[新聞] 13 steps to become a contender

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間16年前 (2007/09/21 23:20), 編輯推噓32(3207)
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13 steps to become a contender Friday, September 21, 2007 BY LISA KENNELLY Star-Ledger Staff 重點: 洋基變成有能力競爭季後賽資格的13個步驟 (7, 8好酸) 就這樣洋基從5月19日還落後紅襪14.5場的勝差到今天變成1.5場的勝差--這是一個 很多人,包括一些報章記者都說是不可能達成的偉大成就。 假如搔搔你的頭想要知道這是怎麼發生的,這裡提供了13個洋基能夠追近13場勝差 的理由。 1. 今年是A-Rod打出MVP成績的球季。當然,他現在處於小小的低潮中(最近8場比賽A-Rod 29打數只有3支安打),但是先前的球賽他一直讓洋基穩住戰蹟。 2. Joba Chamberlain。這位21歲活潑的火球噴射男冒出來, 變成一位幾乎讓打者打不到的 設局投手(setup man)。 3. 由岡島秀樹和Jonathan Papelbon領軍的紅襪牛棚在崩毀之中,甚至不必用到Eric Gagne就夠糟了。 4. 真的,沒錯,那就談談剛爺吧。從紅襪把他交易來後,他的自責失分率是9.00(很穩 定的每局失一分),砸鍋了三場救援,且拿到兩敗。 5. 洋基開始信任年輕人。22歲的Ian Kennedy和21歲的Phil Hughes撐住了洋基先發投手 後段的輪值。 6. 板凳選手補得漂亮。Jose Molina換來當候備補手,主場球迷熱愛的英雄Shelly Duncan讓洋基的板凳區有了右打者的炮火,交易來的Wilson Betemit給了洋基另一個 內野的工具人。 7. 牛棚有了大幅度的整修。走了天天P-Scott Protor和操了快壞的右手臂,弄走了無 法解決左打者的一人左投Mike Myers。無法讓人信任的火球男Kyle Farnsworth已經 弄到儘量用不到的極致程度。 8. 休息區已經好幾個月看不到Carl Pavano了,你應該知道這讓心情好了很多。 9. 球員變得健康了。球員不再用半好的狀態打球後(記得洋基解雇體能教練教練Marty Miller嗎?),開始打得就像預期的勇猛了。 10. 正規球季要打長遠的162場球賽。從明星賽後洋基打出全聯盟最好的45勝21敗。 11. 歷史有著重大的意義。洋基已經連九年拿到分區冠軍了,同時整年的球季都發誓要連   續拿到第十座。 12. 火箭人Roger Clemens。老克6勝6敗的成績雖不怎麼亮眼,但對上紅襪是1勝0敗,同 時老克不吝於幫助年輕投手。 13. 就是紅襪。失敗就是紅襪比賽後的結果,看看1978的前例吧! 以及... 洋基還要再追1又1/2的勝差,這裡也提供1又1/2個理由是洋基可能追不上紅襪的原因。 1. 看來對洋基不是那麼重要了。洋基幾乎已經能以外卡身份進到季後賽了,有餘裕讓先 發選手好好休息了。 1/2. 不知何種原因,A-Rod就是會凸鎚失了水準。 So the Yankees have gone from 14 1/2 games back on May 29 to 1 1/2 games back today -- a feat many people, including some newspapers, said was impossible. If you're scratching your head wondering how this happened, here are 13 reasons why the Yankees made up 13 games. 1. Alex Rodriguez's MVP season. Sure, he's in a mini-slump (3-for-29 in his past eight games), but he kept the Yankees afloat early. 2. Joba Chamberlain. The feisty, flame-throwing 21-year-old emerged as a nearly unhittable setup man. 3. The Red Sox bullpen, led by Hideki Okajima and Jonathan Papelbon is crumbling. And let's not even start on Eric Gagne. 4. Actually, yes, let's talk about Gagne. Since arriving in a trade, he has a 9.00 ERA with three blown saves and two losses. 5. The Yankees put their trust in the kids. Ian Kennedy, 22, and Phil Hughes, 21, have bolstered the starting rotation. 6. The bench got a makeover. Jose Molina emerged as the backup catcher, and cult hero Shelley Duncan provided right-handed power off the bench. The trade for Wilson Betemit gave the Yankees another utility infielder. 7. The bullpen was overhauled. Gone is Scott Proctor and his weary right arm. Gone is Mike Myers, the left-handed specialist who couldn't get out left-handers. Untrustworthy Kyle Farnsworth has been pushed to the margins. 8. Carl Pavano hasn't been seen in the clubhouse in months, and you have to know that's improved the mood. 9. Players got healthy. Once the Yankees stopped playing at half-strength (remember fired strength coach Marty Miller?) they started to perform as predicted. 10. The season is 162 games long. The Yankees are a major-league best 45-21 since the All-Star Break. 11. History means something. The Yankees have won nine straight division titles and have sworn all season that their focus remains on claiming the 10th. 12. Roger Clemens. His 6-6 record isn't dazzling, but he's 1-0 against Boston and is a boon for young pitchers. 13. It's the Red Sox. Falling apart is what they do. See: 1978. AND .... They've still got 1 1/2 games to go. Here's 1 1/2 reasons the Yankees won't catch the Red Sox 1. It's not that important to them. The Yankees are all but assured of a wild-card spot and are better off resting their starters. 1/2. Somehow, Alex Rodriguez will screw this up. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/21 23:23, , 1F
09/21 23:23, 1F

09/21 23:23, , 2F
09/21 23:23, 2F

09/21 23:23, , 3F
09/21 23:23, 3F

09/21 23:23, , 4F
09/21 23:23, 4F

09/21 23:23, , 5F
第七點的後半部 實在很想笑 哈哈
09/21 23:23, 5F

09/21 23:26, , 6F
09/21 23:26, 6F

09/21 23:32, , 7F
第8雖然令人感覺不到他的存在 不過想起來的確很重要XD
09/21 23:32, 7F

09/21 23:33, , 8F
09/21 23:33, 8F

09/21 23:36, , 9F
話說Painvano現在的狀況到底是怎樣= =
09/21 23:36, 9F

09/21 23:38, , 10F
痛痛人在醫院,邊數鈔票邊唱No Pain, No Gain ......
09/21 23:38, 10F

09/21 23:39, , 11F
不會 今年季後阿肉會有很好的表現的
09/21 23:39, 11F

09/21 23:40, , 12F
09/21 23:40, 12F

09/21 23:41, , 13F
09/21 23:41, 13F

09/21 23:42, , 14F
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09/21 23:42, , 15F
09/21 23:42, 15F

09/21 23:43, , 16F
09/21 23:43, 16F

09/21 23:43, , 17F
posada, pettitte, torre, cashman, 粉柯南也沒列榜啊
09/21 23:43, 17F

09/21 23:46, , 18F
09/21 23:46, 18F

09/21 23:47, , 19F
09/21 23:47, 19F

09/21 23:47, , 20F
推No Pain, No Gain XDDDD 雙重意思啊
09/21 23:47, 20F

09/21 23:47, , 21F
09/21 23:47, 21F

09/21 23:52, , 22F
09/21 23:52, 22F

09/21 23:53, , 23F
抱歉~我太認真了<(_ _)>
09/21 23:53, 23F

09/21 23:56, , 24F
09/21 23:56, 24F

09/21 23:57, , 25F
09/21 23:57, 25F

09/22 00:06, , 26F
我笑了 蠻幽默的 XD
09/22 00:06, 26F

09/22 00:21, , 27F
Wang的貢獻是老梗了 不用提大家都知道XDDDD
09/22 00:21, 27F

09/22 00:26, , 28F
09/22 00:26, 28F

09/22 01:11, , 29F
有個小錯 剛爺是三場BS而不是兩場
09/22 01:11, 29F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (09/22 02:12)

09/22 04:06, , 30F
我要推第8點 XD
09/22 04:06, 30F

09/22 04:58, , 31F
看完這篇,我跟摸二哥一樣摀著嘴呵呵笑呢 XD
09/22 04:58, 31F

09/22 07:00, , 32F
09/22 07:00, 32F

09/22 07:00, , 33F
09/22 07:00, 33F

09/22 07:01, , 34F
第一點對作者來說還真是個大改變呢 XD
09/22 07:01, 34F

09/22 12:22, , 35F
感覺A-rod 抗壓性不太好 500轟 季後賽 都經常難產或表現不
09/22 12:22, 35F

09/22 12:23, , 36F
好..或著自己求好心切 無心中給自己壓力
09/22 12:23, 36F

09/22 13:57, , 37F
09/22 13:57, 37F

09/22 16:30, , 38F
那還真巧啊 都在關鍵時刻低潮 當然是有其他因素啊
09/22 16:30, 38F

09/22 16:31, , 39F
不就是因為抗壓性不足or求好心切 或 其他 導致的低潮嗎
09/22 16:31, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #16y-5ROl (NY-Yankees)