[翻譯] 為什麼A-Rod關鍵時刻總是打不好??

看板NY-Yankees作者 (帖木兒)時間15年前 (2008/09/03 21:13), 編輯推噓44(44020)
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轉自:http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94197017 Why Alex Rodriguez Struggles In The Clutch Audio for this story will be available at approx. 9:00 a.m. ET Ronald Martinez Maybe Alex Rodriguez just shouldn't have been a baseball player. Morning Edition, September 3, 2008 · Rationally, we assume that it is much more agonizing to play an individual sport, where you can expect no help from any teammates, where you must depend completely upon yourself. 一般說來,大家會認為從事單人運動比較辛苦,因為沒有隊友可以 幫你,一切都得靠自己。 But I believe that there are certain team players with the personality that turns that logic upside down, who suffer more pressure precisely because they are not alone, who are intimidated more by having to produce for their teammates. 但是我覺得,有些團隊運動的選手的個性足以顛覆這樣的邏輯。這 些選手正是因為身處團隊中,而感受到更大的壓力。他們害怕無法 為隊友出力。 No one, to my mind, fits that template better than Alex Rodriguez, who may well be the best baseball player on Earth. 我心目中,最符合這種類型的人就是阿肉,也就是堪稱地表最佳棒 球員的那位仁兄。 Only maybe he just shouldn't have been a baseball player. 但問題是,也許他根本就不該當個棒球選手。 Wilt Chamberlain was of the same mold. He was trapped in a body that made him a basketball player. A little shorter, and he would've been the happy warrior of track and field. Much shorter, he would've been a joyful race car driver. NBA的萬人斬張大帥也是同樣類型的人。他受體型影響而成為一個 籃球員。如果他稍微矮一點的話,他會在田徑場上如魚得水。如果 他身高更矮上一截的話,他可以成為一個得意的賽車選手。 And it works the other way round, too. As successful as, say, Phil Mickelson and Andy Roddick are now at golf and tennis, I suspect they both would've been happier and more at home, in team games, with teammates around them. Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier were made to box. George Foreman would have been so much more in his element anchoring a defensive line with a bunch of other big, noisy lugs. 同樣的,我認為像Phil Mickelson和Andy Roddick這種在高爾夫和 網球上這麼成功的運動員,如果他們投入團隊運動的話,會更快樂 自得。Muhammad Ali和Joe Frazier是天生的拳擊手。但是George Foreman如果從事團隊運動的話,也會更自在。 Listen, understand: I can't feel sorry for A-Rod. He makes gazillions of dollars, and all too often he just doesn't get it. It obviously drives him crazy that his teammate of lesser ability, Derek Jeter, gets the love that his Cupid tells him should be his. 但是,我並不會為阿肉抱屈。他的薪資是天文數字,但是他總是弄 不懂一件事。即使他想破頭也搞不懂為什麼Jeter能力不如他,卻 比較受歡迎。阿肉覺得這種待遇應該屬於是他自己的。 But when, soon enough now, the Yankees almost surely fail to make the playoffs, A-Rod will endure the most blame. Ah yes, the chorus: A-Rod hits in games when it doesn't matter and then fails in the clutch, so he's one of those selfish losers who just cares about his own statistics; he's not a good team player. 然而,現在洋基隊進入季後賽希望渺茫,到時候阿肉會承受大部分 的攻詰。也就是很多人會同聲批評:阿肉只會在無關緊要的時候打 安打,關鍵時刻卻失手。阿肉是個自私的遜咖,只在意個人數據 他不是個好的團隊球員。 But I think that, very possibly, the fact that he fails when it counts the most may well be for the directly opposite reason that is usually attributed to him and other athletes of his ilk. What defeats A-Rod is not mano a mano, the external pressure from the opposing pitcher; rather, it is internal, his own insecurity about coming through for his team. 但是我認為,阿肉和他這種類型的運動員之所以會在關鍵時刻失手 ,原因很有可能正好與一般的說法相反。阿肉失手的原因並不是因 為承受與投手對決的外來壓力。相反的,是因為內在的壓力,他害 怕無法幫助球隊。 I'll be curious a few years from now when some other Yankee is the superstar and Rodriguez is the second banana. I'll bet he becomes a much better clutch hitter, and the fans will cheer for dependable old reliable, A-Rod. 如果幾年後,洋基出了另一個超級球星,阿肉成了老二,我到很想 看看會發生什麼情況。我猜阿肉在關鍵時刻的表現會進步很多。球 迷會為可靠的阿肉喝采。 Or, in the best of all worlds, maybe all these years Alex Rodriguez would've spared himself a lot of angst if he'd been playing singles by himself a few miles away over in Queens, at the Billie Jean King Tennis Center, instead of being in the Bronx, at bat, with his Yankees teammates on base. 或者呢,如果阿肉這些年來是在皇后區的Billie Jean King網球 場打單打,而不是在布朗克斯區的球場打棒球,面對壘上的跑者 隊友們,他應該會快樂的多。 -- 隨意看看,要戰請寄信原作者XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/03 21:16, , 1F
09/03 21:16, 1F

09/03 21:19, , 2F
09/03 21:19, 2F

09/03 21:19, , 3F
09/03 21:19, 3F

09/03 21:21, , 4F
去年怎麼沒這種文章= =
09/03 21:21, 4F

09/03 21:23, , 5F
09/03 21:23, 5F

09/03 21:25, , 6F
09/03 21:25, 6F

09/03 21:28, , 7F
09/03 21:28, 7F

09/03 21:29, , 8F
最後一段讓我幻想了一下A-ROD拿網球拍的樣子 = =
09/03 21:29, 8F

09/03 21:30, , 9F
Jeter這麼受歡迎跟帥和屁股翹應該有點關係 不過還是在洋基
09/03 21:30, 9F

09/03 21:30, , 10F
09/03 21:30, 10F

09/03 21:31, , 11F
A-ROD打網球 徐乃仁:杯杯杯 槓!!
09/03 21:31, 11F

09/03 21:32, , 12F
09/03 21:32, 12F

09/03 21:35, , 13F
09/03 21:35, 13F

09/03 21:43, , 14F
09/03 21:43, 14F

09/03 21:50, , 15F
09/03 21:50, 15F

09/03 21:51, , 16F
09/03 21:51, 16F

09/03 21:52, , 17F
09/03 21:52, 17F

09/03 21:54, , 18F
03年派帥被丟出去換了什麼? 我那時候還沒有開始看
09/03 21:54, 18F

09/03 21:55, , 19F
沒續簽吧 手肘有傷痛史
09/03 21:55, 19F

09/03 21:56, , 20F
不過派帥去太空人還是超威的 跟老克和Oswalt組成三本柱
09/03 21:56, 20F

09/03 21:58, , 21F
09/03 21:58, 21F

09/03 21:59, , 22F
09/03 21:59, 22F

09/03 22:01, , 23F
學網球的a rod翹屁股應該就很受歡迎吧XD
09/03 22:01, 23F

09/03 22:05, , 24F
09/03 22:05, 24F

09/03 22:07, , 25F
推A Rod 除了Federer之外最喜歡的網球選手 XD
09/03 22:07, 25F

09/03 22:15, , 26F
09/03 22:15, 26F

09/03 22:27, , 27F
09/03 22:27, 27F

09/03 22:32, , 28F
09/03 22:32, 28F

09/03 22:50, , 29F
為什麼A-Rod關鍵時刻總是打不好 因為大家只會記得他沒打好
09/03 22:50, 29F

09/03 22:51, , 30F
的打席 有打出安打甚至長打時 就選擇遺忘 這就是人生
09/03 22:51, 30F

09/03 22:59, , 31F
09/03 22:59, 31F

09/03 23:02, , 32F
推~ 拿太多錢的原罪
09/03 23:02, 32F

09/03 23:17, , 33F
真奇怪 siliver大大 怎摩沒有出現阿?
09/03 23:17, 33F

09/03 23:17, , 34F
Andy Roddick = A-Rod
09/03 23:17, 34F

09/03 23:21, , 35F
09/03 23:21, 35F

09/03 23:31, , 36F
雖然今年打點變少 不過還是很威吧 輸在好投手都傷
09/03 23:31, 36F

09/03 23:51, , 37F
AROD的成績今年還是非常強大 得點圈勞賽是該拜拜的問題
09/03 23:51, 37F

09/03 23:57, , 38F
A-Rod今年的得點圈真的太烙賽了 連2成都不到 超大囧
09/03 23:57, 38F

09/04 00:06, , 39F
樓上哪聽來的 是2成5左右 去年則是3成3左右 
09/04 00:06, 39F

09/04 00:22, , 40F
記得之前有某大分享過 得點圈打擊只是現象 不是能力
09/04 00:22, 40F

09/04 00:23, , 41F
不知道是在那個板看到的 一時半刻還真找不到
09/04 00:23, 41F

09/04 00:25, , 42F
09/04 00:25, 42F

09/04 00:33, , 43F
09/04 00:33, 43F

09/04 00:35, , 44F
09/04 00:35, 44F

09/04 00:36, , 45F
09/04 00:36, 45F

09/04 00:36, , 46F
圈嗎 -_-XD
09/04 00:36, 46F

09/04 01:44, , 47F
喔 關鍵時刻? 還以為只要打出這幾個字就會被繳的很慘XD
09/04 01:44, 47F

09/04 06:19, , 48F
09/04 06:19, 48F

09/04 06:21, , 49F
09/04 06:21, 49F

09/04 06:23, , 50F
09/04 06:23, 50F

09/04 06:32, , 51F
要看看NBA紐約巨猩尤英嗎 等生涯結束盡管帳面成積嚇人也入選
09/04 06:32, 51F

09/04 06:32, , 52F
NBA50大 但手軟的諷刺永遠跟著他
09/04 06:32, 52F

09/04 06:34, , 53F
所以為了幫AROD平反 就是快進季後賽拿個WS 因此.請全力補強SP
09/04 06:34, 53F

09/04 06:35, , 54F
有了去年山大王教訓 該出手時就要出手
09/04 06:35, 54F

09/04 08:53, , 55F
情況不同 山大王要人去換 CC只要錢
09/04 08:53, 55F

09/04 09:06, , 56F
薪水拿那麼多 理由就不要那麼多 用心打球就對了
09/04 09:06, 56F

09/04 09:33, , 57F
09/04 09:33, 57F

09/04 09:34, , 58F
隊長 大吉...等人的薪水就不是天文數字?
09/04 09:34, 58F

09/04 10:28, , 59F
09/04 10:28, 59F

09/04 17:30, , 60F
唉~ A-Rod:我想在關鍵時刻有所貢獻阿 (哭哭)
09/04 17:30, 60F

09/04 19:23, , 61F
你要用薪水比 隊長打那成績才該被批死...
09/04 19:23, 61F

09/04 20:40, , 62F
09/04 20:40, 62F

09/04 22:17, , 63F
09/04 22:17, 63F

09/05 01:02, , 64F
09/05 01:02, 64F
文章代碼(AID): #18lerbSN (NY-Yankees)