[轉錄] A-Rod and Torre, perfect together

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※ [本文轉錄自 A-Rod 看板] 作者: z252467 (A-Usher) 看板: A-Rod 標題: [譯文] A-Rod and Torre, perfect together 時間: Thu Sep 13 02:51:38 2007 A-Rod and Torre, perfect together Over and over this season, Alex Rodriguez has been asked to explain and dissect how he turned a tortuous 2006 season into a historical 2007 one. 今年賽季到了尾聲,A-Rod總是被問到如何從曲折的2006年,轉變到充滿歷史的2007年 賽季。 And over and over, A-Rod's piercing green eyes stare straight ahead, his smile freezes and he lists off a familiar handful of predictable answers. He's stopped overanalyzing himself. He's enjoying the game more. He's finally comfortable in the scrutiny of New York. 他不在過度檢視自己,而是更樂在比賽之中。所以能在凡事都被放大觀察的紐約過的 自在。 Then, before the Yankees completed their sweep of the Royals Sunday afternoon, before A-Rod had hit his seventh home run in five games to raise his major league-leading totals to 52 home runs and 140 RBI, Rodriguez revealed one more reason for his contentment. 在對皇家系列之前,A-Rod對他滿意的表現提出另一個理由。 "I think my relationship with Joe has grown tremendously," he told The Record. A-Rod:我想我跟Torre之間關係已經變好非常多。 Rodriguez was talking about Yankees manager Joe Torre, the same man who dropped him to eighth in the batting order in the Yankees' final playoff game a year ago, a Game 4 AL Division Series loss in Detroit. If that was rock bottom, however, the two veteran baseball men have forged a path to a new friendship this season. No longer does Torre measure his words when speaking about his cleanup hitter, worried how they might impact a fragile psyche. No more does Rodriguez wonder how much his manager truly trusts him, confident without question that he does. A-Rod談到Torre,就是那個在去年季後賽最後一場把他排到第八棒的Torre。然而如果 那是最糟的情況,那這兩個棒球場上經驗豐富的人本季重新建立起他們的關係。每當 Torre談到他的第四棒時,不再斟酌於用字上,以前他總會擔心這會衝擊他們脆弱的心靈。 A-Rod也不用擔心總教練有多相信他,只要有信心地做好他該做的。 "That makes me feel good," Torre said inside the tunnel near the visitors' clubhouse in Kansas City. "You never know when you're trying to have a relationship, and understand it's still manager-player, that the most important thing for me is to have the player understand I'm always there for him. Torre說:那讓我感到舒服...阿不是!讓我覺得很好。就我而言,要試著和一個球員建立 關係,尤其知道他是主力球員,最重要的就是讓他了解我隨時都在替他著想。 "I think he's more open this year. That's probably more because instead of my trying to figure out what buttons to push or what tone of voice to use, I just sensed from spring training he was more relaxed and seemed more into having a little more of a good time. I think he's trusting more." 我想他今年放的更開了,這很有用。我不用老想著該用什麼方法或用怎樣的語氣來幫他, 從春訓的時候就覺得他更放鬆而且看起來會更好,我想他更相信自己。 Nurturing this particular link has been a challenge for Torre, who so deftly has managed many other superstars. But where he grew along with the likes of Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera, where he quickly clicked with big-ticket additions such as Roger Clemens, Jason Giambi and Mike Mussina, the A-Rod phenomenon was just different. Torre已經成功管理其他超級明星,對他來說培養這樣個關係一直以來就是一個挑戰。 Jeter、Posada、Pettitte、Rivera這些球員跟著他成長,也順利管理像Clemens、 Giambi、Mussina等這些昂貴交易來的球員,但是A-Rod的情況就是不一樣。 "I think he has been the hardest, only because I've never had somebody who was just a lightning rod like he is and at the center of everything, good, bad or indifferent," Torre said. "I try to speak in a positive way about everybody and maybe a lot of times I didn't take the right road with him because I wasn't sure. I was trying to find a way to make him comfortable. But his eyes right now are just without strain for me." Torre:我想他是最困難的,因為我從沒有過像他這樣耀眼的球員,而且不管是好是還 是壞事,他總是事件的核心人物。我都試著用正面的態度去談任何人,但也許這樣做 對他不是好的手段。我以前都嘗試找出方法幫他紓解壓力,不過現在他的眼神已經沒 有任何壓力了。 The joy of Rodriguez is impossible to miss. He laughs with Jeter in the dugout. He laughs when Robinson Cano and Melky Cabrera sandwich him with their own post-home run dance. He laughs when an entire bullpen gets in on the latest A-Rod joke, imitating the shoulder stretch Rodriguez did after a recent tough slide into second base only to hit a home run his next at-bat. 而A-Rod的樂趣是不能讓人漏掉的,他跟Jeter都在休息區笑,笑當他全壘打時被Cano和 Cabrera把他人肉三明治,笑整個牛棚替A-Rod帶來的最新玩笑。在一次他滑向二壘之後 起身伸展他的肩膀,而他在下一個打席馬上打出全壘打,整個牛棚都模仿他那次滑壘之 後的動作。 "It's unbelievable. I've never seen a team make more fun of one guy than this team," Rodriguez said. "They love making fun of me and I enjoy that. I'm not good at making fun of them, so I just take it. I'm a goofy guy. I make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes you have to be able to laugh at yourself. In the past, maybe I haven't done that enough." A-Rod說:太難相信拉。我沒看過任何一支球隊比這隊還會在一個人身上找這麼多樂趣, 他們喜歡對我開玩笑而我也很樂在其中。我只能對此不以為意因為我也不擅長開他們玩 笑,我是一個笨蛋。有時候你要有嘲笑你自己的能力,這方面以前的我可能做的不夠。 Cabrera and Cano deserve a lot of credit for bringing out A-Rod's exuberance. The three, often heard chattering in Spanish, have become good friends. "I love them. They're amazing," Rodriguez said. "They both lighten me up and I need that. I can be too tight. Leche [Cabrera's nickname] is a riot." A-Rod有如此活力的表現,Cabrera和Cano可以獲頒好幾面榮譽勳章。這三個常常用西班牙 語聒噪不停的人變成很好朋友。A-Rod說:我喜歡他們,他們很神奇,他們兩個總在我需要 幫忙的時候點醒我。我有時可能會太過緊繃,Leche(Cabrera的綽號)則是非常有趣。 Cano admitted many of his friends outside the Yankees have a predisposed dislike of Rodriguez. "Some people say to me 'he's a mean guy.' I say no, 'you've got to understand you're not going to please everybody,' " Cano said. "He is like my big brother. He helps me all the time." Cano承認有些洋基以外的朋友不喜歡A-Rod,Cano說:有人跟我他是卑鄙的傢伙,我跟他 們說他們錯了,他們該了解這樣說不會讓人高興。A-Rod就像我的大哥,他總是隨時在 幫我。 Whether A-Rod's joy can translate into postseason success or whether it can convince him to sign a contract extension remains to be seen. But it certainly can't hurt. A-Rod製造的樂趣不會讓人忘記的。不管會不會成為季後賽成功的因素,或是說服他簽 剩下的延長合約。 -- 翻完更希望A-Rod留在洋基阿>"< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: z252467 來自: (09/13 02:54)

09/13 04:10,
09/13 04:10

09/13 04:32,
現在球隊的氣氛真好 留在洋基打到退休吧 A-Rod
09/13 04:32

09/13 04:33,
借轉洋基板 thanx
09/13 04:33
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/13 04:53, , 1F
09/13 04:53, 1F

09/13 05:15, , 2F
you've got to understand you're not going to please...
09/13 05:15, 2F

09/13 05:15, , 3F
09/13 05:15, 3F

09/13 05:53, , 4F
推樓上, 這地方算是翻的比較不恰當的地方 但還是感謝翻譯:)
09/13 05:53, 4F

09/13 06:46, , 5F
A-Rod留下來嘛~~~~這裡有cc boyz跟小王耶...XDD
09/13 06:46, 5F

09/13 10:06, , 6F
09/13 10:06, 6F

09/13 10:17, , 7F
看這篇感覺留的機會很大… 吧
09/13 10:17, 7F

09/13 11:07, , 8F
留下吧 洋基不錯啦 雖然洋基戰績第一優先
09/13 11:07, 8F

09/13 11:08, , 9F
拜託留了..洋基陣中第一支持小王 第二 A-GOD 第三 CANO
09/13 11:08, 9F

09/13 11:57, , 10F
09/13 11:57, 10F

09/13 12:21, , 11F
超支持A-Rod 甚至大於小王=.=b
09/13 12:21, 11F

09/13 18:45, , 12F
09/13 18:45, 12F

09/13 22:37, , 13F
09/13 22:37, 13F
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