[洋基] A-Rod、Girardi 驅逐出場始末

看板NY-Yankees作者 (=艾力克斯=)時間14年前 (2009/09/15 00:18), 編輯推噓31(31012)
留言43則, 35人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2009/09/13/he-said-he-said/ 時間順序大概是這樣: 四局下 A-Rod 被三振 -> 五局上結束 A-Rod 進小房間看片 -> 不爽判決從休息區 開始對主審 Foster 吼叫 -> 五局下松井站上打擊區,主審將 A-Rod 驅逐出場 -> Girardi 不爽,隨後也掰了。 當事人現身說法: A-Rod: " 我知道那是個壞球,當我進小房間確認這點,我更失望了。這對我們來說是場重 要的比賽,我們要重新回到贏球的軌道上。兩好兩壞、滿壘,那又不是個好球,他 就這樣把我的機會奪走了。" "在我那個打席他一直在跟 Moeller 交談,然後我就說,「是啊,繼續跟他講話啊 。」 沒有任何警告,他就把我趕出去了。" " 沒有警告,我想這場比賽是我們需要贏的比賽,而他用他的力量操控卻沒有警告 ,我認為這很不專業。我只是很挫折地說了「繼續跟 Moeller 講話吧。」 ,在那 種狀況下我很失望,我不認為我的行為有到讓我被趕出場的地步。" 主審 Marty Foster: " 他因為從休息區吵好壞球被趕出去。一開始,我讓他吵,那時候並沒有要趕他出 場的意思。下一局,他在三壘繼續跟我吵。下個半局開始前,他從休息區吼叫。那 時候我就要他出去,我讓他出去的,我不能讓他跟我吵整天。" Joe Girardi: " 對我們來說這三場比賽很重要,我只是覺得他應該可以先警告他,他應該可以說 ,「夠了,再講一個字,你就掰了。」一直以來球員都該先得到警告,今天他就這 樣把他趕出去實在太快了。" He said, he said As is usually the case with these sorts of matters, there are two stories being told about Alex Rodriguez’s ejection in the fifth inning. First, a timeline: Bottom of the fourth inning: A-Rod strikes out looking on a 2-2 pitch to end the inning, leaving the bases loaded. Replays showed the pitch was off the outside corner of a plate but not egregiously so. Umpire Marty Foster calls it a strike. Top of the fifth inning: Alex plays third base, Baltimore goes in order. He then goes into the video room next to the Yankees dugout to review the pitch. Returns to the dugout and starts yelling at Foster. Bottom of the fifth inning: As Hideki Matsui steps to the plate, Foster ejects Rodriguez. Joe Girardi flips and is ejected too. Now the comments: A-Rod: “I knew it was a ball and then when I went inside and confirmed it, I got more upset. It’s just one of those things. It was a big game for us. We wanted to get back in a winning form. It’s a 2-2 pitch, bases loaded and it’ s a not a good pitch. He took the bat out of my hands. “He kept chatting with (Baltimore catcher Chad) Moeller all through my at-bat. He kept talking to him prior to the inning starting and I said, ‘ Yeah, keep talking to him.’ No warning, he just threw me out. “No warning. I thought in that situation when we need a win today, for him to take it into his own hands with no warning, I thought it was very unprofessional. I just said. ‘Keep talking to Moeller” in frustration. I was upset, I was upset at the situation. I didn’t think I put myself in a situation to get thrown out.” Marty Foster: “He was ejected for arguing pitches from the dugout. I let him argue at the time. Nothing to get ejected for there, I calmed that down. During the next inning, he argued from third base then right before the (bottom of the fifth) inning started he was screaming from the dugout. He was ejected for arguing balls and strikes. I let him go, I let him go, but there has to be an end of it. I can’t let him argue with me all day.” Joe Girardi: “To me these games are extremely important to us. I just thought he could have warned him. He could have said, ‘That’s enough. If you say another word, you’re gone.’ I don’t think what Al said warranted getting throwing out of the game. He just told him where the pitch was, a couple of balls outside. I just think in the game of baseball there’s a lot of emotions. When I came up, players always got warned. You know? They always said, ‘That’s enough, say one word, you’re gone.’ Today he tossed him what I thought was prematurely.” So Girardi confirmed Foster’s side of the story. Obviously Alex did argue balls and strikes from the dugout. But it does seem that Foster acted rashly. Foster looks bad here because he made that bad call against Derek Jeter in July. But Girardi said he didn’t think that was a factor. Bottom line: Alex needs to stay in that game. You can’t give the umpire the opportunity to throw you out. But Foster did get carried away. It all worked out and the Yankees won. No big deal. But it wouldn’t surprise me to see Girardi suspended for a game. He had a five-star nutty there, throwing his hat and getting physically restrained from going after Foster. MLB won’t like that too much. General Joe has been ejected four times this season. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/15 00:27, , 1F
有這麼沉不住氣= =
09/15 00:27, 1F

09/15 00:29, , 2F
09/15 00:29, 2F

09/15 00:33, , 3F
09/15 00:33, 3F

09/15 00:42, , 4F
昨天聽YES 就是說AROD 被趕出場教練才那麼不爽的
09/15 00:42, 4F

09/15 00:47, , 5F
09/15 00:47, 5F

09/15 00:48, , 6F
還好吧 偏差沒很多
09/15 00:48, 6F

09/15 00:52, , 7F
我只知道,A-ROD罵了很大聲的 Fuxking the game(好像吧)
09/15 00:52, 7F

09/15 00:55, , 8F
可是重播看起來大概只差1/3顆 可以拉沒錯 MLB級果然眼睛很
09/15 00:55, 8F

09/15 00:56, , 9F
利......所以是A-ROD被趕 吉總發現不妙才爆氣嗎XD
09/15 00:56, 9F

09/15 01:00, , 10F
09/15 01:00, 10F
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (09/15 01:14)

09/15 01:15, , 11F
09/15 01:15, 11F

09/15 01:16, , 12F
09/15 01:16, 12F

09/15 01:16, , 13F
09/15 01:16, 13F

09/15 01:23, , 14F
09/15 01:23, 14F

09/15 01:27, , 15F
那球確實是壞球 離本壘板大概一顆球
09/15 01:27, 15F

09/15 01:30, , 16F
是壞球沒錯 但真的不是一個非常離譜的判決
09/15 01:30, 16F

09/15 01:47, , 17F
09/15 01:47, 17F

09/15 01:57, , 18F
阿迪仔的造型看起來有點像是限制級戰警= =
09/15 01:57, 18F

09/15 02:30, , 19F
沒有警告的話怎麼看都是裁判理虧 雖然警告也可能繼續吵
09/15 02:30, 19F

09/15 02:32, , 20F
09/15 02:32, 20F

09/15 03:54, , 21F
小房間正式的名字是什麼阿~ 每次都看一群人擠在小房間看帶
09/15 03:54, 21F

09/15 03:55, , 22F
09/15 03:55, 22F

09/15 05:29, , 23F
挖~ 挖~ A-Rod被逐出場了 已經
09/15 05:29, 23F

09/15 06:00, , 24F
09/15 06:00, 24F

09/15 07:38, , 25F
AROD是不爽主審在跟捕手聊天啦 認為他們有陰謀
09/15 07:38, 25F

09/15 09:06, , 26F
這種三人自白 怎麼感覺有點像在看羅生門的fu = =
09/15 09:06, 26F

09/15 09:07, , 27F
其實上次馬林魚的比賽更帥 打者被三振 捕手跟裁判擊掌XD
09/15 09:07, 27F

09/15 09:57, , 28F
09/15 09:57, 28F

09/15 10:55, , 29F
哈推KnightAlbert:挖~ 挖~ A-Rod被逐出場了 已經
09/15 10:55, 29F

09/15 11:40, , 30F
上一次那個擊掌的裁判是誰啊 XD
09/15 11:40, 30F

09/15 12:22, , 31F
09/15 12:22, 31F

09/15 14:32, , 32F
擊掌 XDDD 有影片嗎
09/15 14:32, 32F

09/15 15:18, , 33F
09/15 15:18, 33F

09/15 15:28, , 34F

09/15 17:31, , 35F
09/15 17:31, 35F

09/15 20:46, , 36F
09/15 20:46, 36F

09/15 20:59, , 37F
.....是誰規定一定要揮棒的= =
09/15 20:59, 37F

09/15 21:16, , 38F
好壞球是不能爭啦 但是壞球幹麻揮棒 機會不是這樣用的吧?
09/15 21:16, 38F

09/16 01:42, , 39F
09/16 01:42, 39F

09/17 00:06, , 40F
09/17 00:06, 40F

09/17 00:45, , 41F
09/17 00:45, 41F

09/17 17:58, , 42F
09/17 17:58, 42F

12/28 13:32, 5年前 , 43F
比起去年被吃掉兩支全壘 http://yofuk.com
12/28 13:32, 43F
文章代碼(AID): #1AhcpPnj (NY-Yankees)