[心得] 宿營的收獲真是太多啦

看板NTU_trans作者 (3141)時間18年前 (2005/10/19 22:08), 編輯推噓102(10201)
留言103則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
我是財金二的震宇 這次宿營回來後, 發現轉學生的身影真是無所不在耶。 到小小福遇到匡男學長、 總圖遇到百忙中抽空來念書的周董 及書卷獎候選人維諭和一大票農經的和昱帆學長 游池有書淵及聖雄 上課時看到昌旻學長飄來飄去 連去聽個演講也遇到子正和另一個農推的轉學生XD 宿營讓內向的我收獲頗豐 讚啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/19 22:44, , 1F
推內向 帥哥您在謙虛個什麼鬼阿
10/19 22:44, 1F

10/19 22:45, , 2F
哇哈哈 其實我昨天下午有看到你....在農產品那邊和女生聊天!
10/19 22:45, 2F

10/20 01:16, , 3F
哈哈 抓包啦 看你還有甚麼話說XD
10/20 01:16, 3F

10/20 12:47, , 4F
只要有心 人人都找的到轉胞 XD
10/20 12:47, 4F

10/20 20:51, , 5F
為何我會飄來飄去 = ="
10/20 20:51, 5F

11/03 00:47, , 6F
至少你還飄得起來 ~我想飄都飄不動 >0<
11/03 00:47, 6F

11/03 13:35, , 7F
11/03 13:35, 7F

11/13 20:22, , 8F
11/13 20:22, 8F

11/13 20:28, , 9F
11/13 20:28, 9F

11/13 20:31, , 10F
11/13 20:31, 10F

11/13 20:36, , 11F
11/13 20:36, 11F

11/13 20:38, , 12F
11/13 20:38, 12F

11/13 20:41, , 13F
11/13 20:41, 13F

11/13 20:44, , 14F
11/13 20:44, 14F

11/13 20:46, , 15F
11/13 20:46, 15F

11/13 20:49, , 16F
11/13 20:49, 16F

11/13 20:52, , 17F
11/13 20:52, 17F

11/13 20:54, , 18F
11/13 20:54, 18F

11/13 20:56, , 19F
11/13 20:56, 19F

11/13 20:59, , 20F
11/13 20:59, 20F

11/13 21:01, , 21F
11/13 21:01, 21F

11/13 21:05, , 22F
weltanschauung:a comprehensive conception of the world
11/13 21:05, 22F

11/13 21:11, , 23F
whimper:to make a low whinning plaintive sound
11/13 21:11, 23F

11/13 21:13, , 24F
11/13 21:13, 24F

11/13 21:17, , 25F
immaculate:haveing no blemish
11/13 21:17, 25F

11/13 21:20, , 26F
galoshes:high overshoes worn especially in slush
11/13 21:20, 26F

11/13 21:25, , 27F
sliver:a long slender piece cut or torn off
11/13 21:25, 27F

11/13 21:29, , 28F
pinched:describes sb's face when it's thin and pale
11/13 21:29, 28F

11/13 21:32, , 29F
solace:alleviation of grief or anxiety
11/13 21:32, 29F

11/13 21:33, , 30F
flap:a piece on a garment that hangs free
11/13 21:33, 30F

11/13 21:36, , 31F
fumble:to grope for sth clumsily
11/13 21:36, 31F

11/13 21:41, , 32F
oblivious:lacking remembrance or mindful attention
11/13 21:41, 32F

11/13 21:45, , 33F
burrow:to construct by tunneling
11/13 21:45, 33F

11/13 21:51, , 34F
marquee: a roof-like structure which sticks out
11/13 21:51, 34F

11/13 21:55, , 35F
11/13 21:55, 35F

11/13 21:59, , 36F
trance:a sleeplike state with absent motor activity
11/13 21:59, 36F

11/13 22:03, , 37F
suspended animation:a state in which life is stopped
11/13 22:03, 37F

11/13 22:06, , 38F
motor:relating to muscles that produce movement
11/13 22:06, 38F

11/13 22:08, , 39F
lull: a short period of calm in which little happens
11/13 22:08, 39F
還有 24 則推文
11/13 23:49, , 64F
plump:having a pleasantly soft rounded body or shape
11/13 23:49, 64F

11/13 23:53, , 65F
fluted:wavy around the edge
11/13 23:53, 65F

11/13 23:55, , 66F
morsel:a very small piece or amount
11/13 23:55, 66F

11/14 00:14, , 67F
vicissitudes:changes which happen at different times
11/14 00:14, 67F

11/14 12:50, , 68F
11/14 12:50, 68F

11/14 12:54, , 69F
11/14 12:54, 69F

11/14 12:57, , 70F
pussyfoot:to refrain from committing onself
11/14 12:57, 70F

11/14 13:00, , 71F
parish:an area cared for by one priest
11/14 13:00, 71F

11/14 13:04, , 72F
semblance:a situation which is similar to the expected
11/14 13:04, 72F

11/14 13:07, , 73F
subsume:to include sth as part of a larger group
11/14 13:07, 73F

11/14 14:48, , 74F
rump:a person's bottom
11/14 14:48, 74F

11/14 14:51, , 75F
shoo-in:one that is a certain and easy winner
11/14 14:51, 75F

11/14 14:55, , 76F
sniveling:weak and unpleasant
11/14 14:55, 76F

11/14 15:13, , 77F
cadre:frame, framework
11/14 15:13, 77F

11/14 15:16, , 78F
dingy:dark and often also dirty
11/14 15:16, 78F

11/14 15:19, , 79F
conducive:tending to promote or assist
11/14 15:19, 79F

11/14 15:23, , 80F
scuff:to scratch, gouge, or wear away the surface of
11/14 15:23, 80F

11/14 15:27, , 81F
vestige:a trace, mark, or visible sign left by sth
11/14 15:27, 81F

11/14 15:31, , 82F
tangle:a state of perplexity or complete bewilderment
11/14 15:31, 82F

11/14 15:35, , 83F
stark:utter, sheer
11/14 15:35, 83F

11/14 15:38, , 84F
squalid:filthy and unpleasant because of poverty
11/14 15:38, 84F

11/14 15:47, , 85F
staccato:abrupt, disjointed
11/14 15:47, 85F

11/14 15:50, , 86F
animosity:resentment tending toward active hostility
11/14 15:50, 86F

11/14 15:53, , 87F
permeate:to diffuse through
11/14 15:53, 87F

11/14 15:56, , 88F
populace:the common people
11/14 15:56, 88F

11/14 16:01, , 89F
supple:readily adaptable or responsive to new situation
11/14 16:01, 89F

11/14 16:06, , 90F
ogle:to eye amorously or provocatively
11/14 16:06, 90F

11/14 16:16, , 91F
equitable:having or exhibiting equity
11/14 16:16, 91F

11/14 16:18, , 92F
commiserate:to feel or express sorrow or compassion for
11/14 16:18, 92F

11/14 16:24, , 93F
sage:wise through reflection and experience
11/14 16:24, 93F

11/14 16:29, , 94F
decorum:propriety and good taste in conduct
11/14 16:29, 94F

11/14 16:38, , 95F
demeanor:behavior toward others
11/14 16:38, 95F

11/14 16:42, , 96F
beatific:of, possessing, or imparting beatitude
11/14 16:42, 96F

11/14 16:45, , 97F
comp:something provided free of charge
11/14 16:45, 97F

11/14 16:49, , 98F
precept:a principle as a general rule of action
11/14 16:49, 98F

11/14 16:52, , 99F
exonerate:to relieve of a responsibility or hardship
11/14 16:52, 99F

11/14 16:58, , 100F
abject:showing utter hopelessness or resignation
11/14 16:58, 100F

11/14 17:07, , 101F
lurid:causing horror or revulsion, gruesome
11/14 17:07, 101F

01/02 17:44, , 102F
剛才突然爬到這篇文章 = =" 差點沒把泡麵給吐出來
01/02 17:44, 102F

01/30 09:14, , 103F
01/30 09:14, 103F
文章代碼(AID): #13LbDiFR (NTU_trans)