[情報] 第十組跑檯題目

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Upper limb 1.Suprascapular a. 2.Suprascapular n. 3.L't Supinator m. 4.L't post interosseous n. (= Deep br. of Radial n.) 5.L't superficial br. of Radial n. 6.R't pronator teres m. 7.R't median n. (through two heads of pronator teres m.) 8.L't posterior circumflex humeral a. 9.L't thoracodorsal n. 10. L't superior thoracic a. ( 1st br. of axillary a.) Thorax 1. Ligmentum arteriosum 2. Left recurrent laryngeal n. 3. Thoracic duct 4. Greater splanchnic n. (R't) 5. Lesser splanchnic n. (R't) 6. Phrenic n. (L't) 7. Heart : opening of coronary sinus 8. Heart : chordae tendineae 9. Aortic semilunar valves 10. Azygos v. Abdomen 1. L't gastro-omental a. 2. Cystic a. 3. Appendicular a. 4. Ileocolic a. 5. Major duodenal papilla (papilla of Vater) 6. Common bile duct 7. Ilioinguinal n. 8. Genitofemoral n. 9. Ileocecal valve 10.Inferior mesenteric v. Lower limb 1.Pectineus m. (L't) 2.Deep femoral a. (L't) 3.Medial circumflex femoral a. (L't) 4.Anterior cruciate ligament (R't) 5.Sural communicating n. (L't) 6.Deep peroneal n. (L't) 7.Peroneus longus m. (L't) 8.Tibialis posterior m. (L't) 9.Flexor digitorum brevis m. (R't) 10.Quadratus plantae m. (R't) Pelvis 1.Superior vesical artery(R't) 2.Middle rectal artery(R't) 3.Uterine artery(R't) 4.Internal Pudendal artery(R't) 5.Nerve to obturator internus(R't) 6.Obturator nerve(R't) 7.Inferior rectal nerve(R't) 8.Round ligament of uterus(R't) 9.Sacrotuberous ligament(L't) 10.Suspensory ligament of ovary(R't) Head and neck prat one 1. Transverse cervical artery. (L't) 2. Phrenic nerve (L't) 3. Facial artery. (L't) 4. Ansa cervicalis (R't L't) 5. Hypoglossal nerve (L't) 6. Sympathetic trunk in neck. (L't) 7. Parotid duct. (R't) 8. Fascial nerve (R't) 9. Dorsal root ganglion. 10.12 Cranial nerve. (L’t) Head and neck prat two 1.Ciliary ganglion 2.Lacrimal n. 3.Middle meningeal a. 4.Chorda tympani n. 5.Pterygopalatine ganglion 6.Submandibular duct 7.Lingual a. 8.Glossopharyngeal n. 9.Tensor veli palatini m. 10.Auriculotemporal n.(L't) ※ 編輯: rmpp 來自: (10/13 00:34)
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