28F
現在又不是什麼到最後了要割喉戰 現在才打沒一半耶
06/23 00:35, 28F

06/23 00:35, , 29F
球團希望把Hughes今年句數限制在170IP 如果現在不跳
06/23 00:35, 29F

06/23 00:36, , 30F
過他的先發 很可能到季末要爭哪幾場勝差的時候
06/23 00:36, 30F

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06/23 01:30, , 36F
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06/23 01:31, , 37F
以目前"現況" skip AJ也是可考慮的
06/23 01:31, 37F

06/23 01:33, , 38F
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06/23 01:35, , 39F
我們不是只有AJ跟Hughes兩位投手 單skip掉一次Hughes
06/23 01:35, 39F

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06/23 07:46, , 54F
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06/23 07:50, , 55F
我是回tomho1202的 =.=a
06/23 07:50, 55F

06/24 14:17, , 56F
06/24 14:17, 56F
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