[情報] some notes

看板NY-Yankees作者 (come every now and then)時間15年前 (2009/06/13 18:33), 編輯推噓8(802)
留言10則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
賽前:因為CC認識Jerry “The King” Lawler這位知名摔角手 當他聽到洋基把WWE玩具腰帶當作當天MVP的獎品後 他送給洋基隊一個真正的WWE冠軍腰帶, 而且Jerry “The King” Lawler還特別要求製作者繡上洋基的logo 這個真正的訂作WWE冠軍腰帶重達15磅。 UPDATE, 6:02 p.m.: Here is the greatest blog update ever. Yes, ever. CC Sabathia knows the famed wrestler Jerry “The King” Lawler. The King heard about the Yankees awarding a toy WWE championship belt to the player of the game and sent them an actual championship belt. CC handed it to me and the has to weigh 15 pounds. Here’s a photo of it: The King said he is getting a special belt made with the Yankees logo. How great is that? CC said his son, CC III, is a big wrestling fan and they attend the matches several times a year. As somebody who once went to Lincoln Park Ballroom to see the fabulous Don Muraco and Mr. X of Parts Unknown, I know where CC is coming from. In the interest of keeping you in the loop, I requested permission to snap a photo of the belt. Thanks to Jason Zillo for the help. The LoHud Yankees Blog, bringing you ridiculous clubhouse news since 2006. http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2009/06/12/bruney-to-trenton-tomorrow/ 賽後: 1. Brian Bruney 明天去2A投復健賽 2. Damaso Marte 美國時間星期一要去看Dr. Andrews 3. Mark Teixeira是一個背著真正WWE腰帶的選手 Bruney to Trenton tomorrow Two quick injury updates for you: Brian Bruney will pitch in the first game of Trenton’s doubleheader tomorrow. The Yankees did consider activating him but decided against is. With the bullpen in the shape it’s in, they could make another move tomorrow to bolster it. Damaso Marte is going to see Dr. James Andrews on Monday. That can’t be good. Mark Teixeira is the first to claim the new belt. Let that be a lesson to you young ballplayers, always run hard. http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2009/06/12/bruney-to-trenton-tomorrow/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/13 18:36, , 1F
always run hard.
06/13 18:36, 1F

06/13 18:42, , 2F
06/13 18:42, 2F

06/13 18:43, , 3F
06/13 18:43, 3F

06/13 19:13, , 4F
06/13 19:13, 4F

06/13 19:20, , 5F
06/13 19:20, 5F

06/13 19:28, , 6F
06/13 19:28, 6F

06/13 20:18, , 7F
06/13 20:18, 7F

06/13 20:40, , 8F
06/13 20:40, 8F

06/14 00:44, , 9F
躺了這麼久 還得去看Dr. Andrews? 看來錢又要噗通一聲了
06/14 00:44, 9F

06/14 03:58, , 10F
always run hard 態度很重要!
06/14 03:58, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1ACu1v8p (NY-Yankees)