[新聞] Updated News 11/1 From Peter Abraham

看板NY-Yankees作者 (...........)時間16年前 (2007/11/01 15:03), 編輯推噓29(29036)
留言65則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Boras spins it another way You have to hand it to Scott Boras, he keeps trying to have it his way. He continues to insist that Alex Rodriguez is just like Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera, another player who became a free agent. Boras一直堅持A-Rod跟Mo和Posada一樣, 只是另一個成為自由球員的人. “Why is it that Alex is the only Yankee who can’t become a free agent?” Boras told the AP. “That question was not answered, and we think it’s a question that’s going to be asked for years to come.” "為什麼A-Rod是唯一一個無法成為自由球員的洋基隊員?" Boras告訴美聯社. "這個問題沒有被回答, 我們認為在接下來的幾年這個問題將一直被問下去." Well, there is the small matter of the $30 million the Yankees would lose from the Rangers. Or that A-Rod refused to return messages from the team owners. Or that he decided to flee the Yankees on a Sunday night in the middle of the World Series via text message. Posted by Peter Abraham on Wednesday, October 31st, 2007 at 8:38 pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let’s see them blame Mientkiewicz for this 讓我們看看他們將這個怪到小明頭上. Those darn Red Sox lost the ball again. 紅襪又把球搞丟了. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=ap-redsox-lastball&prov=ap&type=lgns Meanwhile, 38pitches.com lists the 12 teams he’s interested. Thankfully the Yankees are not one of them. 席林姐部落格列出了12支她有興趣的球隊. 很感謝, 洋基沒有在裡頭. http://38pitches.com/2007/10/30/free-agency-weird/ Finally, I’m working on my Halloween costume. I woke up late, had lunch, sat on the couch for a while watching television and drank a beer. 終於, 我開始了我的萬聖節妝扮. 我很晚才起床, 吃午飯, 坐在沙發上看了一陣子電視和喝了一罐啤酒. I’m Carl Pavano! 我扮的是Carl Pavano! Posted by Peter Abraham on Wednesday, October 31st, 2007 at 4:35 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yankees will be compensated for A-Rod 洋基將會因A-Rod得到補償. In response to numerous e-mails from people, I double-checked with Brian Cashman today. The Yankees do in fact have the right to offer Alex Rodriguez arbitration. Cashman said they would and that they would receive compensation in the form of draft picks. 洋基有權對A-Rod提出仲裁. 現金人說他們會提出, 他們將會收到選秀權作為補償. So the Yankees will have a number of picks in the first part of the draft next June. 所以洋基在明年六月的選秀將會在第一部份選秀得到一些挑選權. Posted by Peter Abraham on Wednesday, October 31st, 2007 at 3:21 pm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/01 15:04, , 1F
11/01 15:04, 1F

11/01 15:05, , 2F
他扮的是Carl Pavano...XD 那就是不用扮嘛 因為沒這個人
11/01 15:05, 2F

11/01 15:06, , 3F
11/01 15:06, 3F

11/01 15:07, , 4F
人家是全部的約到期了 你是還有好幾年= =
11/01 15:07, 4F

11/01 15:10, , 5F
太好了 選秀權 年輕化洋基!
11/01 15:10, 5F

11/01 15:17, , 6F
以這兩年的狀況, 補償選秀權對洋基的意義比較沒有那麼大
11/01 15:17, 6F

11/01 15:18, , 7F
11/01 15:18, 7F

11/01 15:19, , 8F
11/01 15:19, 8F

11/01 15:21, , 9F
11/01 15:21, 9F

11/01 15:21, , 10F
Hughes, Joba
11/01 15:21, 10F

11/01 15:22, , 11F
11/01 15:22, 11F

11/01 15:22, , 12F
I’m Carl Pavano!
11/01 15:22, 12F

11/01 15:22, , 13F
11/01 15:22, 13F

11/01 15:22, , 14F
我扮的是Carl Pavano!XD 不給糖就搗蛋,給糖就擺爛 XD
11/01 15:22, 14F

11/01 15:24, , 15F
還有推一下P大,翻譯簡潔易懂,很棒說! ^_^謝謝啦!
11/01 15:24, 15F

11/01 15:25, , 16F
今年洋基的好幾輪簽約金破紀錄, 都是別隊認為簽不下來的
11/01 15:25, 16F

11/01 15:25, , 17F
so? 問題是有哪一個是Joba, Hughes的等級?
11/01 15:25, 17F

11/01 15:26, , 18F
而那種大家都想要的超大物, 到補償選秀不太可能還在
11/01 15:26, 18F

11/01 15:26, , 19F
但是你可以拿到一些掉下來的tools man
11/01 15:26, 19F

11/01 15:27, , 20F
11/01 15:27, 20F

11/01 15:28, , 21F
Hughes 是正第一輪, Joba 是補償選秀沒錯
11/01 15:28, 21F

11/01 15:28, , 22F
11/01 15:28, 22F

11/01 15:29, , 23F
11/01 15:29, 23F

11/01 15:29, , 24F
11/01 15:29, 24F

11/01 15:29, , 25F
11/01 15:29, 25F

11/01 15:32, , 26F
第一輪的選秀權即使是 type A 也不一定拿的到啊
11/01 15:32, 26F

11/01 15:33, , 27F
簽下A-Rod的球隊一定得交出來的 :)
11/01 15:33, 27F

11/01 15:33, , 28F
wait & see , 而且三明治也一樣很補
11/01 15:33, 28F

11/01 15:33, , 29F
比較差的狀況可能只拿到 sandwitch 外加第二輪
11/01 15:33, 29F

11/01 15:34, , 30F
11/01 15:34, 30F

11/01 15:35, , 31F
A-rod 的好處是, 要跟別人搶 pick 不管是誰應該都穩贏
11/01 15:35, 31F

11/01 15:36, , 32F
這個我就不敢說了 XD
11/01 15:36, 32F

11/01 15:36, , 33F
第一輪前十五名選秀權有保護, 看的到吃不到
11/01 15:36, 33F

11/01 15:37, , 34F
11/01 15:37, 34F

11/01 15:37, , 35F
今年沒有比 A-rod 更好的 FA, 所以保證他跟誰比都不會輸
11/01 15:37, 35F

11/01 15:38, , 36F
David Ortiz XD, 不過他不是
11/01 15:38, 36F

11/01 15:38, , 37F
11/01 15:38, 37F

11/01 15:42, , 38F
我扮的是Carl Pavano!
11/01 15:42, 38F

11/01 15:41, , 39F
呃, 查了一下明年的選秀權... Dodgers/Giants 都符合條件
11/01 15:41, 39F

11/01 15:43, , 40F
洋基如果想簽 Lowell, 恐怕也會丟掉自己的第一輪
11/01 15:43, 40F

11/01 15:44, , 41F
Dodgers有可能,但我不覺得技安銀蛋還夠 XDD
11/01 15:44, 41F

11/01 15:45, , 42F
Lowell簽的下來應該有很大可能是互換3B XD
11/01 15:45, 42F

11/01 15:46, , 43F
ps: A-Rod過去是SS
11/01 15:46, 43F

11/01 15:49, , 44F
a number of picks 是指一些挑選權,不是指一個號碼
11/01 15:49, 44F

11/01 15:50, , 45F
如果簽賣肉 再加簽一個外野或是一壘砲 明年火力也不會太差
11/01 15:50, 45F

11/01 15:50, , 46F
就算 Lowell 走了, 襪子也有把光頭佬移到 3B 的選項
11/01 15:50, 46F

11/01 15:52, , 47F
A-Rod 躺乳溝
11/01 15:52, 47F

11/01 15:52, , 48F
11/01 15:52, 48F

11/01 15:53, , 49F
11/01 15:53, 49F

11/01 15:53, , 50F
推丟球&扮痛痛. 超好笑XD
11/01 15:53, 50F

11/01 15:54, , 51F
不過Sox WS MVP如果沒被留下來應該是滿怪的,跑到NYY更怪
11/01 15:54, 51F

11/01 15:54, , 52F
更別說他以前被98 WS MVP擋然後被換走搞的不太愉快
11/01 15:54, 52F

11/01 15:59, , 53F
犧牲甘迺迪 跟馬大魚交易大卡布讓他守一壘 簽賣肉3壘
11/01 15:59, 53F

11/01 16:09, , 54F
我扮的是Carl Pavano! 靠腰,好笑XD
11/01 16:09, 54F
※ 編輯: parabird 來自: (11/01 16:19)

11/01 16:43, , 55F
11/01 16:43, 55F

11/01 16:44, , 56F
11/01 16:44, 56F

11/01 16:46, , 57F
11/01 16:46, 57F

11/01 16:55, , 58F
11/01 16:55, 58F

11/01 17:11, , 59F
Cash or Pain !?
11/01 17:11, 59F

11/01 17:25, , 60F
11/01 17:25, 60F

11/01 17:35, , 61F
Both of them....for Cash and Pain
11/01 17:35, 61F

11/01 17:58, , 62F
請教大家 bernie williams 有消息嗎 會回來嗎
11/01 17:58, 62F

11/01 17:59, , 63F
paul o'neil都可能回來當教練了..
11/01 17:59, 63F

11/01 19:15, , 64F
怪小明什麼阿 怎麼看不大懂
11/01 19:15, 64F

11/01 21:54, , 65F
11/01 21:54, 65F
文章代碼(AID): #17ANeq7d (NY-Yankees)