[討論] Rumors about Mike Lowell & Yankees

看板NY-Yankees作者時間16年前 (2007/09/19 00:28), 編輯推噓45(45012)
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乳摸一則http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/ Lowell Seems Open To Yankees 即將成為FA的賣肉人 Mike Lowell : 賣肉人說他考慮的名單當然有很多隊伍,老東家洋基,他當然也不會排除, 即使基襪間的世仇,也不影響他對洋基系統的觀感, 他不諱言對洋基系統的欣賞,可以是讓他更好的一個地方, 在三壘手的等級上,賣肉人的表現或許也是最接近A-ROD的一個, 所以猜測要是洋基不去競逐A-ROD的話,賣肉人是一個打算 Rob Bradford of the Boston Herald spoke to Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell recently about his future. Like most players, Lowell has a list of teams he'd consider. We know the Phillies are on that list, but it also appears that Lowell would also entertain jumping over to the Yankees. As you know, Lowell came up through the Yankee system and made his Major League debut with the club in '98. The strong support Lowell received while moving up the system has kept them in a positive light in his eyes despite the rivalry. Still, it's been said that Lowell's first choice is Boston and he might go for a two-year, $22MM deal. Lowell is the fairly affordable third base alternative to Alex Rodriguez, should the superstar opt out. It definitely seems possible that the Yankees and Red Sox "swap" third basemen this winter. The difference between the two players so far has been 4.2 wins in A-Rod's favor, according to Baseball Prospectus. 另外一篇報導 http://www.bostonherald.com/sports/baseball/red_sox/view.bg?articleid=1031666 Lowell sees NY as fit 賣肉人說: 我不會因為基襪間的世仇就影響我的決定, 別人總是因為我現在為紅襪打球,就期望我應該要恨洋基, 洋基陣中的確有我欣賞的人,也有很多幫助過我的人(進入大聯盟) Lowell的經紀人Seth Levinson (-->這人同樣也是齁黑的經紀人) 還沒跟紅襪認真的談過Mike Lowell的合約問題, 不過如果A-ROD使用逃脫條款的話, A-ROD跟Mike Lowell將是今年球季結束後最頂級的兩位三壘手 Much like teammate Curt Schilling [stats], Mike Lowell also has a list of teams he believes might potentially be a good fit if he hits the free agent market this offseason. “There are teams I don’t want to go to and there are teams I envision myself playing for,” the Red Sox [team stats] third baseman said before the Sox’ 8-7 loss to the Yankees last night at Fenway Park [map]. “I think that ’s human nature, to have a list.” But while free agent-to-be Schilling has expressed hesitancy playing for the Yankees next year, the same can’t be said for Lowell. The 33-year-old, however, wants to make it clear that the idea of playing in New York has less to do with a potential opening or how much money might be offered and more to do with his history with the organization. The Yankees selected Lowell in the 20th round of the 1995 draft, and he remained in their organization until he was traded to Florida in ’99. “I don’t put the Yankees ahead or below anybody else just because of the rivalry,” Lowell said. “I have a different look on the Yankees than most people. I think people expect me to hate the Yankees because I play for the Red Sox, but there are a lot of people who are still in that organization who are very instrumental in me getting to the big leagues. You have to remember that I was a 20th-rounder who felt like he got the attention befitting somebody who was taken in the first round. “There are guys in that organization I really appreciate.” Lowell’s agent, Seth Levinson, still hasn’t had serious contract negotiations with the Red Sox. And if Yankees star Alex Rodriguez chooses to opts out of his current contract, he and Lowell would be the top two third basemen on the free agent market. “Certain teams, with offseason moves, can put themselves more on the list or less on the list,” Lowell said. “Maybe I don’t fit as well as I thought on certain teams. Some teams really change their face for better or for worse. As it stands now, there are teams I feel I’m a good fit for.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/19 00:28, , 1F
09/19 00:28, 1F

09/19 00:29, , 2F
麥肉跟AGOD比耶 太誇張 天龍地虎
09/19 00:29, 2F

09/19 00:31, , 3F
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09/19 00:33, , 4F
先放風聲 看看紅襪怎麼回應吧?
09/19 00:33, 4F

09/19 00:33, , 5F
現在最接近A-ROD的三壘手應該是David Wright吧
09/19 00:33, 5F

09/19 00:34, , 6F
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09/19 00:34, , 7F
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09/19 00:34, , 8F
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09/19 00:34, , 9F
Seth Levinson:科科~ 我佈這個局已經佈很久了....
09/19 00:34, 9F

09/19 00:35, , 10F
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09/19 00:36, , 11F
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09/19 00:38, , 12F
賣肉來洋基 要先剃鬍子嗎?
09/19 00:38, 12F

09/19 00:38, , 13F
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09/19 00:40, , 14F
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09/19 00:40, , 15F
Mike Lowell今年表現真的不錯 洋基極有可能會放掉阿肉
09/19 00:40, 15F

09/19 00:40, , 16F
在David Wright前面恐怕還有Miguel Cabrera
09/19 00:40, 16F

09/19 00:38, , 17F
if it were true,Lugo will be the pinch runner.
09/19 00:38, 17F

09/19 00:39, , 18F
JETER的SS絕對不可能動的 動了 教練跟GM會被球迷罵死
09/19 00:39, 18F

09/19 00:41, , 19F
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09/19 00:43, , 20F
順帶一提賣肉用"in"(who are very instrumental in me)
09/19 00:43, 20F

09/19 00:44, , 21F
09/19 00:44, 21F

09/19 00:44, , 22F
樓上專業 居然發現這個小地方的涵義...
09/19 00:44, 22F

09/19 00:45, , 23F
09/19 00:45, 23F

09/19 00:45, , 24F
阿肉到襪子 3.4.5 老爹 阿肉<=>咩你 好可怕XD
09/19 00:45, 24F

09/19 00:49, , 25F
賣肉來洋基 鬍子一剃變身陽光男 XDDD
09/19 00:49, 25F

09/19 00:50, , 26F
到隔壁 隔壁打線會超恐怖吧=_=
09/19 00:50, 26F

09/19 00:51, , 27F
阿肉如果去襪子的話 洋基就可以擺脫邪惡帝國的稱號了= ="
09/19 00:51, 27F

09/19 00:52, , 28F
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09/19 00:52, , 29F
Wally, it's not what you think!
09/19 00:52, 29F

09/19 00:53, , 30F
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09/19 00:53, , 31F
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09/19 00:54, , 32F
紅襪沒有有錢到那種程度 Manny和ARod只會取其一
09/19 00:54, 32F

09/19 00:55, , 33F
如果ARod真的走了 賣肉來倒是OK 畢竟是洋基農場出身
09/19 00:55, 33F

09/19 00:57, , 34F
但是洋基的一壘也必須好好補一下 如此加上賣肉才能稍
09/19 00:57, 34F

09/19 00:58, , 35F
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09/19 00:59, , 36F
從賣肉人的表現 可以推測洋基農場出品無假貨....(誤)
09/19 00:59, 36F

09/19 01:00, , 37F
instrumental 的介係詞本來就是in / to 吧?
09/19 01:00, 37F

09/19 01:06, , 38F
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09/19 01:06, , 39F
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09/19 01:17, , 40F
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09/19 01:15, , 41F
一直覺紅襪似乎不想留賣肉 但他們搶到阿肉的機會也不大..
09/19 01:15, 41F

09/19 01:28, , 42F
阿肉會留的啦 大聯盟還有哪隊適合他?這不是錢不錢的問題
09/19 01:28, 42F

09/19 01:29, , 43F
如果真的走 也不是阿肉的問題 是那個吸血鬼超級經紀人
09/19 01:29, 43F

09/19 01:51, , 44F
AROD鼻要走阿 好不容易愛上他低~
09/19 01:51, 44F

09/19 02:17, , 45F
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09/19 02:59, , 46F
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09/19 03:01, , 47F
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09/19 06:14, , 48F
賣米糕的 XD
09/19 06:14, 48F

09/19 07:02, , 49F
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09/19 10:14, , 52F
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09/19 10:19, , 53F
馬大魚很開心吧..他本來就是要砍掉重練 那兩隻他們養不起
09/19 10:19, 53F

09/19 12:34, , 54F
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09/19 23:27, , 57F
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