[新聞] Youkilis tries to target cause of Yankees' ire

看板NY-Yankees作者時間17年前 (2007/09/09 17:54), 編輯推噓29(2905)
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這篇挺......長的 只希望你不要直接END就好 :) 來自http://www.boston.com/sports/的"另類"觀點 知己知彼才能.... Youkilis tries to target cause of Yankees' ire By Gordon Edes, Globe Staff September 9, 2007 BALTIMORE - Kevin Youkilis was one of the first Red Sox players out of the dugout Friday night after Orioles righthander Daniel Cabrera, on his first pitch after balking home a run, threw a ball behind the head of Dustin Pedroia, touching off a chain of events that led to Cabrera's ejection. 巴爾的摩訊 昨天襪子金鳥之戰,Cabrera一球差點丟中嘴炮接班人Pedroia 搞得兩方人馬一觸擊發,後來Cabrera跟Cash都被趕出場 Youkilis has some strong views on the topic, understandably so. He was hit in the head by Yankees reliever Scott Proctor earlier in the season at Fenway Park, resulting in Proctor's ejection, then had two pitches by Yankee rookie sensation Joba Chamberlain thrown over his head Aug. 30 in Yankee Stadium, which led to Chamberlain's ejection and subsequent suspension. 優酪乳對這種事可是蠻有心得的呢。上次才在芬威被天天P暴頭, 無獨有偶,之後又被小克丟兩顆越過頭頂上的球,小克隨後被禁賽 "It's poor judgment," Youkilis said of Cabrera throwing at Pedroia. "You can't let your emotions play into where you might really injure somebody. I know it's frustrating when you have a balk, but you can't justify it by getting angry and hitting somebody. "真正是有夠白目捏",優酪乳說:Cabrera你不可以把情緒帶入比賽中,會真的傷害到人的 我知道你被判投手犯規感到真不爽,但是也不可以發怒拿球丟人阿 "To me, that's just dumb. You can't go out there and do stuff like that. If you want to go out and play that game, you're going to get somebody hurt." 我認為這是件蠢事,你不可以這樣做,否則將害人受傷 With the Yankees due in Fenway Park Friday night for their final regular-season visit of 2007, Youkilis pondered the question of whether he is singled out as a target by them, and if so, why. 談到上次芬威暴頭事件,優酪乳回想他是不是被當作標靶了。 如果是的話,揪~竟~是為什麼呢? "I suppose they don't like me for whatever," he said. "I don't know. Maybe they're mad at me. "不管怎樣他們就是不甲意我",他說:"我就是不明白,也許他們就是氣我" "People can say what they want. I've never done anything to that team. I've never said anything to that team. I play hard, I play the game." "人們總是隨心所欲的說話",我也沒對他們做過什麼事,或是說過什麼話阿。 我那麼辛苦的打球.....(哭哭) What Youkilis does is emote, sometimes on a grand scale. He throws helmets and bats, grimaces at umpires, looks stricken when he hits a ball hard and it's caught. Perhaps, it was suggested to him, that rubs some people - the Yankees - the wrong way. 優酪乳的言行讓人感覺他激烈的情感,但有時候就是表現的太過豪狡了: 摔帽子和球棒,對裁判作出輕蔑的表情, 要是擊出結實的一棒卻被接殺的話,看起來就是一副粉挫折的模樣。 也許就是因為這些奇怪的方式,激怒了某些人,例如洋基們。 "They play 'Yankeeography' on Paul O'Neill every day," Youkilis said, referring to the Yankees' practice of showing highlight films on the stadium scoreboard of Paul O'Neill, a beloved former Yankee known for his dramatic mood swings. "So, what's the problem? I've been compared to Paul O'Neill. I know Paul O'Neill. We have the same agent [Joe Bick]. 他們每天都在Yankeeography放送Paul O'Neill耶。 Paul O'Neill是廣受喜愛的前洋基打者,一直以來聞名於他充滿激情而戲劇性的揮棒, 怎樣,到底是有什麼問題阿? 我一直被拿來跟Paul O'Neill比較 我知影伊啦,我們是同一個經紀人啦(Joe Bick) (補充:Yankeeography 每個單元一個小時,介紹 Yankees 的球員。主要是以退休明星 為主,不過也有現役明星。Thurman Munson、Derek Jeter、Babe Ruth、Ron Guidry、 Don Mattingly 、Joe Torre、 Mickey Mantle、Mariano Rivera、Elston Howard、 Paul O'Neill、Lou Gehrig 和 Phil Rizzuto等人。Yankeeography 是由 John Sterling 負責在背後做旁白,他是 WCBS 電台的 Yankees radio announcer。節目也有發行DVD) "People find things to hate about everyone. They're not going to like somebody for this reason or that. What are you going to do? I go out and play. I'm emotional. Some people say, 'Oh, he shouldn't be like that.' Other people say that's the best thing about you. So who am I supposed to please? "要討厭人不乏沒理由啦",他們總有各式樣的理由不喜歡某人,那你咧? 我就是來打球的,我就是情緒敏感的人。 有些人會說:"靠邀~他幹麻這樣啦..." 其他人會說:"對啦..對啦..你這樣子作比較好啦" 那我到底是要取悅誰阿? "I'm here to win ballgames. I play with emotion. Some people congratulate me. Some people say, 'Stop whining about this or that.' I can't please everyone. It is what it is. People who don't like you aren't going to like you." 我就是要贏得比賽,我就是會帶著情感打球,有些人會稱讚我, 有些人則說:"不要在那邊該該叫啦" 我不能討好所有人,反正就是這樣,那些不喜歡你的人,再怎麼樣都不會喜歡你啦。 Of course, it could all be coincidental. 當然,這也可能都是巧合。 On June 2 in Fenway Park, when he was hit by Proctor, Youkilis was the fifth player hit by a pitch in the game, three Yankees and two Sox. The commissioner's office ruled the next day that Proctor would not be suspended, which, on the face of it, exonerated him of intent. 6月2日芬威一戰,他被天天P丟中,他是這場比賽中第五個被丟觸身球的 (洋基3襪子2) 大聯盟官方並未對天天P作出禁賽處分,意思就是說,不認為天天P有錯。 The day after Chamberlain was ejected, he was suspended two games and fined $1,000 for what Bob Watson, MLB's vice president for field operations, deemed "inappropriate actions." 大聯盟球場規劃副主席Bob Watson認為小克此舉"不適當" 所以小克被禁賽兩場以及罰$1,000 Chamberlain protested his innocence, but did not appeal the suspension. Derryl Cousins, who was the umpiring crew chief in that series, explained why Chamberlain had been ejected, even though no warning had been issued after the first pitch sailed over Youkilis. 小克為自己的清白辯駁,不過對禁賽判決起不了作用, 即使在第一顆飛球送過優酪乳的頭後,也沒有發出警告 這場比賽的主審裁判Derryl Cousins解釋著說: "There is more than a little bit of history between these clubs," Cousins said. "Those were two pretty nasty pitches the young man threw. Up here, you need to be a little better throwing strikes, and we just had to put a lid on it before there was a problem." "這些人之間的恩恩怨怨可不是只有一點點" 這孩子丟的兩顆球實在太噁心了,在代誌大條之前,我必須先阻止他。 The night before he faced Chamberlain for the first time, Youkilis hit a home run off Yankees reliever Kyle Farnsworth. The Sox first baseman reacted incredulously to a question of whether he might have shown up Farnsworth in some way, provoking retaliation from the Yankees. 在未遭遇小克之前,優酪乳面對阿火擊出一支全壘打, 這個襪子一壘手開始懷疑起,是否他在面對阿火時, 表現得太高調了點,而引起洋基的報復 "Show him up?" Youkilis said. "I don't think I've ever shown anyone up on the field. I've never pimped a home run in my life. I run every time I hit a home run. "跟阿火炫燿?"  優酪乳說:"我沒有跟任何人炫燿阿" 我人生中從來沒有炫燿過我打的紅不讓阿,我都馬乖乖的跑回本壘的說。 "You can ask Kyle Farnsworth if I showed him up. I don't think I did. I'm not one of those guys who's going to pimp home runs, do stuff like that. If they say I'm showing up, I think they're searching." 你可以去問阿火阿,看我有沒有跟他炫燿,我真的沒有啦大人冤枉.... "Joe Torre said to me as he's walking out on the field that it wasn't intentional," Youkilis said. "I saw two balls from a guy I watched on the mound throw balls that are a little up and in but not over the head. It is what it is. 老托走出來然後跟我說"這不是有意的啦" 這兩球是有點高啦,不過沒有在你頭頂上啦,沒要緊啦... "Maybe someone on the team told him to. You never know in this game. You never know. People know, but they're not going to say. They're not going to put it out publicly, but they know. "也許是他們隊中有人要他這麼作的" ,你永遠不曉得背後會被誰捅一刀 或許有人知道,但不會跟你說,不會把它公開,但就是大家都知道 (莫非...冥冥之中) "He's a young guy. I don't know him as a person, I don't know how he is, but I don't think he would come in there and do it." "他就是個孩子" ,我不會以大人的標準來看他, 我不知道他是怎樣的一個人,不過我不認為他會做這種事。 Youkilis has put up good numbers against the Yankees - a .299 average and .452 on-base percentage in 39 games, with 11 doubles, 3 home runs, and 22 RBIs. He says he will approach the series like any other against the Yankees. No point, he said, in anticipating run-ins with Chamberlain. 優酪乳生涯對戰洋基成績不斐。 他說他會朝對戰洋基的系列賽挺進,爭論誰是誰非是毫無意義的。 "For me, it's over with," he said. "I may not face him. I'm not going to step out [against him]. If he hits me, he hits me, we score a run and they get their ERA up. "對我而言這該告一段落了",我也許不會遭遇他,也沒打算對抗他, 如果他又丟我...又丟我的話,我們就得到上壘機會,然後幫他提升防禦率。 "Hopefully we never see him. Hopefully we're ahead and don't see him. It's like when we go to Anaheim, we want to see the Rally Monkey because that means we're winning. Hopefully we never get to see him. If he pitches, hopefully we get him and get Mariano [Rivera], too. 但願我們從沒碰上,但願我們領先到不用碰到他的局面, 就像是當我們去安那罕時,想要看見逆轉猴出現,因為那就表示我們快要贏球, 希望我們不要再碰頭。 如果他出來丟,希望能把他打爆,也順便把李維拉打爆。 "Hopefully we get every pitcher out there." "希望我們能把每個投手都打爆" 這光頭挺有趣的:) 有錯不吝指正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/09 17:56, , 1F
09/09 17:56, 1F

09/09 17:58, , 2F
09/09 17:58, 2F

09/09 17:58, , 3F
樓上兩位不會直接就END了吧 怎麼那麼快?! = ="
09/09 17:58, 3F

09/09 17:59, , 4F
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09/09 18:00, , 5F
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09/09 18:00, , 6F
09/09 18:00, 6F

09/09 17:59, , 7F
翻的很有意思 正如同光頭所說的 反正就打球嘛
09/09 17:59, 7F

09/09 18:00, , 8F
09/09 18:00, 8F

09/09 18:02, , 9F
真幽默 好看好看:)
09/09 18:02, 9F

09/09 18:13, , 10F
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09/09 18:13, , 11F
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09/09 18:24, , 12F
09/09 18:24, 12F

09/09 18:23, , 13F
紅襪休息區反應也太大了 上次小克丟Youkilis反應也沒這大
09/09 18:23, 13F

09/09 18:26, , 14F
09/09 18:26, 14F

09/09 18:35, , 15F
推 翻得很有趣
09/09 18:35, 15F

09/09 18:44, , 16F
乖乖看完了 翻譯辛苦了XD
09/09 18:44, 16F

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09/09 19:50, , 25F
09/09 19:50, 25F

09/09 20:27, , 26F
應該是:Bob Watson認為此舉"不適當" (此舉=小克投那兩顆
09/09 20:27, 26F
感謝指正 已修改:)

09/09 20:30, , 27F
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09/09 20:55, , 32F
09/09 20:55, 32F

09/09 23:05, , 33F
這樣老克不是非敲他 或得下令叫火爺敲了???
09/09 23:05, 33F
※ 編輯: numblife 來自: (09/09 23:11)

09/10 09:41, , 34F
09/10 09:41, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #16uyBDYc (NY-Yankees)