[新聞] Perceptions Changed, but Rodriguez H …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (talogia)時間14年前 (2009/11/08 12:16), 編輯推噓16(17126)
留言44則, 22人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
這是拿下世界大賽冠軍那天的新聞,今天才有空翻 有錯請指正 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/05/sports/baseball/05rhoden.html Perceptions Changed, but Rodriguez Hasn't By WILLIAM C. RHODEN Published: November 4, 2009 Alex Rodriguez's first act as a World Series champion was to raise his arms and jump for joy. As soon as Shane Victorino made the Phillies' final out, Rodriguez ran toward the throng of Yankees teammates in the middle of Yankee Stadium and threw himself into the pack. At 11:51 p.m., a journey that began when Rodriguez determined that he wanted a championship ring more than statistics, more than money, ended Wednesday night in the Bronx. The Yankees won their 27th World Series, A-Rod his long-awaited first. 當夏威夷人最終出局,洋基確定拿下世界大賽冠軍,AROD第一個動作是高舉雙手 ,跑向球場中央跟隊友一起慶祝。 AROD想要冠軍戒指勝於他的個人成績和薪水,週三晚上這個願望終於實現,他終 於等到可望已久的冠軍戒指。 Rodriguez stood on a platform holding the championship trophy over his head."You have 25 guys who bought into Joe Girardi's system," he said. "I wish we could come out and play again tomorrow for no reason; that's how much we love each other." 「我們有25人,我希望我們明天可以不為任何理由再打一場,我們就是這麼喜愛 彼此。」 A season that began in Florida on a note of embarrassment ended Wednesday in exhilaration for Rodriguez. In February, with dozens of teammates standing nearby and a gaggle of reporters watching in Tampa, Fla., A-Rod, who had recently been outed by a Sports Illustrated report that he tested positive for steroids in 2003, issued a tearful apology to teammates, fans and family. Many in the news media had been trumpeting the fiction that A-Rod would be the white knight who removed the stain of the home run king, Barry Bonds, who was under suspicion of using steroids. Then we learned that Rodriguez, too, was tainted. AROD今年球季有一個難堪的開始,但週三晚上是個美好的結局。 被爆料在2003年類固醇反應呈陽性後,2月在隊友的陪同下於坦怕灣開記者會, 跟隊友、球迷和家人道歉。 過去許多人都認為AROD會成為打破BB爺紀錄的白騎士,而現在他也跟BB爺一樣 有了汙點。 But in the process of winning his first World Series championship, Rodriguez became a fallen hero on the rise. "I'm just enjoying the moment," he said. "For me the one thing I can remember is, I know a lot of people were running the other way, and rightfully so in spring training. But I have 25 guys and my coaches and the organization, the Steinbrenner family that stood literally right next to me. And that meant the world to me. It just feels good collectively to be sitting here today as world champs." 但拿到他的第一次世界大賽冠軍後,他的地位提升中。 「我只是享受這個時刻。我知道有許多人離開,但我有25個隊友、和教練、和 老史家族的支持,對我來說這就是全部,今天能站在這裡贏得世界大賽我感覺 非常好。」 When the news came out that Rodriguez had tested positive for steroids in 2003, one Yankees executive said: "His legacy, now, is gone. He'll just play it out. Now he's a worker. Do your job, collect your paycheck and when you're finished playing, go away. That's what it is." Quite the contrary. Thanks to a solid season and a grand postseason, he has reclaimed his legacy. In fact, he has watched it grow. 當AROD在2003年類固醇反應呈陽性的新聞一出,一位洋基內部人士表示「他的 傳奇已經消失了,他將會只是打球,一個職員,做你的工作、領錢,工作結束 後就走開。就只是這樣。」 相反地,因為球季和季後賽的傑出表現,他又贏回他的傳奇,事實上,還更成 長了。 We began reading and hearing that A-Rod was a changed man. How did that happen? 我們開始聽到關於AROD是個不一樣的人了,但這是怎麼發生的? Some speculated that it was the finality of his divorce, others that it was the tearful February news conference in Tampa with teammates looking on. Still others said the author of Rodriguez's renaissance was Kate Hudson. But A-Rod is not the one who has changed. He is the same guy. The Yankees' lineup has changed. The addition of Mark Teixeira and Nick Swisher have made A-Rod more effective. The addition of the no-nonsense pitcher C. C. Sabathia and the effective A. J. Burnett has made the Yankees a tougher team over all. 一些人猜測是因為他終於離婚了,或是今年二月在坦帕灣的那個記者會,或者 其他人會說AROD的新生是因為凱特。 但AROD沒有變,還是同一個人。洋基的打線今年變得不一樣,鐵爺和正妹的加 入讓AROD的攻擊更有效率,還有CC和AJB,讓洋基成為更強的球隊。 The new view of Rodriguez is, on one level, a media-driven fan transformation that reached a peak heading into the postseason, when he suddenly began succeeding where he previously had failed. Everyone loves redemption stories, but this transformation is more about fans' desire to have a winning team than one man's sea change. What's troubling about the transformation story is that the root of it is winning. For all of our new, exciting ways of delivering games, one thing has remained constant: performance trumps just about everything. When it leads to profits, performance trumps everything. 對AROD的新觀點來自今年的季後賽,他在之前失敗的地方獲得大成功。 每個人都喜歡東山再起的故事,但AROD的轉變對粉絲來說,更重要的是對一個 冠軍球隊的期待而非個人的改變。贏球還是最重要的,有一件事是不變的:表 現主宰一切。 Until now, Rodriguez was dogged by the perception that he was a high-priced player who never won the big one and failed in the clutch. Had he suffered through another miserable postseason, he would have been vilified by those fans who now wax poetic about the changed A-Rod. 到現在AROD還是被質疑說是最高薪的球員但沒贏過重要比賽而且關鍵時刻打不 出來。如果他之前曾為此受苦,現在那些曾咒罵他的粉絲都等著為他的轉變歡呼。 A month before the steroids bombshell, Rodriguez was roasted by his former manager, Joe Torre, in his book "The Yankee Years." It ignited a new round of A-Rod battering and gave credibility to what many of the most devout Yankees fans had begun to think: Rodriguez was a phony and a fraud, disingenuous. 類固醇事件爆發的前一個月,老托的新書給AROD重擊,並讓洋基迷確信他是個假 貨、騙子和虛偽的。 Torre's frank assessments confirmed in some fans' minds that Rodriguez was the not the person to lead the Yankees to a title. Torre said Rodriguez became "the unmistakable shorthand symbol for why the Yankees no longer were champions and suffered at the rise of the Red Sox." The book conjectured: "Whether hitting 450-foot home runs or sunbathing shirtless in Central Park or squiring strippers, Rodriguez was like nothing ever seen before on the championship teams of the Torre Era: an ambitious superstar impressed and motivated by stature and status, particularly when those qualities pertained to himself." 老托證實某些粉絲對AROD的想法,就是他不是領導洋基拿到冠軍的那個人,他是 洋基無法再拿到冠軍且因紅襪的成長吃苦的元兇。 那本書指出無論他的表現如何,他都不在老托的冠軍隊中:一個令人印象深刻的 超級明星,只為自己的紀錄和地位打球。 Rodriguez is being viewed differently. But it's not the made-for-TV confession or the relationship with Hudson that has fans turned on to "the new" Alex Rodriguez. His clutch performances and now a championship have changed minds and attitudes. With a World Series title, A-Rod will receive richly deserved adulation and praise. The fans who jeered, who called him A-Fraud, who wanted him run out of town, now toss laurel wreaths his way. Makes you wonder who the real phonies are. 但人們現在對AROD的看法不一樣了,不是因為凱特讓他成為一個新的人,他關鍵 時刻的表現和終於拿到冠軍改變人們的態度和想法。 贏得世界大賽,AROD也贏得該有的稱讚,那些過去咒罵他,稱他騙子,希望他滾 出這個城市的粉絲現在爭著為他戴上桂冠。 現在誰才是騙子? (心得文發言不慎所以刪除) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: talogia 來自: (11/08 12:22)

11/08 12:29, , 1F
凱特傳奇:吃素 很愛做愛 顧家 學佛 嗎XD?
11/08 12:29, 1F

11/08 12:30, , 2F
11/08 12:30, 2F

11/08 12:33, , 3F
11/08 12:33, 3F

11/08 12:34, , 4F
11/08 12:34, 4F

11/08 13:03, , 5F
11/08 13:03, 5F

11/08 13:11, , 6F
ARod以前是只是個神 今年季後賽表現讓她成為界王 終於拿到
11/08 13:11, 6F

11/08 13:12, , 7F
11/08 13:12, 7F

11/08 13:31, , 8F
帳面成績不出色.. 其實那是跟生涯比 跟聯盟比還是很威的
11/08 13:31, 8F

11/08 14:33, , 9F
11/08 14:33, 9F

11/08 14:49, , 10F
11/08 14:49, 10F

11/08 14:54, , 11F
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11/08 14:55, , 12F
11/08 14:55, 12F

11/08 14:56, , 13F
11/08 14:56, 13F

11/08 15:16, , 14F
11/08 15:16, 14F

11/08 17:10, , 15F
11/08 17:10, 15F

11/08 17:49, , 16F
11/08 17:49, 16F

11/08 18:42, , 17F
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11/08 18:43, , 18F
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11/08 18:54, , 19F
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11/08 19:38, , 20F
11/08 19:38, 20F

11/08 20:15, , 21F
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11/08 21:19, , 22F
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11/08 21:20, , 23F
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11/08 21:22, , 24F
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11/08 21:25, , 25F
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11/08 21:29, , 26F
11/08 21:29, 26F

11/08 21:30, , 27F
11/08 21:30, 27F
※ 編輯: talogia 來自: (11/08 21:38)

11/08 21:44, , 28F
^^ 翻譯辛苦了
11/08 21:44, 28F

11/08 22:11, , 29F
11/08 22:11, 29F

11/09 08:37, , 30F
11/09 08:37, 30F

11/09 13:13, , 31F
Melky今年的帳面成績比起他的生涯平均算出色沒錯啊, 至於
11/09 13:13, 31F

11/09 13:13, , 32F
後面那句是多的, 呵呵
11/09 13:13, 32F

11/09 21:46, , 33F
11/09 21:46, 33F

11/10 00:55, , 34F
11/10 00:55, 34F

11/10 00:55, , 35F
11/10 00:55, 35F

11/10 01:15, , 36F
11/10 01:15, 36F

11/10 14:28, , 37F
出色不出色可以跟任何一個人比, 也包括自己在內, 無論是一
11/10 14:28, 37F

11/10 14:29, , 38F
年前的自己, 五年前的自己, 或者是具體的自己, 抽象的自己
11/10 14:29, 38F

11/10 14:29, , 39F
11/10 14:29, 39F

11/10 22:22, , 40F
唉唉-_- maayaleaf大說得對,以後我發言會更謹慎....
11/10 22:22, 40F

11/10 22:24, , 41F
11/10 22:24, 41F

11/10 22:24, , 42F
是全部. 吼, 你把K-Hud放在哪 XD
11/10 22:24, 42F

11/10 22:25, , 43F
倒是昨天之前查BR AROD的OPS+都是143,怎麼今天變147了...
11/10 22:25, 43F

12/28 13:44, 5年前 , 44F
今年OPS+143就算 https://daxiv.com
12/28 13:44, 44F
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