[洋基] 分區系列賽Game2外電 場邊花絮

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分區系列賽Game2外電 場邊花絮 先來看一篇季後賽開打前有關A-Rod的文章,現在回頭來看,覺得還滿有意思的。 ALDS PREVIEW Reggie Jackson: Alex Rodriguez will rock for the Yankees in October BY MATT GAGNE DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER 十月份似乎很少是A-Rod的月份,但那個人相信,這一切將會改變。 名人堂老將Reggie Jackson,同時身為洋基的狗頭軍師,對A-Rod生涯第八次的季後賽之 旅做出大膽的預言。 "I think he's going to have a great October," Jackson said as the Yankees took batting practice at the Stadium Tuesday. "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, or what somebody else thought. What happened, happened, but he's more comfortable and in a better space mentally. Jackson星期二和洋基隊員們在球場進行打擊練習時這麼說:「我相信A-Rod這次季後賽會 打得不錯,不論過去他的表現如何,別人又是怎麼評論他,不論發生了什麼,他的心智都 較從前成熟自在了。」 "I look for him to perform like we always expected. He's not Superman, but he's got the ability to be Superman, and I think he's in a better position to fulfill our dreams and wishes." 「我希望他的表現能符合大家的期待。他不是超人,但他有成為超人的神力,我相信他現 在有很好的機會,來滿足我們的願望。」 當然,神的存在確實讓洋基迷有更多的期望。自從04年美聯冠軍賽與紅襪的第五戰之後, A-Rod季後賽只有.143的打擊率,全壘打與打點各一,同時在15場比賽中留下了35個殘壘 。 "Teams didn't want him to beat them, and that's what happened in years past," Johnny Damon said, explaining the pressure A-Rod felt to produce, which only made matters worse when teams pitched around him. "We have a lineup, top to bottom, that's very good. ... Hopefully he can relax now knowing that we can all make a difference." 「球隊沒有要求A-Rod打敗對手,但過去幾年,即使有其他的隊友,A-Rod仍把勝負攬在身 上,給自己製造無謂的壓力。」曹格說。 「我們有很好的打線,希望他可以放輕鬆一點,並了解到我們都能使球隊變得不一樣。」 不過最大的改變,可能來自於A-Rod的形象(makeup)。在禁藥醜聞爆發之後,又因為臀部 的手術錯過了春訓及一個月的比賽。A-Rod最近向媒體坦承,他已失去一切跌落谷底(hit rock bottom),沒什麼可損失的了(had "nothing to lose"),因此決定專心打球,融入 球隊,成為隊上的一份子。 "I just like the way he's handling himself, I like the way he's going about his business. I like what I see in his face, I like what's going on with him," Jackson said. "I think he's going to be great. He's more relaxed now, more comfortable. I see him as comfortable in his own surroundings, comfortable in his own skin." 「我喜歡他現在自我管理的作風,我喜歡他現在打球的方式,我喜歡我在他臉上所看到的 神情。我喜歡現在發生在他身上的事。」Jackson說道。「我相信他會變得更棒,他現在 變得比較放鬆了,也比較令人感到舒服。上帝終於能偽裝成A-Rod在紐約自在地打球。」 被問到自己是如何準備季後賽,以及如何贏得十月先生的綽號,Jackson 表示: "I got tougher, I got more narrow, more focused, more to the point," he said. "I was going to have a good swing when I let it go." Which Jackson thinks A-Rod, now more than ever, is capable of doing. 「我變得更強悍、更細心,且更專注。」「每當我上場時,我要求自己做出好的揮擊。」 而這正是Jackson所認為現在的A-Rod,比起從前,更有能力達到的境界。 剛好這場球正是由Jackson來舉行開球儀式,結果A-Rod就打出了,可能是他穿上條紋制服 以來,最重要的一支全壘打(his greatest yankee momement more than ever),李老 Reggie這次的預測結果還不錯。當然,洋基還有很長的一段路要走,就讓我們看下去,神 會不會繼續創造歷史。 Reggie Jackson talks with Chris Shearn about the 2009 Yankees and his life in October http://web.yesnetwork.com/media/video.jsp?content_id=7030787 In the dugout Mark Teixeira's home run gets Brett Gardner off hook in New York Yankees win over Minnesota Twins 鐵爺的致勝全壘打使腿弟解套 周五晚上當鐵爺以再見全壘打為洋基贏得比賽,球場裡恐怕沒有人比腿弟還要高興了。 "I'm sure there were a lot of happy people in the building," Gardner said. "The 25 of us, the coaches and about 50,000 people. But yeah, I was very happy to see that." 我知道球場裡的所有人,包括球員教練球迷們都興奮極了,看到他們高興的樣子我感到欣 慰。腿弟說。 If David Robertson didn't pull his Houdini act in the top of the 11th inning, Gardner was all set up to be the goat in what would have been a painful Game 2 loss in the ALDS. 如果蘿蔔第十一局沒有變成胡蘿蔔,園丁可能就會痛苦的變成山羊(沒有Robertson神奇的 表現,腿弟很可能會變成代罪羔羊,第二戰對洋基而言,就會相當painful)。 那是在十局下半,一人出局一三壘有人,大門打了個游擊強勁平飛球,結果被Orlando Cabrera策動了一次雙殺守備。由於腿弟的提早離壘結束了那個半局的進攻,使得洋基球 場沉寂了下來。 "It was a low line drive and I got a bad read," Gardner said. "You want to see a line drive go through, obviously. I screwed up. I should have froze. I thought it was going to short-hop and it didn't." 那球飛得很低而我判斷失誤了,腿弟說,你期待那球會穿出去。我搞砸了,我應該先停下 來。我以為那球有落地,但實際上沒有。(Short Hop = 很近防守員的低彈跳球) "That's an extremely tough read for Brett Gardner," Girardi said. "Any ground ball hit to short or second, they're going to be able to turn two. So he's trying to (keep) them from turning two. It's a tough read. We want him to be aggressive, he's been aggressive for us (and) it's paid off all year long with him." 那球腿弟太難判斷了,喬弟說。對方有雙殺的機會,腿弟只是盡力去避開雙殺。(意思是 ,如果那是個滾地球,而雙城沒有完成雙殺,至少腿弟會把致勝分跑回來) 那球很難判斷 。我們需要他侵略性的跑壘,而他也為我們做到了,這一整年都相當成功。 Said Gardner: "I didn't have much time to make a decision. I thought it was going to short-hop and when I saw he caught it I was committed to going home. Obviously I was a little frustrated in myself for making a bad decision. But Teix came back and picked me up." 腿弟說:我沒有足夠的時間去判斷,我以為那球落地了,但當我看到球被接殺,Orlando Cabrera知道我要跑本壘,馬上就逮到我了。我為跑壘失誤感到沮喪,還好鐵爺發威了, 救了我一命。 New York Yankees' Dave Robertson delivers first postseason appearance with dramatic escape 蘿蔔先生季後賽初登板,展現驚人壘包精算能力 Dave Robertson joked that he was unsure if he was breathing in the 11th inning Friday night when Twins filled the bases with nobody out. His first career postseason appearance, he recalled afterward, was "pretty stressful" and he still seemed pumped full of adrenaline as he answered questions from multiple waves of reporters. 蘿蔔開玩笑說,當十一局無人出局滿壘時,他懷疑自己是否緊張到連呼吸都忘記了。回顧 自己的季後初登板,感覺真是超緊張,壓力超大的,蘿蔔在賽後接受記者訪問時仍感到餘 悸猶存。 But Robertson ended the night with a new nickname - "Dave Houdini" - and the championship wrestling belt the Yankees hand out to recognize a big contributor to a victory was sitting on a shelf in his locker. 經過了這個晚上,他得到了一個新綽號“Dave Houdini"。在他置物櫃的架子上多了一枚 冠軍腰帶,這是洋基為表彰對球隊有巨大貢獻所贈送的禮物。 The 24-year-old Robertson preserved a 3-3 tie by retiring Delmon Young on a liner to first baseman Mark Teixeira, who was playing in and off the bag, then got Carlos Gomez to ground to first, where Teixeira threw home for a forceout. Robertson then completed the escape by getting Brendan Harris to fly to center, giving the Yanks the chance for another walk-off win in the bottom of the inning. Robertson was the winning pitcher. 24歲的蘿蔔讓Delmon Young擊出一壘飛球,Carlos Gomez一壘滾地出局以及Brendan Harris中外野飛球出局。成功的守住3-3的平手局面,帶動洋基反攻的士氣,接著靠鐵爺 的再見砲拿下勝投。 "I don't know how he did it, but wow," said Nick Swisher. "Dave Houdini. We needed some Houdini action right there and that's what we got." 我不知道他是如何辦到的,wow, Dave Houdini ,當我們需要奇蹟時,奇蹟出現了,史 薇雪說。 "I think the guy who came up the biggest for us was Dave Robertson," added Johnny Damon. "Coming in after a situation where we felt like we could have won the game, Dave came in and slammed the door. That's what this team has been about all year, picking each other up - and Dave picked us up and Mark Teixeria finally got the pie in his face." 我認為蘿蔔再次拯救了我們,大門說。在錯失了一次我們以為可以贏得比賽的機會之後, 蘿蔔上場為我們守住最後一關。這種情況整年一直不斷上演,我們彼此互相幫忙,蘿蔔救 了我們,而鐵爺最終得到了他的派。 Robertson relieved Damaso Marte after Marte surrendered singles to Joe Mauer and Jason Kubel to start the inning. Robertson threw what he thought was "a pretty good curveball" to Michael Cuddyer, but Cuddyer "smoked it back up the middle" and the single loaded the bases. 蘿蔔上來接替馬鐵,他投了個不錯的曲球,但被卡黛兒打穿中間防線,造成無人出局滿壘 的局面。 That's when Robertson started his escape act, fully aware of the stakes. 在這危急時刻,蘿蔔展開了他的壘包詐欺術。 "You can't try to just give up one there," he said. "You never know what's going to happen in the next inning. When I got the second out, I was thinking to myself, 'I can do this.'" 你必須盡全力試著不要掉分,因為你永遠也不知道,下個半局會發生什麼事。當我抓到第 二個出局數,我告訴我自己,我可以的。 Harris lofted a fly to center and an inning that looked treacherous for the Yankees was, improbably, over and Robertson was an October star. Harris 接著打了個中外野飛球被接殺,洋基看似岌岌可危的半局,奇蹟似地結束了。而 蘿蔔一戰成名。 "Everybody wants to get out of that situation, but no one wants to get stuck in it," he said. "I was lucky enough to get out of it. 任何人都希望全身而退,但絕對沒有人會想陷入這種處境裡,蘿蔔說。我只是手氣夠好啦 。 http://tinyurl.com/yg7bvxe 11上蘿蔔解危影片 Pie is topping for A.J. Burnett in Yankees' ALDS win over Twins Five innings after he was lifted from Game2 of the American League division series Friday night, A.J. Burnett delivered his final pitch, rearing back and nailing Mark Teixeira in the face with a whipped-cream pie following the slugger's walk-off home run at the Stadium. 星期五晚上美聯分區系列賽第二場,在他退場後的第五局,這個男人終於投出了他在這場 比賽的最後一擲,不偏不倚的擊在Mark Teixeira的臉上。 Sitting in the clubhouse and watching the game on TV with Joba Chamberlain, Burnett heard a thunderous applause erupt in the bottom of the 11th inning, but didn't know right away that Teixeira had lifted the Bombers to a 4-3 victory because of tape delay. 十一局下半,Burnett跟小張正在休息室裡看電視轉播,突然聽到全場的球迷歡聲雷動, 當時他們還不知道鐵爺已經結束比賽了。 "This whole placed started shaking, and we hadn't seen the pitch yet," Burnett said, looking up at the clubhouse ceiling as he spoke. "I'm hugging with Joba, there were grown men embracing, and next thing you know I'm running down the tunnel for a pie." 整個休息室開始搖晃,而我們還沒看到那最後一球,Burnett看著休時室的天花板說。我 跟小張互相擁抱,大家都抱再一起,接著,就如你所見的,我跑去砸派囉。 In his first postseason start, Burnett held the Twins to one run on three hits, walking five, hitting two batters and striking out six over six innings. He benefited greatly from a heads-up defensive play in the fourth inning, when Nick Swisher corraled Matt Tolbert's single to right and hurried the ball back to the infield, where Derek Jeter tagged Carlos Gomez rounding second for the third out before Delmon Young crossed the plate, keeping it a scoreless game. 四局上Swisher捕捉了Tolbert的安打球並快速回傳給Jeter,把離壘過遠的狗梅子觸殺, 這一切發生在楊大門回本壘得分之前,此舉為Burnett省掉了一分,並維持了0-0平手的局 面。 "That's never happened to me before," said Burnett, who was confused and slowly made his way off the field. "The umpire was waving off the run, and I was like, 'What do you mean safe?' I didn't know." 我從沒看過這種球,Burnett說,看似困惑的他緩慢的走下場。裁判揮手說得分不算,我 看嘸,我以為他是在比safe。 No one really knew what to expect of Burnett, who had an up-and-down season and struggled at times Friday night. The only run he surrendered followed a one-out walk to Young, who scored on pinch-hitter Brendan Harris' triple to left. Burnett的表現確實讓人難以預測。他今年的大起大落,以及昨晚在掙扎中的投球。他唯 一掉的一分來自於保送楊大門,接著被代打王擊出左外野的三壘安打。 "One run in six innings. A lot of people were talking about him the last couple days, and that says a lot about A.J.," said Jose Molina, who was also at the heart of the potential controversy surrounding Burnett and who would catch him. "Instead of being the old A.J., aggressive and mad, he pretty much controlled himself, and that's the new A.J. What else can you ask for? It can't get better. He pitched an awesome game." 六局只掉一分喔,二哥是對的說,這幾天大家對他說東說西。二哥自己也捲入最近在洋基 引起的爭議,大家不停的討論A.J. 的投捕搭檔問題。看來A.J不再像從前那麼好鬥、脾氣 暴躁,他似乎比較能控制自己的情緒。季後賽初登板就有這種表現,你無法再要求他什麼 了。他投了一場好球。 And you can't fault Burnett for not knowing the crowd's outburst meant it was over, because he was amazed by how crazy the playoff atmosphere had been all night. "They could have given up on me with the five walks and two hit batters, but they stayed with me, this place was going nuts," said Burnett, who said his heart was racing as he warmed up before the game. "Hearing the fans and the crowd, they were pretty loud and I hadn't even stepped on the field yet. This is the best place to play ... these people here, this place is amazing." 大家沒有因為我投得很抖就對我失去信心,他們一直為我加油,這裡真是太瘋狂了, Burnett說。他在球賽開打前的熱身,心跳就跳得很快。即使我還沒上場投球,球迷仍然 大聲地在一旁加油鼓譟,這是全世界最棒的球場。這些人在這裡,實在是太壯觀了。 The Fans Fans ecstatic after Yankees win 球迷們瘋狂的慶祝勝利 October magic is back in The Bronx -- and Yankees fans were going wild last night. 十月的神奇魔力回到布朗克斯了,基迷們度過一個瘋狂的夜晚。 "It was the best night of my life," said Brody Braunelker, 18, who was among the 50,000 Bombers faithful who witnessed the team's astounding 4-3 come-from-behind victory over the Minnesota Twins in Game 2 of the American League Division Series. 這是我這輩子所度過最美好的夜晚,18歲的Brody Braunelker說。他與五萬死忠洋基迷一 起見證了這場分區系列賽G2,洋基最後奇蹟似的以4-3逆轉獲勝。 "I thought we were finished," he added. "And when we came back, I freaked out. I started screaming and high-fiving random strangers. It was a surreal night." 我以為我們玩玩了,他說。然後當我們追平時,我興奮極了,我開始放聲大笑,並和身旁 的陌生人相互擊掌。這真是個夢幻的夜晚。 The Yanks took a commanding 2-0 lead in the best-of-five series after Mark Teixeira hit a walk-off homer in an 11-inning nail-biter. 洋基靠著鐵爺11局下的再見轟,於分區系列賽對雙城取得2比0的聽牌優勢。 "I don't know how they did it, but they did it," said Calvin Preson, 50, an accountant from Brooklyn who watched the game from the ESPN Zone in Times Square. 我不知道他們是如何辦到的,但他們確實辦到了,50歲的Calvin Preson說,來自布魯克 林的會計師當時正在時代廣場的ESPN Zone收看電視轉播。 "They're gonna win the World Series. It's destiny!" The game also featured the emergence of Alex Rodriguez as a postseason force. 這場比賽的另一特點是,A-Rod季後賽的大爆發。 As his girlfriend, Kate Hudson, looked on, A-Rod walloped a game-tying two-run homer in the bottom of the ninth. The clutch 這 began the Yanks' late-game dramatics and led to the team's 15th "walk-off" victory of the season. 有了女友Kate在旁觀戰,阿肉九局下作出了力挽狂瀾的一擊。這支全壘打招喚了walk-off 大神,並於稍後完成了洋基本季的第15次再見勝利。 Jen Salke of East Patchogue, LI, who watched the game at the Stadium, couldn't have been more excited. Jen Salke of East Patchogue, LI,在洋基球場觀看比賽,感到非常興奮。 "A-Rod hitting that home run was better than sex," she said. "Teixeira's home run was orgasmic. "I'm not even kidding, my glasses flew off my face." 神的全壘打比那檔事還過癮,她說。我不蓋你,我的杯子噴得我滿臉都是。 The game that ended with home-run power began as a pitcher's duel as Yankee starter A.J. Burnett and Twins hurler Nick Blackburn racked up scoreless innings until the fifth when the Twins drew first blood on an RBI triple by Brendan Harris. "It was absolutely amazing," said Erika Cremona, 26, of Long Island, who was at the Stadium. "It was as though everyone became friends with every home run." 這真是太令人驚奇了,26歲來自長島的Erika Cremona說。只要一打出全壘打打,好像所 有人都變成朋友了。 "As soon as [Teixeira] hit that second home run, people who didn't even know each other were hugging," said Etoya Allen, 23, of Manhattan. "Everyone united and became a Yankees fan." 當鐵爺轟出再見砲,人們開始互相擁抱,即使他們並不認識彼此,23歲的Etoya Allen說 。每個人都團結在一起,變成洋基迷了。 The Yankees will try to sweep the series tomorrow in Minneapolis and advance to the AL Championship Series. Fans are already smelling a World Series title -- which would be the 27th in the storied franchise's history. 球迷們似乎已嗅到世界冠軍的氣味,如果美夢成真,這將會是隊史上的第27個。 "I'm going hoarse from screaming so loud," said Lewis Spencer, 38. "They are going to go all the way!" 我太high,喊到聲音都啞了,38歲的Lewis Spencer說。他們將會朝目標持續挺進。 todd.venezia@nypost.com WCBS Radio Yankees Rewind http://now.to/5m91 今天沒有球員訪問,不過我覺得女主播講的還滿容易聽的 幾乎所有球員都有提到 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/11 22:43, , 1F
推 有夠溫馨的!
10/11 22:43, 1F

10/11 22:45, , 2F
10/11 22:45, 2F

10/11 22:50, , 3F
10/11 22:50, 3F

10/11 22:54, , 4F
小將蘿蔔+福將Cervelli=鎖死雙城 AT連線 雙城掰掰
10/11 22:54, 4F

10/11 22:54, , 5F
哇Game 3封盤了,我都還沒下耶>"<
10/11 22:54, 5F

10/11 22:56, , 6F
女球迷自己會來抱吧 不用等你問可不可以
10/11 22:56, 6F

10/11 22:59, , 7F
曹格 XD
10/11 22:59, 7F

10/11 23:02, , 8F
推翻譯 XD
10/11 23:02, 8F

10/11 23:02, , 9F
噴的我臉都是......所以那檔事時也一樣嗎 XD
10/11 23:02, 9F

10/11 23:11, , 10F
10/11 23:11, 10F

10/11 23:13, , 11F
10/11 23:13, 11F

10/11 23:16, , 12F
楊大門 XDDD
10/11 23:16, 12F

10/11 23:20, , 13F
10/11 23:20, 13F

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10/11 23:25, 14F

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10/11 23:26, 15F

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10/11 23:30, 16F

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10/11 23:31, 17F

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10/11 23:33, 18F

10/11 23:36, , 19F
10/11 23:36, 19F

10/11 23:37, , 20F
10/11 23:37, 20F

10/11 23:39, , 21F
推 謝謝翻譯!
10/11 23:39, 21F

10/11 23:43, , 22F
10/11 23:43, 22F

10/11 23:47, , 23F
以後AROD 五月開打好了
10/11 23:47, 23F

10/11 23:58, , 24F
10/11 23:58, 24F

10/12 00:03, , 25F
10/12 00:03, 25F

10/12 00:05, , 26F
很屌的翻譯 不過曹格雄雄又變成大門 送淒厲嗎?
10/12 00:05, 26F

10/12 00:07, , 27F
追平兩分砲+守住11局+再見全壘打 我相信當時大家在家裡一
10/12 00:07, 27F

10/12 00:07, , 28F
10/12 00:07, 28F

10/12 00:08, , 29F
10/12 00:08, 29F

10/12 00:28, , 30F
10/12 00:28, 30F

10/12 00:31, , 31F
10/12 00:31, 31F

10/12 00:39, , 32F
10/12 00:39, 32F

10/12 00:42, , 33F
10/12 00:42, 33F

10/12 00:46, , 34F
10/12 00:46, 34F

10/12 00:47, , 35F
10/12 00:47, 35F

10/12 01:02, , 36F
10/12 01:02, 36F

10/12 01:06, , 37F
10/12 01:06, 37F

10/12 01:07, , 38F
10/12 01:07, 38F

10/12 01:07, , 39F
賭盤結束時間: 10/11/2009 05:07:52 Sun
10/12 01:07, 39F
還有 158 則推文
10/12 04:31, , 198F
其實MO也算被爆過了 只是被鐵肉連線給救了回來
10/12 04:31, 198F

10/12 04:33, , 199F
例行賽不威的選手 能值錢到哪 我主要說的是"值錢"兩字
10/12 04:33, 199F

10/12 04:33, , 200F
10/12 04:33, 200F

10/12 04:33, , 201F
相反 例賽表現平平 季後賽爆氣那就有本錢喊價
10/12 04:33, 201F

10/12 04:36, , 202F
話說洋基應該會很後悔沒跟阿布談續約吧 表現真的是物超所值
10/12 04:36, 202F

10/12 04:37, , 203F
不過正妹讓這個遺憾減少了不少就是了 XD
10/12 04:37, 203F

10/12 04:37, , 204F
但是如果當初洋基要簽阿布 不太可能用天使這價錢簽下來
10/12 04:37, 204F

10/12 04:38, , 205F
想太多 洋基續約就不會是5M了
10/12 04:38, 205F

10/12 04:38, , 206F
所以其實也沒什麼好後悔 現金人的補強一樣也是物超所值
10/12 04:38, 206F

10/12 04:39, , 207F
10/12 04:39, 207F

10/12 04:39, , 208F
阿布根正妹的差別 阿布有腿跟比較好的打擊能力 但是長打
10/12 04:39, 208F

10/12 04:40, , 209F
10/12 04:40, 209F

10/12 04:40, , 210F
這到是 阿布開價是1300萬,但是其實他今年帳面上看來是持平
10/12 04:40, 210F

10/12 04:41, , 211F
實際上SLG下滑了不少 相反的正妹的slg卻是生涯新高
10/12 04:41, 211F

10/12 04:43, , 212F
10/12 04:43, 212F

10/12 04:46, , 213F
MLB一堆胖子都跑好快 後來我才知道那是結實的肌肉
10/12 04:46, 213F

10/12 04:48, , 214F
10/12 04:48, 214F

10/12 05:02, , 215F
10/12 05:02, 215F

10/12 05:02, , 216F
他今年在天使打二番 前面的人少了 跑的機率高一點
10/12 05:02, 216F

10/12 05:11, , 217F
10/12 05:11, 217F

10/12 05:12, , 218F
10/12 05:12, 218F

10/12 05:14, , 219F
swisher還可以上場投球 (誤)
10/12 05:14, 219F

10/12 05:16, , 220F
幹,真的,還貢獻了一K XD
10/12 05:16, 220F

10/12 05:19, , 221F
10/12 05:19, 221F

10/12 05:22, , 222F
10/12 05:22, 222F

10/12 05:25, , 223F
4/14那天的文章去看看吧XD 王葛葛爆掉的時候QQ
10/12 05:25, 223F

10/12 05:26, , 224F
10/12 05:26, 224F

10/12 05:28, , 225F
球接不到 肩膀再強也是沒有用的~~ 囧
10/12 05:28, 225F

10/12 05:30, , 226F
10/12 05:30, 226F

10/12 05:30, , 227F
其實阿布去年也很強啊, 去年有陣子打線低潮到不行
10/12 05:30, 227F

10/12 05:31, , 228F
就他的打率不變, 肩也好也有速度, 只是老了加上防區小了點
10/12 05:31, 228F

10/12 05:31, , 229F
新司機是吉祥物 他之前待的球隊都打過世界大賽
10/12 05:31, 229F

10/12 05:32, , 230F
10/12 05:32, 230F

10/12 05:38, , 231F
swisher ops也是生涯新高 也比今年的阿布高 重點28歲
10/12 05:38, 231F

10/12 05:44, , 232F
阿布三圍.293/.390/.435 正妹三圍(!).249/.371/.498
10/12 05:44, 232F

10/12 06:22, , 233F
↑去年打洋基三棒 ↑今年打洋基五棒到八棒不等
10/12 06:22, 233F

10/12 07:32, , 234F
正妹在AROD歸隊之前 還曾經大爆發而頂過4棒
10/12 07:32, 234F

10/12 09:45, , 235F
剛剛重播第二戰隊長防守美技 這場再來一次 !!!!!
10/12 09:45, 235F

10/12 09:45, , 236F
推錯篇= =
10/12 09:45, 236F

12/28 13:37, 5年前 , 237F
但是經過這一場,就有點 http://yofuk.com
12/28 13:37, 237F
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