[Wang] Wang's struggles a familiar feeling …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (come every now and then)時間15年前 (2009/04/16 12:14), 編輯推噓52(52020)
留言72則, 49人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 CMWang 看板] 作者: yyhong68 (come every now and then) 站內: CMWang 標題: [blog] Wang's struggles a familiar feeling for Cone 時間: Thu Apr 16 12:11:23 2009 這是NYDailynews Mark Feinsand's blog的文章 Wang's struggles a familiar feeling for Cone April 15, 2009 We all know that Chien-Ming Wang has allowed 15 runs in his first two starts, but do you know who the last Yankees pitcher was that gave up 15 or more runs in his first two starts of a season? 我們都知道王建民在他頭兩場先發掉了15分, 但你們知道誰是上一個洋基投手在他球季頭兩場先發掉了15分或以上嗎? It was David Cone. The year? 1998. (Thanks to Yankees media relations guru Jason Zillo and our friends at the Elias Sports Bureau for that nugget) 是David Cone,哪一年? 1998年。 (感謝洋基公關組以及Elias 所提供的資訊) For those that may not remember, Cone was 0-1 with a 14.90 ERA after those two dismal starts, though the Yankees managed to win one of them in a 17-13 slugfest against the A’s. Cone went on to finish the season 20-7 with a 3.55 ERA, leading the American League in wins. 給那些忘記的人,Cone在那兩場糟糕的先發後是零勝一敗防禦率14.9, 其中有一場洋基在一場大比分的比賽中獲得勝利(對運動家,17:13贏球。) Cone球季結束時是20勝7敗防禦率3.55,是美聯勝投王。 But getting to that final ERA wasn’t easy for Cone after his awful start. He went 12-1 with a 2.95 ERA in his next 14 starts before the All-Star break, but his ERA still stood at 4.05 at the break. 但是以Cone當時那兩場先發後,要在球季結束時有那樣的ERA是很不容易的。 他在那兩場先發後,在明星賽前的14場先發中取得12勝1敗防禦率2.95的成績, 但他的整年防禦率在明星賽時是4.05。 Considering Wang’s ERA is almost double what Cone’s was - it’s 28.93 after his two outings - it’s pretty difficult to imagine his ERA looking respectable for quite some time, no matter how well he throws from here on out. 所以考慮現在王建民的防禦率幾乎是Cone當時的兩倍,這是很難想像他的ERA 在短時間變得好看,無論他接下來投的多好。 I spoke with Cone for a while this morning, and his best advice for the Wanger is to forget about his ERA and just treat his next start as if it was his first of the year. 今天早上我與Cone談了一會兒,而他給王的最好建議是忘記他現在的防禦率, 然後把下一場先發當作球季的初登版。 “By the All-Star break I was 12-2 and I had just gotten my ERA down in the fours,” Cone said. “It took three months. First it was down below 10.00, then down below 8.00, then down below 5.00. It wears on you mentally.” 「當年到了明星賽時,我是12勝2敗,然後我已經把防禦率降到四點多」Cone說, 「這花了三個月。一開始它掉到10以下,然後掉到8以下,再掉到5以下。這個過程 會讓你心理上透支。」 More importantly, the first two starts of 1998 caused Cone to question his own ability. If a guy with 148 career wins, four All-Star appearances and a Cy Young Award can doubt his ability to get people out, what could a start like this do to a pitcher with less than four years of big-league experience? 更重要的是,在1998年那頭兩場先發過後,Cone對自己的能力感到懷疑。 如果一個當時生涯擁有148勝,四次明星賽經歷,外加一座賽揚獎的人都會懷疑 自己取得出局數的能力。那這樣糟糕的開季對一個大聯盟資歷少於四年的投手會 有怎樣的影響呢? “Doubt creeps in; you have to constantly prove yourself in this game because confidence is fleeting,” Cone said, having had a first-hand look at Wang from the YES broadcast booth on Monday. “The way he reacted on the bench the other night, he was unbelievably dejected. The guys need to rally around him and support him. This is where a pitching coach can really help, not so much with mechanics, but just to pump him back up and let him know he’s going to be fine. Just keep giving him the ball.” 「產生懷疑,你必須持續的在比賽中自我證明,因為自信會跑掉。」 星期一在YES轉播台上看著王建民投球的Cone說。「那晚他在板凳上的反應, 讓人覺得是不可思議的低落,隊友們需要陪伴他並支持他。而這時投手教練是 真的可以幫忙的,不只是投球機制上,還要給他激勵,讓他知道自己可以度過這次危機。 持續讓他先發。」 Wang threw batting practice today on the field instead of doing his normal side session in the bullpen, an idea pitching coach Dave Eiland hatched after watching Wang struggle with his sinker for the second straight start. Wang threw 25 pitches in the bullpen, then threw 21 to a group of hitters that included Cody Ransom and Melky Cabrera. 王建民今天進行打擊練習的餵球工作,並非平常的牛棚練投,這是 投手教練經過王建民兩場糟糕先發後想出的新方法,王建民先在牛棚投25球, 然後在上投手丘投21球的BP給一群打者包括:Ransom及Melky。 “It was better,” Wang said. “My pitches were down. I felt more comfortable.” 「好一點了」王建民說,「球有掉下來,我覺得舒服多了。」 Cone pointed to the support he got from pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre as one of the things that helped him get through his rocky start, and he believes Eiland will play an equally important role in Wang’s recovery from this bumpy road. Cone指出當年投手教練Mel Stottlemyre的支持是一個幫助他度過他恐怖的開季的力量, 他相信對王建民要從這崎嶇的路上導回正途而言Eiland將扮演同樣重要的角色。 “That was Mel’s strength, because he was so upbeat and positive all the time,” Cone said. “He always let me know, ‘You’re our guy and you’re going to keep getting the ball.’ Little things like that go a long way, because you ccan lose your confidence in a hurry and starts doubting yourself.” 「當時那是Mel的強項,因為他是一個時時刻刻都非常樂觀正面的人, 他總是讓我知道『你是我們的一份子,你會持續的先發』。像這樣的小細節, 提供很大的幫助,因為你可能在短時間內喪失自信,然後開始自我懷疑。」 Asked if his confidence had taken a hit following Monday’s one-plus inning, eight-run outing, Wang said, “That is better, too. I'm going to be okay.” 當王建民被問到他被打擊過後的自信現在如何, 王說:「也漸漸恢復了,我會沒問題的」 By Mark Feinsand on April 15, 2009 9:35 PM | http://tinyurl.com/cmn6tp 若有翻錯,請指正。Thanks.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/16 12:20, , 1F
看不懂.....拿牛奶卡布幫王恢復自信= =???
04/16 12:20, 1F
※ 編輯: yyhong68 來自: (04/16 12:21)

04/16 12:21, , 2F
04/16 12:21, 2F

04/16 12:21, , 3F
牛奶布 有是有用處的
04/16 12:21, 3F

04/16 12:21, , 4F
哪有這一句?你可以看前幾篇 是藉由餵球熟悉投球
04/16 12:21, 4F

04/16 12:21, , 5F
04/16 12:21, 5F

04/16 12:23, , 6F
04/16 12:23, 6F

04/16 12:24, , 7F
應該總比拿阿肉 鐵爺跟工具史來恢復自信好囉 XD
04/16 12:24, 7F

04/16 12:24, , 8F
04/16 12:24, 8F

04/16 12:26, , 9F
搞不好王今年就輸這兩場 呵呵
04/16 12:26, 9F

04/16 12:26, , 10F
04/16 12:26, 10F

04/16 12:28, , 11F
04/16 12:28, 11F

04/16 12:37, , 12F
我今天有用假設老王32場先發最後IP205 ERA3.7試算了一下
04/16 12:37, 12F

04/16 12:37, , 13F
04/16 12:37, 13F

04/16 12:46, , 14F
總之今年成績應該沒辦法多好看了 除非之後一直持續大爆發
04/16 12:46, 14F

04/16 12:48, , 15F
04/16 12:48, 15F

04/16 12:48, , 16F
04/16 12:48, 16F

04/16 12:49, , 17F
04/16 12:49, 17F

04/16 12:50, , 18F
對這個投教沒信心耶~~= =
04/16 12:50, 18F

04/16 12:50, , 19F
那萬一被弱的神奇寶貝打爆怎麼辦 不就更低沉.....
04/16 12:50, 19F

04/16 12:52, , 20F
CC去年前四場後的成績太唬爛了 王不可能跟他一樣的
04/16 12:52, 20F

04/16 12:54, , 21F
CC也不是每年都像去年那麼誇張 總之慢慢調整吧
04/16 12:54, 21F

04/16 12:55, , 22F
目前火力穩定 其他四個SP看來也都沒大問題 還有空間的
04/16 12:55, 22F

04/16 12:59, , 23F
04/16 12:59, 23F

04/16 12:59, , 24F
04/16 12:59, 24F

04/16 13:00, , 25F
04/16 13:00, 25F

04/16 13:00, , 26F
王就算下場完封era還是破表 0.0
04/16 13:00, 26F

04/16 13:02, , 27F
所以沒差 現在重要的是要好好投好一場球 狀況回穩最重要
04/16 13:02, 27F

04/16 13:06, , 28F
現在不要求他Cy 表現拉, 之後每場有QS水準就已經算高標
04/16 13:06, 28F

04/16 13:09, , 29F
04/16 13:09, 29F

04/16 13:10, , 30F
04/16 13:10, 30F

04/16 13:10, , 31F
不過如果後面都不錯的話 , 明星賽後的ERA還是會被注意
04/16 13:10, 31F

04/16 13:11, , 32F
04/16 13:11, 32F

04/16 13:11, , 33F
04/16 13:11, 33F

04/16 13:12, , 34F
現在提到去年的CC , 通常也會把他與他去年開季的成績切割
04/16 13:12, 34F

04/16 13:13, , 35F
切什麼割..他去年整年ERA 2.7
04/16 13:13, 35F

04/16 13:13, , 36F
我指 , 爆炸後的鬼神成績 = ="
04/16 13:13, 36F

04/16 13:16, , 37F
04/16 13:16, 37F

04/16 13:16, , 38F
幫助球隊贏球重要+1 只重視帳面成績才是台灣人風格
04/16 13:16, 38F

04/16 13:18, , 39F
04/16 13:18, 39F

04/16 13:18, , 40F
04/16 13:18, 40F

04/16 13:19, , 41F
這嘛 , 總之CC被提及時 , 那爆炸後的成績是受矚目沒錯
04/16 13:19, 41F

04/16 13:20, , 42F
如果您不認為 , 那也就算囉
04/16 13:20, 42F

04/16 13:21, , 43F
畢竟我只是業餘鄉民 , 只懂得被之後的內容吸引
04/16 13:21, 43F

04/16 13:59, , 44F
每次正式登板 老王都說他很用力投 這也許就是容易失常之處
04/16 13:59, 44F

04/16 14:03, , 45F
04/16 14:03, 45F

04/16 14:19, , 46F
04/16 14:19, 46F

04/16 15:41, , 47F
老王今年能投5場完封 我請洋基板10人去紐約看球
04/16 15:41, 47F

04/16 15:58, , 48F
樓上 我先報名哦~
04/16 15:58, 48F

04/16 16:07, , 49F
不管怎樣 先報名 +1
04/16 16:07, 49F

04/16 16:08, , 50F
我也要 還沒去過紐約呢
04/16 16:08, 50F

04/16 16:10, , 51F
04/16 16:10, 51F

04/16 16:12, , 52F
報名+1 機票、旅館費用就麻煩Beretta大了..簽證我自己來XD
04/16 16:12, 52F

04/16 16:12, , 53F
04/16 16:12, 53F

04/16 16:12, , 54F
( ˙ ˙)/先報名
04/16 16:12, 54F

04/16 16:17, , 55F
算了吧 就算小王真的完封五場,也只是多見識個嘴砲魔人而已
04/16 16:17, 55F

04/16 16:17, , 56F
04/16 16:17, 56F

04/16 16:18, , 57F
04/16 16:18, 57F

04/16 16:19, , 58F
04/16 16:19, 58F

04/16 16:20, , 59F
04/16 16:20, 59F

04/16 16:22, , 60F
04/16 16:22, 60F

04/16 16:24, , 61F
04/16 16:24, 61F

04/16 16:25, , 62F
幫統計 因為hrio2大放棄 所以10人到tomy大為止 @_@
04/16 16:25, 62F

04/16 16:36, , 63F
04/16 16:36, 63F

04/16 17:00, , 64F
到時候就會凹 我是說老王喔 我又沒說是王建民
04/16 17:00, 64F

04/16 18:01, , 65F
挖勒太晚到 加我可以嗎 大不了坐貨艙..
04/16 18:01, 65F

04/16 18:28, , 66F
我也要報名 ~~~~ 到時超過10個報名是用抽籤的嗎? (認真)
04/16 18:28, 66F

04/16 19:02, , 67F
唬爛不用錢 ╮(﹀_﹀)╭
04/16 19:02, 67F

04/16 19:06, , 68F
又沒說請食宿機票 也沒說看什麼球..請大家看小孩打少棒!?
04/16 19:06, 68F

04/16 19:28, , 69F
整年防禦率在明星賽時是4.05 這句怪怪的
04/16 19:28, 69F

04/16 19:39, , 70F
拿ransom & Melky來增加信心XD
04/16 19:39, 70F

04/16 22:40, , 71F
04/16 22:40, 71F

04/16 23:17, , 72F
04/16 23:17, 72F
文章代碼(AID): #19vh3039 (NY-Yankees)