{情報]牙醫系第12組 跑檯題目

看板NTUmed89work作者 (Migraine)時間18年前 (2005/10/13 05:06), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 MCOOKIE 信箱] 作者: mcookie.bbs@ptt2.cc (mcookie.bbs@ptt2.cc) 標題: Re: 第12組的 時間: Thu Oct 13 05:04:37 2005 Head & Neck (1) 1.supraclavicular n. 2.occipital a. 3.thyrocervical trunk 4.rectus capitis inf. m. 5.cauda equina 6.frontal n. 7.lacrimal n. 8.basilar a. 9.superior cerebellar a. 10.anterior communicating a. Pelvis 1. vas deference 2. obturator a. and n. 3. lumbosacral trunk 4. iliolumbar a. 5. int. pudendal a. and pudendal n. 6. ibturator externus 7. ischiocavernosus m. 8. bulbospongiosus m. 9. sacrotuberous lig. 10. Corpus spongiosum Head & Neck (3) 1. frontal n. 2. inf. Alveolar n. and a. 3. mid. And inf. Pharyngeal constrictor m. 4. stylopharyngeus m. and glossopharyngeal n. 5. pterygopalatine ganglion 6. salpingopharyngeal fold 7. hyoglossus m. , hyoglossal n. and lingual n/ 8. sup. Laryngeal a. and int. br. of sup. Laryngeal n. 9. greater palatine n. 10. sup. cervical plexus Thoarax 1. phrenic n. 2. pericardiacophrenic a. 3. pectinate m. 4. crista terminalis 5. papillary mm. 6. chordae tendineae 7. greater splanchnic n. 8. azygos v. 9. hemiazygos v. 10. fossa ovalis abdomen 1.Ligamentum teres 2.spleic a. 3.Testicular a. 4.right gastro-omental a. 5.major duodenal papilla 6.Gastroduodenal a 7.Inferior mesenteric v. 8.Ileocecal valve 9.external/internal oblique m. 10.obturator n lower limb 1. lateral circumflex femoral a. 2. anterior tibial artery/deep fibial n. 3. tibial colateral ligment 4. Adductor brevis m /obturator n. 5. superficial peroneal n. 6. deep artery of thigh 7. medial/lateral plantar n. 8. great saphenous vein 9. Abductor hallucis muscle 10.fibularis longus muscle and tendon

10/13 00:28,
請問有誰會轉嗎? 我不會.....
10/13 00:28
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