[洋基] Remains of the season: New York Yankees

看板NY-Yankees作者 (Who Dares Winns)時間16年前 (2008/08/16 02:30), 編輯推噓10(1002)
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原文 : http://tinyurl.com/6jalxu ==================================== Going into the last year of the House that Ruth Built, an inescapable feeling of loss and new beginnings engulfed the Yankees. Joe Torre, the figurehead of the Dynasty Years of the late '90s, was finally gone, and so, for all intents and purposes, was George Steinbrenner, the senior-ranking owner in the game who lorded over the Yankees and the rest of baseball with a force and celebrity rarely, if ever, matched by any owner in modern sports. Despite their gaudy payroll, still by far the fattest in the sport, this season felt like a transition year even though the Yanks were expected to win and make the playoffs. While nobody announced that this was a rebuilding year —certainly the most costly re-building year in baseball history—I think the change in expectations was signaled when the Yankees didn’t trade for Johan Santana (though right about now, nobody in the Bronx would blink an eye over having lost Ian Kennedy or Melky Cabrera as part of a deal). Had the Yankees made the move, it would have been clear they wanted to win at all costs. That they didn’t suggested a larger plan was at work and that the George Steinbrenner era was over. 如果今年算是洋基的重建年,那大概是史上最昂貴的重建年 可以從冬天沒把Santana搞來看出些端倪,不過不少人應該巴不得當初把Melky跟IPK送走 On top of that, the spectacle of the Final Year of Yankee Stadium has overshadowed the action on the field. While the public relations push has been crushing, it has to be considered a success for the organization: getting seats for the remaining games has turned into something that you only find for a hit Broadway show in a limited run. In a sense, this was the year that the Yankees became the Cubs (though not the 2008 Cubs) because whether they won big or not, people were going to cram the Stadium to say goodbye— just like they’ll jam the new park over the next couple of years. 洋基老球場的最後一年, 雖然戰績吃噴吃的很嚴重,不過觀眾還是一直進場來跟老球場道別。 On the field, this season has proven to be a comedy of errors, underachieving and misfortune. The Yanks have outrun early-season slumps in recent years but have been dealt a harsh blow this year, losing Jorge Posada, Chien-Ming Wang, Hideki Matsui and Phillip Hughes for a majority of the season. Kennedy has been hurt most of the time, too, and he’s been a disaster when he has pitched, smirking his way to the minors on two occasions. 除了行之有年的early-season slumps習俗之外 失去了Posada,王建民,松井,Hughes的洋基隊在球季中後段也很掙扎 Kennedy也受傷了一段時間,不過他健康的時候也是災難一場 The failure to get anything substantial out of Hughes and Kennedy can’t be overemphasized, as it helped put the team in an early-season hole from which it has not been able to recover. Joba Chamberlain began the year in the bullpen, and made a smooth transition to the starting rotation—he’s the most impressive Yankee pitcher in some time—but how much did the delayed move cost the team? Moreover, Johnny Damon was put on the DL for the first time in his career and has missed significant time, Alex Rodriguez was out for three weeks with a leg injury, and Chamberlain is hurt. On top of that Derek Jeter is having the worst season in his career, Robinson Cano has been a colossal disappointment, and Cabrera has been even worse. Damon這輩子第一次進了DL,A-Rod也進去過,Joba進入rotation之後前陣子肩膀也出問題 隊長打出了生涯最糟糕的成績,Cano不知道在打什麼鬼 厲害的是Melky打得更爛 Everything has gone wrong, and the blame can spread around liberally. As longtime Yankee analyst Steven Goldman has noted, it’s not just one thing, the Yankees have suffered a death of a thousand little cuts. It’s the injuries, sure, but it is also the fact that the Yankees have been a horrible team with runners in scoring position. The hitting just is not as strong as it was last season. How do you figure that Rodriguez and Jason Giambi, both enjoying good seasons, have been so bad in the clutch? Talk about bum luck. 除了源源不絕的DL名單之外,鳥蛋的RISP打率也是讓洋基很頭大 A-Rod跟Giambi都打得不錯的一個球季,為何會如此的不clutch? 解:運氣差到一個極限 "You can also point the finger at the collapse of their advantage up the middle," says Goldman. "What was the secret of this dynasty? Posada, Jeter, second basemen like Knoblauch and Soriano, Bernie Williams in center. What's happening up the middle now? Dead Posada, Jeter looking sluggish, Cano with a .303 OBP, and Melky is one of the worst offensive players in the game." 除此之外,過去洋基的防守中線放了一堆強棒 今年放了一個傷兵跟一票鳥蛋 Joe Girardi was in a tough spot replacing Torre. I always thought you’d never want to be the guy who replaced Torre; you’d want to be the guy who replaced the guy who replaced Torre. But Girardi was a part of the championship years and that has bought him some leeway. Oddly, given his experience in broadcasting, Girardi has made some elementary mistakes with the media, not always being entirely forthcoming about player injuries. But he has done a decent job of managing the bullpen and hasn’t been afraid to be tough with his young pitchers, Kennedy in particular. YES announcer Michael Kay compared Girardi to Billy Martin early this season, in that he looks physically drawn when the team loses. It’s amazing that he’s got any color left. Girardi沒什麼好被幹的,他的牛棚調度有水準 The two brightest spots for the team have been Mike Mussina, who is enjoying one of his best years in New York, and Mariano Rivera, who is still one of the top five closers in the league. Mussina was all but given up for dead, so his resurgence has been especially rewarding. Unlike Tim Wakefield or Jamie Moyer, Mussina doesn’t have one off-speed pitch that he relies on; instead, he’s got five or six decent pitches. His control has been excellent and he’ s been able to change speeds, going slow and even slower still, far better than ever before. While he might not win 20 games—he’s currently at 15—he might return again next year, something that wasn’t on anyone’s mind when the season began. Moose跟MO讓大家看比賽的時候還能享受一些高水準的表現 Moose今年有機會拿個二十勝 Rivera is a marvel, both physically and aesthetically. His motion is so beautiful, so simple. He still essentially throws one pitch, the fastball, and his control is still impeccable (in 52 innings, he’s walked just six batters, while striking out 61). Beyond that, Rivera still gives Yankee fans a peaceful, easy feeling when he’s on the mound, even when he’s not perfect, even when he loses. It is not a sensation that will last forever, which has made savoring every performance crucial. It’s not as if Yankee fans don’t appreciate what they’ve got in Rivera. Most of us know he’s not going to last forever. It’s on us if we don’t appreciate and admire him in his final years—and it’s remarkable that he’s still able to perform so well. MO:52IP,6BB,61K,非人哉 It is the middle of August now and the Yankees are nine games out of first place and six games back in the wild card standings. They went 3-7 against Texas, Anaheim and Minnesota, in what Yankee beat writer Pete Abraham aptly called a "stumble across America." It’s not so much that they are losing that is frustrating—it is how they are losing. The team often looks uninspired, and worse, sloppy. Cano has been one of the prime offenders. It’ s hard to imagine that he would be playing this carelessly, both at the plate and in the field, if third base coach Larry Bowa were still around. (I don’t know what that says about a major leaguer, that he’d really need a coach to keep him in line, but it sure ain’t good.) 這十場客場比賽只拿下三勝七負,讓人不爽的不是他們敗這麼多,而是他們怎麼敗的 這支球隊看來死氣沉沉 Cano因為鳥打拙守恍神被點名,如果Bowa還在不知道會不會一樣這麼慘 不過一個二十幾歲的職業選手還要保母來看著,實在不是件好事 That said, there is still time for them to get back into the playoff race. They have plenty of games left against the Red Sox and even the Rays. Stranger things have happened, but I don’t know that anyone is holding their breath. The team simply isn’t showing enough signs of life. Two days ago, Hank Steinbrenner ostensibly conceded the season, a very un-Boss-like maneuver that indicates just how far things changed within the organization. 關鍵句出現了:STILL HAS TIME! 不過那也只是有些人這樣想,雖然跟紅襪光芒還有幾場比賽可打 但是目前看來這支球隊看起來真的死透了 Through it all, the injuries and lackluster play, I’ve enjoyed this season. Perhaps I’m just getting caught up in the emotions of the last year of the Stadium. I’ve also been waiting for some time for the year that they finally miss the postseason. Now, that it is here, it isn’t the worst thing in the world if they don’t play in October. Seems like a reasonable hand to be dealt by the baseball fates. 一支payroll 200+M的球隊十月沒球打而已,沒啥大不了的 The one thing that I can’t get out of my mind, though, is that the last game at Yankee Stadium occurs a week before the end of the regular season. It’s hard to fathom the place being shut for good while the team plays out the string on the road. Just goes to show that most things in life don’t end with a bang but with a whimper. 只是看樣子老洋基球場在關閉之前不會有個happy ending了 -- http://blog.pixnet.net/redsniper Go!! Yankees!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: redsnipertd 來自: (08/16 02:33) ※ 編輯: redsnipertd 來自: (08/16 02:33)

08/16 02:36, , 1F
嗯…現在已經歡樂看球了 也希望Moose能20+ 就這樣而已
08/16 02:36, 1F

08/16 03:17, , 2F
08/16 03:17, 2F

08/16 04:50, , 3F
08/16 04:50, 3F

08/16 04:50, , 4F
一支payroll 200+M的球隊十月沒球打而已,沒啥大不了的...
08/16 04:50, 4F

08/16 04:51, , 5F
08/16 04:51, 5F

08/16 07:09, , 6F
沒什麼 歡樂看球了 被笑半年後繼續新的一季就好XD
08/16 07:09, 6F

08/16 07:10, , 7F
08/16 07:10, 7F

08/16 09:36, , 8F
08/16 09:36, 8F

08/16 10:41, , 9F
08/16 10:41, 9F

08/16 16:27, , 10F
明年希望除了新球場之外 陣容也可以是全新的
08/16 16:27, 10F

08/16 16:27, , 11F
08/16 16:27, 11F

08/18 03:14, , 12F
cano真該來個震撼教育了 真的是鳥打拙守+恍神恍的兇
08/18 03:14, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #18fSilyS (NY-Yankees)