[洋基] Obama有意冷落A-Rod!?

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間14年前 (2010/04/28 00:54), 編輯推噓18(18012)
留言30則, 24人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
看了Obama的白宮談話後,他只提到幾個人名,特別是沒有提到A-Rod.... 果然新聞就來了... 以A-Rod生涯的成就和季後的表現,Obama沒有提到他真的是有點怪... 長期負責洋基新聞的資深媒體人Bob Klapisch,便在Twitter上寫了: 很難相信Obama總統冷落A-Rod不是有意的... Obama只提到Rivera, Teixiera, Posada和Jeter, 另外便是Joe Girardi。 當然Obama也沒有提到王牌投手CC Sabathia,他更沒有提到George Steinbrenner... 另外令人納悶的是,Obama提到洋基球員的core four,但獨獨就缺了Andy Pettitte 以下是一些猜測... 1. Obama知道A-Rod和Pettitte涉及PEDs的問題,因此不想牽扯到這些人物... 2. 當然我們看Obama的演說要塞下所有去年表現傑出的人物,的確是有點困難,但 也有可能原本的演說稿中有A-Rod等人的名字,但最終考慮到去年他剛好承認使 用PEDs,而Pettitte又使用過HGH,最後還是決定拿掉他們的名字。 各位看倌覺得如何呢? Did Obama Snub A-Rod at the White House Yesterday? http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2010/04/did_obama_snub_a-rod.html 4/27/10 at 11:00 AM Comment 1Comment Almost certainly not. But Bob Klapisch thinks he did! Via BobKlap on Twitter: "Hard to believe Prez Obama's snub of A-Rod was anything but intentional." Big League Stew did a little digging and learned that Obama indeed didn't mention A-Rod by name, but did mention four other Yankees (Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada, Derek Jeter, and Mark Teixeira). But he also didn't explicitly recognize CC Sabathia, a pretty important member of last year's team, or anyone else besides those four and Joe Girardi. (He also didn't mention "Core Four" member Andy Pettitte, so we guess he could have been distancing himself from anyone connected with performance-enhancing drugs.) For what it's worth, Big League Stew also went back and read the transcripts of the Lakers and Phillies visits and found that — actually, we can't believe we're still talking about this. Obama may enjoy dissing the Yankees as a whole, but he'll leave the A-Rod hating to Dallas Braden. Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:14 pm EDT A-Rod gets no love from President Obama in White House speech http://tinyurl.com/2byxlbz You gotta hand it to the story-creating instincts of a New York media member: The Yankees visit President Obama at the White House on Monday, a relatively stiff and boring ceremony honoring the reigning World Series champs is held and everyone moves on without a Dallas Braden-type incident. Except, wait, what was that? The president never mentioned Alex Rodriguez(notes) by name in his speech? Well, that seems an awful like a calculated slight if you ask Bob Klapisch, who's one of the most tenured baseball scribes in New York. Fire up the controversy machine! From @BobKlap: "Hard to believe Prez Obama's snub of A-Rod was anything but intentional." It seems that Klapisch's belief stems from the fact that Obama mentioned Mariano Rivera(notes), Jorge Posada(notes), Derek Jeter(notes) and Mark Teixeira(notes) by name during a short speech in which he seemed more concerned with reminding everyone that he's a huge White Sox fan. If you read the transcript of Obama's short remarks, you can see that he indeed mentioned those four players, and for different reasons. He praised Rivera for his cutter, Teixeira and Posada for their charity work and Jeter for the intangibles that seemingly everyone in this country — including the commander-in-chief — has been trained to rattle off. But Obama also didn't mention players like CC Sabathia(notes), Andy Pettite, A.J. Burnett(notes) or the not-in-attendance Hideki Matsui(notes) and Johnny Damon(notes) and they all played instrumental roles in the Yankees' 27th World Series title, too. Heck, he didn't even mention George Steinbrenner by name or say anything about Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle or Joe DiMaggio. If you listen to the speech, it's obvious that the president was running off a tightly-written script and not running down a checklist of great names from the Bronx. Still, is there anything to the line of thinking that Klapisch threw out there? For the reasons above, I think it's silly to suggest there is. Obama also later made sure to shake the hand of every Yankee that was standing on the risers behind him and both he and A-Rod were grinning when they greeted each other. Then again, I looked back at the transcripts from when the Lakers and Phillies visited Obama in Washington and there weren't any glaring oversights of those team's biggest players in his words. Maybe the president's speechwriters were going to include A-Rod, then kept him out after considering his past involvement with performance-enhancing drugs? That seems like a pretty large leap to make, though not for the sensation-sniffing Big Apple media. Now that the door is open, we'll see if anyone else follows Klap's lead. What do you think? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 00:56, , 1F
04/28 00:56, 1F

04/28 01:03, , 2F
it's not very important..
04/28 01:03, 2F

04/28 01:04, , 3F
"A"bama cool...
04/28 01:04, 3F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (04/28 01:05)

04/28 01:17, , 4F
04/28 01:17, 4F

04/28 01:24, , 5F
為了河蟹 不然Bradenia會提出嚴重的外交抗議吧
04/28 01:24, 5F

04/28 01:39, , 6F
04/28 01:39, 6F

04/28 01:43, , 7F
因為AROD讓美國少了一塊投手丘 歐巴馬記恨!!!
04/28 01:43, 7F

04/28 02:17, , 8F
04/28 02:17, 8F

04/28 02:23, , 9F
04/28 02:23, 9F

04/28 02:54, , 10F
他們兩個有成立公共利益為主的基金會嗎 =.=?
04/28 02:54, 10F

04/28 02:55, , 11F
04/28 02:55, 11F

04/28 02:55, , 12F
沒看他提到關於棒球上的其他表現啊 ...
04/28 02:55, 12F

04/28 03:18, , 13F
A-Rod害美國損失一塊國土耶 沒有開戰就很不錯了XD
04/28 03:18, 13F

04/28 04:06, , 14F
↑有文可以爬嗎?@@ 很好奇
04/28 04:06, 14F

04/28 04:08, , 15F
XD 我看到了
04/28 04:08, 15F

04/28 05:14, , 16F
影片: http://ppt.cc/Eq-C 波波笑得好燦爛XD
04/28 05:14, 16F

04/28 07:11, , 17F
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04/28 07:12, , 18F
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04/28 07:13, , 19F
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04/28 08:48, , 20F
04/28 08:48, 20F

04/28 11:55, , 21F
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04/28 12:04, , 22F
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04/28 12:20, , 23F
吃藥是事實 幹嗎提?
04/28 12:20, 23F

04/28 12:29, , 24F
=========== 老話一句 :血統不夠純正 ==============
04/28 12:29, 24F

04/28 12:34, , 25F
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04/28 13:02, , 26F
白襪迷的意見,才不放在眼裡啦 lol
04/28 13:02, 26F

04/28 21:03, , 27F
04/28 21:03, 27F

05/04 02:44, , 28F
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05/04 02:48, , 29F
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12/28 13:53, 5年前 , 30F
是誰再後面一直咬口香糖 https://noxiv.com
12/28 13:53, 30F
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