[新聞] Torre: Marlins' reliever Proctor hur …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間15年前 (2009/05/22 23:59), 編輯推噓57(57027)
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看完這篇第一次這麼想罵XXX Torre說: 馬林魚的投手Proctor是因為自己因為有傷還上場投球, 才傷了自己 (和我一點 關係都沒有...) 後援投手Scott Proctor上週進行了手術也宣告本季報銷,應該沒有人會比Joe Torre 覺得這有多麼得糟。 在過去五個球季裡,Proctor為Torre的洋基和道奇球隊共後援了231場。其中2006年在 洋基後援了83場,更是在隊史單季上場後援次數第二多的。 Torre表示: "他有大無畏的精神,很有企圖心,除了投球的能力外,能夠成為好的隊 友是很重要的。" 但是,Torre表示Proctor在身體狀況不是100%的情況還願意上場投球對自己沒什麼好 處。 (老托你說的是人話嗎? 2006年天天要他上場,連雙重賽中間才休息了兩小時也要他上。 最讓人幹到沒力的是,你讓他2007年6月21日對洛磯投了24球1.2局,6月22日再上投了1局 22球,6月23日又讓他上場硬是要他從11局投到13局,天天上場的投手還要他這場當長中 繼,結果他共撐了2.2局40球掉了一分輸球你才罷休,結果現在你還講得出這種話? ) Torre表示: "有傷的情況上場打球,通常打出的球會不怎麼高明。這和一些人的智慧 無關,如果你想歷經了傷痛仍然能夠達成你的目標,那會不容易達成的事情。" Torre提到Brett Favre便這種類型的一個球員。Proctor也被Torre歸類為這種球員。   Torre表示: "假如你有傷還願意上場,那意味著你當然很勇敢,但是你不可能達成你 想要成為的球員,然後你不是很聰明的傷害自己的身體,同時你也不能幫助球隊。" (講這什麼屁話啊! #14zkjSQN 這裡你可不是這樣說的...為了贏球你就是要Proctor上場) 32歲的Proctor去年秋天在道奇隊動了手術後,今年一月和馬林魚簽約。   Torre表示: "他不知道什麼叫做受傷,我唯一能問他最笨的問題就是: '你還好嗎?' 因為我知道他會給我的答案是什麼。" (伸中指......................................................................) 資料來源: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/baseball/ Torre: Marlins' reliever Proctor hurt himself by willingness to pitch hurt By Mike Berardino | South Florida Sun-Sentinel May 17, 2009 MIAMI GARDENS - When Marlins Get your Marlins Tickets now! reliever Scott Proctor underwent season-ending elbow surgery last week, no one felt worse for him than Joe Torre. Over the past five seasons, Proctor made 231 total appearances for Torre's teams with the Yankees and Dodgers. The 83 outings Proctor made for the 2006 Yankees rank second in franchise history. "He wasn't afraid of anything," Torre said. "Very aggressive. Ability aside, the fact he was a good teammate was very important." However, Torre said Proctor did himself no favors with his willingness to pitch when less than 100 percent. "There's playing hurt, and then there's playing stupid," Torre said. "It doesn't have anything to do with someone's intelligence. If you can endure pain and still are able to do what you do, that's one thing." Torre cited Brett Favre as an example of that type of player. Proctor, Torre said, falls into another group. "If you're willing to play, which means you certainly are brave, but you can't be the player that you need to be, then it's not very smart to do for your own health, and you're not helping the team either," Torre said. Proctor, 32, signed with the Marlins in January after undergoing surgery last fall with the Dodgers. "He doesn't know what hurt is," Torre said. "The dumbest question I could ask him was: 'Are you OK?' Because I knew what the answer was going to be." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/23 00:00, , 1F
05/23 00:00, 1F

05/23 00:01, , 2F
偉哉Torre 雖然現在沒有他操BP一樣很爛 科科
05/23 00:01, 2F

05/23 00:01, , 3F
去年的Cory Wade也嚇到我 一個好好的年輕人 唉
05/23 00:01, 3F

05/23 00:02, , 4F
05/23 00:02, 4F

05/23 00:03, , 5F
05/23 00:03, 5F

05/23 00:09, , 6F
05/23 00:09, 6F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (05/23 00:11)

05/23 00:17, , 7F
05/23 00:17, 7F

05/23 00:19, , 8F
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05/23 00:19, , 11F
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05/23 00:20, , 12F
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05/23 00:20, , 13F
05/23 00:20, 13F

05/23 00:22, , 14F
05/23 00:22, 14F

05/23 00:27, , 15F
05/23 00:27, 15F

05/23 00:30, , 16F
Torre sucks!
05/23 00:30, 16F

05/23 00:30, , 17F
05/23 00:30, 17F

05/23 00:38, , 18F
05/23 00:38, 18F

05/23 00:40, , 19F
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05/23 00:40, , 20F
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05/23 00:42, , 21F
05/23 00:42, 21F

05/23 00:46, , 22F
05/23 00:46, 22F

05/23 00:47, , 23F
嘛... Torre愛操牛眾所些知啊,天天P衰在Torre死纏爛打啊
05/23 00:47, 23F

05/23 00:48, , 24F
05/23 00:48, 24F

05/23 00:48, , 25F
Torre sucks!
05/23 00:48, 25F

05/23 00:52, , 26F
九頭驢說這啥狗屁話 他嗎你想跟野村比爛嗎?
05/23 00:52, 26F

05/23 00:55, , 27F
Torre sucks
05/23 00:55, 27F

05/23 01:04, , 28F
好險他不在了 現在總教練牛棚調度不會像他那麼沒人性
05/23 01:04, 28F

05/23 01:06, , 29F
竟然講這種話 ....
05/23 01:06, 29F

05/23 01:06, , 30F
可憐天天P 我只祈禱洋基的SP群...
05/23 01:06, 30F

05/23 01:06, , 31F
05/23 01:06, 31F

05/23 01:12, , 32F
所以王也算及時雨阿 希望他能順利先從RP身份找回信心
05/23 01:12, 32F

05/23 01:13, , 33F
吉總很寶貝牛棚的 CC/AJ的大合約都沒在怕的 王在去3A路上
05/23 01:13, 33F

05/23 01:14, , 34F
05/23 01:14, 34F

05/23 01:14, , 35F
樓上,這裡是有人捧Girardi嗎? 操先發也是有人靠北的
05/23 01:14, 35F

05/23 01:15, , 36F
05/23 01:15, 36F

05/23 01:18, , 37F
樓上在該什麼阿 笑一下吉總對操先發礙著你了喔
05/23 01:18, 37F

05/23 01:21, , 38F
05/23 01:21, 38F

05/23 01:22, , 39F
每次都被電的要跟誰戰阿 (哈欠
05/23 01:22, 39F

05/23 01:29, , 40F
看到Torre我又想到Baker XD
05/23 01:29, 40F

05/23 01:48, , 41F
05/23 01:48, 41F

05/23 01:52, , 42F
Torre sucks (Baker:顆顆 以後有新關鍵字了)
05/23 01:52, 42F

05/23 02:07, , 43F
05/23 02:07, 43F

05/23 02:08, , 44F
05/23 02:08, 44F

05/23 02:08, , 45F
cardfat大大一旦看你不順眼 就是會挑你點
05/23 02:08, 45F

05/23 02:09, , 46F
05/23 02:09, 46F

05/23 02:10, , 47F
05/23 02:10, 47F

05/23 02:12, , 48F
話題打住好嗎 別吵了
05/23 02:12, 48F

05/23 02:15, , 49F
看不懂為什麼吵起來@@ 你們兩個有私怨嗎
05/23 02:15, 49F

05/23 02:26, , 50F
??? 狹路相逢
05/23 02:26, 50F

05/23 02:30, , 51F
純噓「不要理他就是了」 你以為雞排可以放冰箱阿
05/23 02:30, 51F

05/23 02:31, , 52F
05/23 02:31, 52F

05/23 02:32, , 53F
Yuki哥:XX 丟我觸身?! 小張: 我的球有趨光性呀..(嘆)
05/23 02:32, 53F

05/23 02:34, , 54F
Torre sucks
05/23 02:34, 54F

05/23 02:38, , 55F
05/23 02:38, 55F

05/23 02:46, , 56F
可憐的天天P 被操壞了還被說自己要上的
05/23 02:46, 56F

05/23 03:39, , 57F
我想念天天P 放肆火 當初我感覺很威的兩個速球男
05/23 03:39, 57F

05/23 03:42, , 58F
05/23 03:42, 58F

05/23 03:44, , 59F
05/23 03:44, 59F

05/23 03:45, , 60F
雞排放冰箱 外面的麵皮會....
05/23 03:45, 60F

05/23 04:15, , 61F
其實早該在torre轉隊時 天天p就該賠錢毀約才對...
05/23 04:15, 61F

05/23 04:45, , 62F
05/23 04:45, 62F

05/23 04:51, , 63F
05/23 04:51, 63F

05/23 04:55, , 64F
05/23 04:55, 64F

05/23 05:20, , 65F
05/23 05:20, 65F

05/23 05:53, , 66F
這種話他說的出來= =
05/23 05:53, 66F

05/23 06:45, , 67F
05/23 06:45, 67F

05/23 06:55, , 68F
05/23 06:55, 68F

05/23 08:35, , 69F
05/23 08:35, 69F

05/23 08:36, , 70F
05/23 08:36, 70F

05/23 08:36, , 71F
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05/23 08:36, , 72F
05/23 08:36, 72F

05/23 08:36, , 73F
05/23 08:36, 73F

05/23 08:40, , 74F
\ 穅
05/23 08:40, 74F

05/23 09:44, , 75F
類似 Bxker sxcks
05/23 09:44, 75F

05/23 09:45, , 76F
Txrre sxcks
05/23 09:45, 76F

05/23 09:49, , 77F
05/23 09:49, 77F

05/23 10:11, , 78F
05/23 10:11, 78F

05/23 10:13, , 79F
Toxxe Suxks
05/23 10:13, 79F

05/23 10:43, , 80F
05/23 10:43, 80F

05/23 10:49, , 81F
05/23 10:49, 81F

05/23 10:51, , 82F
道奇板的板標很久沒改了. XD
05/23 10:51, 82F

05/23 11:04, , 83F
05/23 11:04, 83F

05/26 09:24, , 84F
05/26 09:24, 84F
文章代碼(AID): #1A5il7Qy (NY-Yankees)